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Black And White Imaging Collection

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Soldiers Intimidate Black Voters, 1876

Soldiers Intimidate Black Voters, 1876
(Original Caption) Federal soldiers intimidate Black voters. Woodcut, 1876

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Engraving Of Fashionable English Gent

Engraving Of Fashionable English Gent
(Original Caption) Fashionable English gentleman. Colored engraving by Dighton, 1807. "A view from the Swan Brewhouse, Oxford."

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Print of a Methodist Camp Meeting

Print of a Methodist Camp Meeting
(Original Caption) Methodist camp meeting. Engraving, 1836

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: This is the House that Polk Built Editorial Cartoon

This is the House that Polk Built Editorial Cartoon
Circa 1846 cartoon against the Mexican War and President James Polk

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Portrait of New York City

Portrait of New York City
(Original Caption) View of New York City from the steeple of St. Paul's

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Man Driving Horse And Buggy In Summer

Man Driving Horse And Buggy In Summer
(Original Caption) American country gentleman driving a horse and buggy (the road--summer). Lithograph by Currier and Ives, 1853. BPA 2 #614

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Rally Spirits of 76 Handbill

Rally Spirits of 76 Handbill

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Portrait of Cadet Marcellus Moorman

Portrait of Cadet Marcellus Moorman
Framed portrait of Cadet Marcellus N. Moorman, Virginia Military Institute, Class of 1856

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Civil War Parade; Zouaves March; Lithogr

Civil War Parade; Zouaves March; Lithogr
(Original Caption) New York, NY: New York Civil War Parade. Zouaves of the 7th Regiment parading on Boradway before their departure to the front. Lithograph, 1861. BPA2# 3574

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: One-Hundred Dollar Civil War Bond

One-Hundred Dollar Civil War Bond
A one-hundred dollar Civil War government bond is dated August 19, 1861

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Engraving; Lesson Of Passover;Boy, Lamb

Engraving; Lesson Of Passover;Boy, Lamb
(Original Caption) The Lesson of the Passover. Engraving by Heath, 1864

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Affadavit On The Constitution

Affadavit On The Constitution
(Original Caption) 5/1865-An affidavit sweraing, protect and defend the Constitution of the U. S. A. May, 1865

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Congressional Reporter Rushing Telegraph

Congressional Reporter Rushing Telegraph
(Original Caption) Wahington, DC: Congressional Reporters racing for telegraph office in Capital to file their stories. Woodcut 1868

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Afro-American Murderers Being Burned

Afro-American Murderers Being Burned
(Original Caption) "A frightful scene near Omega Landing, Miss.- Negro murderers burned at the stake by a mob of their own race." Woodcut, 1868

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Nine Basball Players In Pose; Woodcut

Nine Basball Players In Pose; Woodcut
(Original Caption) 1869-Cincinnati, OH: The picked nine of the "Red Stocking" baseball club, Cincinnati, Ohio. Woodcut, 1869

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Cross Section of a Tenement House

Cross Section of a Tenement House
Cross section through a tenement house showing mode of living on different floors. Woodcut ca. 1870

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Chinese Laborer Pressing Grapes

Chinese Laborer Pressing Grapes
(Original Caption) Vintage scene, California. Chinese laborer pressing grapes. Woodcut by P. Frenzeny. Harper's Weekly, 1870's

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Hiram Revels Taking Oath Of Office

Hiram Revels Taking Oath Of Office
(Original Caption) 2/25/1870-Washington, DC: Hiram Revels, colored Senator from Mississippi, taking oath of office in Washington. Woodcut

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Carrying The Mail In The Far West

Carrying The Mail In The Far West
(Original Caption) 1871-Mail delivery in the far west. Carrrying the mail. Woodcut, 1871

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Playing Billiards In Large Cafe

Playing Billiards In Large Cafe
(Original Caption) 1872-Paris, France-"PLAYING POOL IN A PARIS CAFE IN AID OF THE TERRITORIAL LIBERATION FUND." Woodcut from Harper's Weekly, 1872

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Making Apple Whiskey at a Still in Rockland County, New York Woodcut

Making Apple Whiskey at a Still in Rockland County, New York Woodcut

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Group Leaving Little Rock State House

Group Leaving Little Rock State House
(Original Caption) 1873-Little Rock, AR: Incident in the Brooks-Baxter War, a gubernatorial contest in Arkansas, 1873, between Elisha Baxter and Rev. Joseph Brooks

