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Animal Behaviour Collection

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Starling murmuration

Starling murmuration
Large common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) murmuration in the evening before roosting. Photographed near Yeruham, Negev, Israel

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Murmuration of starlings at dusk, RSPB Reserve Minsmere, Suffolk, England

Murmuration of starlings at dusk, RSPB Reserve Minsmere, Suffolk, England
animal behaviour, cloud, colourful, dramatic, flock, formation, in fli, Starling murmuration, 1033865356

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Giant Squid (Architeuthis) attacking Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus)

Illustration of Giant Squid (Architeuthis) attacking Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus)

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of butterflies and green caterpillars on plant and flower stems

Illustration of butterflies and green caterpillars on plant and flower stems

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Minke Whale (Balaenoptera) using blowhole on surface of water

Illustration of Minke Whale (Balaenoptera) using blowhole on surface of water

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Sandhill Cranes (Antigone canadensis) pair in wetland, Oregon, USA

Sandhill Cranes (Antigone canadensis) pair in wetland, Oregon, USA
The sandhill crane is a species of large crane of North America and extreme northeastern Siberia

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Red Fox and European Badger living and breeding in burrow system with stoat and rabbits

Illustration of Red Fox and European Badger living and breeding in burrow system with stoat and rabbits

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Digital illustration of Banner-Tailed Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys Spectabilis)

Digital illustration of Banner-Tailed Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys Spectabilis), small rodent with large back feet and long tail, found in North America

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of life cycle of Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio machaon) from pupa and caterpillar

Illustration of life cycle of Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio machaon) from pupa and caterpillar, to adult butterfly

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of shark body language

Illustration of shark body language, normal front and side-on positions (top), and displaying aggressive body language (bottom)

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of dinosaur hatching from egg

Illustration of dinosaur hatching from egg

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Cape Buffalo, South Luangwa NP, Zambia

Cape Buffalo, South Luangwa NP, Zambia
A herd of Buffalo (Syncerus caffer) creat a dust cloud on their way to a water hole

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Cormorant (Phalacrocorax) with spread wings

Illustration of Cormorant (Phalacrocorax) with spread wings

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of a herbivorous diplodocus dinosaur feeding on leaves

Illustration of a herbivorous diplodocus dinosaur feeding on leaves

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Madagascar Ground Gecko (Paroedura pictus) standing with tongue out

Illustration of Madagascar Ground Gecko (Paroedura pictus) standing with tongue out

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Black and white digital illustration of pouncing tiger silhouette

Black and white digital illustration of pouncing tiger silhouette

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Black and white illustration of plants growing on riverbank in countryside and birds flying above

Black and white illustration of plants growing on riverbank in countryside and birds flying above

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of male and female Gambels Quail (Callipepla gambellii) pecking on desert floor

Illustration of male and female Gambels Quail (Callipepla gambellii) pecking on desert floor, showing black plumes on top of heads

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Dorling Kindersley Collection

Dorling Kindersley Collection
Fine Art Storehouse Collections: Dorling Kindersley Collection

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Drawing of a Goat

Drawing of a Goat
Drawing of Goat. 19th century

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: What? Standing out from the crowd

What? Standing out from the crowd
Illustration of a pop art style uniform shoal of reef fish plus one rebel on a multi-coloured background created using flat colours

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Predator and prey, goldenrod crab spider (Misumena vatia) with essex skippers (Thymelicus lineola) on a flower

Predator and prey, goldenrod crab spider (Misumena vatia) with essex skippers (Thymelicus lineola) on a flower
animal behaviour, animal feed, animal feeds, animal of prey, animals, animals of prey, arachnida, araneae, arthropoda, arthropods, behavior, behaviour, bloom, blossoms, butterflies, butterfly

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: European robin (Erithacus rubecula)

European robin (Erithacus rubecula)
animal behaviour, animal feed, animal feeds, animals, auf, aves, basidiomycetes, behavior, behaviour, bird photography, birds, bracket fungi, covered with moss, deserted, eat, erithacus rubecula

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)

Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)
adult male, alternate plumage, animal behaviour, animals, aves, behavior, behaviour, betula, betula populifolia, betulaceae, birch, birches, bird photography, birds, bough, brambling, bramblings

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Gladiators fighting in the arena at Pompeii

Gladiators fighting in the arena at Pompeii
1900s, 19th-century, 3 people, aggressions, aggressive, altertum, ancient cities, ancient city, ancient civilizations, ancient times, ancient world, animal behaviour, animals, antiquity

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Farewell to the Lover on Horseback

Farewell to the Lover on Horseback
1900s, 19th-century, 2 people, activities, activity, affair, affairs, affection, animal behaviour, behavior, behaviour, close, close up, closeness, connect, connecting, connections, connexion, dear

