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Daisy Family Collection

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Dandelion seeds flying away

Dandelion seeds flying away

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum)

Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum)

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Red gerbera daisy with black background

Red gerbera daisy with black background

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Artichoke thistle, cardone -Cynara cardunculus, Syn. Cynara scolymus-

Artichoke thistle, cardone -Cynara cardunculus, Syn. Cynara scolymus-

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Alpine Edelweiss -Leontopodium nivale-, Carinthia, Austria

Alpine Edelweiss -Leontopodium nivale-, Carinthia, Austria

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Fox-and-cubs or Orange Hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum)

Fox-and-cubs or Orange Hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum)

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Marbled White -Melanargia galathea-, Germany

Marbled White -Melanargia galathea-, Germany

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Sunflowers -Helianthus annuus-, flowering, Ellerstadt, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Sunflowers -Helianthus annuus-, flowering, Ellerstadt, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Yellow and orange Marigold -Calendula- and other flowers in summer

Yellow and orange Marigold -Calendula- and other flowers in summer, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Common Daisy -Bellis perennis-, flower

Common Daisy -Bellis perennis-, flower

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Mountain Knapweed, Perennial Cornflower or Bachelors Button -Centaurea montana

Mountain Knapweed, Perennial Cornflower or Bachelors Button -Centaurea montana-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Chihuahua in summer outfit

Chihuahua in summer outfit
Animals, Canine, Chihuahua, Costume, Daisy, Daisy Family, Disguise, Dog, Funny Animal Prints, 78367487

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Oil painted flower arrangement still life with two vases

Oil painted flower arrangement still life with two vases
This is my artwork and I am the owner of the copyright. Multicolored flowers in traditional decorated ceramics vase

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Solitary sunflower one night with the full moon

Solitary sunflower one night with the full moon
Harvested wheat field with a sunflower a moonlit night in summer.Natural Park of the Sierra Mariola in Bocairent, Valencia, Spain

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Common Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) in a swamp, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Common Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) in a swamp, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Coltsfoot -Tussilago farfara-

Coltsfoot -Tussilago farfara-

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Large Butterbur -Petasitidis folium- leaves in the Wutach Gorge

Large Butterbur -Petasitidis folium- leaves in the Wutach Gorge, Black Forest, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Golden Marguerite or Yellow Chamomile -Anthemis tinctoria

Golden Marguerite or Yellow Chamomile -Anthemis tinctoria-, Allgaeu, Bavaria, Germany, Europe

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Fox-and-cubs, Orange Hawkweed, Tawny Hawkweed or Devils Paintbrush -Hieracium aurantiacum

Fox-and-cubs, Orange Hawkweed, Tawny Hawkweed or Devils Paintbrush -Hieracium aurantiacum-, single flower, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Alpine upland floodplains vegetation with leaves of the Common Butterbur -Petasites hybridus

Alpine upland floodplains vegetation with leaves of the Common Butterbur -Petasites hybridus- and flower of Ground Elder or Goutweed -Aegopodium podagraria-, Bavaria, Germany, Europe

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Budding sunflower -Helianthus annuus-

Budding sunflower -Helianthus annuus-

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Mugwort or Common Wormwood -Artemisia vulgaris-, Geneva, Genf, Switzerland

Mugwort or Common Wormwood -Artemisia vulgaris-, Geneva, Genf, Switzerland

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Sunflowers -Helianthus annuus- against a blue sky

Sunflowers -Helianthus annuus- against a blue sky, Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Butterbur or Sweet Coltsfoot -Petasites paradoxus-

Butterbur or Sweet Coltsfoot -Petasites paradoxus-

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Cape Daisies -Osteospermum sp. -, England, United Kingdom

Cape Daisies -Osteospermum sp. -, England, United Kingdom
Cape Daisies -Osteospermum sp.-, England, United Kingdom

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Hemp-agrimony -Eupatorium cannabinum-, flower, Jena, Thuringia, Germany

Hemp-agrimony -Eupatorium cannabinum-, flower, Jena, Thuringia, Germany

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: White Hellebore -Veratrum album-, Switzerland, Europe

White Hellebore -Veratrum album-, Switzerland, Europe

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Flowering coltsfoot foalfoot -Tussilago farfara- medicinal plant

Flowering coltsfoot foalfoot -Tussilago farfara- medicinal plant

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Cynara scolymus, Globe Artichoke plant

