Joe Jackson Batting(Original Caption) "Shoeless" Joe Jackson, former Chicago White Sox player, involved in Black Sox Scandal
Honus Wagner Sliding Into Home(Original Caption) Honus Wagner, shotstop for the Pittsburgh Pirates, slides into homeplate during an unidentified game. Undated photograph, circa 1910
Amos Strunk Out At Home; World Series(Original Caption) 10/9/1914-Amos Strunk, speedy center fielder of the Athletics, out at home plate in the second inning of the first game of the World Series against the Boston Braves
Ty Cobb Batting(Original Caption) 6/10/1915- Detroit Tigers star player, Ty Cobb, batting in a game against Boston
Buck Weaver Crossing PlateBill Rariden of the Cincinnati Reds tags Buck Weaver of the Chicago White Sox out at home plate in the second game of the 1919 World Series at Crosley Field
Two Boys Playing Baseball(Original Caption) Photo shows two boys playing baseball, one at bat and one playing catch. Model: Samuel S. Walstrom, C. Byron Lear, Jr. Undated
Frankie Frisch Batting(Original Caption) Frank Frisch (1898-1973), infielder for the New York Giants
Babe Ruth Hitting Home Run(Original Caption) 9/30/1927-New York, NY-Yankee Stadium- Yankee slugger Babe Ruth watches the baseball travel toward grandstand seats for his 60th home run
Lou Gehrig Rounding 3Rd, Man Scoring(Original Caption) 10/7/1927-Original caption reads as follows: Photo shows Earl Combs and Koenig of the Yankees scoring on Lou Gehrig's triple, and Lou Gehrig rounding third
Babe Ruth And Lou Gehrig Cross Home Plat(Original Caption
Hank Greenberg Cut Down At Home Plate(Original Caption) 10/3/1931-Detroit, MI: After Charley Gehringer had scored in the 7th inning on Fox's smashing drive thru the box, Hank Greenberg, who had advanced from first on the blow
Babe Ruth Running To Base(Original Caption) 7/6/33-Chicago, IL: In the game of the century played at Comiskey Park, Chicago, July 6th
Dizzy Dean Crossing Home Plate(Original Caption) Action shot of Dizzy Dean crosssing home plate during the 1934 World Series. Undated photograph
Cardinals Player Stepping On Home Plate(Original Caption) 10/4/1934-Detroit, MI: St. Louis catcher Bill De Lancey scores on Ernie Orsatti's triple in the second inning of the second World Series game with Detroit. The Cards lost 2-3
Fans Hold Home Plate Aloft After Game(Original Caption) 10/10/1934-Detroit, MI: The final game of the World Series was played in Detroit but there apparently were a number of Cardinal fans in the stands
Babe Ruth Hitting Home Run(Original Caption) Baseball game- the Newark Bears vs. the Boston Braves at Ruppert Field. Photo shows Babe Ruth as he "slams one out of the park."
Billy Herman Crossing Home Plate(Original Caption) 10/7/1935-Detroit, MI: Billy Herman of the Chicago Cubs crosses home plate on his homer which scored Larry French ahead of him
Mickey Cochrane Crosses Homeplate;Baseba(Original Caption) 10/8/1935-Detroit
Lou Gehrig Running To Plate To Score(Original Caption) 4/30/36-New York
Lou Gehrig Sliding Into Homeplate(Original Caption) 10/5/36-New York: Lou Gehrig, Yankee first baseman, shown sliding into homeplate to be tagged out by Giant catcher Gus Mancuso
Joe Dimaggio At Bat(Original Caption) 10/20/1936: Joe DiMaggio at bat; catcher looking up
Dizzy Dean Pitching To Hank Greenberg(Original Caption) 3/29/1937-Daytona Beach, FL: Action shot of Dizzy Dean pitching to Hank Greenberg during an exhibition game between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Detroit Tigers
Baseball Player At Plate After Swinging(Original Caption) 10/8/1938-New York, NY: Making his initial bow in the current World Series, Cubs star outfielder Augie Galan, who was hurt in the latter part of the season
Hank Greenberg Crosses The PlateHank Greenberg, hard-hitting left fielder for the Detroit Tigers, crosses home plate from third on first baseman Rudy York's left field fly to Bob Johnson, of the Philadelphia Athletics
Ted Williams Crossing The Plate(Original Caption) 7/9/41-Detroit, Michigan: Ted Williams, the Boston Howitzer
Joe Dimaggio Sliding Into Home Plate(Original Caption) 8/1/1941-New York, NY: Joe DiMaggio needn't have mussed up his uniform with that slide in the fifth inning of today's game with the St. Louis Browns at the Yankee Stadium
J.Gordon Leaping Over On To Home Plate(Original Caption) 10/5/41-Brooklyn, NY: Joe Gordon 2nd baseman for the Yanks is pictured leaping over on to home plate, as he scores on 1st baseman Sturm's single to center in the 4th inning
