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Korean War Collection

Background imageKorean War Collection: Marilyn Monroe Sings for Troops

Marilyn Monroe Sings for Troops
(Original Caption) 2/18/1954- Korea: The power of a woman. Over 10, 000 GI's turn out to hear and see Marilyn Monroe as the bosomy blonde makes an appearance in Korea, February 16th

Background imageKorean War Collection: Troops Watch Service Show In Korea

Troops Watch Service Show In Korea
(Original Caption) Korea: Troops of the U.s

Background imageKorean War Collection: U.S. Soldier During Winter Fighting In Korea

U.S. Soldier During Winter Fighting In Korea
(Original Caption) Pfc. Preston L. McKnight, New Cumberland, W. Va. uses his poncho as his protection from the biting wind and cold, during a break in fighting, somewhere in Korea

Background imageKorean War Collection: Soldiers Walking Down Road

Soldiers Walking Down Road
(Original Caption) As soldiers at right are briefed

Background imageKorean War Collection: Scene From The Television Series M*A*S*H

Scene From The Television Series M*A*S*H
Scene from the TV show MASH which aired from 1972-1983

Background imageKorean War Collection: Typical Soldiers Of Communist Army

Typical Soldiers Of Communist Army
(Original Caption) 6/7/46-China: Typical soldiers of the Communist new fourth army. Note the modern equipment in direct contrast with the shoeless soldiers in foreground

Background imageKorean War Collection: Father Signing Son Up For Draft

Father Signing Son Up For Draft
(Original Caption) 9/2/1948-New York, NY: Harry DeVere, WW I Vet and past commander of Met Life American Legion Post 385 is shown as he fillled out registration form for his son Bruce

Background imageKorean War Collection: Marines Marching Up Hill

Marines Marching Up Hill
(Original Caption) 11/15/1950-North Korea- U.S. Marines slog up a mountain road in their advance to the Changin (Chosin) Reservoir, big source of electric power for North Korea

Background imageKorean War Collection: US Soldiers Firing Howitzer on North Korean Positions

US Soldiers Firing Howitzer on North Korean Positions

Background imageKorean War Collection: Poster of Korea and 38th Parallel

Poster of Korea and 38th Parallel
Map of Korea with the caption "Right War; Right Place?" with Pyongyang, Seoul, Pusan and the 38th Parallel labeled. Undated

Background imageKorean War Collection: Korean War Wounded Form Purple Heart

Korean War Wounded Form Purple Heart
(Original Caption) Wounded men of the Korean War back in the US forming a purple heart

Background imageKorean War Collection: General Douglas MacArthur

General Douglas MacArthur
(Original Caption) 7/1957-General Douglas MacArthur in portrait

Background imageKorean War Collection: Joseph Mcconnell Jr

Joseph Mcconnell Jr
(Original Caption) Edwards AFB, CA: World's top jet ace dies in crash. Captain Joesph McConnell Jr

Background imageKorean War Collection: Cartoon About Korean War

Cartoon About Korean War
(Original Caption) Cartoon illustration, "THE CONTEST OVER KOREA

Background imageKorean War Collection: General Douglas MacArthur Riding in Jeep

General Douglas MacArthur Riding in Jeep

Background imageKorean War Collection: View of Military Armament Field

View of Military Armament Field
(Original Caption) This airstrip was hacked out in a few days by American engineers and South Korean labor in South Korea

Background imageKorean War Collection: General Matthew Ridgway Conferring with Officers

General Matthew Ridgway Conferring with Officers
(Original Caption) General Matthew B. Ridgway is shown conferring with officers on the road to Seoul. This conference took place just on the outskirts of Anyang-Ni

Background imageKorean War Collection: Soldiers Attending Thanksgiving Service

Soldiers Attending Thanksgiving Service
American soldiers attend a Thanksgiving service while serving in the Korean War. Chaplain Burgess P. Riddle presides over the ceremony

