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Frances Perkins Collection

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt with Cabinet Members

Franklin D. Roosevelt with Cabinet Members
Left to right seated: Secretary of War George H. Dern, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, President Roosevelt, Secretary of the Treasury William Hartman Woodin, and Attorney General Homer S. Cummings

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Mrs. Frances Perkins Sits at Desk

Mrs. Frances Perkins Sits at Desk
(Original Caption) 1/14/1929- Washington, DC- Mrs. Frances Perkins, the newly-appointed industrial commissioner in the State Department of Labor, assumed her new office today

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Employment Leaders and Charts

Employment Leaders and Charts
(Original Caption) She May Become Secretary of Labor. Studies Unemployment

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins

Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins
(Original Caption) Slated for Position in Roosevelt Cabinet. Miss Frances Perkins, State Industrial Commissioner, who is expected to be named by President-elect Franklin D

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins with Edward F. McGrady

Frances Perkins with Edward F. McGrady
(Original Caption) Labor Secretary and New Assistant Secretary. Miss Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, shown with Edward F

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins Speking st Mobilization Rally of the Crusade for Children

Frances Perkins Speking st Mobilization Rally of the Crusade for Children
(Original Caption) Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins is shown as she spoke at the mobilization rally of the Crusade for Children at the Biltmore Hotel, New York. Seated, are Thomas W

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins Speking st Mobilization Rally of the Crusade for Children

Frances Perkins Speking st Mobilization Rally of the Crusade for Children
(Original Caption) Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins is shown as she spoke at the mobilization rally of the Crusade for Children at the Biltmore Hotel, New York. Seated, are Thomas W

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: President Roosevelt and His First Cabinet

President Roosevelt and His First Cabinet
This was the first photograph made of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the members of his first cabinet in his first administration. The Chief Executive is seated at his desk in the White House

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: First Meeting of National Labor Relations Board

First Meeting of National Labor Relations Board
(Original Caption) National Labor Relations Board, appointed by President Roosevelt to help solve the problem of labor relations, met for the first time with Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: President Roosevelt's Special Board of Inquiry

President Roosevelt's Special Board of Inquiry
(Original Caption) The Special Board of Inquiry Appointed by Roosevelt in the textile strike. Their first meeting was held in the Department of Labor, Washington, DC, September 7

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins Standing Before Committee

Frances Perkins Standing Before Committee
(Original Caption) Secretary of Labor, Francis Perkins appears before the House Ways and Means Committee here, during hearings on the Economic Security Act

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Border Patrolmen of 1935

Border Patrolmen of 1935
(Original Caption) Border Patrolmen Greeted by Secretary of Labor

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Labor Secratery Frances Perkins Visits Golden Gate Bridge Construction

Labor Secratery Frances Perkins Visits Golden Gate Bridge Construction
(Original Caption) As an individual, not as a cabinet member, Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins and Donald Richberg

Frances Perkins and Donald Richberg
Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins and National Recovery Administration Chief Donald Richberg leaving the White House

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: FDR Signs Social Security Bill

FDR Signs Social Security Bill
8/14/1935-Franklin Delano Roosevelt signing the Social Security Bill

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Signing Bill

Franklin Roosevelt Signing Bill
(Original Caption) President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signs the Social Security Bill in the White House. Interested spectators directly surrounding the President are (left to right): Rep. Robert L

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Signing Bill

Franklin Roosevelt Signing Bill
(Original Caption) President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signs the Social Security Bill in the White House. Roosevelt is flanked by Senator Robert F. Wagner (l) of New York and Representative David J

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Signing Bill

Franklin Roosevelt Signing Bill
(Original Caption) President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signs the Social Security Bill in the White House. Interested spectators are (left to right): Rep. Robert L

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins Inspecting Ship

Frances Perkins Inspecting Ship
(Original Caption) Mme. Secretary Calls on Queen

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins Returning from Europe

Frances Perkins Returning from Europe
(Original Caption) 9/1/1936- New York, NY- Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins as she arrived in New York, September 1, aboard the S.S. Aquitania, returning from a vacation in Europe

