Staff of Union General Andrew Porter5/20/1862: The staff of Union General Andrew Porter lounge in front of a tent during the Civil War
Alfred von Schlieffen in Uniform(Original Caption) Alfred von Schlieffen, (1833-1913), Prussian General and military writer, Chief of the General Staff of the German Army, 1891-1906. He faced the problem of a war on two fronts
Churchill At Montgomery's Headquarters(Original Caption) Prime Minister Churchill at General Montgomery's Headquarters near Tripoli. General Sir Alan Brooke is on right
George C. Marshall Making Speech(Original Caption) West Point, NY: General George C. Marshall, U.S. Army Chief of Staff, is shown as he addressed the graduating class at the U.S. Military Academy today
President Johnson and Political Advisers in Meeting(Original Caption) President Johnson conferred for more than two hours today with General Earle G. Wheeler, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other top advisers on the need for more U.S
Joint Chiefs Of Staff Seated/Table(Original Caption) A formal group photograph of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. L to R: Gen. Carl Edward Vuono, USA; Gen.Larry D. Welch, USAF; Gen. Colin L. Powell, USA; Gen. Robert T. Herres, USAF; Adm
Gen Haim Bar-Lev In File Photo/Close-Up(Original Caption) Tel Aviv, Israel- This is a recent portrait of General Haim Bar-Lev, who has been appointed Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army, replacing Major Gen. Yitzhak Rabin
President Roosevelt with Military Leaders and DiplomatsThe U.S. leaders sit in the President's villa in Casablanca for a meeting with the British. Left to right, seated: Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall, President Franklin D
Erich von Falkenhayn(Original Caption) Erich von Falkenhayn (1861-1922), Prussian minister of war and chief of the imperial German General Staff early in World War I
Douglas MacArthur Takes Office(Original Caption) 1930- General Douglas MacArthur takes oath of office as New Chief of Staff, administered by Major General E.A. Kreger
FDR Signs Draft Bill (Photo by © Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)
George C. Marshall In Staff Meeting(Original Caption) 11/26/41-Washington, DC: General George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff, is shown with members of his general staff in his office at the War Department in Washington
President Roosevelt Awarding James Doolittle the Congressional Medal of Honor
Roosevelt and Churchill at Morocco with Staff(Original Caption) 1943-Casablanca, Morocco: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill (seated) pose with their staffs after historic allied conference at Casablanca
U.S. War Strategists Meet with BritishAt a meeting of the Joint and Combined Chiefs of Staff, consisting of high American and British war strategists, four American leaders weigh a problem
Long Table War ConferenceWith American members on the left and British members on the right, the Joint and combined Chiefs of Staff hold session. Americans are (front to back): Lt.Gen. J.T. McNarney, Gen
Aerial View, Funeral Procession;Pershing(Original Caption) 7/20/1943-Washington, D.C.:This aerial photo shows the casket bearing the body of the late Gen. John J
Dwight D. Eisenhower; Commander Of Allie(Original Caption) 8/18/1943-North Africa: Dwight D. Eisenhower at the beginning of his career as Commander of the Allied Forces in North Africa
General George C. Marshall At His Desk(Original Caption) 11/3/43-Washington, D.C.: A painting of former Army Chief of Staff, General John J. Pershing hangs behind the desk of present Chief-of-Staff, General George C. Marshall
Army Generals Ride In Jeep(Original Caption) 1/44-Oahu Hawaii: A Jeep, with the 4 stars of the American Army's Chief of Staff, carries General George C. Marshall and Lt. Gen Robert C. Richardson, Jr
Marshall Georgi Zhukov(Original Caption) 1/10/1945- Marshall Georgii Zhukov of the Soviet Union
Georgi Zhukov, Field Marshal of the Soviet Union(Original Caption) 2/28/1945- Georgi Zhukov, Marshal of the Soviet Union, headshoulders, examining a map
Allies Drinking Toast(Original Caption) 6/10/1945-When Zhukov decorated Eisenhower and Montgomery with Russian order of Victory. Left to right about to drink toast, Montgomery, Eisenhower, Zhukov, Tedder, and Bradley
Allied Leaders Sign Berlin Pact(Original Caption) 6/11/45-Berlin, Germany: Allied leaders sign Berlin Pact gaining supreme authority over Germany--seated Left to right, facing camera is Jean Le Lattre de Tassiny
