Common Water crowfoot -Ranunculus aquatilis-, Extremadura, Spain
Spring Gentian -Gentiana verna-, flowers
Stinking Hellebore or Dungwort (Helleborus foetidus), Germany, Europe
Yellow Wood Anemone or Buttercup Anemone -Anemone ranunculoides-, Hainich National Park, Thuringia, Germany
Love-in-a-mist or Ragged Lady -Nigella damascena-, seed pods
Monkshood -Aconitum napellus-, region of the Kanisfluh massif, Mellau, Austria, Europe
Globe Flower -Trollius europaeus-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Alpine squill (Scilla bifolia), Bavaria, Germany
Corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas) in barley field (Hordeum vulgare)
Greater Celandine or Tetterwort (Chelidonium majus), medicinal plant
Poppy (Papaver) bud before blooming
Meadow rue (Thalictrum aquilegiifolium), Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Blue wood anemone -Anemone nemorosa Blue Queen-
Goosander or Common Merganser chicks -Mergus merganser-, one day, between marsh marigold flowers, Allgaeu, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Meadow Buttercup -Ranunculus acris-, many flowers on a meadow, Bavaria, Germany
Wood Anemone -Anemone nemorosa-, flowering, Germany
Poppy Anemone or Spanish Marigold -Anemone coronaria-
Globe Flower -Trollius europaeus-, flowering on a meadow, Thuringia, Germany
Alpine Anemone or Sulphur Anemone -Pulsatilla alpina ssp. Alpiifolia-, Kaunertal valley, Tyrol, Austria
Ranunculus or Buttercup Plants, Victorian Botanical IllustrationVery Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved Victorian Botanical Illustration of Ranunculus or Buttercup Plants, Victorian Botanical Illustration Plate 59
Lesser celandine (Ranunculus ficaria)Illustration engraving of a Lesser celandine (Ranunculus ficaria)
Ranunculus, Buttercup or Crowfoot stalk
Pulsatilla vulgaris, Pasque Flowers growing in soil
Anemone pavonina, red flowers on slender stalks, with bracts further down stalk at a distance from flowers, and three lobed leaves
Illustration of Eranthis hyemalis (Winter aconite), bright yellow flowers
Spring Pheasants Eye, False Hellebore, Ox-Eye, Oxeye, Oxeye Daisy, Pheasant-eye, Pheasant s-Eye, Pheasants Eye, Spring Adonis, Sweet Vernal, Vernal Pheasants Eye, Yellow pheasants eye
Liverwort (Anemone hepatica), Bavaria, Germany
Anemone (Anemone) flower
Blue Columbine (Aquilegia)
Spring Pasque or Spring Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla Vernalis), Hohe Tauern National Park, Austria, Europe
Poppy (Papaver), detail
Alpine Poppy (Papaver rhaeticum)
Corn poppy buds, field poppy buds (Papaver rhoeas) on a stone surface
Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas), Plateau de Valensole, Provence, France, Europe
Clematis (Clematis)
Poppies (Papaver) in a corn field
Wheat field with poppies near Le Pegu, Provence, France, Europe
Grain field with poppies above Dingelsdorf on Lake Constance, St. Nicholas Church at the back, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Common Hepatica or Liverwort -Anemone hepatica-
Hepatica, kidneywort, kidneywort -Hepatica nobilis-, Saalehang near Burgk, eastern Thuringia, Germany, Europe
Pasque Flower or Danes Blood -Pulsatilla vulgaris-, Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Common pasque flower, Danes blood -Pulsatilla vulgaris-, Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Blossoming Hepatica, Liverwort -Hepatica nobilis-, Germany, Europe
Marsh marigold -Caltha palustris-, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Kingcup or Marsh Marigold -Caltha palustris-, Themenweg Wildwasser white water learning path, Mariensee, Lower Austria, Austria, Europe
Columbine -Aquilegia-, Emsland, Germany, Europe
Red Clover -Trifolium pratense- and Buttercup -Ranunculus acris-
Broad-winged damselfly -Calopterygidae- on twinflowered marsh marigold -Caltha-
Noble Liverleaf -Hepatica nobilis-, Thuringia, Germany
Common Hepatica, liverwort -Hepatica nobilis-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Wood Anemone, windflower or thimbleweed -Anemone nemorosa-, flowering, Hainich National Park, Thuringia, Germany
Hepatica or liverwort -Anemone hepatica syn Hepatica nobilis-, flower, Nationalpark Hainich, Thuringia, Germany
Green hellebore -Helleborus viridis-, rare, Niederalfingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Shed antlers, Red Deer -Cervus elaphus-, lying between anemones, Allgaeu, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Hepatica, Liverleaf or Liverwort -Hepatica nobilis-, Tyrol, Austria
Withering Hepatica, Liverleaf or Liverwort -Hepatica nobilis-, Tyrol, Austria
Yellow flower of the Marsh Marigold -Caltha palustris-
Meadow Buttercups, Tall Buttercups or Giant Buttercups -Ranunculus acris-, in flower against a blue sky, Thuringia, Germany
Meadow Buttercup, Tall Buttercup or Giant Buttercup -Ranunculus acris-, in flower, worms eye view, Thuringia, Germany
Chinese or Japanese anemone -Anemone hupehensis-, invasive plant in Hawaii, Big Island, United States
Winter Aconite -Eranthis hyemalis- with hoar frost, North Hesse, Hesse, Germany
Winter Aconite -Eranthis hyemalis-, North Hesse, Hesse, Germany
Alpine Anemones or Sulphur Anemones -Pulsatilla alpina ssp. apiifolia-, the Kaunergrat ridge at the back, Seeles See lake, Kaunertal valley, Tyrol, Austria
Crown Anemone, Poppy Anemone or Spanish Marigold -Anemone coronaria-, Cesme Peninsula, Izmir Province, Aegean Region, Turkey
Hepatica or Liverwort -Hepatica nobilis-, Aragon, Spain
Pasque Flower -Pulsatilla vulgaris- flowers covered in water drops, Biosphere Reserve Swabian Alb, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Wood Anemone -Anemone nemorosa-, Hesse, Germany
Pasque Flower or Pasqueflower -Pulsatilla vulgaris-, flowering, Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Balkan Anemones -Anemone blanda, Anemone apennina-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Pasque Flowers -Pulsatilla vulgaris-
Pasque Flower -Pulsatilla vulgaris-
Grecian Windflowers -Anemone blanda White Splendour -
Grecian Windflower -Anemone blanda White Splendour -
Globe Flower -Trollius europaeus-, flowers, Thuringia, Germany
Snowdrop Anemones -Anemone sylvestris- flowers against a blue sky, Thuringia, Germany
Stamens of a Clematis -Clematis-, hybrid, Bavaria, Germany
Flowers of a Clematis -Clematis-, hybrid, Bavaria, Germany
Common Pasque Flower -Pulsatilla vulgaris-, Hesse, Germany
European Columbine -Aquilegia vulgaris-, Switzerland, Europe
Clasping-leaf Buttercup -Ranunculus amplexicaulis-
Purple Clematis -Clematis viticella Prince Charles-
Anemone, macro, Germany
Flowering Kidneywort Liverwort Liverleaf Pennywort Common Hepatica -Hepatica nobilis- -Anemone hepatica- protected species medicinal plant