Background imageKorean War Collection: Marines Taking Cover Behind Barricade

Marines Taking Cover Behind Barricade
U.S. Marines take cover behind a barricade as they take fire from the North Koreans

Background imageKorean War Collection: South Koreans Volunteer in Thousands to Fight Communism

South Koreans Volunteer in Thousands to Fight Communism

Background imageKorean War Collection: American GI in Foxhole

American GI in Foxhole
(Original Caption) 19950-Korea- Picture shows a GI in a foxhole in Korea

Background imageKorean War Collection: Marilyn Monroe Entertaining Troops

Marilyn Monroe Entertaining Troops
American movie actress Marilyn Monroe entertains a group of soldiers in Korea

Background imageKorean War Collection: British Soldiers Wave Goodbye

British Soldiers Wave Goodbye
(Original Caption) 1/11/50-London, England: With a big smile, a "Cheerio!" and a farewell wave, a strongly equipped force of British soldiers left London for Korea this week

Background imageKorean War Collection: General Douglas MacArthur Riding In Jeep

General Douglas MacArthur Riding In Jeep
General Douglas MacArthur rides in a Jeep near the front in Seoul during the Korean War

Background imageKorean War Collection: Douglas MacArthur Talking with Syngman Rhee

Douglas MacArthur Talking with Syngman Rhee
General Douglas MacArthur talks with South Korean President Syngman Rhee during ceremonies proclaiming Korea a republic. Acting under orders from Washington, Gen

Background imageKorean War Collection: John Church Wecomes MacArthur in Korea

John Church Wecomes MacArthur in Korea
(Original Caption) 7/2/1950-South Korea: Brig

Background imageKorean War Collection: Youths Register For Draft

Youths Register For Draft
(Original Caption) 7/11/1950-New York, NY: New York City Youths Wait seated to register for draft at 80 Lafayette Street

Background imageKorean War Collection: Clerk Working In Induction Center

Clerk Working In Induction Center
(Original Caption) 7/13/1950-New Yok, NY: Mrs. Rose Gilbert clerk of the Local Bd#1 working on forms for the "Odrer to report for Armed Forces Physical Examination"

Background imageKorean War Collection: New Jersey Draftees Take Army Physical

New Jersey Draftees Take Army Physical
(Original Caption) 7/13/1950-New York, NY: Some of the young men between the ages of 18 and 26 who weree called for preinduction physicals and mental exames

Background imageKorean War Collection: Draftees In Line To Get Forms

Draftees In Line To Get Forms
(Original Caption) 7/13/1950-New York, NY: Draftees in line to get forms and cards

Background imageKorean War Collection: New Jersey Draftees Take Mental Exam

New Jersey Draftees Take Mental Exam
(Original Caption) 7/13/1950-New York, NY: Some of the young men between the ages of 18 and 26 who weree called for preinduction physicals and mental exames

Background imageKorean War Collection: Pres Of South Korea Dr. Rhee Seated

Pres Of South Korea Dr. Rhee Seated
(Original Caption) 7/15/1950-South Korea: Dr

Background imageKorean War Collection: U.S. Soldiers In South Korea

U.S. Soldiers In South Korea
(Original Caption) 7/17/1950-Somewhere in South Korea: Stopping in a south Korean village near the area where the Yanks were clashing with Red invading forces, Pvt. Chester Wegrzyn, of Detroit, MI

Background imageKorean War Collection: President Truman Addressing the Nation

President Truman Addressing the Nation
(Original Caption) President Truman's address to the nation on the Korean War was broadcast and telecast from the projection room of the White House last night, July 19

Background imageKorean War Collection: President Truman Addressing the Nation

President Truman Addressing the Nation
(Original Caption) President Truman's address to the nation on the Korean War was broadcast and telecast from the projection room of the White House last night, July 19

Background imageKorean War Collection: Wounded American Soldiers In Korea

Wounded American Soldiers In Korea
(Original Caption) 7/25/1950-Korea: Wounded American soldiers are given medical treatment at first aid station, somewhere in Korea