Attlee, Truman, and StalinThe "Big Three" posing for photographers just before the final conference meeting at Potsdam. Left to right, seated: Prime Minister Clement Attlee of Great Britain; President Harry S
Big Three Conferees Posing for Portrait(Original Caption) Scene in the Palace Garden at Potsdam as the Big Three posed for photographers just before the final conference meeting
Potsdam Conference(Original Caption) Peace Conferences. Potsdam, Germany: Scene in the Palace Garden at Potsdam as the Big Three posed for photographers just before the final conference meeting
General George Marshall TestifyingGeneral George C. Marshall, Army chief of staff during World War II, testifies after being called back before the Congressional Pearl Harbor Investigation Committee
British General William Slim in Uniform(Original Caption) Pictured above is General Sir William Slim, who has just been appointed Chief of the Imperial General Staff in succession to Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery
James Baker Before TV TapingWhite House Chief of Staff James Baker before a taping of the NBC television show "Meet The Press". Baker went on to be Secretary of State in the Bush administration
Ronald Reagan Conversing with Others at Reykjavik Summit(Original Caption) Reykjavik, Iceland: (From l-r) White House Chief of Staff Donald Reagan, President Ronald Reagan, Secretary of State George Schultz
Officials Look At Bikini Lagoon Model(Original Caption) 3/1946-Washington, D.C.: The Joint Army-Navy Chiefs of Staff Evaluation Committee meets with Army and Navy Joint Task Force One Staff heads to discuss the Bikin Atomic Group
Gen. Maron Kodama In Door Of Headquarter(Original Caption) Manchuria, China: Russo-Japanese War: General Baron Kodama, Chief of Staff to Marshal Oyama, shown at his headquarters in Yentai, Manchuria, to the north of Hiao Yong
Signing of Israeli-Egyptian ArmisticeRafael Eytan signs the armistice between Egypt and Israel on March 1, 1949, in the Hotel de Roses on Rhodes. Beside him is Yigael Yadin
Gens. MacArthur, Hickey, Others in Jeep(Original Caption) 4/6/1951-Yang Yang, Korea: L to r: Lieutenant General Matthew B. Ridgeway, Coast Guard, US 8th Army, Major General Doyle O
Lt. General Anthony McAuliffe in Press Conference(Original Caption) Lt. Gen. Anthony C
Matthew Ridgway and Loren BottolphGeneral Ridgway (left) is shown at Panmunjom with U.S. Air Force Colonel Loren Buttolph, liaison officer of the Neutral Nations Repatriations Commission
Moshe Dayan, Israeli Chief Of StaffMoshe Dayan, the Israeli Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, saluting, in 1954
General Maxwell Taylor Sitting at Desk(Original Caption) General Maxwell D. Taylor, World War II paratroop commander and a Korean War leader, became the Army's new Chief of Staff as he was sworn in at the Pentagon here today
Russian Representatives at Geneva Conference, 1955The Soviet Russian delegation to the Big Four "summit talks" wait for President Eisenhower to begin his opening address as the meetings get underway at Geneva
Soviet Defense Minister Georgi Zhukov Gesturing Genially(Original Caption) Geneva, Switzerland: Soviet Defense Minister Georgi K. Zhukov gestures genially during the garden party given by the Russians for the U.S. Delegation to the Big Four Conference
Rafik Aref Testifying in Court(Original Caption) 8/20/1958-Baghdad, Iraq- Former General Rafik Aref (center R), former Chief of Staff of the Iraqi Army
Air Force Chief of Staff Curtis Lemay Driving Go-Cart(Original Caption) 07/13/1959-Washington, D.C.: About to "Bank into a Turn" on nearby Andrews Air Force Base runways yesterday is General Curtis LeMay, Air Force Vice Chief of Staff
President Kennedy and Defense ChiefsPresident John F. Kennedy meets with his defense chiefs in Palm Beach, Florida
Kennedy with Joint Chiefs of StaffPresident John F. Kennedy meets with his Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Oval Office
President Kennedy Meets With Defense Chiefs(Original Caption) 1/3/1962-Palm Beach, FL: President Kennedy (center) meets with defense chiefs on patio of vacation home here Jan. 3rd
President Kennedy Watching Inauguration of Arms Control AgencyPresident Kennedy watches as Herbert Miller administers the oath to the members of the General Advisory Committee of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
John Kennedy Watching Marine Review ParadeJohn Kennedy watches a review parade of Marines at the Washington Marine Barracks