New York Black Yankees Playing the Chicago American GiantsJohnny Hayes of the New York Black Yankees crosses home plate during their game against the Chicago American Giants
Josh Gibson Being Tagged Out at Home Plate(Original Caption) Josh Gibson of East is out at home in the fourth inning of the 12th annual East-West All Star Negro baseball game at Comiskey Park. Gibson was put out by Ted Radcliffe of the West
Cardinals Player Crosses Home In World S(Original Caption) 10/8/1944-St. Louis, MO: Stan Musial, Cards backfielder, is congratulated by W. Cooper (15) as he crosses the home plate of the 4th World Series game between the St
Boys Playing Baseball(Original Caption) Portrait of two young boys playing baseball. Undated photograph
Cubs Roy Hughes Crossing Home Plate(Original Caption) 10/9/1945-Chicago, IL: Roy Hughes of the Cubs is shown scoring the second run for the Chicago Cubs in the fifth inning of the sixth World Series game at Wrigley Field
Wally Moses Crosses Homeplate, T. Williams(Original Caption) 10/17/1946-St
Joe Dimaggio Steps Across Home Plate(Original Caption) 10/7/1947: Joe DiMaggio slams home plate with his foot as he easily scores a home run during the fifth inning
Joe Di Maggio Slides Safely Home(Original Caption) 1936: Joe Di Maggio slides safely home during game of the World Series
Baseball Player Ty Cobb(Original Caption) Ty Cobb at bat wearing baseball uniform. Undated photograph
Joe Morgan Finishing Home Run Swing(Original Caption) 10/11/1983-Baltimore, MD- Phils Joe Morgan connects for a homer in the sixth inning to tie the World Series opener with Baltimore
Ryne Sandberg Stealing Home(Original Caption) 4/8/1984-San Diego, California- Chicago Cubs second baseman Ryne Sandberg slides and steals home, with his foot just touching the plate
Ryne Sandberg Greeted As Crossing Home(Original Caption) 9/12/1984-Chicago, Illinois-Chicago Cubs; Ryne Sandberg is greeted at the plate by Henry Cotto (28) after hitting a 3-run homer in the 6th inning of the game
Daryl Strawberry Running After Batting(Original Caption) 8/15/1985: Action shot of Mets outfielder Daryl Strawberry at home plate, dropping bat to run
Ray KnightMets Ray Knight is safe at the plate beating the tag of Dodgers catcher Mike Scioscia in the 4th inning at Shea Stadium
Eddie Murray Getting Tagged Out At Home(Original Caption) 8/16/1990-New York, NY: Dodgers Eddie Murray is tagged out bu Mets catcher Mackey Sasser as he slides into home plate in the fourth inning at Shea Stadium 8/16
Calrton Fisk Hitting a Home Run(Original Caption) With this swing, White Sox catcher Carlton Fisk set a major league record for catchers by hitting his 328th career home run, breaking a tie with former record holder Johnny Bench
Don Mattingly Safely Slides Home(Original Caption) 7/3/19910-New York, NY: Don Mattingly is safe sliding into home plate, beating the tag of Cleveland Indians catcher Sandy Alomar Jr
Dave Winfield Grimaces Charging Catcher(Original Caption) 4/18/1987-New York
Babe Ruth at Bat(Original Caption) New York Yankees slugger Babe Ruth watches a towering drive of his sail towards the outfield wall
Joe Dimaggio Scoring;45Th Straight Homer(Original Caption) 7/2/1941-New York, NY:Breaking all consecutive game hitting records
Fred Lynn Hitting Grand Slam(Original Caption) Hitting the first grand slam home run in All-Star game history is Fred Lynn of the California Angels
Ted Williams Arriving At Home Plate(Original Caption) 4/14/1942-Boston, MA- Ted Williams, current holder of the American League batting title
Don Baylor Crosses Home, High Fives J.Ric(Original Caption) 7/28/1986-Chicago, IL: Boston Red Sox Don Baylor is greeted by Jim Rice after he hit a two-run homerun, with Rice on base, in the fourth inning of the game with Chicago late 7/28
Ted Williams Crosses Home Plate(Original Caption) 4/17/1946-Washington, D.C.- "Lanky" Ted Williams, outfielder for the Boston Red Sox
2 Red Sox Raise Arms As Teammate Scores(Original Caption) 7/7/1989-Boston
Red Sox Player Crosses Plate To Greeting(Original Caption) 10/7/1946-St
Enos Slaughter Sliding Into Home Plate(Original Caption) 10/15/46-St
Jackie Robinson Sliding into Home PlateNew York, NY: Jackie Robinson (right), Brooklyn Dodgers second baseman, steals home in the first inning of the Dodgers-Yankees game, at Ebbets Field. At left is Yankee's catcher, Charley Silvera
