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Lyndon Baines Johnson Collection

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: President Lyndon Johnson Playing Golf with Dwight D. Eisenhower

President Lyndon Johnson Playing Golf with Dwight D. Eisenhower
(Original Caption) PALM SPRINGS, CALIF.-2/21/68-: The golfer is none other than President Johnson who spent some time on the green here with former President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: President Johnson and Senator Humphrey

President Johnson and Senator Humphrey
President Johnson and Hubert Humphrey stand together at the airport in Atlantic City

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Johnson Confers To End Bombing In Nam

Johnson Confers To End Bombing In Nam
(Original Caption) Washington, DC: White House-President Johnson confers with General Abrams, CIA Chief Richard Helms, and Defense Secy. Clifford to end bombing in North Vietnam. Undated photograph

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Everett Dirksen Talking With Colleagues

Everett Dirksen Talking With Colleagues
(Original Caption) Senator Everett Dirksen (left), of Illinois

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Admiral Rickover after Committee Session

Admiral Rickover after Committee Session
(Original Caption) Rear Admiral Hyman G

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: President Johnson Performing Speech

President Johnson Performing Speech
(Original Caption) Democratic Convention.. President Johnson makes acceptance speech. Johnson makes acceptance Speech

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: President Johnson and Political Advisers in Meeting

President Johnson and Political Advisers in Meeting
(Original Caption) President Johnson conferred for more than two hours today with General Earle G. Wheeler, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other top advisers on the need for more U.S

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon B Johnson In Shirt And Tie

Lyndon B Johnson In Shirt And Tie
(Original Caption) Lyndon Baines Johnson: (1908-1973) 36th President of the United States leaning on a column in shirt and tie. Undated photograph

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Painted Portrait Of Lyndon B. Johnson

Painted Portrait Of Lyndon B. Johnson
(Original Caption) Waist-up portrait of Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President of the United States. Painting by Peter Hurd

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Roosevelt with Lyndon B. Johnson

Roosevelt with Lyndon B. Johnson
(Original Caption) 05/13/1937-Galveston, Texas: AS PRESIDENT ENDED FISHING TRIP

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: President Franklin D. Roosevelt with Texas Governor and Congressman

President Franklin D. Roosevelt with Texas Governor and Congressman
In Amarillo, Texas, six congressmen vie with each other and Governor James Allred for the attention of President Franklin D

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson in 1939

Lyndon Johnson in 1939
(Original Caption) Washington, DC: Representative Lyndon Johnson (Democrat) of Austin, Texas, today became the first member of Congress to be ordered on extended active duty in the war

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Texas Delegation Members Attending Caucus

Texas Delegation Members Attending Caucus
(Original Caption) Pictured at the Sherman Hotel in Chicago, just before the Texas Delegation went into caucus on July 14, 1940 are left to right, Elliot Roosevelt, Senator Tom Connally, and Rep

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon B. Johnson Sitting and Smiling

Lyndon B. Johnson Sitting and Smiling
(Original Caption) Pictured at the Sherman Hotel in Chicago, just before the Texas Delegation went into caucus on July 14, 1940 is Lyndon B. Johnson, a member of the delegation

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson, Representative

Lyndon Johnson, Representative
(Original Caption) 10/7/1940-Washington, DC: Rep. Lyndon Johnson (above), of Texas, is a leading candidate for the post of Secretary of the Democratic National Committee, to succeed L.W

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson Headshot

Lyndon Johnson Headshot
(Original Caption) 10/7/1940-Washington, DC: Rep. Lyndon Johnson, of Texas, is a leading candidate for the post of Secretary of the Democratic National Committe, to succeed L.W

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson Headshot

Lyndon Johnson Headshot
(Original Caption) 10/7/1940-Washington, DC: Rep. Lyndon Johnson, of Texas, is a leading candidate for the post of Secretary of the Democratic National Committee to succeed L.W

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson Rides On Shoulders

Lyndon Johnson Rides On Shoulders
(Original Caption) 6/30/41-Austin, Texas: Rep

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson as Officer During World War II

Lyndon Johnson as Officer During World War II
(Original Caption) General M. Scanlon (center), General Ralph Royce (left) and Lieutenant Commander Lyndon Johnson in New Guinea

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: General Scanlon Greeting Lyndon Johnson

General Scanlon Greeting Lyndon Johnson
(Original Caption) 7/1/1942- New Guinea- Brig. General Martin F. Scanlon (second from left) shakes hands with Lt. Comdr. Lyndon Johnson (Congressman from Texas), on his arrival with Brig.Gen

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Politicians Participating in Opening Game Events for the Washington Nationals

