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House Un American Activities Committee Collection

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Lionel Stander On Trial;Communist Invest

Lionel Stander On Trial;Communist Invest
(Original Caption) New York, NY: Veteran stage and screen star Lionel Stander (center-facing camera) testifies before the House Un-American Activities Committee, May 6

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Representative Martin Dies Speaking on the Radio

Representative Martin Dies Speaking on the Radio
(Original Caption) The feud between the White House and Rep. Martin Dies of Texas, chairman of Committee investigating feud Activities, flared anew when Rep

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Humphrey Bogart Speaking with Senator Martin Dies

Humphrey Bogart Speaking with Senator Martin Dies
(Original Caption) Dies begins Southland hearings...Los Angeles

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: William Foster Testifing Before HUAC

William Foster Testifing Before HUAC
(Original Caption) 11/8/1945- Photo shows William Z

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: J. Edgar Hoover Testifying for Un-American Activities Committee

J. Edgar Hoover Testifying for Un-American Activities Committee
(Original Caption) FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, today gave the House Un-American Activities Committee a blunt story regarding the working of the Communist party in this country

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Jack Tenney Testifying at a Hearing

Jack Tenney Testifying at a Hearing
(Original Caption) At the House Un-American Activities Committee hearing yesterday

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Ayn Rand Testifying Before House Committee

Ayn Rand Testifying Before House Committee
Writer Ayn Rand testifies before the House Un-American Activities Committee on October 20, 1947. She said that on the request of a committee investigator, she reviewed the movie Song of Russia

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Jack Warner at House Un-American Activities Committee Hearing

Jack Warner at House Un-American Activities Committee Hearing
(Original Caption) 10/20/1947-Washington, DC: Jack Warner, Vice President of Warner Bros

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Louis B. Mayer Being Sworn In To Testify

Louis B. Mayer Being Sworn In To Testify
(Original Caption) 10/20/47-Washington, DC: Louis B

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: House Un-American Activities Committee in Action

House Un-American Activities Committee in Action
(Original Caption) 10/20/1947-Washington

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: House Un-Amer Act. Probe Witnesses

House Un-Amer Act. Probe Witnesses
(Original Caption) 10/20/1947-Washington, DC: Among the Hollywood personnel who were subpoeneaed as witnesses for the House Un-American Activities Committee Hearings are

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Adolphe Menjou Testifying

Adolphe Menjou Testifying
(Original Caption) Screen actor Adolphe Menjou, shown testifying before the House Un-American activities committee 10/21/47 declared that Hollywood was a hot bed of "Un-American

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Author Ayn Rand Testifying Before House

Author Ayn Rand Testifying Before House
(Original Caption) 10/21/1947-Washington, DC- Ayn Rand (Mrs)

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Adolphe Menjou Taking Oath at Hearing

Adolphe Menjou Taking Oath at Hearing
Actor Adolphe Menjou takes the oath before testifying at the House Un-American Activities Committee hearing in Washington, D.C

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Actor Robert Taylor Testifying at Hearing

Actor Robert Taylor Testifying at Hearing
Actor Robert Taylor on the witness stand as he testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: J. Parnell Thomas Talking with Robert Taylor

J. Parnell Thomas Talking with Robert Taylor
(Original Caption) Chairman J

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Actors at HUAC Session

Actors at HUAC Session
(Original Caption) 10/22/1947-Washington, DC- Huddled in conference before the a session of the House Un-American Activities Committee are (left to right): actor, George Murphy; actor

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Actor Ronald Reagan Testifying Before House Committee

Actor Ronald Reagan Testifying Before House Committee
Movie actor Ronald Reagan testifies before the House Un-American Activities Committee

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Robert Montgomery At House Hearing

Robert Montgomery At House Hearing
(Original Caption) 10/23/1947-Washington, DC: Robert montgomery, Hollywood screen star, is shown on the witness stand at the House Un-American Activities committee hearing on communism in Hollywood

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Producer Leo McCarey Testifying at Hearing

Producer Leo McCarey Testifying at Hearing
Producer Leo McCarey on the witness stand as he testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Gary Cooper Testifies To HUAC

Gary Cooper Testifies To HUAC
(Original Caption) 10/23/47-Washington, D.C.: Gary Cooper, long-time screen star

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Oliver Carlson Sitting at Microphones

Oliver Carlson Sitting at Microphones
(Original Caption) Oliver Carlson, of Los Angeles, who described himself as a writer and teacher specializing in studying propaganda techniques, tells the House Un-American Activities Committee here