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos) singing on twig

Illustration of Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos) singing on twig
animal themes, beak, bird, birdsong, day, full length, no people, one animal, open, outdoors, perching, profile, song thrush, studio shot, turdus philomelos, twig, vertical, watercolour painting

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Bat (Chiroptera) flying with large, outstretched wings

Illustration of Bat (Chiroptera) flying with large, outstretched wings
Anatomy, Animal Behaviour, Animal Themes, Bat, Bizarre, Black, Brown, Camouflage, Chiroptera, Close-Up, Flying, Fragility, Full Length, High Angle View, Illustration and Painting

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Hypsilophodon dinosaur feeding on plants

Illustration of Hypsilophodon dinosaur feeding on plants
Animal Behaviour, Animal Head, Animal Themes, Beak, Camouflage, Close-Up, Cretaceous, Extinct, Feeding, Food Chain, Front View, Green, Head and Shoulders, Herbivorous, Hypsilophodon

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of large Barosaurus dinosaur walking underwater with top of head peeking above surface on long neck

Illustration of large Barosaurus dinosaur walking underwater with top of head peeking above surface on long neck
Above, Animal Behaviour, Animal Head, Animal Themes, Barosaurus, Dinosaur, Extinct, Front View, Full Length, Herbivorous, Illustration and Painting, Jurassic, Large, Long, Motion, Neck, No People

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Don t Knock It Til You ve Tried

Don t Knock It Til You ve Tried
Illustration of a pop art style shoal of various reef fish plus one rebel riding a bike created using flat colours

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Hermit Crab (Coenobita), without shell

Illustration of Hermit Crab (Coenobita), without shell

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of teenager shaking with fear

Illustration of teenager shaking with fear, knees knocking and fingers in mouth standing at edge of water looking at crocodile with open mouth

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of cows lying down on grass in anticipation of rain

Illustration of cows lying down on grass in anticipation of rain

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Cartoon of Japanese Spider Crab (Macrocheira kaempferi)

Cartoon of Japanese Spider Crab (Macrocheira kaempferi), chasing man and woman on beach as it rears up behind them

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Scabies Mite (Sarcoptes scabiei )

Illustration of Scabies Mite (Sarcoptes scabiei )

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of two bulls fighting head to head using horns

Illustration of two bulls fighting head to head using horns

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of animals living in desert above and and in burrows

Illustration of animals living in desert above and and in burrows

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of animals above ground and in burrows

Illustration of animals above ground and in burrows

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of animals in winter arctic burrow

Illustration of animals in winter arctic burrow

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel

Illustration of Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel, Striped Skunk, Prairie Rattlesnake, Plains Pocket Gopher, Black-tailed Prairie Dog, and northern pocket gopher in burrow and tunnel system

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Six-lined Racerunner

Illustration of Six-lined Racerunner, Black-Tailed Prairie Dog, Meadow Vole Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel, Burrowing Owl, and Bullsnake in tunnel and burrow system

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration showing the size of Fin Whale

Illustration showing the size of Fin Whale, Whale Shark, Killer Whale, Pygmy Right Whale, Dalls Porpoise, Black Dolphin in comparison to a human being

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata) covering its eggs with sand

Illustration of Malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata) covering its eggs with sand

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Elephant eye, Bandhavgarh National Park, India

Elephant eye, Bandhavgarh National Park, India

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Japanesse Art, Man and wolf fighting over a fish, 19th Century

Japanesse Art, Man and wolf fighting over a fish, 19th Century
Vintage engraving of Japanesse Art, Man and wolf fighting over a fish, 19th Century

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Japanese Art, Sketch of running horses

Japanese Art, Sketch of running horses
Vintage engraving of Japanese Art, Sketch of running horses by Tanyu

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Dolphins Point Of View

Dolphins Point Of View
A small pod of common dolphins attack a sardine bait ball during the sardine run, off the east coast of South Africa

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: animal behaviour, perching, physical stance, sitting, group of animals, flock of birds

animal behaviour, perching, physical stance, sitting, group of animals, flock of birds
Light-mantled albatross on a cliff top nest, on South Georgia Island in the Falklands

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), perching on top of dead bird

Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), perching on top of dead bird

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Sequence of illustrations of Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) plunging feet first into water

Sequence of illustrations of Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) plunging feet first into water, catching fish and flying away, gripping it by reversible front toes and sharp spicules

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Violet Ground Beetle (Carabus violaceus) feeding on caterpillar in grass

Illustration of Violet Ground Beetle (Carabus violaceus) feeding on caterpillar in grass

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), male fish swimming in ocean

Illustration of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), male fish swimming in ocean

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Sequence of illustrations showing Samson wrestling a lion