Politicians Participating in Opening Game Events for the Washington Nationals
(Original Caption) At "Washington National's first home game of the 1945 season, the ball throwing ceremony is shown with left to right; R. Ewing Thomason, of Texas; Rep. Lyndon B

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson Campaigning for the Senate

Lyndon Johnson Campaigning for the Senate
Lyndon Johnson shakes the hands of two boys while campaigning for the Senate in 1948. Both boys wear shirts reading, "Lyndon Johnson is the Little Fellows Friend"

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson and John F. Kennedy

Lyndon Johnson and John F. Kennedy
(Original Caption) Los Angeles, Ca. Senator John F. Kennedy and Senator Lyndon Johnson pose after nominations for President and Vice President

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon B. Johnson Gesturing To Audience

Lyndon B. Johnson Gesturing To Audience
(Original Caption) 5/25/1968-Atlantic City

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon B Johnson At Six Years Old

Lyndon B Johnson At Six Years Old
(Original Caption) Lyndon B. Johnson at about six years old. Undated photograph

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson Kisses Daughters

Lyndon Johnson Kisses Daughters
(Original Caption) Washington, DC-: Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson (Democrat -- Texas), is shown as he was greeted at National Airport by his two daughters, Luci (L)

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon B. Johnson Talking with Senate Member

Lyndon B. Johnson Talking with Senate Member
(Original Caption) Senator elect Lyndon Johnson, (D), of Johnson city, Texas, who won his seat in the U.S. Senate by a very slim margin, is shown here in the Senate Restaurant today

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Portrait of President Lyndon B. Johnson

Portrait of President Lyndon B. Johnson
(Original Caption) It's birthday time for the Chief Executive. On Saturday, August 27th, President Johnson will celebrate his 58th year at the LBJ Ranch in Texas

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Ambassador Cabot Lodge

Ambassador Cabot Lodge
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.. New Ambassador to Saigon, Henry Cabot lodge, Addresses gathering at white house, August 12th, after being sworn in an U.S. ambassador to Saigon

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Christmas Card From President and Mrs. Lyndon Johnson

Christmas Card From President and Mrs. Lyndon Johnson
(Original Caption) The official 1966 Christmas card from the President and Mrs

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lbj & Walter Rostow Look At Papers

Lbj & Walter Rostow Look At Papers
(Original Caption) 1968-Washington, DC- Lyndon Johnson goes over papers with Walter Rostow during announcement of halt of bombing in North Vietnam. Filed 10/31/1968

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: John Fitzgerald Kennedy Posing with His Cabinet in Session

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Posing with His Cabinet in Session
(Original Caption) President John F. Kennedy poses with his cabinet at the White House. Left to right are Edward Day, Postmaster General; Vice President Lyndon B

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson and Carl Hayden Shaking Hands

Lyndon Johnson and Carl Hayden Shaking Hands
(Original Caption) President Johnson has a hardy handshake for Senator Carl Hayden (D-Arizona)

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon B Johnson Waist Up Seated Photo

Lyndon B Johnson Waist Up Seated Photo
(Original Caption) 8/15/1956-Chicago, IL: Senator Lyndon Johnson (D-Texas) who controls the Texas delegation rto the national convention some 56 votes

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon B Johnson Full Length Photo

Lyndon B Johnson Full Length Photo
(Original Caption) 8/15/1956-Chicago, IL: Senator Lyndon Johnson (D-Texas) who controls the Texas delegation rto the national convention some 56 votes

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: President Harry S. Truman and Delegates at Senate Buffet Dinner

President Harry S. Truman and Delegates at Senate Buffet Dinner
(Original Caption) Washington: Truman Calls For "Peace With Freedom." President Truman

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Anna Rosenberg and Lyndon B. Johnson

Anna Rosenberg and Lyndon B. Johnson
U.S. Assistant Defense Secretary Anna Rosenberg and Chairman of the U.S. Senate's Preparedness Committee Lyndon B. Johnson, discuss the Defense Department's manpower recommendations

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon B. Johnson, Wayne Morse, and Richard B. Russell

Lyndon B. Johnson, Wayne Morse, and Richard B. Russell
Senator Lyndon Johnson, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Sub-Committee, Senator Wayne Morse, member of the Senate Armed Services Sub-Committee, and Senator Richard B

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon B. Johnson Wiping His Forehead

Lyndon B. Johnson Wiping His Forehead
U.S. Senator Lyndon B. Johnson wipes his forehead after a Senate session in which the drafting of 18-year-olds into the military was approved

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Page Boys and White House Officials with Electoral Ballots

Page Boys and White House Officials with Electoral Ballots
(Original Caption) Washington: Ballot Counting On Capitol Hill

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Dwight Eisenhower Tossing First Pitch of Baseball Season

