Group Portrait of Soldiers at Haganah(Original Caption) David Ben Gurion, the Chairman of the Jewish agency, and named as the future Prime Minister of the Jewish state to be in Palestine
David Ben Gurion Back from Geneva Palestine ConferenceDavid Ben Gurion, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Agency in Palestine and later the first Prime Minister of Isreal, seen on the S.S
Portrait of D. Ben Gurion Arriving in New York(Original Caption) Photo shows Mr. D. Ben Gurion, Chairman of the Executive Jewish agency for Palestine, arrived in New York aboard the American Export liner Excambion
Jewish Assembly In Jerusalem(Original Caption) 6/7/1947-Jerusalem, Palestine: Now head of the Jewish agency's political department
Celebration Over Creation Of Israel(Original Caption) 12/4/1947- Jerusalem, Israel: Palestinian Jews happy at UN passage of partition plan, celebrated the passage of the UN partitiion plan with much laughter and well-wishing
David Ben Gurion in Office(Original Caption) 3/29/1948-Tel Aviv: David Ben Gurion, Chairman of the Jewish Agency, relaxes for a moment from the work at hand in his office in all-Jewish Tel Aviv
David Ben-Gurion Declaring New Jewish StateNew Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion reads the proclamation declaring the existence of the New Jewish State
David Ben-Gurion Reading a Declaration of Independence(Original Caption) 5/14/1948-Tel Aviv
David Ben-Gurion as British Leave Israel(Original Caption) 7/4/1948- Haifa, Palestine: Israel's Prime Minister wishes the British a bon voyage
Israel's Shimon PeresWith Ben Gurion's portrait behind him and above a bookcase, Israel's Labor Party leader, Shimon Peres, sits at his desk
Portrait of David Ben-Gurion(Original Caption) David Ben-Gurion, Israel's Prime Minister, as he appeared when serving with British forces
Ben-Gurion In New York Giving Speech(Original Caption) May 1951- Jerusalem, Israel: Pemier David Ben Gurion has reportedly run into serious troble at home march 2nd over his government's agreement to withdraw from the gaza strip
Swearing In Of First Israel President(Original Caption) 2/17/49-Jerusalem: Dr
David Ben Gurion Speaking with Colleagues(Original Caption) 2/18/1949- Jerusalem, Israel- David Ben Gurion, Premier of the state of Israel
Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion(Original Caption) David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973), Prime Minister of Israel with his wife, waving to crowd upon arrival at Idlewild Airport
Ralph Bunche and David Ben-Gurion Shaking Hands(Original Caption) Israel Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, (1886-1973) visits the United Nations in this photo
Ben Gurion waving to the Crowds(Original Caption) Israeli parade on 7th Ave. Photo shows the President of Israel Ben Gurion, waving to the crowds as he comes down 7th Ave
Israeli Prime Minister Speaking to Congregation(Original Caption) David Ben-Gurion, (1886-1973), Prime Minister of Israel, is shown addressing Mayor's Reception Committee at a luncheon in his honor. Mayor of NYC, Vincent R
Parade for David Ben-Gurion(Original Caption) David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973) honored by parade in New York City. General view of the crowd at City Hall
Ben Gurion Arriving at City Hall(Original Caption) The distinguished diplomat, who arrived from Washington yesterday, is escorted by the mayor into City Hall where, 34 years ago, Ben Gurion married Paula Moonves
View of Audience at Israel Anniversary Event(Original Caption) This is the third anniversary celebration of Israel's independence with a general view of the congregation
Ben Gurion and Vincent Impelliteri at Podium(Original Caption) Ben Gurion is shown chatting at the speaker's stand with Mayor Vincent Impellitteri of New York City
Rabbi Blessing David Ben-Gurion(Original Caption) David Ben-Gurion, prime minister of Israel is pictured blessed by Rabbi David D. Kahane, 23, the youngest rabbi in the U.S. at services this morning
Albert Einstein Chatting with David Ben-Gurion(Original Caption) Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion stopped off to visit Professor Albert Einstein at his home in Princeton, New Jersey, today
Albert Einstein Chatting with David Ben-Gurion(Original Caption) Israeli Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion (right) chats intimately with Professor Albert Einstein at the professor's home in Princeton today
Albert Einstein and David Ben-Gurion Talking to Reporters(Original Caption) Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion stopped off to visit Professor Albert Einstein at his home in Princeton, New Jersey, today