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Paul Henried, Lauren Bacall, Danny Kaye, and Humphrey Bogart in Washington

Paul Henried, Lauren Bacall, Danny Kaye, and Humphrey Bogart in Washington
(Original Caption) 10/27/1947-Washington, D.C.: MORE STARS DESCEND ON WASHINGTON

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Film Stars Protest Communism Allegations

Film Stars Protest Communism Allegations
(Original Caption) 10/27/1947-Washington, D.C.: STARS ATTENDING HOLLYWOOD PROBE

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Film Stars Protesting Against Congressional Hearing

Film Stars Protesting Against Congressional Hearing
Prominent motion picture stars, lead by Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart, cross a Washington, DC street to protest hearings by the House Committee on Un-American Activities

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Hollywood Filmmakers Gathered for HUAC Inquiry

Hollywood Filmmakers Gathered for HUAC Inquiry
(Original Caption) 10/27/47-Washington, DC: The group of Hollywood writers and producers summoned to appear before the House Un-American Activities Committee in probe of communism in the film city

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Celebrities Attending Film Probe Session

Celebrities Attending Film Probe Session
(Original Caption

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Curious Onlookers Watch Stars During Senate Hearing

Curious Onlookers Watch Stars During Senate Hearing
(Original Caption) 10/27/47-Washington, D.C.: Curious spectators peer through windows for a glimpse of Hollywood figures who arrived by plane in Washington, Oct

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Hollywood Stars Boarding Airplane

Hollywood Stars Boarding Airplane
A group of Hollywood stars, representing five hundred of their colleagues

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Dalton Trumbo at House Hearings

Dalton Trumbo at House Hearings
(Original Caption) 10/28/1947-Washington, DC: Dalton Trumbo, above, Hollywood screenwriter

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Hollywood Stars at La Guardia Airport

Hollywood Stars at La Guardia Airport
(Original Caption) Film Stars Leave Communist Probe for Home

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Ring Lardner Jr. Being Taken from Witness Stand

Ring Lardner Jr. Being Taken from Witness Stand
(Original Caption) Washington, D. C.: First OF Today's Reluctant Witnesses. Film writer Ring Lardner, Jr

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Screenwriter Ring Lardner Jr. Testifying

Screenwriter Ring Lardner Jr. Testifying
Screenwriter Ring Lardner, Jr. testifying against charges of being a communist during a hearing of the House Un-American Activities Committee

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Nine Who Refused HUAC Red Baiting

Nine Who Refused HUAC Red Baiting
(Original Caption) Nine of ten Hollywood writers, directors, and producers cited for contempt of Congress, await fingerprinting in the US Marshall's office after they surrendered

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Nine Posing After Cited for Contempt

Nine Posing After Cited for Contempt
(Original Caption) Cited for Contempt. Los Angeles: Nine of Ten Hollywood writers, directors, and producers cited for contempt of Congress, await fingerprinting in the U.S

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Richard M. Nixon and Robert Stripling Sitting at Desk

Richard M. Nixon and Robert Stripling Sitting at Desk
(Original Caption) Richard M

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Man Handing Out Copies of the Pumpkin Papers

Man Handing Out Copies of the Pumpkin Papers
A man hands out copies of the "Pumpkin Papers", documents that were used in trials of State Department official Alger Hiss

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Hollywood Writers and Producers Standing on Courthouse Steps

Hollywood Writers and Producers Standing on Courthouse Steps
(Original Caption) Hollywoodites pleaded not guilty today to charges of contempt of Congress arising from their refusal to state under oath whether they are, or ever have been Communists

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Hollywood Writers and Producers Standing on Courthouse Steps

Hollywood Writers and Producers Standing on Courthouse Steps
(Original Caption) Hollywoodites pleaded not guilty today to charges of contempt of Congress arising from their refusal to state under oath whether they are, or ever have been Communists

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Isaac Don Levine Giving House Testimony

Isaac Don Levine Giving House Testimony
(Original Caption) 12/8/1948-Washington, D.C.- Isaac Don Levine, editor and Communist antagonist

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Robert Stripling Giving Whittaker Chambers Pictures

Robert Stripling Giving Whittaker Chambers Pictures
(Original Caption) Whittaker Chambers, self avowed Communist (seated) identifies his photo in a copy of the "New Masses" of 1931

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Whittaker Chambers as a Witness in Hearing

Whittaker Chambers as a Witness in Hearing
Whittaker Chambers is seen as he testifies before the House Un-American Activities Committee. August 3, 1948

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Congressmen Pose Outside Home