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Terminal Station In Telegraph Station

Terminal Station In Telegraph Station
(Original Caption) 1873- The telegraph. A terminal station. Engraving, 1873

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Maple Leaf Baseball Club

Maple Leaf Baseball Club
(Original Caption) 1874-The Maple Leaf Baseball Club, of Guelph. Ontario Canada. Seated (Left to Right) are: H. Mayers, first base; J. Smith, right field; C. Maddock, catcher; W

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Chicago Champions Team Portrait

Chicago Champions Team Portrait
(Original Caption) 1876-Team Portrait of Chicago Champions 1876

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Custers Last Charge At Little Big Horn

Custers Last Charge At Little Big Horn
(Original Caption) "Custer's Last Charge". George Armstrong Custer (1839-1876) at the catastrophic Battle of the Little Bigh Horn, July 25, 1876

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Messeges Sent Through Pneumatic Tubes

Messeges Sent Through Pneumatic Tubes
(Original Caption) Pneumatic Transmission: Transmission of messages by means of pneumatic tubes at the Western Union Telegraph Co. NY 1877

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Blacks Walk Street; Procession;Engraving

Blacks Walk Street; Procession;Engraving
(Original Caption) 1879-St. Louis, MO: Exodus of Negroes from Louisiana and Mississippi to St. Louis. Procession of refugees from the steamboat landing to the colored churches. Engraving, 1879

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Before And After Civil War

Before And After Civil War
(Original Caption) The changing South; "Before the War and since the War." One side of the image shows slave supervisor with bloodhounds comandeering a band of negroes

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Cod Fishing; Men In Boat In Sea; Woodcut

Cod Fishing; Men In Boat In Sea; Woodcut
(Original Caption) 1885-Cod fishing. Woodcut from Harper's Weekly, 1885. BPA 2 #1986

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Scene From Te Riel Rebellion

Scene From Te Riel Rebellion
(Original Caption) The Fish Lake Fight - rebels under Dumont firing on Middleton's advance

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Poster for Haymarket Mass Meeting

Poster for Haymarket Mass Meeting
(Original Caption) Poster advertising a mass-meeting of workers on the evening after the Haymarket Square incedent of May 4th, 1886

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Rail Road Strike In Baltimore

Rail Road Strike In Baltimore
(Original Caption) Baltimore, MD: Railroad strike in Baltimore, 1887. The Sixth Maryland Regiment fighting its way through Baltimore

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Tossing the Anarchist in the Red Flag

Tossing the Anarchist in the Red Flag
(Original Caption) 1887- "The Latest Chicago idea: Tossing the anarchist in his own blanket, the red flag."

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: 'Michigan Bridget' Carrying The Flag

"Michigan Bridget" Carrying The Flag
(Original Caption) A Woman in Battle- "Michigan Bridget" carrying the flag

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Erection Of New 'New York Times' Building

Erection Of New "New York Times" Building
(Original Caption) 1888-New York, NY: The new "Times" Building- Erection of the new structure prior to removal of the old one. 1888

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Crowd Of Men Watching And Pointing

Crowd Of Men Watching And Pointing
(Original Caption) 1889-New York, NY: Original Capton Reads: The grand Stand- An exciting moment. Scene at the Plo Grounds during game between the New York and Brooklyn Clubs. Woodcut 1889

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Anton Bruckner by Jerry Branton

Anton Bruckner by Jerry Branton
Anton Bruckner in advanced age. Painting by Jerry Branton, 1889

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Threat of Strike Between Capital and Knights of Labor - Cartoon

Threat of Strike Between Capital and Knights of Labor - Cartoon
(Original Caption) Cartoon by Filiam, 1890. The threat of a strike between Capital and the Knights of Labor

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Political Cartoon of Monopoly Devouring United States

Political Cartoon of Monopoly Devouring United States
(Original Caption) The United States swallowed by the Giant of Monopoly with the Public Eye watching apprehensively, ca. 1890

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Engraving Of A Fox Stealing A Rooster

Engraving Of A Fox Stealing A Rooster
(Original Caption) 1890-"The Stolen Dinner": A fox stealing a rooster. Engraving, 1890

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Baseball Game In Armory In Broklyn