Dwight Eisenhower Tossing First Pitch of Baseball Season
(Original Caption) President Eisenhower, glove in hand, tosses out the first pitch at the Washington Senators-New York Yankees game here today

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson and Wife Marking Absentee Ballots

Lyndon Johnson and Wife Marking Absentee Ballots
(Original Caption) Senate minority leader and Mrs. Lyndon Johnson (D) Texas, are shown as they marked their absentee ballots for Saturday's Texas Democratic primary election

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: William F Knowland with Lyndon B Johnson

William F Knowland with Lyndon B Johnson
(Original Caption) Senate majority leader William F. Knowland (right) and minority leader Lyndon B

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Portrait of Lyndon B. Johnson

Portrait of Lyndon B. Johnson
(Original Caption) Senator Lyndon Johnson (D-Texas), minority leader

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: William Knowland with Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson

William Knowland with Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson
(Original Caption) Senator majority leader William F

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Portrait of Lyndon Johnson with Sam Rayburn

Portrait of Lyndon Johnson with Sam Rayburn
(Original Caption) House Speaker-designate Rep. Sam Rayburn (right) and Senate Democratic Leader Sen

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Portrait of Lyndon Johnson with Sam Rayburn

Portrait of Lyndon Johnson with Sam Rayburn
(Original Caption) House Speaker-designate Rep. Sam Rayburn (right) and Senate Democratic Leader Sen

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Portrait of Lyndon Johnson with Sam Rayburn

Portrait of Lyndon Johnson with Sam Rayburn
(Original Caption) House Speaker designate Sam Rayburn (right)

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Senator Lyndon Johnson Lighting Cigarette

Senator Lyndon Johnson Lighting Cigarette
(Original Caption) This is a candid view of a man who is slated to be a very important figure in the Washington picture in the very near future

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Portrait of Senator Lyndon Johnson

Portrait of Senator Lyndon Johnson
(Original Caption) This is a candid view of a man who is slated to be a very important figure in the Washington picture in the very near future

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Senator Lyndon Johnson with William Knowland

Senator Lyndon Johnson with William Knowland
California's Senator William Knowland (left), Republican Senate leader, chats with Texas Senator Lyndon Johnson, Democratic leader

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: William Knowland Shaking Hands With Lyndon Johnson

William Knowland Shaking Hands With Lyndon Johnson
(Original Caption) Senator William Knowland (R) California, left, outgoing Senate majority leader shakes hands with the new Senate majority leader, Senator Lyndon Johnson (D) Texas

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Senator Lyndon Johnson Talks to Reporters

Senator Lyndon Johnson Talks to Reporters
(Original Caption) Senator Lyndon Johnson, (D-Tex), is shown in his office talking to newsmen after his meeting with President Eisenhower and Congressional leaders at the White House

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson, Homer Ferguson and Sam Rayburn at the White House

Lyndon Johnson, Homer Ferguson and Sam Rayburn at the White House
(Original Caption) Senator Lyndon Johnson (left), Texas Democrat, slated to become Senate majority leader in the new Congress, is greeted by Senator Homer Ferguson (right), Michigan Republican

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Theodore Green Conferring with Colleagues

Theodore Green Conferring with Colleagues
Senator J. William Fulbright (D.Ark.) confer with Senators Theodore Green and Lyndon Johnson (D.Tex) (left to right) at the Senate foreign relation meeting

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Senators Standing and Talking Together

Senators Standing and Talking Together
(Original Caption) From left to right are Senators Albert Gore, (D), CN.; Estes Kefauver, (D), TN.; and Lyndon Johnson, (D), TX; slated to become Senate Majority Leader in the 84th Congress

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Sam Rayburn Eating an Onion

Sam Rayburn Eating an Onion
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: House Speaker Sam Rayburn, Texas, demonstrates to Senate majority leader and Mrs. Lyndon Johnson, (D) Tex

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Sam Rayburn Eating an Onion

Sam Rayburn Eating an Onion
(Original Caption) More Potent Than an Apple a Day. Washington, D.C.: According to tradition, or something, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Rep

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Johnson After Heart Attack

Johnson After Heart Attack
(Original Caption) 7/3/1955- Washington, DC: In serious condition. Senate Democratic Leader Lyndon B

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon And Lady Bird Johnson

Lyndon And Lady Bird Johnson
(Original Caption) 7/30/1955- Bethesda, MD: Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson of Texas and his wife Lady Bird pose for photographers at Bethesda Naval Hospital today

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson with His Wife

Lyndon Johnson with His Wife
(Original Caption) Senate Democratic Leader Lyndon B

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson and Wife Lady Bird

Lyndon Johnson and Wife Lady Bird
(Original Caption) 8/25/1955- Senator Lyndon Johnson and wife leaving for their Texas ranch. The couple are pictured standing by the wing of the plane, smiling