Cynara scolymus, Globe Artichoke plant

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Echinacea angustifolia, flowering medicinal plant

Echinacea angustifolia, flowering medicinal plant

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Onopordum acanthium, Cotton Thistle or Scotch Thistle plant growing in soil

Onopordum acanthium, Cotton Thistle or Scotch Thistle plant growing in soil

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Senecio macroglossus Variegatus, Cape Ivy or Natal Ivy or Wax Vine

Senecio macroglossus Variegatus, Cape Ivy or Natal Ivy or Wax Vine

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Illustration, Echinops ritro, Globe Thistle

Illustration, Echinops ritro, Globe Thistle, three stalks with spiny lobed leaves and round blue flowers

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Illustration of windowbox containing Verbena Imagination

Illustration of windowbox containing Verbena Imagination, Trifolium repens Purpurascens (Clover), Bacopa Snowflake (Waterhyssop), Helichrysum petiolare Aureum and Osteospermum Buttermilk

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Dandelion growing between paving stones

Dandelion growing between paving stones

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Large-flowered Leopard s-bane (Doronicum grandiflorum), Toggenburg, Switzerland, Europe

Large-flowered Leopard s-bane (Doronicum grandiflorum), Toggenburg, Switzerland, Europe

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Field of blooming Dandelion (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia), Jura, Switzerland, Europe

Field of blooming Dandelion (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia), Jura, Switzerland, Europe

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Dandelion -Taraxacum- with Cuckoo Flower or Ladys Smock -Cardamine pratensis-

Dandelion -Taraxacum- with Cuckoo Flower or Ladys Smock -Cardamine pratensis-

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Balderschwang village, Upper Allgaeu, Allgaeu, Swabia, Bavaria, Germany

Balderschwang village, Upper Allgaeu, Allgaeu, Swabia, Bavaria, Germany

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Common Chicory -Cichorium intybus-, medicinal plant

Common Chicory -Cichorium intybus-, medicinal plant

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Dahlia flower -Dahlia-, new variety Vulkane, Bad Schoenau, Lower Austria, Austria, Europe

Dahlia flower -Dahlia-, new variety Vulkane, Bad Schoenau, Lower Austria, Austria, Europe

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Dandelion -Taraxacum- growing out of the joint of a concrete staircase

Dandelion -Taraxacum- growing out of the joint of a concrete staircase

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Blue-violet flower of the Perennial Cornflower or Montane Knapweed -Centaurea montana L. -

Blue-violet flower of the Perennial Cornflower or Montane Knapweed -Centaurea montana L. -
Blue-violet flower of the Perennial Cornflower or Montane Knapweed -Centaurea montana L.-

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Milk Thistle -Silybum marianum or Carduus marianus-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Milk Thistle -Silybum marianum or Carduus marianus-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Doronicum -Doronicum grandiflorum-, Canton of Valais, Switzerland

Doronicum -Doronicum grandiflorum-, Canton of Valais, Switzerland

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Yellow flowers of the Jerusalem Artichoke, Sunchoke or Topinambour -Helianthus tuberosus-

Yellow flowers of the Jerusalem Artichoke, Sunchoke or Topinambour -Helianthus tuberosus-

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Downy Elecampane -Inula hirta- flower, Thuringia, Germany

Downy Elecampane -Inula hirta- flower, Thuringia, Germany

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Grain field with flowering Poppies -Papaver rhoeas- and Cornflowers -Centaurea cyanus

Grain field with flowering Poppies -Papaver rhoeas- and Cornflowers -Centaurea cyanus-, Rennsteig, Blankenstein, Thuringia, Germany

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Field of mixed red and orange Cosmos -Cosmos

Field of mixed red and orange Cosmos -Cosmos-, yellow Zinnias -Zinnia- and Blue Knapweed -Centaurea- flowers in summer, Montreal Botanical Garden, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Dahlia -Dahlia- Worthersee Rose cultivar, flower, Thuringia, Germany

Dahlia -Dahlia- Worthersee Rose cultivar, flower, Thuringia, Germany

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Sunflower -Helianthus annuus-, Thailand, Asia

Sunflower -Helianthus annuus-, Thailand, Asia

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Pot Marigold -Calendula officinalis- flower, Lower Saxony, Germany

