Portrait Of Emperor Haile Selassie(Original Caption) Portrait of Haile Selassie (1872-1975), Emperor of Ethiopia 1930-74. Undated photograph
King Ras Tafari and Party(Original Caption) Abyssinia: Photo shows a close up of King Ras Tafari of Abyssinia, seated at the reception table after his coronation which took place recently
Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia(Original Caption) 1930- Ethiopian (Abyssinian) Emperor Ras Tafari in coronation robes and crown
Haile Selassie On Throne at CoronationEmperor Haile Selassie holds a scepter and poses by his throne during his coronation
Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie Posing in Royal DressHAILE SELASSE (1892-1975), EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA.UNDATED PHOTOGRAPH
Ethiopians Rally Against Italian Invasion (Photo by © Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)
Emperor Haile Selassie in Pensive Mood(Original Caption) Ethiopia: Mussolini's Opponent. This new photograph of Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, was taken in his palace at Addis Ababa
Haile Selassie & Followers Leave League(Original Caption) 5/20/38-Geneva, Switzerland- Haile Selassie, whose African kingdom became colonial possession of the new Italian empire, is shown with a few of his remaining followers
Ethiopian Leader Haile Selassie Speaking At League Of Nations(Original Caption) Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie in 1936, as he delivered his famed address before the League of Nations
Haile Selassie Inspecting Troops(Original Caption) 3/12/41-Ethiopia- Haile Selassie lost his kingdom to Italy, but the Ethiopian monarch still has an army
Emperor Selassie Mounted on Charger(Original Caption) 4/22/41-Ethiopia- Mounted on a charger and surrounded by the loyal warriors of his bodyguard
Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia(Original Caption) 02/23/1943-Washington, DC- This is the first photo of Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia since his Majesty's return to become a fighting member of the United Nations
Haile Selassie Chatting with Franklin Roosevelt(Original Caption) 1945- Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, chatting with President F.D. Roosevelt during the Yalta Conference
Haile Selassie on His Throne During Birthday Celebration(Original Caption) Ethiopia: A rare official pose of Haille Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, taken on the throne from the Palace on his 58th birthday
Haile Selassie I Shaking Hands with Louis St. Laurent(Original Caption) Selassie Arrives in Canada
Parade Commemorating Haile Selassie's VisitHaile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, rides in a convertible during a special parade for distinguished guests to City Hall. The Emperor is visiting as a guest of the U.S. Government
Emperor Selassie with Josip Broz Tito(Original Caption) Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie (left) and Marshal Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia inspect units of the Yugoslav Navy upon their arrival at Split from the Brioni Islands
Queen Elizabeth with Haile Selassie(Original Caption) 10/15/54-London, England- Queen Elizabeth II of England rides in an open carriage with Ethiopia's Emperor Haile Selassie
Haile Selassie Waving to Crowds(Original Caption) Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, in England on a state visit, is shown waving to London crowds as he drove with Queen Elizabeth and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh
Haile Selassie Inspecting A Guard(Original Caption) Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia inspects a fur-helmeted honor guard of the famed Grenadier Guards outside Victoria Station, upon arriving in London for a state visit
Queen Elizabeth Standing Next to Emperor Haile Selassi(Original Caption) Queen Elizabeth (right) and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh (left), pose with their royal guests, Emperor Haile Selassi of Ethiopia (second from right) and his son
Portrait of Princess Margaret(Original Caption) Pretty Princess Margaret, sister of Queen Elizabeth II, is shown as she arrived at Buckingham Palace for the state banquet in honor of Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia
Portrait of Winston Churchill(Original Caption) Pictured as he arrived at the Ethiopian Embassy last Friday evening is Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, wearing the order of the garter