Background imageKorean War Collection: Soldiers Attach Fuze To A Rocket

Soldiers Attach Fuze To A Rocket
(Original Caption) 7/25/50-Aboard USS Valley Forge

Background imageKorean War Collection: 'Young Pioneers' at Communist Rally

"Young Pioneers" at Communist Rally
(Original Caption) 7/27/1950-Berlin, Germany- A group of "Young Pioneers, " marching with their leader (right, foreground)

Background imageKorean War Collection: Girls Marching in Communist Parade

Girls Marching in Communist Parade
(Original Caption) 7/27/1950--Berlin, Germany- Girls on the FDJ, Communist Youth Orginization

Background imageKorean War Collection: Anti-American Communist Rally

Anti-American Communist Rally
(Original Caption) 7/27/1950-Berlin, Germany- A group of Communists, carrying an Anti-American propaganda sign, marches past the speaker's stand in Lustgarten Square

Background imageKorean War Collection: Soldiers Stopping in a Street

Soldiers Stopping in a Street
Soldiers of the Fifth Regiment stop in a small street

Background imageKorean War Collection: Stretcher Being Carried To Helicopter

Stretcher Being Carried To Helicopter
(Original Caption) 8/1950-Korea: A wounded marine being loaded into a helicopter for evacuation to rear

Background imageKorean War Collection: Longshoremen Place Forklift Under Casket

Longshoremen Place Forklift Under Casket
(Original Caption) 8/3/50-Oakland, California: Longshoremen of the Oakland Army base place fork-lift under caskets containing bodies of an army sergeant and lieutenant killed in the Korean fighting

Background imageKorean War Collection: Soldiers and Refugees

Soldiers and Refugees
As U.S. infantrymen march into the Naktong River region, they pass a line of fleeing refugees. (Photo by Bettmann via Getty Images)

Background imageKorean War Collection: Two South Korean Female Guerrillas Manning Machine Gun

Two South Korean Female Guerrillas Manning Machine Gun
(Original Caption) 8/17/50-South Korea: Two girl guerrillas, Chong Sunjin (left) and Hao Chi Okk, man a machine gun in the South Korean fields, alongside guerrillas armed with rifles

Background imageKorean War Collection: Two British and One American Korean War Officers

Two British and One American Korean War Officers
(Original Caption) First Britons in Korea

Background imageKorean War Collection: Stanley Tretick with Tank: Dorothy

Stanley Tretick with Tank: Dorothy
(Original Caption) On the job in the battle area near the city of Taegu, Stanley Tretick, ACME staff photographer

Background imageKorean War Collection: U.S. Troops Riding In Military Vehicles

U.S. Troops Riding In Military Vehicles
(Original Caption) 8/28/1950-Pusan, Korea: Fresh and eager U.S. Marine troops, newly-arrived at the vital southern supply port of Pusan, are shown prior to moving up to the front lines

Background imageKorean War Collection: Volunteer Lighting Solder'S Cigarette

Volunteer Lighting Solder'S Cigarette
(Original Caption) 8/29/1950-South Korea: Wounded in action, Private First Class Claude Weems, negro soldier from Cleveland who fought with Company "A" (24th Infantry Regiment)

Background imageKorean War Collection: Soldiers Seated In Airplane Cockpit

Soldiers Seated In Airplane Cockpit
(Original Caption) 8/29/1950-Korea: Crew members of an L-5 observation plane are shown preparing their craft for a mission over enemy lines in Korea. Lt. Patrick G. Sivest of Elwood, Indiana; Lt

Background imageKorean War Collection: U.S. Soldiers Disembark In South Korea

U.S. Soldiers Disembark In South Korea
(Original Caption) 9/1/1950-South Korea: The Build up of U.N. Strength continues unabated as North Korea Reds Launch successive attacks against the allied lines

Background imageKorean War Collection: Sleeping Soldiers In Korea

Sleeping Soldiers In Korea
(Original Caption) 9/1/1950-South Korea: rifles and helmets close by, two completely exhausted GI's ofthe 27th Regiment get their first sleep in eight days

