President Gerald Ford in Front View Photograph(Original Caption) President Gerald Ford is seen here in a head and shoulder 3/4 profile
President Gerald Ford Conversing with Alan Greenspan(Original Caption) President Gerald Ford huddles with Alan Greenspan, the new Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, at the White House on September 5, 1974
Gerald Ford Playing Michigan CenterFuture president Gerald Ford, pictured during his time at the University of Michigan as the center of the Wolverines football team
Ronald Reagan Speaking at Banquet(Original Caption) Washington: President Reagan attends a banquet of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly and warned the Soviet Union to offer something new towards arms control
Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ford(Original Caption) Chicago: Former President Gerald Ford and his wife, Betty, Talk during the taping of The Donahue Show. The show will be aired on Tuesday March 3, 1987
Michael Jordan Receiving Award From Gerald Ford(Original Caption) Bulls superstar Michael Jordan is presented a plaque honoring him at the second annual Legends and Fans Dinner 9/7 by former President Gerald Ford
Four Past Presidents Huddling Together(Original Caption) Yorba Linda, Calif.: The past four Republican presidents of the United States take a moment to confer inside the Richard M. Nixon Library and birthplace prior to its dedication
Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan Shaking Hands(Original Caption) Yorba Linda, Calif.: Former Presidents Ronald Reagan, left, and Gerald B. Ford shake hands as President Bush watches at the dedication of the Richard M
Presidents Reagan, Nixon, Bush, and Ford(Original Caption) Yorba Linda, California: Marking the first time since 1981 four U.S
Former Presidents of the United States Standing Together(Original Caption) Simi Valley, California: The five living U.S. presidents pose for a group photo at the dedication of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library November 4
Gerald Ford and Family in White House(Original Caption) Washington, DC: President Gerald Ford and his family in the White House. President and Mrs
Gerald Ford Posing with George Harrison and Organist(Original Caption) Washington: President Ford is greeted in the Oval Office of the White House, December 13th, by former Beatle George Harrison
Gerald Ford Conversing with George Harrison and Organist(Original Caption) Washington: President Ford is greeted in the Oval Office of the White House, December 13th, by former Beatle George Harrison
Portrait of Gerald R. Ford(Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
The Warren CommissionChief Justice Earl Warren and other Washington luminaries at a table. The Warren Commission was appointed by President Johnson to investigate the assassination of John F. Kennedy
Warren Commission Meeting over Kennedy Assassination12/5/1963- Washington, DC: Representative Hale Boggs, Representative of Louisiana. Seven man commission meets to begin work on its investigation of the assassination of President Kennedy
Earl Warren at the Texas School Book Depository Building.At right is Rep.(later President)Gerald R.Ford a member of the committee
Members of the Warren CommissionChief Justice Earl Warren and other Washington luminaries at a table. The Warren Commission was appointed by President Johnson to investigate the assassination of John F. Kennedy
Members of the Warren Commission, which was put together to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The members are (l-r): Rep. Gerald R. Ford (R-Mich); Rep
Lyndon Johnson Receiving Kennedy Assassination Report(Original Caption) The Warren Commission hands to President Johnson at the White House today its voluminous report on the Kennedy assassination. Left to right: John J. McCloy; J
Dwight D. Eisenhower Speaking with Colleagues(Original Caption) Gettysburg, Pennsylvania: Former President Eisenhower talks with representatives Gerald Ford (L) and Bob Wilson (C)
Meeting of Government Leaders in 1966(Original Caption) Men of Decision
Close up Portrait of Gerald Ford(Original Caption) House Minority Leader Gerald Ford in the Capitol Building
Gerald Ford and Sen Everett Dirksen Comment(Original Caption) 6/2/1966-Washington, D.C.- GOP congressional leaders, Representative Gerald Ford, (L), and Senator Everett M
Republican Leaders at Press Conference(Original Caption) 12/11/1967- Washington, DC- Top Republican leaders, meeting here today
Senator Evertt Dirkson and Gerald Ford(Original Caption) 12/15/1967-Wasington, DC- Congressional leaders, Senator Everett M. Dirkson and Represenative Gerald R
Republicans in SessionWashington, DC: Gerald Ford speaking at Republican State of the Union meeting. Other members not identified
Gerald Ford and Everett Dirksen Speaking for the Press(Original Caption) Republican Congressional leaders went on record today against the tax on travel as proposed by President Johnson. Here, House GOP Leader Gerald R