Haile Selassie and Winston Churchill(Original Caption) London: Haile Selassie (left) Emperor of Ethiopia, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain
Haile Selassie Walking With Rene Coty(Original Caption) His majesty Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia
Rene Coty Talking With Haile Selassie on Couch With Mrs. Coty(Original Caption) Mme. Coty seems to be getting a smidgen of a State secret, while listening to a chat between her husband, French President Rene Coty, (R), and Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia
Haile Selassie Drinking Milk(Original Caption) Milk for the Emperor. Copenhagen: Emperor Haile Selassie (right) of Ethiopia samples the milk at a dairy in Denmark, where he has concluded a three-day state visit
Haile Selassie Greeting Marshall Tito(Original Caption) Emperor Haile Selassie (right) of Ethiopia greets Yugoslavia's Marshal Tito on the outskirts of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa
Marshal Tito and Haile Selassie Posing in Uniforms(Original Caption) Addis Abbaba, Ethiopia: Haile Selassie Welcomes Tito
World Leaders in Military Uniform During Review Ceremony(Original Caption) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Greets and Salutations
Chiefs of Neutral Nations(Original Caption) Summit meeting of neutrals. Belgrade, Yugoslavia: The chiefs of the neutral nations meeting here, Sept. 5th, pose for this group photo
Haile Selassie with His Grandchildren(Original Caption) Emperor Haile Selassie seems every bit as excited as his grandchildren as they await an Ethiopian Airlines jet
Jacqueline Kennedy Riding in a Car(Original Caption) Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy is shown in a smiling closeup as she leaves base hospital
Gamal Abdel Nasser Meeting Haile Selassie Before Conference(Original Caption) United Arab Republic President Gamal Abdel Nasser, (L) is accompanied by Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, as they leave airport here
Haile Selassie Bows Meeting Kennedys(Original Caption) 10/1/63-Washington, D.C.- Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie bows slightly as he is greeted by President and Mrs. Kennedy at Union Station today
Haile Sellasie I and U Thant Shaking Hands(Original Caption) Visits U.N. United Nations, N.Y.: Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia is greeted by U.N
President Johnson Conferring with Haile Selassie(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: President Johnson confers with Emperor Haile Selassie at the White House
John F. Kennedy Funeral Ceremonies(Original Caption) A final tribute
Jomo Kenyatta & Haile Selassie @ Airport(Original Caption) 6/5/1964-Nairobi, Kenya-Kenya's Premier Jomo Kenyatta (L) and Ethiopia's Emperor Haile Selassie are pictured at Nairobi Airport after the latter's arrival for a visit
African Leaders Pose At Summit Meeting(Original Caption) 4/13/1966-Nairobi, Kenya- African members of governments and heads of state gathered recently in Nairobi for the East and Central African "summit" meeting
Jacqueline Kennedy and Haile Selassie(Original Caption) Mrs. John F. Kennedy greets Emperor Haile Selassie outside her elegant Fifth Avenue apartment house here February 17th
African Leaders At Conference(Original Caption) 12/22/1967-Kampala, Uganda- The heads of state and the leaders of governments of East and Central Africa are pictured prior to the opening of their summit conference
Richard Nixon with Haile Selassie(Original Caption) Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie is officially welcomed at the White House July 8th by President Nixon
Haile Selassie Talking to Mrs. Rose Kennedy(Original Caption) Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia, and Mrs. Rose Kennedy talk during ceremonies here. Mrs. Kennedy came to Ethiopia to dedicate the John F
Royalty Attending Ceremony(Original Caption) Paragade: The Shah speaks at the opening of the parade
Haile Selassie Speaking to Congregation(Original Caption) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Supporters. Emperor Haile Selassie addresses loyal troops Feb. 27th at Jubilee Palace following a revolt by Ethiopia's armed forces for better wages
Haile Selassie(Original Caption) Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia
Int'L Diplomats Standing In Circle(Original Caption) 6/2/1975-Salzburg, Austria: Posing for a "family portrait" prior to their second round of talks in Salzburg are (clockwise from foreground): U.S