John Kennedy Inspecting TroopsPresident John Kennedy rides in a cadillac convertable with Army Chief of Staff, Maxwell Taylor, as he inspects the troops and equipment at Fort Stewart
Joint Chiefs Endorse Nuclear Test Ban TreatyThe nation's four service chiefs today gave first-hand endorsement of the limited nuclear test ban treaty although the Air Force Chief
Pentagon Joint Chiefs Of Staff Office(Original Caption) 8/26/1963-Washington
J.F.K. and Son at ArlingtonJohn F. Kennedy, Jr. turns to watch his father and a group of generals at Arlington National Cemetery. The President is there to honor American war dead on Veterans Day
Generals in Washington DCGen. William C. Westmoreland, Commander of the US Forces in Vietnam wears the Boy Scout Silver Buffalo Award for distinguished service as he stands with Gen
Itzhak Rabin and Moshe Dayan Watching Air ShowIsraeli chiefs watch an air show over the Negev Brigade Monument in celebration of Israel's military victory in the 6-Day War with Egypt, Jordan, and Syria
President Johnson and Generals in MeetingPresident Johnson (far right) confers with (L to R): General Earl Wheeler, (holding glasses), General William Westmoreland, Secretary of State Robert McNamara in the white House family sitting room
Transferring of Colors at Marine Corps CeremonyCharles Robb presents the flag of the Marine Corps to the new Commandant, General Leonard F. Chapman, Jr. (left), during a ceremony in Washington, DC. The outgoing Commandant, General Wallace M
Farewell Ceremony For Robert S. McNamaraRobert McNamara, President Johnson, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Nitze
Israeli Premier Meets Military CommandersIsraeli Premier Levi Eshkol (C) meets with Israeli's Chief of Staff General Haim Bar Lev (R) and military commander Ariel Sharon at a command post in Tel Aviv
Officials Meeting in White House Rose Garden(Original Caption) 3/27/1968-Washington, D.C.: Shown here engaged in conversation in the White House garden are (L to R): Vice President Hubert Humphrey, General Creighton W
Lyndon B. Johnson and William Westmoreland Leaving HelicopterPresident Lyndon B. Johnson, left, and Gen. William Westmoreland leaving helicopter
Richard Nixon And H.R. Haldeman on PlaneChief of Staff H.R. Haldeman speaks with Vice President Richard Nixon, who seeks presidential nomination in 1968 against Hubert Humphrey
Military Rulers of Iraq(Original Caption) 7/17/1969-Baghdad, Iraq- Deputy Premier and Defense Minister Lieutenant General Hardan Tikriti, President Ahmed Hassan Al-Bakr
Creighton Abrams Saluting(Original Caption) 6/20/1972-Saigon, South Vietnam- General Creighton W. Abrams, commander of U.S. troops in Vietnam, salutes during ceremonies at the departure of the last major U.S. ground unit
General Alexander HaigPresident Nixon named Gen Alexander M. Haig Jr. the Army's second-ranking general and a well-traveled presidential envoy, to succeed the deposed H.R. Haldeman as White House Chief of Staff
Bob Haldeman Arrives At Court(Original Caption) Washington: H.R. "Bob" Haldeman, Nixon's former Chief of Staff, is accompanied by his attorney Joh
Haldeman And Ehrlichman Leave CourtJournalists surround John Ehrlichman and H.R. Haldeman as they leave U. S. Disctrict Court after recieving prison sentences for their cover-up of the Watergate scandal
Dick CheneyRichard Cheney, shown at his desk in the White House is President Ford's new chief of staff
Gerald Ford Waving and Walking with Richard Cheney(Original Caption) Washington: Accompanied by his new chief-of-staff, Richard Cheney, Pres
Dick Cheney, President Ford's Chief of Staff(Original Caption) Washington, D. C.: "New" Face. Richard B. Cheney, 34, relaxes in his office at the White House recently
Donald Rumsfeld with Richard B. Cheney(Original Caption) Donald Rumsfeld fingers his "stand-up" desk in White House office 11/6 as he talks with his successor as White House Chief of Staff, Richard B. Cheney
Youngest Army General Edward C. Meyer(Original Caption) 6/29/1980-Washington, D.C.- "Shy" Meyer is what they call the Army's top General; but General Edward C
President Alvaro Magana Borja with Army Officers(Original Caption) 5/7/1983-San Salvador, El Salvador-President Alvaro Magana (C), flanked by Defense Minister Carlos Eugenio Vides Casanova (L) and Army Chief of Staff Colonel Rafael Flores Lima
MacArthur Returning to Philippines(Original Caption) Leyte, P.I.: Gen. Douglas MacArthur (left) and his chief of staff, Lt. Gen