Senator Everett Dirksen Speaking at a Luncheon(Original Caption) Senator Everett H. Dirksen addresses a luncheon of the Republican National Committee meeting in this photo
Governor George Romney(Original Caption) Big Huddle. Washington, DC: Michigan Governor George Romney leans on elbow as he confers with House GOP leader Gerald R. Ford (left) at the National Governors Conference today
Billy Graham Praying at Republican National Convention(Original Caption
President Nixon Being Sworn Into Office(Original Caption) President elect Richard Nixon, followed by Senator Everett Dirksen ( right) and Representative Gerald Ford, arrives at Inaugural Stand, January 20th
Everett Dirksen and Gerald Ford Addressing Newsmen(Original Caption) Senate Republican leader Everett Dirksen, left, and House Republican leader Rep
Portrait of Everett Dirksen and Gerald Ford(Original Caption) Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen (right) and House Minority Leader Gerald Ford, talk to newsmen, 2/5, after White House meeting with President Nixon
Gerald FordThe 38th President of the United States, Gerald Ford, speaks at podium
Richard Nixon with Congressional Leaders(Original Caption) Washington: Pres. Nixon met with Congressional leaders of both parties at the White House for follow-up talks on his State of the Union message last night
Gerald Ford(Original Caption) Close-ups of Representative Gerald Ford, House Minority leader, as he talks to reporters upon his return from a visit to mainland China
Bob Dole Receiving Large Gavel(Original Caption) Washington: Sen. J. Glenn Beall Jr. (R-Md.) (center) presents a five-pound gavel to Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas, Republican National Chairman, and Rep
Ronald Reagan Handing Gavel to Gerald Ford(Original Caption) Miami Beach, Florida: The gavel passes from California Governor Ronald Reagan, temporary chairman of the GOP convention, to permanent chairman Rep
Carl Albert and Gerald Ford(Original Caption) Washington: Speaker of the House Carl Albert, right, and Rep. Gerald Ford, R-Mich
Gerald Ford Swimming in Pool(Original Caption) Alexandria, VA: Vice Presidential nominee Representative Gerald Ford takes an early morning swim in his pool at his Alexandria, VA home
Gerald Ford Standing at Microphones During Swearing In Ceremony(Original Caption) Gerald Ford acknowledged applause after he was sworn in as the 40th Vice President of the United States, during ceremonies in the House Chamber
Gerald Ford Displays Vp Commission(Original Caption) WASHINGTON-12/6/73-: Rep. Gerald Ford displays his Vice Presidential Commission at the White House 12/6
Gerald R. Ford Sworn in as Vice President(Original Caption) Gerald R. Ford is sworn in as the 40th Vice President of the United States in ceremonies in the House chamber 12/6. Left to right: President Nixon; Mrs
Pres. Nixon And His New Vice President(Original Caption) WASHINGTON-12/6/73-: President Nixon and his new Vice President, Gerald R. Ford, acknowledge applause after Ford took his oath of office in the House Chamber 12/6
President Ford Discussing Progress with Henry Kissinger(Original Caption) In the dining car on the train from Vladivostok to the airport on November 23, 1974, President Gerald Ford discusses progress on the S.A.L.T
John Sirica Shaking Hands with Ronald Reagan(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: U.S. District Court Judge John J. Sirica was on hand as a guest at Washington's Touchdown Club Awards dinner
King Hussein Talking with President Gerald Ford(Original Caption) King Hussein of Jordan meets with Vice President Ford at the Blair Home. Hussein was there for talks with U. S. Officials
Pres. Nixon And Vice Pres. Ford Waving(Original Caption) WASHINGTON-3/27/74-: President Nixon and Vice President Gerald Ford wave to GOP supporters at a $1, 000 a plate fund raising dinner 3/27
Gerald Ford and Billy Graham at Golf Course(Original Caption) "Now Reverend, what was wrong with that?", seems to be what Vice President Gerald Ford (l) is asking Dr
Gerald Ford Speaking into Microphone with Hank Aaron Alongside(Original Caption) Vice President Gerald Ford presents Atlanta's Hank Aaron with his 714th career home run after the game was stopped momentarily for the presentation
Vice President Gerald Ford and Hank Aaron in Stadium(Original Caption) Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves is shown here with Vice President Gerald Ford and Johnny Bench in the foreground
Gerald Ford and President NixonVice President Gerald Ford sits across the table from President Nixon during cabinet meeting at the White House Aug 6th
Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford Examining Document(Original Caption) Using a daily Intelligence Report, President Richard Nixon briefs the then House Minority Leader Gerald Ford here at the White House October 13, 1973
President Gerald Ford Sigining Pardon for Nixon(Original Caption) President Gerald Ford closes a file after signing a "full, free and absolute pardon" for Richard M. Nixon
