1,484 Items
La Fontaines Fables - Cat and the MouseVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Cat and the Mouse
La Fontaines Fables - Old Cat and the Young MouseVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Old Cat and the Young Mouse
La Fontaines Fables - Bat Bush and the DuckVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Bat the Bush and the Duck
La Fontaines Fables - Quarrel of the Dogs and CatsVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Quarrel of the Dogs and the Cats; and also, that of the Cats and the Mice
La Fontaines Fables - Wolf and the FoxVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Wolf and the Fox
La Fontaines Fables - The Crab and its DaughterVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Crab and its Daughter
La Fontaines Fables - Forest and the WoodmanVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Forest and the Woodman
La Fontaines Fables - The Woodsmans AxeVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Woodsmans Axe
La Fontaines Fables - Fox Flies and the HedgehogVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Fox the Flies and the Hedgehog
La Fontaines Fables - Hawk King and the FalconVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Hawk, The King and the Falcon
La Fontaines Fables - Crow and the GazelleVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Crow and the Gazelle, the Tortoise and the Rat
La Fontaines Fables - The MouseVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Mouse on the Dinner Table
La Fontaines Fables - Fox Wolf and the HorseVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Fox, The Wolf and the Horse
La Fontaines Fables - Scythian PhilosopherVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. A Scythian Philosopher
La Fontaines Fables - Elephant and Jupiters MonkeyVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Elephant and Jupiters Monkey
La Fontaines Fables - Frogs and the SunVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Frogs and the Sun
La Fontaines Fables - The Young WidowVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Young Widow
La Fontaines Fables - Milkmaid and the milk pailVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Milk maid and the milk pail
La Fontaines Fables - An Animal in the MoonVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. An Animal in the Moon. People looking at the moon through a telescope
La Fontaines Fables - The Fortune TellerVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Fortune Teller. People having their fortune told by a woman using tarot cards
La Fontaines Fables - Tircis and AmaranthVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. Tircis and Amaranth, The shepherd and shepherdess
La Fontaines Fables - The League of RatsVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The League of Rats
La Fontaines Fables - Daphnis and AlcimaduraVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. Daphnis is a young shepherd in love with Alcimadure, but Alcimadure rejects him because she does not believe he is sincere
La Fontaines Fables - Jupiter and the TravellerVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. Jupiter and the Traveller
La Fontaines Fables - Cat and the FoxVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Cat and the Fox
La Fontaines Fables - Monkey and the CatVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Monkey and the Cat
La Fontaines Fables - Two Rats Fox and the EggVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Two Rats, The Fox and the Egg
La Fontaines Fables - Cormorant and the FishesVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Cormorant and the Fishes
La Fontaines Fables - The LionVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Lion
La Fontaines Fables - Peasant of the DanubeVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Peasant of the Danube
La Fontaines Fables - Old Man and Three Young MenVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Old Man and the Three Young Men
La Fontaines Fables - Owl and the MiceVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Owl and the Mice
La Fontaines Fables - The Companions of UlyssesVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Companions of Ulysses
La Fontaines Fables - The Two GoatsVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Two Goats
La Fontaines Fables - Rat and the ElephantVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Rat and the Elephant
La Fontaines Fables - Funeral of the LionessVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Funeral of the Lioness
La Fontaines Fables - Bashaw and the MerchantVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Bashaw and the Merchant
La Fontaines Fables - The HoroscopeVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Horoscope. A man suffers from bad dream, nightmares and omens of doom
La Fontaines Fables - Ass and the DogVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Ass and the Dog
La Fontaines Fables - Wolf and the HunterVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Wolf and the Hunter
La Fontaines Fables - Falcon and the CaponVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Falcon and the Capon
La Fontaines Fables - The Two PigeonsVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Two Pigeons
La Fontaines Fables - EducationVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. Education. CHildren being tought how to cook
La Fontaines Fables - The Madman who sold WisdomVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Madman who sold Wisdom
La Fontaines Fables - Democritus and the AbderaniansVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. Democritus and the Abderanians. Democritus (460 to c)
La Fontaines Fables - Cat and the RatVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Cat and the Rat
La Fontaines Fables - Dog and the ShadowVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Dog and the Shadow
La Fontaines Fables - Bird-Catcher Hawk and the SkylarkVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Bird-Catcher, The Hawk and the Skylark
La Fontaines Fables - DiscordVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. Discord, the devil and cupid compeat at love and discord
La Fontaines Fables - The HeronVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Heron
La Fontaines Fables - The PigVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Pig
La Fontaines Fables - The MaidenVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Maiden on her wedding day
La Fontaines Fables - The WishesVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Wishes. A fairy graning a man wishes
La Fontaines Fables - Court of the LionVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Court of the Lion
La Fontaines Fables - Vultures and the PigeonsVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Vultures and the Pigeons
La Fontaines Fables - Curate and the CorpseVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Curate and the Corpse
La Fontaines Fables - The Two FowlsVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Two Fowls. Two men fighting with daggers over the love of a woman
La Fontaines Fables - Coach and the FlyVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Coach and the Fly. A Stagecoach being pushed out of the mud
La Fontaines Fables - Ingratitude and injustice of menVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Ingratitude and injustice of men towards fortune. A ship is blown away from the rocks by the winds of fortune
La Fontaines Fables - Lion Wolf and the FoxVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Lion, the Wolf and the Fox
La Fontaines Fables - Head and Tail of the SerpentVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Head and the Tail of the Serpent
La Fontaines Fables - The Dog and his Masters DinnerVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Dog which carried round his neck his masters dinner
La Fontaines Fables - Death and the Dying ManVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. Death and the Dying Man
Arrival of Don Quixote at the WeddingVintage engraving from Don Quixote illustrated by Gustave Dore. Arrival of Don Quixote at the Wedding of Camacho and Quiteria
Don Quixote and the Knight of the MirrorsVintage engraving of Don Quixote and the Knight of the Mirrors. Illustrated by Gustave Dore
Don Quixote Make shift to stay your stomachVintage engraving of a scene from Don Quixote, Make shift to stay your stomach with that till dinner be ready. Illustrated by Gustave Dore
Don Quixote with a sober gentleman of La ManchaVintage engraving of what happened to Don Quixote with a sober gentleman of La Mancha. Illustrated by Gustave Dore
Don Quixote and the Adventure of the LionsVintage engraving of a scene from Don Quixote, illustrated by Gustave Dore. The Adventure of the Lions
Don Quixote - Poor BasilVintage engraving of Don Quixote, The poor virgin, trembling and dismayed, without speaking a word, came to poor Basil. Illustrated by Gustave Dore
Don Quixote - The Caged LionVintage engraving of a scene from Don Quixote, The Caged Lion. Illustrated by Gustave Dore
How Don Quixote was entertained at the castleVintage engraving of a scene from Don Quixote, How Don Quixote was entertained at the castle or house of the Knight of the Green Coat. Illustrated by Gustave Dore
Don Quixote telling a man about his adventuresVintage engraving of a scene from Don Quixote, telling a man about his adventures. Illustrated by Gustave Dore
The plague of darkness engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The valley of dry bones engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Micah exhorting the israelites engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Amos engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
S. Peter delivered from prison engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Boaz and Ruth engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The egyptians urge Moses to depart engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The last supper engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Daniel engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
S. Paul rescued from the multitude 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
People mourning over the ruins of Jerusalem 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Judgement of Solomon engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870