David Ben-Gurion And Albert EinsteinPhysicist Albert Einstein and David Ben-Gurion, first prime minister of Israel, relax in Einstein's backyard
Eleanor Roosevelt Talking with Prime Minister David Ben-GurionDuring her current visit in Israel, Eleanor Roosevelt is shown in informal conversation with Israel's Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion at his Tel Aviv residence. Mrs
David Ben-Gurion Saluted by Naval Officers(Original Caption
David Ben Gurion Meeting with Military Officials(Original Caption) Military Attaches Visit Ben Gurion
Edward G. Murrow Interviewing David Ben Gurion(Original Caption) Edward G
Camera Crew Visits Suez Canal(Original Caption) CBS camera crew for television show "See It Now" visits the Suez Canal, now guarded by Egyptian soldiers
Dag Hammarskjold with David Ben-Gurion and ELM Burns(Original Caption) On his peace mission to the Middle East, United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold (center) chats with Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, while U.N
Golda Meir With David Ben Gurion and Military General(Original Caption) Major E.L.M
Israeli Leaders Meeting UN Representatives(Original Caption) Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion of Israel (left) and Israeli Foreign Minister Golda Meir (foreground) are seated across the table from Dag Hammarskjold (right facing camera)
Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion Planting TreesIsraeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion plants trees in Jerusalem as part of a reforestation program
David Ben-Gurion Planting Tree(Original Caption) 3/4/1958-Jerusalem, Israel-: David Ben-Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel, is shown as he planted the first of a million trees in Israeli's forestation program
David Ben-Gurion Meeting with Konrad Adenauer(Original Caption) Statesmen Meet
Konrad Adenauer and David Ben-Gurion(Original Caption) West German Chancellor Konrad Adenquer meets with Israel's Premier David Ben-gurion. This marks the first meeting of the two leaders
David Ben-Gurion with Louis Finkelstein(Original Caption) Prime Minister Ben-Gurion. Jewish Theological Seminary of America - Broadway and 122 Street
David Ben-Gurion Giving Speech(Original Caption) David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973), Prime Minister of Israel, during speech at Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Gold Meir Walking with David Ben-Gurion(Original Caption) David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister, being met at London Airport by Foreign Minister Golda Meir. Ben-Gurion at London Airport: After being met by Mrs
Portrait of Pinhas Lavon(Original Caption) Pinhas Lavon, focal point of the greatest political storm in Israeli history, resigned, Feb. 9, as Secretary General of the Histradut Labor Federation
John Diefenbaker with David Ben Gurion(Original Caption) Honorable John Diefenbaker, Prime Minister of Canada, shown greeting Prime Minister of Israel David Ben Gurion on his arrival at Ottawa this morning
David Ben-Gurion with Mayor Robert Wagner(Original Caption) Waldorf Astoria. Photo shows Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion as he talks to Mayor Robert F. Wagner at his suite at the Waldorf-Astoria this morning
President Kennedy With David Ben GurionPresident John F. Kennedy meets with Israeli Premier David Ben Gurion at the Waldorf-Astoria on May 30, 1961
David Ben-Gurion Attending University Ceremony with Others(Original Caption) Wearing ceremonial robes, Israeli Premier David Ben-Gurion, (right) and his host Burmese Prime Minister
Golda Meir, Francisco Orlich and David Ben-Gurion(Original Caption) 3/12/1962-Tel Aviv, Israel: Costa Rico's President elect Francisco Olich (R) bids farewell to Israeli Premier David Ben Gurion at the end of his recent visit here
Abba Eban with Konrad Adenauer and David Ben-Gurion(Original Caption) Left to right, seated: Former Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, former West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer
Portrait of David Ben Gurion(Original Caption) Former Premier David Ben Gurion of Israel arrived here last night to begin a three-week tour of the United States. At a press conference at Kennedy International Airport, Mr
Marriage of Moshe Dayan's Daughter(Original Caption) Yael Dayan, daughter of Israeli Defense Minister, Moshe Dayan, stands under hand-held canopy during marriage ceremony, July 22nd
Willy Brandt and David Ben Gurion(Original Caption) Ending Visit. Jerusalem: West German Chancellor Willy Brandt (L) sits beside former Israeli Premier David Ben Gurion during reception here
Israeli Statesman David Ben Gurion Gesturing(Original Caption) David Ben Gurion. Polish born Israeli Statesman. Photo taken in 1950's