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson and Wife Lady Bird

Lyndon Johnson and Wife Lady Bird
(Original Caption) 8/25/1955- Picture shows Senator, Lyndon B. Johnson, and his wife, "Lady Bird" waving from the wing of the plane as they are on their way to their Texas ranch

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Senator Lyndon B. Johnson Being Kissed by His Secretary

Senator Lyndon B. Johnson Being Kissed by His Secretary
(Original Caption) Washington, D. C.: Johnson Back To Texas. Senate Democratic leader Lyndon Johnson looks almost sorry to leave Washington as he receives a kiss from his Secretary, Mrs

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Dog Greeting Lyndon Johnson

Dog Greeting Lyndon Johnson
Senator Lyndon Johnson is greeted by an excited dog before his departure to his Texas ranch

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson Waving Hand

Lyndon Johnson Waving Hand
(Original Caption) Senate majority leader, Lyndon B. Johnson, D-Tex. who suffered a heart attack last July 2, is shown as he "conducted" a press conference at Capitol Hill

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Senator Lyndon Johnson at His Desk

Senator Lyndon Johnson at His Desk
(Original Caption) Stricken with a heart attack several months ago, Senator Lyndon B

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Congressional Leaders Speaking Before Meeting

Congressional Leaders Speaking Before Meeting
(Original Caption

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Portrait of Lyndon Johnson Making Speech

Portrait of Lyndon Johnson Making Speech
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson with Senators

Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson with Senators
(Original Caption) Senate leaders present a picture of good fellowship as they pose with Vice President Richard Nixon as Congress opens its second session in Washington January 3rd

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson with Senators

Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson with Senators
(Original Caption) Senate leaders bubble over in this happy get-together in the office of Vice President Richard Nixon following yesterday's opening of the second session of the 84th Congress

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon B. Johnson Kisses Sam Rayburn

Lyndon B. Johnson Kisses Sam Rayburn
(Original Caption) 1/6/1956-Washington, DC: Speaker of the House of Representatives Sam Rayburn (Left) gets a kiss on the head from Senate Majority leader Lyndon B

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson and Leverett Saltonstall Reading Budget Plan

Lyndon Johnson and Leverett Saltonstall Reading Budget Plan
(Original Caption) Senate Democratic leader Lyndon Johnson (D-Texas), left, and Senate Minority whip Leverett Saltonstall (R-Mass.)

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon B. Johnson

Lyndon B. Johnson
(Original Caption) Senate Democratic leader Lyndon B. Johnson is shown tonight just before he spoke over radio and TV in answer to President Eisenhower's farm veto broadcast of last week

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon B. Johnson

Lyndon B. Johnson
(Original Caption) Senate Democratic leader Lyndon B. Johnson is shown tonight just before he spoke over radio and TV in answer to President Eisenhower's farm veto broadcast of last week

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson

Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson
(Original Caption) Senate Democratic leader Lyndon Johnson is shown as he addressed a TV-radio audience last night. Behind him are the flags of the U.S. and of Texas

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson and Brother Read Newspapers

Lyndon Johnson and Brother Read Newspapers
(Original Caption) 5/9/1956-Johnson City, TX: Sen

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: People Congratulating Lyndon Johnson

People Congratulating Lyndon Johnson
(Original Caption) Senator Lyndon Johnson, of Texas

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson Welcomes John Connolly

Lyndon Johnson Welcomes John Connolly
(Original Caption) Senate Majority leader Lyndon Johnson, Texas, gives a warm welcome to john Connoley, (right), of Fort Worth Texas

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Adlai Stevenson and Lyndon Johnson Greeting Crowd

Adlai Stevenson and Lyndon Johnson Greeting Crowd
(Original Caption) Adlai Stevenson, Democratic Presidential candidate, waves to the crowd that greeted him and running mate Estes Kefauver on their arrival here August 27th

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi Visiting Capitol Hill

Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi Visiting Capitol Hill
(Original Caption) Washington, DC.: Japanese Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi on Capitol Hill

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Senators Having Jovial Conversation

Senators Having Jovial Conversation
(Original Caption) Senate Civil Rights Bill leaders talk together here at the capitol

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Lyndon Johnson Seated At Desk

Lyndon Johnson Seated At Desk
(Original Caption) 11/6/1957-Washington, DC: Senator Lyndon Johnson, of Texas, Majority Leader of the Senate

Background imageLyndon Baines Johnson Collection: Edward Teller Examining Document with Lyndon B. Johnson and Colleague

Edward Teller Examining Document with Lyndon B. Johnson and Colleague
(Original Caption) The Senate opened its heralded space age investigation with Dr. Edward Teller, (C), "father of the Hydrogen Bomb" as the opening witness. Dr

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