Dandelion seeds flying away
Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum)
Red gerbera daisy with black background
Artichoke thistle, cardone -Cynara cardunculus, Syn. Cynara scolymus-
Alpine Edelweiss -Leontopodium nivale-, Carinthia, Austria
Fox-and-cubs or Orange Hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum)
Marbled White -Melanargia galathea-, Germany
Sunflowers -Helianthus annuus-, flowering, Ellerstadt, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Yellow and orange Marigold -Calendula- and other flowers in summer, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Common Daisy -Bellis perennis-, flower
Mountain Knapweed, Perennial Cornflower or Bachelors Button -Centaurea montana-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Chihuahua in summer outfitAnimals, Canine, Chihuahua, Costume, Daisy, Daisy Family, Disguise, Dog, Funny Animal Prints, 78367487
Oil painted flower arrangement still life with two vasesThis is my artwork and I am the owner of the copyright. Multicolored flowers in traditional decorated ceramics vase
Solitary sunflower one night with the full moonHarvested wheat field with a sunflower a moonlit night in summer.Natural Park of the Sierra Mariola in Bocairent, Valencia, Spain
Common Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) in a swamp, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Coltsfoot -Tussilago farfara-
Large Butterbur -Petasitidis folium- leaves in the Wutach Gorge, Black Forest, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Golden Marguerite or Yellow Chamomile -Anthemis tinctoria-, Allgaeu, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Fox-and-cubs, Orange Hawkweed, Tawny Hawkweed or Devils Paintbrush -Hieracium aurantiacum-, single flower, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Alpine upland floodplains vegetation with leaves of the Common Butterbur -Petasites hybridus- and flower of Ground Elder or Goutweed -Aegopodium podagraria-, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Budding sunflower -Helianthus annuus-
Mugwort or Common Wormwood -Artemisia vulgaris-, Geneva, Genf, Switzerland
Sunflowers -Helianthus annuus- against a blue sky, Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Butterbur or Sweet Coltsfoot -Petasites paradoxus-
Cape Daisies -Osteospermum sp. -, England, United KingdomCape Daisies -Osteospermum sp.-, England, United Kingdom
Hemp-agrimony -Eupatorium cannabinum-, flower, Jena, Thuringia, Germany
White Hellebore -Veratrum album-, Switzerland, Europe
Flowering coltsfoot foalfoot -Tussilago farfara- medicinal plant
Cynara scolymus, Globe Artichoke plant
Echinacea angustifolia, flowering medicinal plant
Onopordum acanthium, Cotton Thistle or Scotch Thistle plant growing in soil
Senecio macroglossus Variegatus, Cape Ivy or Natal Ivy or Wax Vine
Illustration, Echinops ritro, Globe Thistle, three stalks with spiny lobed leaves and round blue flowers
Illustration of windowbox containing Verbena Imagination, Trifolium repens Purpurascens (Clover), Bacopa Snowflake (Waterhyssop), Helichrysum petiolare Aureum and Osteospermum Buttermilk
Dandelion growing between paving stones
Large-flowered Leopard s-bane (Doronicum grandiflorum), Toggenburg, Switzerland, Europe
Field of blooming Dandelion (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia), Jura, Switzerland, Europe
Dandelion -Taraxacum- with Cuckoo Flower or Ladys Smock -Cardamine pratensis-
Balderschwang village, Upper Allgaeu, Allgaeu, Swabia, Bavaria, Germany
Common Chicory -Cichorium intybus-, medicinal plant
Dahlia flower -Dahlia-, new variety Vulkane, Bad Schoenau, Lower Austria, Austria, Europe
Dandelion -Taraxacum- growing out of the joint of a concrete staircase
Blue-violet flower of the Perennial Cornflower or Montane Knapweed -Centaurea montana L. -Blue-violet flower of the Perennial Cornflower or Montane Knapweed -Centaurea montana L.-
Milk Thistle -Silybum marianum or Carduus marianus-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Doronicum -Doronicum grandiflorum-, Canton of Valais, Switzerland
Yellow flowers of the Jerusalem Artichoke, Sunchoke or Topinambour -Helianthus tuberosus-
Downy Elecampane -Inula hirta- flower, Thuringia, Germany
Grain field with flowering Poppies -Papaver rhoeas- and Cornflowers -Centaurea cyanus-, Rennsteig, Blankenstein, Thuringia, Germany
Field of mixed red and orange Cosmos -Cosmos-, yellow Zinnias -Zinnia- and Blue Knapweed -Centaurea- flowers in summer, Montreal Botanical Garden, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Dahlia -Dahlia- Worthersee Rose cultivar, flower, Thuringia, Germany
Sunflower -Helianthus annuus-, Thailand, Asia
Pot Marigold -Calendula officinalis- flower, Lower Saxony, Germany
Scotch Thistle -Onopordum acanthium-
European cockchafer beetle or May beetle -Melolontha melolontha-, with wings unfolded, on a dandelion flower -Taraxacum officinale-
Wormwood or absinthium -Artemisia absinthium-, herb, leaves, Germany, Europe
Grand Teton National Park, USA. Wild sunflowers in spring amidst sagebrush. Wyominga036745
Illustration of a Spear thistle (Cirsium vulgare), flower, leaves, and roots
Carlina acaulis, Stemless Carline Thistle
Centaurea cyanus, Cornflower
Chamaemelum, Chamomile plant
Leucanthemum vulgare, Marguerite or Oxeye daisy
Illustration, Calendula arvensis, Field Marigold, yellow ray-florets with narrow oblong leaves on stout branching stems
Aster novi-belgii, New York Asters or Michaelmas Daisy, front view
Illustration in shades of orange, Helianthus sp. seven sunflowers and three bushes in background
Oil painted multi colored daisy family flowersThis is my artwork and I am the owner of the copyright. The vibrant colored red, yellow, white and pink daisy flowers are on green textured background
Flower meadow with African Daisy or Cape Marigold -Osteospermum ecklonis- and Livingstone Daisy -Dorotheanthus bellidiformis-, coast, West Coast National Park, Western Cape Province, South Africa
Thistle flower in a morning fog with a waterdrops covered cobwebThistle flower (Asteraceae) in a morning fog with a waterdrops covered cobweb
TortoiseshellSmall tortoiseshell on aster at Dartington
DuetDahlia Duet
Blue daisy
Daisies (Leucanthemum) in a meadow against the light
Daisies on water, mirroring, 3D graphics
Flowers in the grass, mirroring, 3D graphics
Flowers on the water with mirroring, 3D graphics
Meadow with wild flowers, Loir et Cher, France, Europe
Withered Sunflower (Helianthus annuus), view from below
European Peacock (Inachis io) on an Eupatorium flower
Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) on flowering Eupatorium
Dahlia Maxim (Dahlia), flower, close-up
Dandelions (Taraxacum), dandelion clocks in the rain
Alpine Heath (Coenonympha gardetta) on Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)
Hoverfly on Wolfs bane, Mountain arnica (Arnica montana)
Melancholy Thistle (Cirsium helenioides) in front of Schlern Mountain, Seiser Alm, Dolomites, Alto Adige, Italy, Europe
Meadow salsify (Tragopogon orientalis)