Congressmen Pose Outside Home
(Original Caption) 3/18/1948-Allendale, NJ-: Some of the Sub-Committee members of the House Un-American Activities Committee visit Representative J

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: J. Edgar Hoover Speaking at Microphones

J. Edgar Hoover Speaking at Microphones
(Original Caption) FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover today gave the House Un-American Activities Committee a blunt story regarding the working of the Communist Party in this country

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: House Committee Members in Session

House Committee Members in Session
(Original Caption) Washington, D

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Elizabeth Bentley Testifying at Senate Hearing

Elizabeth Bentley Testifying at Senate Hearing
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C...Elizabeth Bentley (above) self-confessed head of Soviet spy ring is shown as she referred to a list of names (concealed under witness table)

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Alger Hiss Taking an Oath

Alger Hiss Taking an Oath
Alger Hiss, accused of Communist espionage, takes an oath during hearings before the House Committee on Un-American Activities. He denied Whittaker Chambers accusation that he was a Communist

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Whittaker Chambers Speaking at Hearing

Whittaker Chambers Speaking at Hearing
(Original Caption) Photo shows Whittaker Chambers

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Whittaker Chambers Sitting in Committee Hearing

Whittaker Chambers Sitting in Committee Hearing
(Original Caption) Photo shows Whittaker Chambers

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Whittaker Chambers and Committee Members

Whittaker Chambers and Committee Members
(Original Caption) General view of the House Un-American Activities Committee Hearing is seen here, as Whittaker Chambers, Editor of Time Magazine and a former Communist was on the witness stand

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Alger Hiss Testifying Before Committee

Alger Hiss Testifying Before Committee
(Original Caption) 8/5/48-Washington, DC: Alger Hiss on the stand holding photograph of Chambers, which he was asked to identify, by Robert Stripling (rear right)

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Hearing on Un-American Activities

Hearing on Un-American Activities
(Original Caption) 8/25/1948-Washington

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Whittaker Chambers Speaking into Microphone

Whittaker Chambers Speaking into Microphone
(Original Caption) Whittaker Chambers, the self avowed former Communist is shown as he testifies before the House Un-American Activities Committee, following the testimony of Alger Hiss

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Whittaker Chambers Raising Right Hand at Hearing

Whittaker Chambers Raising Right Hand at Hearing
Photo shows Whittaker Chambers as he begins his testifying before the House Un-American Committee

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Alger Hiss in the House Un-American Activities Committee

Alger Hiss in the House Un-American Activities Committee
(Original Caption) Whittaker Chambers is seen in the House Un-American Activities Committee where identification was given by Alger Hiss

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Alger Hiss Giving his Testimony

Alger Hiss Giving his Testimony
(Original Caption) Alger Hiss, President of the Carnegie Peace Endowment, is shown as he confronted Whittaker Chambers

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Alger Hiss Listening To Whittaker Chambers

Alger Hiss Listening To Whittaker Chambers
(Original Caption) 8/25/1948-Washington, D.C.- Whittaker Chambers, (right) Time Magazine Editor

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Whittaker Chambers Speaking into Microphones

Whittaker Chambers Speaking into Microphones
(Original Caption) This is a close-up of Whittaker Chambers before the House Un-American Activities Committee

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Alger Hiss Examining Photos in Court

Alger Hiss Examining Photos in Court
(Original Caption) Alger Hiss, formerly of the State Department and recently named by ex-Red Whittaker Chambers as leader in Soviet Spy Ring

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Alger Hiss Looking at Photos of Whittaker Chambers

Alger Hiss Looking at Photos of Whittaker Chambers
(Original Caption) 8/26/1948-Washington, D.C.- Alger Hiss, formerly of the State Department and recently named by ex-Red Whittaker Chambers as leader in Soviet spy ring

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Alger Hiss Tries to Identify Photo of Chambers

Alger Hiss Tries to Identify Photo of Chambers
(Original Caption) 8/26/1948-Washington, D.C.- Alger Hiss, before the House Un-American Activities Committee, tries to identify a photo of Whittaker Chambers as he is today

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Whittaker Chambers with Investigators Checking News

Whittaker Chambers with Investigators Checking News
(Original Caption) An old Maryland farmhouse may prove to be a link between ex-Red, Whittaker Chambers and Alger Hiss, the former State Department worker accused by Chambers of spy activities

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Whittaker Chambers in Meeting

Whittaker Chambers in Meeting
(Original Caption) In a dramatic face-to-face meeting, Whittaker Chambers, star witness for the House UnAmerican Activities Committee's Communist spy investigation

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Whittaker Chambers at Hearing