Baseball Game In Armory In Broklyn

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: The Cowboy's Race Woodcut

The Cowboy's Race Woodcut
1892-Life in a Mexican cowboy's camp on the prairies. The cowboy's race. Woodcut, 1892. (Photo by VCG Wilson/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Drawing of Lizzie Borden and Her Lawyer in Court

Drawing of Lizzie Borden and Her Lawyer in Court
A courtroom scene with Lizzie Borden and her lawyer, George Robinson

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Lenin and St. Petersburg League

Lenin and St. Petersburg League
The nucleus of the future Russian communist party was the St. Petersburg League of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class. From left to right: standing -- A.L. Malchenko, P.K

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Political Cartoon Showing Uncle Sam

Political Cartoon Showing Uncle Sam
(Original Caption) Political Cartoon on moopolies and Trusts. "In the Hands of his Phinanthropic Friends." 1897 by C. J. Taylor

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Lithograph Showing Early Baseball Team

Lithograph Showing Early Baseball Team
(Original Caption) First Nine of the Cincinati (Red Stockings) Baseball Club. Lithograph. 1869 by Tuchfarber, Walkey and Moellmann

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Alphonse Bertillon Demonstrates Bertillon System

Alphonse Bertillon Demonstrates Bertillon System
French criminologist Alphonse Bertillon demonstrates his Bertillon System of identifying criminals based on anthropometric measurements at Paris Police headquarters

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: All Sorts of Snuff and Tobacco Sold Here Copper Engraving

All Sorts of Snuff and Tobacco Sold Here Copper Engraving
"All Sorts of Snuff and Tobacco". 18th century frame for tobacco shop. Copper engraving, English, Ca. 1740.BPA2# 5050

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Political Cartoon of Jefferson Davis Carrying a Lighthouse and Fort Sumpter

Political Cartoon of Jefferson Davis Carrying a Lighthouse and Fort Sumpter

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Portrait Engraving of Paul I, Emperor of Russia

Portrait Engraving of Paul I, Emperor of Russia

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: 17th-Century Engraving of Rene-Robert Cavelier de La Salle

17th-Century Engraving of Rene-Robert Cavelier de La Salle
(Original Caption) Robert Cavalier, Sieur De La Salle. After a copperplate by Van der Guchi

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Engraving of a 17th-Century Brewery

Engraving of a 17th-Century Brewery
A brewery establishment of the mid-seventeenth century. Copper engraving showing brewing vat, barrelling and delivery. Undated engraving

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Lithograph Portrait of Gaspard Monge

Lithograph Portrait of Gaspard Monge

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Title Page Of Journal Outlining Conspiracy

Title Page Of Journal Outlining Conspiracy
The title page of a journal detailing the proceedings related to the New York Conspiracy of 1741, printed by James Parker

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Nobel Prize Winning Novelist Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont

Nobel Prize Winning Novelist Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont
Warsaw, Poland-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Photo shows Mr. Ladislas Reymont, the most famous Polish writer laureate, winner of the Nobel Prize, who died on 12/05/1925, following an illness

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: 18th Century Print of Catherine I

18th Century Print of Catherine I
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Medieval Symbol Of The Moon; Bulls

Medieval Symbol Of The Moon; Bulls
(Original Caption) Medieval symbol of the Moon. Miniature from the Sacred and Profane Encyclopedia of 1023, from the codex of Montecassino

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Lithograph Depicting Pickpockets

Lithograph Depicting Pickpockets
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: The Union Must be Preserved at All Hazards Political Cartoon

The Union Must be Preserved at All Hazards Political Cartoon
Cartoon showing General George McClellan attempting to mediate between President Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Knights Practicing In Ring On Horses

Knights Practicing In Ring On Horses
(Original Caption) Knight practicing in the tilting ring. Woodcut, 1592

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: The Purchase of Manhattan Island by Alfred Frederick

The Purchase of Manhattan Island by Alfred Frederick
1626-The Purchase of Manhattan Island by Peter Minuit, 1626, from the Indians. Woodcut. ORIGINAL CAPTION

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Engraving Of Copernicus Working

Engraving Of Copernicus Working
(Original Caption) Nicholas Copernicus (Mikolaj Kopernik) 1473-1543. Polish astronomer. Engraving by Debrulanois, Brussels, 1682. BPA2# 265

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Observatory In Peking 17Th Century

Observatory In Peking 17Th Century
(Original Caption) Peking, China: Observatory in Peking during the 17th Century. Woodcut, 1698

