Temple of KhonsuTwo men stand in front of the ruins of the Temple of Khonsu in the Karnak complex built by Ramses IV
Pylon of Temple of KhonsuThe entrance to the Temple of Khonsu at Karnak, built by Ramses IV
Temple of LuxorRuins in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Luxor in the late 19th Century. The original floor of the Temple is buried under several feet of Nile silt which flooded the temple over the centuries
Obelisk and Colossi at the Temple of Luxor
Temple of Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis IIIThe ruins of the Temple of Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III, in the Medinet Habu complex
Ruins of the Colossus of Memnon
Cleopatra's Needle in Central ParkAn obelisk is covered with Egyptian hieroglyphics in Central Park, New York, New York. | Located in: Central Park, Manhattan
Egyptian Memorial Stone of a Syrian Soldier Drinking BeerAn Eighteenth Dynasty painting of a Syrian mercenary shown drinking beer in the company of his Egyptian wife and child. | Located in: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Detail of Third Gold Coffin of TutankhamenDetail showing upper part of the third, or innermost coffin, of King Tutankhamun. | Detail of: Third Gold Coffin of Tutankhamen
Funeral Mask of TutankhamunTreasure of Tutankhamen. Golden Funeral mask of the king, true portrait directly put on his face. Gold with jewelry and glass-paste, 1342 B.C.E
Egyptian Mural of Musicians and DancersEgyptian musicians of the new empire ca. 1000 B.C, Girls playing harp a violin like instrument and a double flute. From mural tomb painting. BPA2# 3224
Akhenaton and Nefertiti with Their Three Children(Original Caption) King Amenophis and his family under sun's rays. Analter piece from a temple in El-Armarna
Funeral Mask of King Tutankhamen(Original Caption) Cairo, Egypt: Tut-ankh-amen, fl. ca. 1355 B.C. King of Ancient Egypt, XVIIIth dynasty. Mask of gold showing him at time of his death at the age of 18. Cairo Mueseum
Exterior View of Peristyle Court in the Temple of Luxor(Original Caption) Egypt: Temple of Luxor ruins showing columns
Stone Sculpture of Queen Hatshepsut(Original Caption) Stone sculpture of Hatshepsut, Queen of Ancient Egypt (18th Dynasty), in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Statue of Sekhmet, Egyptian Lion Goddess(Original Caption) Sekmet, the lion Goddess. She was considered carrier of plague, and patron of surgery (priest of Sekmet seems to have been synonymous with surgeon). From temple of Karnak
Calcite Perfume Jar from the First Outermost Shrine in the Tomb of Tutankhamun(Original Caption) An ancient Egyptian, elaborately carved pefume jar made of calcite. It was found in 1922 by Howard Carter in the tomb of Tutankhamen, in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt
Vulture Collar from Tomb of TutankhamunThis collar was found placed around the neck of Tutankhamun's mummy. Associated with Upper Egypt, the vulture goddess Nekhbet was one of the pharaoh's protective deities