Pot Marigold -Calendula officinalis- flower, Lower Saxony, Germany

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Scotch Thistle -Onopordum acanthium-

Scotch Thistle -Onopordum acanthium-

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: European cockchafer beetle or May beetle -Melolontha melolontha

European cockchafer beetle or May beetle -Melolontha melolontha-, with wings unfolded, on a dandelion flower -Taraxacum officinale-

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Wormwood or absinthium -Artemisia absinthium-, herb, leaves, Germany, Europe

Wormwood or absinthium -Artemisia absinthium-, herb, leaves, Germany, Europe

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Grand Teton National Park, USA. Wild sunflowers in spring amidst sagebrush. Wyoming

Grand Teton National Park, USA. Wild sunflowers in spring amidst sagebrush. Wyoming

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Illustration of a Spear thistle (Cirsium vulgare), flower, leaves, and roots

Illustration of a Spear thistle (Cirsium vulgare), flower, leaves, and roots

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Carlina acaulis, Stemless Carline Thistle

Carlina acaulis, Stemless Carline Thistle

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Centaurea cyanus, Cornflower

Centaurea cyanus, Cornflower

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Chamaemelum, Chamomile plant

Chamaemelum, Chamomile plant

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Leucanthemum vulgare, Marguerite or Oxeye daisy

Leucanthemum vulgare, Marguerite or Oxeye daisy

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Illustration, Calendula arvensis

Illustration, Calendula arvensis, Field Marigold, yellow ray-florets with narrow oblong leaves on stout branching stems

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Aster novi-belgii, New York Asters or Michaelmas Daisy, front view

Aster novi-belgii, New York Asters or Michaelmas Daisy, front view

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Illustration in shades of orange

Illustration in shades of orange, Helianthus sp. seven sunflowers and three bushes in background

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Oil painted multi colored daisy family flowers

Oil painted multi colored daisy family flowers
This is my artwork and I am the owner of the copyright. The vibrant colored red, yellow, white and pink daisy flowers are on green textured background

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Flower meadow with African Daisy or Cape Marigold -Osteospermum ecklonis

Flower meadow with African Daisy or Cape Marigold -Osteospermum ecklonis- and Livingstone Daisy -Dorotheanthus bellidiformis-, coast, West Coast National Park, Western Cape Province, South Africa

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Thistle flower in a morning fog with a waterdrops covered cobweb

Thistle flower in a morning fog with a waterdrops covered cobweb
Thistle flower (Asteraceae) in a morning fog with a waterdrops covered cobweb

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Tortoiseshell

Small tortoiseshell on aster at Dartington

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Duet

Dahlia Duet

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Blue daisy

Blue daisy

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Daisies (Leucanthemum) in a meadow against the light

Daisies (Leucanthemum) in a meadow against the light

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Daisies on water, mirroring, 3D graphics

Daisies on water, mirroring, 3D graphics

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Flowers in the grass, mirroring, 3D graphics

Flowers in the grass, mirroring, 3D graphics

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Flowers on the water with mirroring, 3D graphics

Flowers on the water with mirroring, 3D graphics

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Meadow with wild flowers, Loir et Cher, France, Europe

Meadow with wild flowers, Loir et Cher, France, Europe

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Withered Sunflower (Helianthus annuus), view from below

Withered Sunflower (Helianthus annuus), view from below

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: European Peacock (Inachis io) on an Eupatorium flower

European Peacock (Inachis io) on an Eupatorium flower

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) on flowering Eupatorium

Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) on flowering Eupatorium

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Dahlia Maxim (Dahlia), flower, close-up

Dahlia Maxim (Dahlia), flower, close-up

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Dandelions (Taraxacum), dandelion clocks in the rain

Dandelions (Taraxacum), dandelion clocks in the rain

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Alpine Heath (Coenonympha gardetta) on Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)

Alpine Heath (Coenonympha gardetta) on Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Hoverfly on Wolfs bane, Mountain arnica (Arnica montana)

Hoverfly on Wolfs bane, Mountain arnica (Arnica montana)

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Melancholy Thistle (Cirsium helenioides) in front of Schlern Mountain

Melancholy Thistle (Cirsium helenioides) in front of Schlern Mountain, Seiser Alm, Dolomites, Alto Adige, Italy, Europe

Background imageDaisy Family Collection: Meadow salsify (Tragopogon orientalis)

Meadow salsify (Tragopogon orientalis)

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