Background imageKorean War Collection: American Soldier Weeping After Battle

American Soldier Weeping After Battle
An American soldier collapses in his hands from the strain of fighting along the Taegu front, South Korea

Background imageKorean War Collection: US Marines Take Kimpo Airfirld 1950

US Marines Take Kimpo Airfirld 1950
(Original Caption) Captain Bill Evans, (L), of Norwich, Connecticut, and Major Gerald Brown of Phoenix, Arizona

Background imageKorean War Collection: Troops Crossing Pohang Battle Front, Korea 1950

Troops Crossing Pohang Battle Front, Korea 1950

Background imageKorean War Collection: South Korean Soldiers Dragging North Korean Soldier from Hiding

South Korean Soldiers Dragging North Korean Soldier from Hiding
(Original Caption) Flushed Out. South Korea: Two South Korean soldiers bring a badly frightened North Korean Red from his hiding place on the Pohang front

Background imageKorean War Collection: Soldier Waves For Help For Injured Chum

Soldier Waves For Help For Injured Chum
(Original Caption) 9/7/1950-South Korea: A U.S. soldier waves frantically for medics to come assist a fallen comrade who took a mortar blast in the face during fighting in the Pohang front

Background imageKorean War Collection: Wounded Soldier in Jeep

Wounded Soldier in Jeep
A wounded American soldier is evacuated in a jeep to a rear-base hospital

Background imageKorean War Collection: General MacArthur at Communication Post

General MacArthur at Communication Post
(Original Caption) 9/23/1950-Korea: General Douglas Mac Arthur accompanied U.S

Background imageKorean War Collection: General MacArthur in Korea

General MacArthur in Korea
(Original Caption) 9/23/1950-Inchon, Korea: General Douglas MacArthur, who joined U.S

Background imageKorean War Collection: General MacArthur Touring Korean Front Lines

General MacArthur Touring Korean Front Lines
9/23/1950-Korea-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Grim-faced General Douglas MacArthur is shown in a jeep as he toured the fighting front in Korea, after the invasion of Inchon Harbor

Background imageKorean War Collection: |St Division Marines Move Up On Pier

|St Division Marines Move Up On Pier
(Original Caption) 09/23/1950-Wolmi Island, South Korea: MOVING UP TO HELP. First Division Marine reinforcements move up a floating pier on their way up to the front

Background imageKorean War Collection: American Infantry Advancing Toward 38th Parallel During Korean War

American Infantry Advancing Toward 38th Parallel During Korean War
(Original Caption) Headed for the 38th Parallel. South Korea: American troops of the U.S

Background imageKorean War Collection: Marines Behind Sandbag Barricade

Marines Behind Sandbag Barricade
(Original Caption) 9/29/1950-Seoul, Korea: Marines hounding the last remnants of a North Korean defending force through the streets of Seoul, take cover from sniper fire behind a sandbag barricade

Background imageKorean War Collection: Men Leaving Army Induction Center

Men Leaving Army Induction Center
(Original Caption) 9/30/1950-New York, NY: Group of men leaving Army Induction Center in New York City

Background imageKorean War Collection: Yankees & Phillies Forming 'V' On Field

Yankees & Phillies Forming "V" On Field
(Original Caption) 10/6/1950-New York, NY: Lined up in a victory "V", the New York Yankees and their World Series opponents, the Philadelphia Phillies

Background imageKorean War Collection: First Sign Posting of the 38Th Parallel

First Sign Posting of the 38Th Parallel
(Original Caption) 10/9/1950-Korea- First UN trooops to cross the 38th parallel hold a sign-posting ceremony to let the world know that the Third ROK Division made the historic crossing

Background imageKorean War Collection: First Troops On Line;Marks 38Th Parallel

First Troops On Line;Marks 38Th Parallel
(Original Caption) 10/11/1950-On the 8th Parallel: A patrol of the 1st Cavalry Division, along with some South Korean Guerillas, stand on the imaginary line marking the 38th parallel

