Birthworts (Aristolochia), chromolithograph, published in 1899
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Birthworts (Aristolochia), chromolithograph, published in 1899
1) Pelican flower (Aristolochia grandiflora); 2) Ceropegia candelabrum; 3) Birthwort (Aristolochia bonplandi); 4) Aristolochia sipho; 5) Bulbophyllum beccarii; 6) Fly orchid (Ophrys insectifera, or Ophrys muscifera); 7) Stapelia pedunculata; 8) European spindle (Euonymus europaea); 9) Sarrion flower (Stapelia asterias); 10) Parachute plant (Ceropegia sandersonii); 11) Mandarin Orchid (Phragmipedium caudatum or Cypridium caudatum); 12) Italian arum (Arum italicum); 13) Lifelong saxifrage (Saxifraga paniculata, or Saxifraga aizoon); 14) Arum crinitum; 15) Marsh grass of Parnassus (Parnassia palustris); 16) Nippon lily (Rohdea japonica); 17) Titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum); 18) Rafflesia patma; 19) Night-scented lily (Alocasia odora); 20) Venus slipper (Paphiopedilum barbatum, or Cypripedium barbatum). Chromolithograph, published in 1899
Media ID 19871009
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