Robbie Knievel Jumping his Motorcycle(Original Caption) Las Vegas, Nevada: Robbie Knievel successfully jumps his motorcycle over the fountains at Caesar's Palace, April 14th
Evel Knievel Jumping Motorcycle over FountainMotorcycle stunt man Evel Knievel jumping over the fountain at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada December 31, 1967. He made the jump, but crashed on landing, sending him to the hospital
Evel Knievel on MotorcycleEvel Knievel shown prior to his jump over the fountain at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas on December 31, 1967
Evel Knievel on Motorcycle in Mid Air(Original Caption) Motorcycle stunt man Evel Knievel sails over a line of 19 automobiles in a record breaking effort before the start of the Miller 500 stock car race at Ontario Motor Speedway
Evel Knievel Jumping Motorcycle over CarsMotorcycle stunt man Evel Knievel sails over a line of 19 automobiles in a record breaking effort before the start of the Miller 500 stock car race at Ontario Motor Speedway
Evel Knievel Jumping Row of Cars(Original Caption) Motorcycle stunt man Evel Knievel sails over a line of 19 automobiles in a record breaking effort before the start of the Miller 500 stock car race at Ontario Motor Speedway
Evel Knievel Jumping Motorcycle over CarsMotorcycle stuntman Evel Knievel sails over a row of nine cars at the start of a four-day daredevil show at Madison Square Garden
Evel Knievel Jumping 15 Cars(Original Caption) San Francisco, California....Stuntman Evel Knievel jumps 15 cars in San Francisco's cow palace. Evel Knievel lost control and broke his left ankle
Evel Knievel Riding Motorcycle in Mid Air(Original Caption) The world famous motorcycle daredevil Evel Knievel flies through the air here at 80-mph
Evel Knievel Jumping Cars(Original Caption) World's motorcycle jumping champion, Evel Knievel, tried to better his indoor jumping record by hurdle 15 cars, but he failed
Evel Knievel Displaying a Model(Original Caption) Chicago: Evel Knievel, daredevil motorcyclist
Evel Knievel Holding Press Conference(Original Caption) Evel Doings
Evel Knievel Flying Rocket with ParachuteMotorcycle stunt man Evel Knievel and his steam powered rocket ship head straight for the bottom of the Snake River Canyon, suspended by a parachute, after attempting to jump the 1700 foot canyon
Evel Knievel Flying with a Parachute(Original Caption) Suspended by a parachute, Evel Knievel and his rocket ship head straight for the bottom of the Snake River Canyon
Evel Knievel Soaring in a Sky Cycle(Original Caption) Evel Knievel's Skycycle hits the side of Snake River Canyon and his parachute starts to collapse above him after he failed in his attempt to cross the chasm
Evel Knievel Preparing for Rocket Take Off(Original Caption) Twin Falls: Evel Knievel, sitting in the cockpit of his rocket, makes a static firing of the steam rocket engine
Evel Knievel preparing for Rocket LaunchEvel Knievel is air-transported to his rocket which is scheduled to make its way across Snake River Canyon on September 9
Evel Knievel's Rocket Descending(Original Caption) Twin Falls, Idaho: Evel Knievel's rocket begins to plummet to Earth -- flames showing
Evel Knievel Descending in Rocket(Original Caption) Twin Falls, Idaho: Evel Knievel and his rocket are suspended by a parachute as he heads straight down into the Snake River Canyon
Evel Knievel's Rocket Launching(Original Caption) Twin Falls, Idaho: The rocket flight of Evel Knievel over Snake River Canyon starting with blastoff of Skycycle X-2
Rocket Leaving Launch Pad(Original Caption) As Evel Knievel's rocket ship leaves the launch ramp, the drogue parachute leaves the rocket and can be seen in the smoke to the left of the flag
Evel Knievel Landing off his Motorcycle(Original Caption) American stuntman Evel Knievel hits the ground and his bike falls on top of him
Evel Knievel Giving Interviews in HospitalStunt performer Evel Knievel gives interviews from his hospital bed after suffering a fractured right arm