Richard Nixon And Gerald Ford Having Conversation(Original Caption) President Richard Nixon and Vice President Gerald Ford meet in Nixon's Oval Office in the White House
Portrait of Gerald Ford and His Family Smiling for Camera(Original Caption) Vice President Gerald Ford and his wife, Betty, appear with their children at their ski resort home in Vail, Colorado, during Christmas season 1972
Gerald Ford is Sworn in as President(Original Caption) Washington, DC: Gerald R. Ford takes the oath of office as the 38th President of the United States
Gerald Ford Taking Oath of Office(Original Caption) Washington: President Gerald Ford takes the oath as 38th President of the U.S.A. at the White House. Administering it is Chief Justice Warren E. Burger
Richard Nixon Waving from Aircraft with Daughter(Original Caption) Washington, DC. President Richard Nixon (with daughter Tricia) gives double V sign before boarding Air Force One bound for California
Gerald Ford and Betty Ford(Original Caption) Washington, DC. President Gerald Ford and Mrs. Betty Ford just after Ford was sworn in as the 38th president. Mrs Ford is holding the Bible on which Ford took his oath
Nixon Entering Airplane(Original Caption) Washington, DC. President Richard Nixon (with daughter Tricia) gives double V sign before boarding Air Force One bound for California
Gerald Ford Speaking to Crowd(Original Caption) Washington, DC. President Gerald Ford adresses the assembled guests in the East Room of the White House following his swearing-in as the 38th President of the United States
Gerald Ford Taking Oath(Original Caption) Washington, DC. Gerald R. Ford takes his oath as the 38th President of the United States in a ceremony in the East Room of the White House
Gerald Ford Being Sworn into The Presidency(Original Caption) Gerald R. Ford takes his oath here, as the 38th President of the United States, in a ceremony in the East Room of the White House
Gerald Ford Taking Oath(Original Caption) Washington, DC. General views as Gerlad R. Ford takes oath as President in the White House East Room
President Gerald Ford Speaking to Audience(Original Caption) President Ford addresses the assembled guests in the East Room of the White House here, following his swearing in as the 38th President of the United States
Gerald Ford Meeting with Takeshi Yasukawa(Original Caption) Washington, DC. On his first day as President, Gerald Ford meets with Japanese Ambassador Takeshi Yasukawa at the White House
Gerald Ford Holding Cabinet Meeting(Original Caption) Washington, DC: The Vice President's chair is empty as its former occupant, President Gerald R. Ford holds his first cabinet meeting in the White House
Gerald Ford Photographing David Kennerly(Original Caption) 8/11/1974-Washington, D.C.: After introducing his new personal photographer, David Hume Kennerly, at the White House
President Ford with David Kennerly(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: President Gerald Ford introduces his personal photographer, David Hume Kennerly, at the White House August 11th. The president is holding Kennerly's camera
Portrait of President Gerald Ford8/13/1974- Washington, DC: President Gerald Ford, close-up in official portrait
President Gerald Ford8/13/1974-Washington, DC: President Gerald Ford, close-up smiling in official portrait
Gerald Ford Making his Speech(Original Caption) President Gerald Ford making his speech on offering conditional amnesty to Vietnam era draft evaders from the White House Cabinet Room
President Ford with King Hussein and Colleagues(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: President Ford and Jordan's King Hussein lead a group on walk through White House grounds. Henry Kissinger (light blue suit) walks behind Hussein
Gerald Ford, Nelson Rockfeller and Betty Ford(Original Caption) Washington, DC. President Gerald Ford names Nelson Rockefeller to be Vice President. At left is Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Mrs. Ford
First Lady Betty Ford Greets Nelson Rockefeller(Original Caption) WASHINGTON: First Lady Betty Ford greets Nelson Rockefeller as he arrives in the Oval Office of the White House 8/20 to hear Pres
President Gerald Ford Signing Women equality Bill(Original Caption) With a group of congresswomen and the First Lady looking
Portrait of Actors in Environmental Organization(Original Caption) Walter Matthau talks to newsmen as (left to right) Jacqueline Bisset
President Ford Making a Speech(Original Caption) Chicago, Illinois: President Gerald Ford addresses a convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Chicago
Helen Thomas with President Ford in Airplane(Original Caption) Helen Thomas is shown at President Ford's elbow and Dave Kennerly in background
Official Photo Of Pres. Ford And Spouse(Original Caption) WASHINGTON, D.C.: Official White House photo of President Gerald Ford and his wife, Betty. 8/19/74
President Gerald Ford Welcoming Italian President Giovanni Leone(Original Caption) President and Mrs. Ford welcome Italian President and Mrs Giovanni Leone at the White House ceremony 9/25