Illustration of marble statue of Mausolus and Artemisia of Caria in horse-drawn chariot, on top of Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
Illustration of terracotta amulet showing a trading ship, Mohenjo-Daro, Indus Valley
Illustration of ancient Greek family worshipping at altar
Illustration of ancient Greek boy sitting at table eating, slave girl bringing him food
Entrance to the Temple of Luxor, Luxor, EgyptThe Avenue of the Sphinxes towards the ancient Egyptian Colossi at the entrance to Court of Ramses II, Luxor Temple, Luxor, Nile Valley, Egypt
Luxor Temple, Luxor, EgyptThe Karnak Temple Complex, Luxor, Egypt
Hypostyle hall, Great Temple of Abu SimbelHypostyle hall with colossal statues of Ramesses II depicted as the god Osiris, the Great Temple of Abu Simbel (UNESCO World Heritage List, 1979), dating from the reign of Ramesses II
Italy, Sicily, Agrigento, Temple of Concord
Classical Mythology, Zephyrus and AuroraVintage engraving of a scene from Classical Mythology, Zephyrus and Aurora
Tombs in the Valley of JosaphatVintage engraving of Tombs in the Valley of Josaphat, 19th Century
Ancient Etruscan dancing womanVintage engraving of a Ancient Etruscan dancing woman
Ancient Civilisation, Colour ImageOld Buddhist monastery with large tree roots growing on roof, Cambodia
Moses And AaronCirca 1475 BC, Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh at the time of the series of ten plagues. Original Artist: By Gustave Dore (Photo by Rischgitz/Getty Images)
Illustration of ancient rock painting
Colourful hieroglyphics, front view
16th century Mogul warriors, side view
South America, Peru, Group of Peruvian Indians weaving and working on fabrics, herd of llamas and hills in background
4000 BC lake dwelling
Illustration of woman and boy standing in front of a water clock as used in Ancient Greece
Illustration of a pyramid with some damage to the bricks
Illustration of ancient Egyptian wildlife and flora frieze
Illustration of scene from the life of Tutankhamen
Illustration of Ancient Egyptian scene inside royal court
Illustration of Quetzalcoatl and high priest
Illustrated map of Egypt showing position of pyramids and rock tombs along River Nile, next to a model of a pyramid
Illustration of Assyrian winged bull and map highlighting territory of ancient Assyria
Illustration of tower of main pyramid, Xpuhil, Yucatan, Mexico
Illustration of Temple of Ra, Abu Ghurab, Eygpt, 2400 BC
Illustration of Temple of the Magician, Uxmal, Mexico
Illustration of Pyramid of the Giant Jaguar, Tikal, Guatemala
Illustration of Temple of the Inscriptions, Palenque, Mexico
Brazier from a grave, Pazyryk, Siberia
Illustration of a Han horse and chariot
Illustration of Uruk temple, Uqair, Iraq
Illustration of Moche people constructing temple-pyramid, mixing soil, water and straw to make adobe
Illustration of fortress at Shalfak, Middle Nubia
Illustration of ancient canal dug by the Hohokam people, Snaketown, Arizona
Illustration of reconstruction of Columned Hall and Cone Mosaic Court, Uruk, Southern Mesopotamia (3500-3000 BC)
Illustration of ancient Egyptian boat and painting showing agricultural scene
Illustration of a tablet from Ur, Mesopotamia
Ramses Colonnadecirca 1858: The Grand Colonnade of the Great Temple of Amon or Ammon at El-Karnak, Thebes, built by Ramses II. (Photo by Francis Frith/Getty Images)
Wat MahathatSukhothai, Thailand
The Ruins of SukhothaiSukhothai, Thailand
Wat Sri ChumSukhothai, Thailand
Low Angle View of Phra Atchana of Wat Sri ChumSukhothai, Thailand
Elephant Statues of SukhothaiSukhothai, Thailand
Phra Atchana of Wat Sri ChumSukhothai, Thailand
Angkor Wat Lion StatuesThe Lion statues are seen all over the whole complex of Angkor Wat, but nevertheless was there never any lions present in those part of the world
Deir el-Bahari temple, Luxor, EgyptQueen Hatchepsuts temple, Luxor, Egypt viewed from the Theban path
Elevated view of the Temple of Olympian ZeusThe Temple of Olympian Zeus is a colossal ruined temple in the centre of the Greek capital Athens that was dedicated to Zeus, king of the Olympian gods
Silk Tomb, Petra, JordanSilk Tomb in the ancient Nabatean rock city of Petra, Ma an Governorate, Jordan
Interior of The Monastery, Petra, JordanThe site is open from 6am to 6pm during the summer and from 6am to 4 pm in winter
Part of Hadrians wall in England, near Black carts turretHadrians Wall (Latin: Vallum Aelium), also called the Roman Wall, Picts Wall, or Vallum Hadriani in Latin, was a defensive fortification in the Roman province of Britannia
Detail of the Temple of Olympian Zeus colossal ruined temple in central AthensThe Temple of Olympian Zeus is a colossal ruined temple in the centre of the Greek capital Athens that was dedicated to Zeus, king of the Olympian gods
Elevated view of the Arch of Hadrian in central Athens
Elevated view of the Temple of Olympian Zeus colossal ruined temple in central AthensThe Temple of Olympian Zeus is a colossal ruined temple in the centre of the Greek capital Athens that was dedicated to Zeus, king of the Olympian gods
Sycamore gap, iconic place along Hadrians wall, EnglandHadrians Wall or Vallum Hadriani in Latin, was a defense wall in the Roman province of Britannia. The construction began in 122 AD under the reign of the emperor Hadrian
Engraved symbol Angkor Wat temple Cambodia. Asia
Empty Corridor At Angkor Wat CambodiaCambodia, Siem Reap, Angkor Wat temple empty corridor. Asia
Angkor Wat TempleAngkor Wat is the worlds largest religious site and covers a very large area outside the main complex located near the city of Siem Ream, with various styles, building types
No ClimbingThe corner of the Cheops pyramid, Giza, Egypt
redwall, forbidden city
Giants causeway at south gate of Angkor Thom / Angkor, Siem Reap, Cambodia, South-East Asia, Asia
red wall, forbidden cityforbidden city
The Imperial Palace Road, forbidden cityThe Imperial Palace Road
Pyramid Villagecirca 1930: Mena village at the foot of a pyramid, Egypt. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Heroes Of MarathonAthenian and Plataean warriors defeat vastly superior numbers of Persians at the Battle of Marathon, in 490 BC. A painting by Georges Antoine Rochegrosse. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Old pool at summit of ruins Sigiriya fortressOld swimming pool at summit of ruins Sigiriya fortress (Lions Rock), Sri Lanka. (Unesco wolrd site heritage)
Temple of Diana in PortugalThe Temple of Diana on the street with Romanan architecture from1st century and classified as world Heritage by UNESCO since 1986 in Evora city district of Alentejo in Portugal. Photo by Paulo Amorim
Italy, Sicily, Agrigento, temple ruins
China, Beijing, The Forbidden City, Palace MuseumDecember-2004, The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the mid-Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty