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Military Officer Collection

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Portrait of Military Officer James Longstreet

Portrait of Military Officer James Longstreet
(Original Caption) James Longstreet (1821-1904), American army officer

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Early Spanish Military Officers Poised Outdoors in Conversation

Early Spanish Military Officers Poised Outdoors in Conversation
(Original Caption) Costumes Militaires Modernes

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Union Officers in Camp

Union Officers in Camp
(Original Caption) 3/21/1942-Union officers and Camp servants during the Civil War

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Union Officer Carl Schurz

Union Officer Carl Schurz
(Original Caption) Carl Schurz as an officer during the Civil War. Undated composite photograph. Depicted headshoulders

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Six English Officers in Uniform

Six English Officers in Uniform
(Original Caption) 5/1862-Camp Winifred Scott, VA-A group of English officers, photographed at Camp Winfield Scott, near Yorktown

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Staff of Union General Andrew Porter

Staff of Union General Andrew Porter
5/20/1862: The staff of Union General Andrew Porter lounge in front of a tent during the Civil War

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Union Soldiers with Cannon

Union Soldiers with Cannon
(Original Caption) Portrait of four Civil War artillery officers grouped around a cannon in the vicinity of Fair Oaks, Virginia, June 1862. BPA2# 719

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Turret On The USS Monitor Battleship

Turret On The USS Monitor Battleship
(Original Caption) 7/1862- Picture shows a close-up of the turret, on the USS Monitor, is seen as two military officers stand aboard looking at the cannon in the turret. BPA2# 716

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Union Infantry at Bull Run

Union Infantry at Bull Run
Union Soldiers and officers of Company C of the 41st New York Infantry Regiment at camp near Bull Run, Virginia

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Union Officers Outside Tent

Union Officers Outside Tent
Officers of the Union Army sit outside a tent reading letters

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Dr. C.K. Irwin Seated in Tent Opening

Dr. C.K. Irwin Seated in Tent Opening
(Original Caption) 9/1683- Gettysburg, PA: Dr. C.K. Irwin acting medical director of the Excalibur Brigade seated at the entrance of a tent with another unidentified officer

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Military Officer George B. McClellan Posing

Military Officer George B. McClellan Posing
(Original Caption) George B. McClellan, U. S. Army officer, candidate for Presidency, 1864. Photograph, National Archives

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Horse Drawn Police Wagon

Horse Drawn Police Wagon
(Original Caption) 1886-Horse drawn police wagon used by the New York City Police Department. 1886

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Geronimo Meeting with General Crook

Geronimo Meeting with General Crook
A conference with Geronimo, with General George Crook on the right, and Geronimo on the left

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Interview Btwn Officer And Indians

Interview Btwn Officer And Indians
(Original Caption) Interview between US officer and Native American. Photograph by Grabhill, 1887

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Czar Nicholas II Coronation Processional

Czar Nicholas II Coronation Processional
(Original Caption) An exceedingly rare photograph is this one of the Coronation procession following the Crowning of Czar Nicholas II, last of the Russian Czars. The scene is in St

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Captain Dreyfus Before Council of War

Captain Dreyfus Before Council of War
(Original Caption) Captain Dreyfus (1859-1935), French Army officer before the Council of War at Rennes

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Officer Stands At Marine Grave

Officer Stands At Marine Grave
(Original Caption) South Pacific

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Cowboy Arresting Two Men; Tied Up

Cowboy Arresting Two Men; Tied Up
(Original Caption) William S. Hart, the cowboy in shining armor, arresting two badmen

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Portrait Of Confederate Officer

Portrait Of Confederate Officer
(Original Caption) Confederate Officer: Captain William C. Brown. Rough and Ready Guards. 14th N.C. Regiment. C.S.A. Ambrotype. Undated photograph

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Mussolini Walks Down Stairs W/ Officers

Mussolini Walks Down Stairs W/ Officers
(Original Caption) Mussolini in the mid-1930's surrounded by his corps of officers. Photograph

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Commodore Perry Meets Commisioners

Commodore Perry Meets Commisioners
(Original Caption) Yokohama, Japan: Commodore Perry meeting the Imperial Commisioners at Yokohama

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Galveston Daily Newspaper

Galveston Daily Newspaper
(Original Caption) Front page of the Galveston Daily News, Sept. 10, 1899. Notice the Captain Dreyfus story