Roy Campanella Tags Out Sliding Runner(Original Caption) 10/8/1949-Brooklyn, NY: Yank starting pitcher Ed Lopat slides into home plate on Phil Rizzuto's single to left
Dodger Greeting Pee Wee Reese @ Plate(Original Caption) 10/1949: Brooklyn Dodgers Eddie Miksis greets teammate Pee Wee Reese as he scores on his fourth inning homerun in the World Series against the Yankees
Ted Williams Hits a Home RunTed Williams of the Red Sox follows through with a home run during the fourth inning of a game with the Yankees in Miami, Florida, USA
Roy Campanella Tagging RunnerRoy Campanella tags out New York Giants rookie first baseman Jack Harshman as he tries to slide into home during a Giants-Dodgers game at Ebbets Field
Umpire Making a Call at Home PlateHank Bauer of the New York Yankees slides into home plate
S.Musial Slides In On Home Plate In Game(Original Caption) 7/26/1950-New York, NY- Stan Musial of the Cards slides his way across home plate in the 8th inning of the game against the Dodgers at Ebbets Field
Mickey Mantle At Bat Facing Bob Feller(Original Caption) 9/16/1951-New York, NY: Yankee outfielder Mickey Mantle, the first man to face Bob Feller in the first inning, is about to offer at one of Feller's pitches
Berra Tries to Preserve Reynolds No-HitterYankee catcher Yogi Berra does everything, including bending backwards, to catch a foul fly by Ted Williams of the Red Sox for the last out in the game at Yankee Stadium. He missed it
Thomson Arrives Home In Pennant Opener(Original Caption) 10/1/1951-New York, NY- Giants Bobby Thomson sails across home plate after hitting a 2-2 pitch deep into the lower left field stands for a homer
Roy Campanella Tagging Ed Mathews(Original Caption) 4/16/1952-Boston, MA: Trying to score from second base
Bobby Thomson Sliding Across Home Plate(Original Caption) 7/24/1952-New York
Stan Musial Sliding Safe Into Home Base(Original Caption) 7/26/1952-Brooklyn, NY- Stan Musial of the St
Sherman Lollar Tags Out Bob Avila at Home Plate(Original Caption) 8/19/1952-Cleveland, Ohio- Chicago White Sox catcher Sherman Lollar lunges for Cleveland Indians Bob Avila
P.W.Reese Slides Safely On Home Plate(Original Caption) 9/6/1952-New York
Mickey Mantle Crossing Home Plate(Original Caption) 10/2/1952-New York, NY: Mickey Mantle, of the New York Yankees
Yogi Berra Congratulates Mickey Mantle(Original Caption) 4/18/1953-Washington, DC-Mickey Mantle, who slammed out a 565-foot homer against the Senators is greeted by Yankee teammate Yogi Berra (L)
Gil McDougald Batting(Original Caption) First strike in third series game
Mickey Mantle Arriving At Home Plate(Original Caption) 10/4/1953-Brooklun, NY: After hitting the fourth grand slam homer in Series history
Player Sliding Home Is Called Out(Original Caption) 10/4/1953-New York, NY: Ebbets Field
1953 Yankees Running on Field(Original Caption) Antic climax. New York: Hank Bauer of the Yankees scores the winning fun of the 1953 World Series, jubilant Yankees erupt from their dugout (3)
Bobby Avila Tagged Out At Home Plate(Original Caption) 6/4/54-New York: Cleveland Indians second baseman Bobby Avila hooks his right foot across home plate, but to of no avail
Stan Musial Arriving @ Plate After Homer(Original Caption) 8/5/1954-Brooklyn, NY- Stan Musial of the St. Louis Cardinals is shown scoring his 30th homer of the season in the fourth inning of today's Dodgers-Cards game at Ebbets Field
Del Crandall Kneeling to Catch BaseballMilwaukee Braves catcher Del Crandall on the field
Frank Torre Greets Hank Aaron at Home Plate(Original Caption) 3/11/55-Miami, Florida: Miami Stadium. Frank Torre greets Hank Aaron after he just hit a 2 run homer in the 5th inning, putting the Braves in the lead 3-0
Willie Mays Sliding Home During Baseball GameNew York Giants Willie Mays (L) slides safely into home as Brooklyn Dodger catcher Roy Campanella (partly hidden)
Ernie Banks Crossing Home PlateChicago Cubs teammates greet Ernie Banks as he crosses home plate. This is Banks 40th home run of the season, setting a record fro shortstops
Elston Howard Crossing Home Plate(Original Caption) Hits Homer to Right Off the Bat
Jackie Robinson Sliding Home During 1955 World Series(Original Caption) Jackie Robinson of the Dodgers slides home safely on his steal in the eighth inning of this series opener at Yankee Stadium
Jackie Robinson Steals Home(Original Caption) 9/28/1955-New York, NY- Jackie Robinson (R) is safe under an attempted out by Yankee catcher Yogi Berra, on a steal home from third. Pinch hitter Frank Kellert (L) waits to bat