Sequence of illustrations showing Samson wrestling a lion, and eating honey from its carcass, Samson telling a riddle, and falling in love with a Philistine woman, and flames engulfing a sacrifice

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Digital illustration of Anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius)

Digital illustration of Anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius), brown fish with long filaments on head

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Cartoon representing raining frogs as man stands in puddle below umbrella looking up in disbelief

Cartoon representing raining frogs as man stands in puddle below umbrella looking up in disbelief

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Honey Bee on flower and other worker bees flying to and from beehive with nectar

Illustration of Honey Bee on flower and other worker bees flying to and from beehive with nectar

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of earthworm, mushrooms and tree root underground

Illustration of earthworm, mushrooms and tree root underground

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Cartoon of Garden Snail (helix aspera) with green body and multi coloured shell and brown Garden Slug (Arion hortensis)

Cartoon of Garden Snail (helix aspera) with green body and multi coloured shell and brown Garden Slug (Arion hortensis), with eyes on top of long tentacles

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Thorny Oyster (Spondylus)

Illustration of Thorny Oyster (Spondylus) with marine growth such as seaweed and sponges living on top of shell providing camouflage protection

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Blue Land Crab (Discoplax hirtipes) crawling up tree trunk

Illustration of Blue Land Crab (Discoplax hirtipes) crawling up tree trunk, and Forest Snail (Anoglypta) gliding over leaves on ground

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Cartoon of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera), flying

Cartoon of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera), flying

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Pterosaur flying above Tyrannosaurus Rex as it looks up with open mouth as Euoplocephalus hits body of

Illustration of Pterosaur flying above Tyrannosaurus Rex as it looks up with open mouth as Euoplocephalus hits body of the larger dinosaur with tail

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Giant Triton (Charonia tritonis)

Illustration of Giant Triton (Charonia tritonis), predatory sea snail feeding on Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (Acanthaster planci)

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Cartoon of boy holding large conch shell to ear

Cartoon of boy holding large conch shell to ear, with surprised expression as fish and water flow from opposite ear

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Red-Eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans)

Illustration of Red-Eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans), a semi-aquatic turtle resting on tree trunk on riverbank

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Digital illustration of Honeybee waggle dance where angle from sun indicates direction

Digital illustration of Honeybee waggle dance where angle from sun indicates direction, and duration of waggle part of dance signifies distance

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of subcutaneous scabies eggs

Illustration of subcutaneous scabies eggs

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Cross section illustration of Common Earwig (Forficula auricularia) in auditory canal of ear

Cross section illustration of Common Earwig (Forficula auricularia) in auditory canal of ear, touching tympanic membrane with antennae

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Digital illustration showing woodpeckers shock absorbers connecting chisel shaped beak to skull by

Digital illustration showing woodpeckers shock absorbers connecting chisel shaped beak to skull by

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Digital illustration of Eagles soaring using columns of warm air known as thermal updraughts formed

Digital illustration of Eagles soaring using columns of warm air known as thermal updraughts formed

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of aggressive male Red Howler Monkey (Alouatta Seniculus)

Illustration of aggressive male Red Howler Monkey (Alouatta Seniculus)

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of a Black Panther (Panthera onca) resting in branches of tree in rainforest

Illustration of a Black Panther (Panthera onca) resting in branches of tree in rainforest

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Great slug (Limax maximus) mating hanging intertwined from stem by mucus

Illustration of Great slug (Limax maximus) mating hanging intertwined from stem by mucus

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of two Jerboa (Jaculus jaculus) hopping on dessert sand

Illustration of two Jerboa (Jaculus jaculus) hopping on dessert sand

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Armadillo using tongue to lick up ants in burrow

Illustration of Armadillo using tongue to lick up ants in burrow

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of female Carolina Wolf Spider (Hogna carolinensis) carrying young on back

Illustration of female Carolina Wolf Spider (Hogna carolinensis) carrying young on back, and spider falling to the ground

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Common Mole (Scalopus aquaticus) burrowing underground

Illustration of Common Mole (Scalopus aquaticus) burrowing underground

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of Black-footed Ferret killing Prairie Dog in its burrow

Illustration of Black-footed Ferret killing Prairie Dog in its burrow

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Digital illustration of Hummingbird Hawk Moth (Macroglossum stellatarum)

Digital illustration of Hummingbird Hawk Moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) using long tongue to feed on nectar from flower

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of polar bear looking at seal in water

Illustration of polar bear looking at seal in water

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Cartoon of dog scratching as flea jumps off its back

Cartoon of dog scratching as flea jumps off its back

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of swarm of bees in flight

Illustration of swarm of bees in flight

Background imageAnimal Behaviour Collection: Illustration of spider moving toward fly trapped in web attached to branch

Illustration of spider moving toward fly trapped in web attached to branch

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