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Archduke Franz Ferdinand Riding in Carriage

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Riding in Carriage
(Original Caption) Archduke Franz Ferdinand (L), heir to the Austrian throne, riding in a carriage in Leipzig, Germany

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Robert Baden-Powell In Boy Scout Uniform

Robert Baden-Powell In Boy Scout Uniform
(Original Caption) Portrait of Sir Robert Baden-Powell (1857-1941), British military officer and founder of the Boy Scouts, seated in chair wearing boy scout uniform. Undated photograph

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Military Officers Standing on Submarine

Military Officers Standing on Submarine
(Original Caption) Rear Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, is presented with a bottle of water taken from the North Pole by Commander James F

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Novelist Leo Tolstoy as Crimean Army Officer

Novelist Leo Tolstoy as Crimean Army Officer
(Original Caption) Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), Russian novelist and moral philosopher. Shown as a Crimean Army officer. Undated photo

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Carl Schurz Full Length Holding Cane

Carl Schurz Full Length Holding Cane
(Original Caption) Carl Schurz as an officer during the Civil War. Undated composite photograph. Depicted full length holding a cane

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Officer Carl Schurz During Civil War

Officer Carl Schurz During Civil War
(Original Caption) Carl Schurz as an officer during the Civil War. Undated composite photograph. Depicted 3/4 length holding his hat

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Admiral Sims And His Officers During Wwi

Admiral Sims And His Officers During Wwi
(Original Caption) Queenstown, Ireland- Picture shows Admiral Sims and officers at the Admiralty House during World War I. Undated photo circa 1910s

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Portrait Of Union Officer A.Rupetti

Portrait Of Union Officer A.Rupetti
(Original Caption) Portrait of, Lt. Colonel A. Rupetti, an Officer of the Union Army during the Civil War: A member of the Garibaldi Gaurd, the 39th New York Infantry in a studio pose

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Portrait Of Army Surgeon Lavington Quick

Portrait Of Army Surgeon Lavington Quick
(Original Caption) Portrait of Union Army Surgeon Lavington Quick, the Medical Director of the 24th Army Corps, 1864-65. Undated photograph circa 1864

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Lord Abinger And Officers Of Potomac

Lord Abinger And Officers Of Potomac
(Original Caption) Falmouth, VA: Lord Abinger and a group of officers of the Army of the Potomac. Undated photograph circa 1860

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Portrait Of Col. Elmer Elsworth

Portrait Of Col. Elmer Elsworth
(Original Caption) Full length portrait of Union Officer Col. Elmer E. Elsworth (1837-1861), the first Union officer to be killed in the Civil War. Undated photograph circa 1860

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Military Officers Conferring

Military Officers Conferring
An engraving depicting Prince Eugene de Beauharnais, son of Empress Josephine of France, conferring with another officer on the battlefield

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Portrait of Lord Horatio Nelson, British Naval Officer

Portrait of Lord Horatio Nelson, British Naval Officer
(Original Caption) Lord Horatio Nelson (1758-1805), British naval officer. Undated engraving

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Eric von Stroheim As Prussian Officer

Eric von Stroheim As Prussian Officer
(Original Caption) Erich Von Stroheim: (1885-1957) Typical pose in uniform of a Prussian officer, the part he played in many movies

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Engraving of the Shooting of Major Pitcairn

Engraving of the Shooting of Major Pitcairn
Engraving depicting the shooting of Major Pitcairn by the African-American soldier Peter Salem at the Battle of Bunker Hill during the Revolutionary War

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Byzantine Mosaic of Emperor Justinian and His Retinue

Byzantine Mosaic of Emperor Justinian and His Retinue
A mosaic from San Vitale Cathedral in Ravenna, Italy, shows the Byzantine Emperor Justinian the Great surrounded by his retinue. | Located in: San Vitale

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Oliver Perry/Battle Of Lake Erie 1813

Oliver Perry/Battle Of Lake Erie 1813
(Original Caption) Oliver Hazard Perry (1785-1819), American naval officer, at the Battle of Lake Erie (Sept 10, 1813)

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Revolutionary Officer Nathanael Green

Revolutionary Officer Nathanael Green
(Original Caption) Picture shows Nathanael Green (1742-1786), American Revolutionary officer. Undated engraving from an original painting by Chappel