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins with GM Executives

Frances Perkins with GM Executives
(Original Caption) Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, is shown in conference with Governor Frank Murphy of Michigan and General Motors officials

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Democratic Leaders at Luncheon

Democratic Leaders at Luncheon
(Original Caption) 1/8/1938- New York, NY- With all State Democratic leaders present except Al Smith and his followers, a luncheon given by Postmaster General James A. Farley, Jan

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins Conversing with Others

Frances Perkins Conversing with Others
(Original Caption) Madame Secretary Tells One

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins on Ship's Deck

Frances Perkins on Ship's Deck
(Original Caption) Photo shows U.S. Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, aboard the liner Washington here June 1, as she sailed for Geneva to attend the International Labor Conference

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Women Protesters Marching with Signs

Women Protesters Marching with Signs
(Original Caption) Protesting against the employment of married women in public service jobs, these women picketed Boston's famed cradle of liberty, the Faneuil Hall, last night

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Secretary Of Labor Frances Perkins

Secretary Of Labor Frances Perkins
(Original Caption) 1940- United States Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins sits at a desk

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Portrait of Frances Perkins

Portrait of Frances Perkins
(Original Caption) Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins shown as she arrived at the White House for a discussion of Labor Legislation with Congressional Leaders

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: President Roosevelt With His Cabinet

President Roosevelt With His Cabinet
(Original Caption) Here's the first picture of President Roosevelt seated with his present Cabinet. Reading clockwise around the table Claude R

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: President Roosevelt With His War Cabinet

President Roosevelt With His War Cabinet
(Original Caption) Here is the first picture of President Roosevelt seated with his "war cabinet

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins Greeting US President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Frances Perkins Greeting US President Franklin D. Roosevelt
The first woman presidential cabinet member, Frances Perkins, is shown greeting President Franklin D. Roosevelt upon his return to the White House from the 1943 Tehran Conference

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Francis Perkins and Eleanor Roosevelt

Francis Perkins and Eleanor Roosevelt
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and Secretary of Labor Francis Perkins participate in a panel discussion of International affairs sponsored by the Women's Democratic National Committee

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins Attending Farewell Party

Frances Perkins Attending Farewell Party
(Original Caption) First Lady of the Cabinet Prepares to Leave

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins Posing with Schoolteachers

Frances Perkins Posing with Schoolteachers
(Original Caption) British Exchange-Teachers in New York. New York: Frances Perkins, former U.S

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Arthur Fleming Appearing with Civil Service Commissioners

Arthur Fleming Appearing with Civil Service Commissioners
(Original Caption) Committee Refused Access To File. Washington D.C.: Civil Service Commissioner Arthur S

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins Discussing Civil Defense Plans

Frances Perkins Discussing Civil Defense Plans
(Original Caption) They'll Supervise Civil Defense Talks

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Dinner Honoring Miss Lenroot

Dinner Honoring Miss Lenroot
(Original Caption) Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, (L), Miss Katharine F

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Portrait of Frances Perkins

Portrait of Frances Perkins
(Original Caption) Frances Perkins (1882-1965), an American public official of Boston and member of the New York Industrial Commission (1919-29) is shown. As U.S

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Frances Perkins Conversing at Cabinet Rally

Frances Perkins Conversing at Cabinet Rally
(Original Caption) New York: Former Labor Secretary Attends Rally For Forand bill

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: Jacqueline Kennedy Meets With Ladies

Jacqueline Kennedy Meets With Ladies
Jacqueline Kennedy, wife of the Democratic presidential candidate, meets with several important society women

Background imageFrances Perkins Collection: W. Willard Wirtz Conversing with Former Labor Secretaries

W. Willard Wirtz Conversing with Former Labor Secretaries
(Original Caption) Washington: Former Labor Secretaries. Labor Secretary W

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