Side View of George Raft with Cigar(Original Caption) George Raft (1895-1980), American actor
George Raft and Carole Lombard in Rumba(Original Caption) George Raft and Carole Lombard in Rumba
George Raft Dancing(Original Caption) George Raft dances again! For a scene in a 1936 movie, George Raft danced with the late Carole Lombard (photo left) in Hollywood during the filming of "Rumba"
Paul Muni in ScarfacePaul Muni as Tony Camonte (C), Vince Barnett as Angelo (L) and George Raft as Guino Rinaldo (R) in the 1932 gangster film Scarface
Actor George Raft
Actor George Raft with Young girl on His Knee(Original Caption) Los Angeles: Film Stars At Benefit Show. George Raft and little Patty Jo Tracy seen as they attended the benefit show staged for the Mt
George Raft Seated on Ladies Bicycle(Original Caption) 6/14/1933-Malibu Beach, CA- George Raft on a ladies bicycle
George Raft Walking from Vendome Cafe(Original Caption) 7/8/1933-Hollywood, CA- Actor George Raft is shown walking from the Vendome Cafe in Hollywood
Actors Cutting a Cake(Original Caption) March 2, 1934 - Culvert City, California: Left to right, Lyle Talbot, Alice Faye, Monte Blue, Jack LaRue, Lou Cody, George Raft and Frank Sebastian
John Montague at a Celebration Dinner(Original Caption) "Mystery golfer" joins Yankee celebration John Montague (left)
Yankee Victory Dinner(Original Caption) Pictured at a victory dinner tendered to the New York Yankees by their boss after the team won the 1937 world series by defeating the New York Giants, are left to right
Cecil B. Demille and Actors Posing on Train(Original Caption) The first train to leave from the new Los Angeles Union passenger Terminal was a combination of 70 year old engine and train used by Cecil B
Portrait of George Raft(Original Caption) Film star George Raft pictured on the French liner Normandie as he arrived in New York
George Raft and Edward Knight Aboard the S.S. Normandie(Original Caption) Major Edward Knight, publicity director of the French Line, is shown welcoming George Raft, polished movie actor, aboard the S.S
George Raft Aboard(Original Caption) Aboard the Normandie as it sailed for Europe on August 2 with many screen notables was "tough guy of the movies" George Raft, seen waving adieu with his hat
Bogart and Raft During Filming of They Drive by Night(Original Caption) Actors George Raft (left) and Humphrey Bogart got a luck break in the heat wave here
Humphrey Bogart with Edward G. Robinson and George Raft(Original Caption) Three movie tough guys: Humphrey Bogart jokes with Edward G. Robinson, while George Raft looks on
George Raft Aboard Train(Original Caption) Having just completed his latest film, actor George Raft is shown arriving by train for a vacation in the big city
Edward G Robinson with Marlene Dietrich and George Raft(Original Caption) Edward G. Robinson, Marlene Dietrich and George Raft in Manpower, a Warner Brothers-First National Picture
Bugsy Siegel and George Raft(Original Caption) 7/18/1944-Hollywood, CA: When his friend Benjamin (Bugsy) Siegel (L) was called into court in connection with charges of book making in a swank Hollywood apartment
George Raft and Stanley Conn(Original Caption) Among those present at Yankee Stadium on June 19th, to see Champion Joe Louis defend his heavyweight title against challenger Billy Conn, was actor George Raft
Leo Durocher, Joe DiMaggio and Others(Original Caption) Leo Durocher, manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, whose team was eliminated by the St
Portrait of George Raft(Original Caption) The Nieuw Amsterdam. Hoboken, New Jersey. Pix shows film star George Raft, returned from North Africa after completing latest picture (Outpost in Morocco)
Paul Muni, Gang About To Break GlassScene from the 1932 film Scarface
George Raft Smoking Cigarette(Original Caption) George Raft (1895-1980), American actor
Actor George Raft is probably best known for his gangster roles in Howard Hawks Scarface and Billy Wilder's Some Like it Hot
Uncle Miltie(Original Caption) 12/4/1953-New York, New York- What with 11 other comedians helping to celebrate his fourth coming marriage
C.V. Whitney and HIs Wife Wearing Costume(Original Caption) Mrs. C.V. Whitney, dressed a southern belle, and her husband, dressed as George Raft, at the Feb
Mae West and George Raft(Original Caption) Beverly Hills
George Raft In Pick-UpGeorge Raft holding newspaper in a scene from the film Pick-Up, 1933. (Photo by Paramount/Getty Images)