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Com Perry'S Visit To China

Com Perry'S Visit To China
(Original Caption) Matthew Calbraith Perry (1794-1858), brother of Oliver Hazard Perry and Naval Officer in his own right. Com. Perry's visit to SHui, Lew Chew, China. Undated lithograph

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: William Hull Surrenders Detroit 1812

William Hull Surrenders Detroit 1812
(Original Caption) William Hull (1753-1825), American army officer. The surrender of Hull at Detroit, August 1812 during the War of 1812. Undated engraving

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Health Officers Giving Vaccinations

Health Officers Giving Vaccinations
(Original Caption) New York, NY: Health officers vaccinating Russian and Polish emigrants on board the steamship "Victoria", at quarantine, New York City. Woodcut, 1881

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Lithograph Of Roman Officer

Lithograph Of Roman Officer
(Original Caption) A Roman officer. Lithograph

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Military Officers Standing in Office

Military Officers Standing in Office
(Original Caption) Captain Edward Beach (USN) at left, Commander of the Nuclear Submarine Triton on her historic voyage around the globe while submerged

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Queen Elizabeth and Mrs. Roosevelt Riding in a Convertible

Queen Elizabeth and Mrs. Roosevelt Riding in a Convertible
Queen Elizabeth & Mrs Roosevelt in car

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Cossacks Standing in Rows

Cossacks Standing in Rows
(Original Caption) Mobilizing in St. Petersburg Cossacks unmounted with their color bearers

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Russian Revolutionaries on Parade

Russian Revolutionaries on Parade
Military revolutionaries in Russia parade down a street in a car with a banner

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Immigrant Children Being Examined

Immigrant Children Being Examined
(Original Caption) New York, NY: Immigrant children being examined by city health officer upon arrival at the battery from Ellis Island during Typhus Scare. Photograph, 1911

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Nellie Bly Speaking with Austrian Officer

Nellie Bly Speaking with Austrian Officer
Prominent journalist Nellie Bly, representing the New York Evening Journal, speaks with an officer of the Austrian Army in Poland

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Winston Churchill in Military Uniform During WWI

Winston Churchill in Military Uniform During WWI
(Original Caption) As First Lord of the Admiralty in World War I, Churchill mobilized the British grand fleet without Cabinet authority, risking his job

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: German High Officers Walking

German High Officers Walking
German officers walk across a field. Third from the left is Wilhelm, Crown Prince of Germany and Prussia, son of Kaiser Wilhelm II

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Registering And Fingerprinting Enemy Aliens During World War I

Registering And Fingerprinting Enemy Aliens During World War I
A police officer fingerprints a European enemy alien visitor to New York during World War I

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Archduke Franz Ferdinand, a few hours before his assassination

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Sophie Leaving Sarajevo Senate

Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Sophie Leaving Sarajevo Senate
(Original Caption) Austrian Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, walked down steps to enter car on June 28, 1914

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Military Officers Pausing for Camera

Military Officers Pausing for Camera
(Original Caption) Crown Prince Frederick William and two of his officers are shown

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Japanese Soldiers Standing With Officer

Japanese Soldiers Standing With Officer
(Original Caption) 11/11/1914-China: Japanese arriving in China. Group photo of soldiers and officers in field

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Captured German A7V Tank During WWI

Captured German A7V Tank During WWI
Officers look over a German A7V tank captured at Villers-Bretonneux, France, during World War I

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Officers At A Women'S Preparedness Camp

Officers At A Women'S Preparedness Camp
(Original Caption) 5/6/1916-Women's Preparedness Camp

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Officer Talking To Mexican Refugee

Officer Talking To Mexican Refugee
(Original Caption) 6/26/1916: U.S. Immigrant Officer talking to Mexican Refugees at American end of International Bridge at El Paso, TX

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Bolshevik Honor Guard

Bolshevik Honor Guard
A Bolshevik honor guard waits to greet Breshka Brashkoski

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Group Standing Arround White Flag

Group Standing Arround White Flag
(Original Caption) 12/9/1917: View of the mayor of Jerusalem, with white flag, offering surrender to two British sergeants

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Soldiers Forming Wilson Profile

Soldiers Forming Wilson Profile
Soldiers form a profile of President Woodrow Wilson on the parade grounds at the United States Army's Camp Sherman

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Cheering Crowd at a Wresting Match

Cheering Crowd at a Wresting Match
(Original Caption) May 1918-France-The 15th Colored Infantry indulges in some sports

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Army Recruiter Administering IQ Test to Black Man