Whittaker Chambers at Hearing
(Original Caption) House Committee on Un-American Activities. Close up of Whittaker Chambers at hearing in which Peters was questioned by House Committee

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Leslie Groves and J. Parnell Thomas

Leslie Groves and J. Parnell Thomas
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves (l), wartime Army Chief of the Atomic Bomb Project, confers with Representative J

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Steve Nelson Talking to his Attorney

Steve Nelson Talking to his Attorney
Steve Nelson (left), of Pittsburgh, the reputed head of the Communist Party of Western Pennsylvania, confers with his attorney Emanuel H

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Photo of Pumpkin Papers

Photo of Pumpkin Papers
One of the "Pumpkin Papers", actually two sets on documents, only one of which was found in a pumpkin, which were transcripts of U.S. State Department documents

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: House Un-American Activities Investigators Looking at Microfilm

House Un-American Activities Investigators Looking at Microfilm
(Original Caption) Robert E

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Nixon Examines Microfilm

Nixon Examines Microfilm
(Original Caption) 12/6/1948- Washington, DC: Representative Nixon looks over microfilm in spy case. Rep. Nixon (right)

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: House Un American Activities Committee Members in Session

House Un American Activities Committee Members in Session
(Original Caption) Washington

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Isaac Don Levine House Testimony

Isaac Don Levine House Testimony
(Original Caption) 12/8/1948-Washington, D.C.- Isaac Don Levine testifies before the night session of the House Un-American Activities Committee

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Psychiatrists of Alger Hiss Perjury Trial

Psychiatrists of Alger Hiss Perjury Trial
(Original Caption) Dr. Carl Binger (right), defense psychiatrist who was not allowed to express himself concerning Whittaker Chambers sanity at the first Alger Hiss perjury trial, chats with Dr

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Jackie Robinson Testifying

Jackie Robinson Testifying
(Original Caption) 7/18/1949-Washington, DC: Brooklyn second baseman Jackie Robinson testifying before the House Un-American Activities Committee on the loyalty of American Blacks

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Milk Bottles at Door of Espionage Suspect

Milk Bottles at Door of Espionage Suspect
(Original Caption) September 29, 1949 - New York: Four milk bottles appear outside the apartment of John Hitchcock Chapin at 350 West 12th street, September 29, 1949

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: House Unamerican Activities Committee

House Unamerican Activities Committee
(Original Caption) Washington, DC: Senators Joseph McCarthy and Charl Potter, and Stuart Symington, during House Un-American Activities Committee. 1950's photograph

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Senator Joseph McCarthy Testifying

Senator Joseph McCarthy Testifying
(Original Caption) Sen. Joseph McCarthy testifies before the Senate Sub Committee in an effort to link Senator Benton to State Department communists. Undated photograph. 1940s-1950s

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Congressional Representative Richard Nixon Holding Newspaper

Congressional Representative Richard Nixon Holding Newspaper
(Original Caption) Representative Richard Nixon, (R), of California

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Whittaker Chambers Sitting with Newspaper

Whittaker Chambers Sitting with Newspaper
(Original Caption) Whittaker Chambers, former $30, 000-a-year editor of a national magazine and prime accuser of Alger Hiss

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Hollywood Writers Go On Trial

Hollywood Writers Go On Trial
(Original Caption) 06/20/1950-Washington, D.C.: Hollywood writers go on trial. Seven Hollywood writers and directors arrive at District Court where five will go on trial for contempt of congress

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Hollywood Protesters Strolling Inside Courthouse

Hollywood Protesters Strolling Inside Courthouse
(Original Caption) Washington, DC: Four Of "Hollywood Ten" Off To Jail

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Waiting to Testify

Waiting to Testify
John J. Edmiston, an FBI undercover agent of Dayton, Ohio, waits with his wife Martha outside House Un-American Activities Committee hearing room

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Budd Schulberg Testifying

Budd Schulberg Testifying
(Original Caption) 1951-Washington, D.C.: Novelist Budd Schulberg shown before the House Un-American Activities Committee

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Gale Sondergaard Testifying Before Committee

Gale Sondergaard Testifying Before Committee
(Original Caption) Gale Sondergaard, right, Hollywood film star, shown with one of her attorneys, Ben Margolies, Los Angeles, California

Background imageHouse Un American Activities Committee Collection: Howard Da Silva and Lawyer at Court Hearing

Howard Da Silva and Lawyer at Court Hearing
(Original Caption) Howard Da Silva, the stage and screen actor, today challenged the House Un-American Activities Committee's right to question him

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