Background imageKorean War Collection: Truman And MacArthur

Truman And MacArthur
US President Harrys Truman (1884 - 1972) and US military commander General Douglas MacArthur (1880 - 1964) for the first time on Wake Island, October 15, 1950

Background imageKorean War Collection: President Truman and General MacArthur Sitting in Car

President Truman and General MacArthur Sitting in Car
(Original Caption) President Truman and General MacArthur were no sooner seated in the ancient jalopy (the only auto available on Wake)

Background imageKorean War Collection: Truman, MacArthur in Car

Truman, MacArthur in Car
(Original Caption) 10/16/1950-President Truman and General MacArthur sitting together in back seat of car at Wake Islands

Background imageKorean War Collection: South Korean Officer Guards 'Reds'

South Korean Officer Guards "Reds"
(Original Caption) 10/21/1950-Wonsan, North Korea: A South Korean soldier guards some of the 2, 000 reds taken by UN troops in the Wonsan area. Here, they wait to be moved to the rear

Background imageKorean War Collection: South Korean Soldier Stepping on Picture of Stalin

South Korean Soldier Stepping on Picture of Stalin
(Original Caption) 10/22/1950-Togwan

Background imageKorean War Collection: Paratroopers Enroute To A Drop Zone

Paratroopers Enroute To A Drop Zone
(Original Caption) 10/26/50-North Korea: While some sleep, other paratroopers sing and talk--but all wait

Background imageKorean War Collection: Paratrooper Preparing to Board Plane

Paratrooper Preparing to Board Plane
Corporal Joseph Reyin, carrying plenty of gear, prepares to board a plane for a drop behind enemy lines

Background imageKorean War Collection: Chinese Troops

Chinese Troops
Troops of the People's Liberation Army, of the sort that poured across the border to defend their neighbor North Korea

Background imageKorean War Collection: Soldiers Cross Railroad Bridge

Soldiers Cross Railroad Bridge
(Original Caption) 10/27/1950-North Korea: Soldiers of the First Cavalry Division make their way across a modern railroad bridge spanning the Taedong River near Pyongyang

Background imageKorean War Collection: Marines Hit Beach In Surpirse Operation

Marines Hit Beach In Surpirse Operation
(Original Caption) 10/31/50-Wonsan, North Korea: First Division Marines hit the beach at Wonsan, North Korea, in a surpirse amphibous operation

Background imageKorean War Collection: Marines Pass Burning Building in Korea

Marines Pass Burning Building in Korea
(Original Caption) 11/2/1950-Kojo, North Korea: Marines file past a flaming building in mopping up operations against North Korean troops by passes in Kojo, 40 miles South of Wonsan

Background imageKorean War Collection: Charles Rosencrans

Charles Rosencrans
Charles D. Rosencrans, a cameraman for INP, photographed the early stages of the Korean War. He was killed in a plane crash in Japan, September 1950

Background imageKorean War Collection: Propaganda Leaflet Sent to Korea

Propaganda Leaflet Sent to Korea
(Original Caption) 11/7/1950- Washington, DC- The Department of Defense tonight released this photo showing both sides of a leaflet that is being dropped on cities in North Korea

Background imageKorean War Collection: Loading Wounded Soldier Into Helicopter

Loading Wounded Soldier Into Helicopter
(Original Caption) 11/8/1950-Korea: Wounded man being readied for loading on helicopter for evacuation to the rear

Background imageKorean War Collection: Korean Women Walking Past Marines

Korean Women Walking Past Marines
(Original Caption) 11/12/1950-North Korea- North Korean women, with bundles on their heads, walk in step past a battery of US Marine Howitzers that are preparing to fire

Background imageKorean War Collection: Map of Communist Advances in East Asia

Map of Communist Advances in East Asia
A map made in 1950 depicts the "Domino Theory" - the idea that one nation "going Communist" would start a chain reaction of governmental change in the region

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