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Engraving of Queen Boadicea Addressing Her Troops

Engraving of Queen Boadicea Addressing Her Troops
(Original Caption) "Boadicea Haranguing the Britons." Boadicea (d.60 AD), British Queen of the Iceni

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Woodcut Of Avicenna, Hippocrates, Galenus

Woodcut Of Avicenna, Hippocrates, Galenus
(Original Caption) 1511-Avicenna: Avicenna, Galenus, Hippocrates. From an early medical book. Woodcut, 1511

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Advertisement For Victor Bats

Advertisement For Victor Bats
(Original Caption) 1905-Advertisement for "Trademark B. B. BATS. Victor Sporting Goods Co."

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: The Oxford Don; Engraving

The Oxford Don; Engraving
(Original Caption) 1808- The Oxford Don of 1808. Engraving by Dighton. BPA2# 1278 "A View taken at Oxford." Drawn, etched and published by Dighton. Char and Crols. Jan. 1808

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Front of New York Times Announcing Death of Archduke Ferdinand

Front of New York Times Announcing Death of Archduke Ferdinand

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: N.Y. Journal Page Announcing U.S. Entry into WWI

N.Y. Journal Page Announcing U.S. Entry into WWI
(Original Caption) 1917-Page in the N.Y. Journal of 1917 of the entry of the U.S. in the World War (World War I). Filed 11/30/1927

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Recruiting for the Red Army

Recruiting for the Red Army
Young men are recruited for the Red Army and imminent Bolshevik Revolution

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Our Colored Heroes World War I Poster

Our Colored Heroes World War I Poster

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: New York Times Headline Announcing Abdication of Kaiser

New York Times Headline Announcing Abdication of Kaiser
(Original Caption) 11/10/1918: The headline from the New York Times proclaiming the abdication of the Kaiser and Crown Prince of Germany at the end of World War I

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Cartoon Satirizing The League Of Nations

Cartoon Satirizing The League Of Nations
(Original Caption) 1919-"Going to talk to the boss." Woodrow Wilson cartoon satirizing the League of Nations, 1919

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Professional Golfer Bobby Jones Tees Off

Professional Golfer Bobby Jones Tees Off
Professional Golfer Bobby Jones teeing off on the 16th tee at the National Golf Open in New York. Jones would win, his first of 13 national titles

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Orange Blossom Special Train Departing

Orange Blossom Special Train Departing
The Orange Blossom Special train leaving a station on February 3, 1925

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Emile Berliner with Microphone

Emile Berliner with Microphone
Inventor Emile Berliner sits with his version of a microphone, which he constructed 50 years ago

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Writer Verner Von Heidenstam with Friends

Writer Verner Von Heidenstam with Friends
Nobel Prize winning writer Verner Von Heidenstam (C) with artist Albert Engstrom (L), and sculptor Carl Milles (R)

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Illus.;Porter Ready To Carry Trunks, Etc

Illus.;Porter Ready To Carry Trunks, Etc
(Original Caption) 1933-A public porter ready to carry trunks and other packages. Lithograph by Collins, 1933

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Nobel Prize Winning Writer Ivan Bunin

Nobel Prize Winning Writer Ivan Bunin
11/10/1933-Stockholm, Sweden - ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Ivan Bunin, the well known Russian author who has been living in exhile in France ever since the Bolshevist Revolution

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Crowd Surrounding Body of Homer Van Meter

Crowd Surrounding Body of Homer Van Meter
A crowd surrounds the covered body of John Dillinger gangster Homer Van Meter, who was killed after fleeing police in St. Paul, Minnesota

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Man Walking with Wife and Daughter

Man Walking with Wife and Daughter
(Original Caption) As "Fighting Fox, " derby candidate, flashed over the finish line to victory in the 14th running of the $20, 000 added wood memorial race at the track, his owner

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Coach Lambeau Meeting with Players

Coach Lambeau Meeting with Players
Green Bay Packer coach Curly Lambeau goes over plans with running back Tony Canadeo (3), quarterback Irv Comp (51), and tight end Don Huston (14) for Sunday's game against the New York Giants

Background imageBlack And White Imaging Collection: Harry Ferguson with Tractor Model

Harry Ferguson with Tractor Model
(Original Caption) January 22, 1948 - London, England: Harry Ferguson, the man who is suing the Ford Motor Company for $251, 000, 000

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