Army Recruiter Administering IQ Test to Black Man
(Original Caption) 3/15/1918-An Army recruiting officer testing the mentality of a Negro applicant by means of cutout blocks

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Newton Barker Drawing First Draft Number

Newton Barker Drawing First Draft Number
(Original Caption) 6/27/1918- Washington, DC- World War I: The Draft: The Secretary of War, Newton Barker, drawing the first number from the bowl. BPA2# 5576

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Bolshevik Officers in Car

Bolshevik Officers in Car
(Original Caption) 3/21/1919-Sibera, Russia: Bolshevik officers in Army auto spreading red propaganda throughout country

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Bolshevik Funeral Goers

Bolshevik Funeral Goers
(Original Caption) Russia: International Regiment of the Kazan Bolsheviks at a Bolshevik funeral

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Salvaging The Sunken Fleet At Scapa Flow

Salvaging The Sunken Fleet At Scapa Flow
(Original Caption) 07/22/1919. Engineering Units of the British Navy at work salvaging the German Fleet which was sunk at Scapa Flow, Scotland. They are devising ways & means of raising the vessels

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Group of Military Officers

Group of Military Officers
(Original Caption) Left to right: George Clark of Tulsa, Okla.; Lieut. Kenneth Shrewsbury of Charlestown, W.Va.; Lieut. George M. Crawford of Wilmington, Del.; Capt. Edward J

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Charles Lindbergh Riding in Procession

Charles Lindbergh Riding in Procession
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Female Military Officers in 1920

Female Military Officers in 1920
(Original Caption) A women's battalion is being formed in New York City. Over one hundred women have already enrolled and drills are held in the 7th Regiment armory

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Crew of the S-Five Submarine

Crew of the S-Five Submarine
Survivors of the S-Five, the Navy's newest and most modern submarine, which sank along the East Coast on its way to Baltimore for a recruiting appearance

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Canadian Military Officer Alexander McClintock

Canadian Military Officer Alexander McClintock
(Original Caption) Alexander McClintock, Sergeant of the Canadian army in World War I

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Bank With Officers In Front Of Open Safe

Bank With Officers In Front Of Open Safe
(Original Caption) 1922-New York, NY: Typical small town bank with officers in front of open safe. 1922 Photo in Upstate New York

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: John Singer Sargent Leaving Ship

John Singer Sargent Leaving Ship
(Original Caption) Noted Artist Landing in Boston. photo shows John Singer Sargent. Leaving the liner Winifredian upon its arrival here. He went to the home of a brother in Brooklyn

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Photographer Aiming Military Camera

Photographer Aiming Military Camera
(Original Caption) A naval aviation photographer using a K-2 aerial camera used for oblique work. The camera is mounted on a Navy F-5-L flying boat

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: National Women's Party Leaders

National Women's Party Leaders
(Original Caption) 10/26/1922: Group portrait of National Women's Party officers. Front row (L to R): Mrs. Donald Hooker, Chairman of the Maryland Committee; Mrs. O.H.P

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Hallide Hannum Talking with Mustapha Kemal

Hallide Hannum Talking with Mustapha Kemal
(Original Caption) 2/15/1923-Turkey- Phots show Hallide Hannum, the "Joan of Arc" of Turkey, in earnest conversation with Mustapha Kemal Pasha

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Mustafa Kemal & Officers On Stairs

Mustafa Kemal & Officers On Stairs
(Original Caption) 3/6/1923-Turkey: Photo shows his excellency Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and his officers, Smyrna (now Izmir)

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Mustafa Kemal & Officers At Doorway

Mustafa Kemal & Officers At Doorway
(Original Caption) 3/6/1923-Turkey: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881 - 1938, centre, left), founder and President of the Turkish Republic, and officers on outdoor staircase, Smyrna (now Izmir)

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Reza Khan with Group of Officers

Reza Khan with Group of Officers
(Original Caption) 11/10/1925- While the Shah of Persia was dallying at French watering places and enjoying the effete pleasures of modern Europe, Reza Khan, a groom 12 years ago

Background imageMilitary Officer Collection: Arrest Of Murderer; Police Walking W/Him

Arrest Of Murderer; Police Walking W/Him
(Original Caption) 1926-EARL NELSON CASE.... Accompanied by two officers of the Winnipeg Sheriff's office, Earl Nelson leaves the courthouse after his conviction for murder of two Winnipeg women

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