Green Frog -Rana clamitans- resting on a lily pad on the surface of a pond, Laurentians, Quebec Province, Canada
Frog spawn of the Edible Frog -Rana esculenta, Pelophylax kl. Esculentus-
cropped, green, green frog, head shots, natural environment, water frog, waters, wildlifecropped, green, green frog, head shots, natural environment, water fr, Erhard Nerger Photography, 1032911144
camouflaged, camouflaging, cropped, green, green frog, head shots, loo, Erhard Nerger Photography, 1032911134
Illustration, Green Treefrog (Hyla cinera), side view
Water Frog -Rana sp. - in water covered with duckweed, Leptokaria, Greece, EuropeWater Frog -Rana sp.- in water covered with duckweed, Leptokaria, Greece, Europe
Edible Frog -Pelophylax kl. Esculentus-, North Hesse, Hesse, Germany
Water frog -Pelophylax esculentus or Rana esculenta-, perched on lily pad, Zug, Switzerland, Europe
Edible Frog -Rana esculenta-, young, perched on a floating leaf, Burgenland, Austria
Edible Frog -Pelophylax esculentus- on a lily pad, Bavaria, Germany