Zulfikar Ali Bhutto at the United NationsZulfikar Ali Bhutto, Foreign Minister of the reorganized Pakistani government of President Agha Mohammed Khan, listens to Indian Foreign Minister Sardar Swaran Singh tell the U.N
Confederate States President Jefferson Davis as Young Man(Original Caption) USA: Head and shoulder portrait of Jefferson Davis as a young man, (1808-1889). He later became President of the Confederate States of America
Wilhelm II and Emperor Joseph Salute(Original Caption) 1889-Berlin, Germany: William II and Emperor Franz Joseph during a parade in Berlin, 1889
German Pavilion at Damascus FairgroundsThe German pavilion at the Damascus International Fairgrounds in Syria
Liberty Leading the People by Eugene Delacroix(Original Caption) Delacroix, E.. The Barricade (July 28, 1830) Paris, Louvre. BPA2# 4130
King Faisal I of Iraq(Original Caption) Faisal I (1885-1933), installed as King of Iraq by the British and became a leader of Arab Nationalism. Full-length portrait of Faisal I in typical garb common of the wealthy
German Emperor Kaiser William II(Original Caption) Kaiser William II of Germany in 1904 at the age of 45
French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau
Delegates at Peace of BucharestDelegates meet to discuss the terms of the Peace of Bucharest between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey on one side, and Romania on the other
Allied Leaders Pose in London(Original Caption) 12/7/1918- London, England- An exclusive photograph of the premiers of the Allied countries with Marshal Ferdinand Foch and Italian Foreign Secretary Sonnino in London, Dec
The "Big Four" of VersaillesThe "Big Four" at the Versailles Peace Conference, from left to right: Prime Ministers Lloyd-George, Orlando, and Clemenceau, of Great Britain, Italy, and France, respectively
Members of Versailles ConferenceMembers of the Versailles Conference (L-R): Vittorio Emanuelle Orlando, Italy; David Lloyd-George, Great Britain; Georges Clemenceau, France; and Woodrow Wilson, US
Mexican General Plutarco Elias Calles, (1877-1945), lead during the time of struggle between the church and state. Photograph ca. 1920s
African Chieftains of French Colonies Visiting Paris(Original Caption) Native Black Chiefs in Paris
Mexican President Speaking on Telephone(Original Caption) Direct telephone service between the United States and Mexico was recently inaugurated and Presidents Coolidge and Calles conversed for a few minutes
Mexican President Portes Gil With CabinetMexican President Emilio Portes Gil with members of his Cabinet after his inauguration in 1928. From left to right: Felipe Canales, Secretary of the Interior; Dr
Haile Selassie On Throne at CoronationEmperor Haile Selassie holds a scepter and poses by his throne during his coronation
Getulio Vargas Arrives in Railway Coach(Original Caption) 11/19/1930-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil-General Getulio Vargas, head of the military junta and Provisional President of Brazil, shown (seated, center)
Emperor HirohitoJapanese Emperor Hirohito in military uniform
Pierre Laval with Daughter JosetteFrench Prime Minister Pierre Laval and his daughter, Josette, arrive in New York City to a royal welcome
Japanese Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyosi(Original Caption) 1932: Japanese Premier Tsuyoshi Inukai shown seated and in traditional kimono in this photograph. He was assassinated by ultranationalist army officers
President Lazaro Cardenas of Mexico at Train Station(Original Caption) President Cardenas of Mexico is shown at the Reforma. Photograph, ca. 1930s
Premiers At Close Of Stresa ConferenceForeign Minister Pierre Laval of France, Prime Minister Benito Mussolini of Italy, and Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald of Great Britain (l to r) at the Stresa Conference
President Getulio Vargas Signs Peace Treaty with Argentina(Original Caption) 5/25/1936-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil-Ratified by the Brazilian Congress
Josef Stalin and Joachim Von Ribbentrop after Treaty Signing(Original Caption) Josef Stalin, (L), Russian dictator and Joachim Von Ribbentrop, German Foreign Minister
Duke and Duchess of WindsorThe Duke and Duchess of Windsor walk up the stairway of Government House where the Duke will take the oath of office as Governor of the Bahamas. August 1940
Duke and Duchess of Windsor in the BahamasThe Duchess of Windsor holds a bouquet of flowers while standing with her husband, the Duke of Windsor and Governor of the Bahamas, as they visit Government House
Boris III, King of Bulgaria
American Officers Meeting with Japanese to SurrenderMajor General Edward P. King (second from left) discusses preliminary terms of surrender on Bataan with Japanese officers following battles along Bataan and Corregidor
General George C. Kenney with B-24 Bomber Crew(Original Caption) 6/6/1942-New Guinea: As U.S. fliers stepped out of their bomber on their return from blasting an 8, 000-ton enemy transport, they were met by General George C
Japanese Soldiers on Captured American Gun(Original Caption) 11/16/1942-Philippines: Apparently the Japs knew nothing of the rules of the prize ring, as regards fair fighting or scoring by rounds
President Roosevelt Meets Chiang Kai-shek and Wife(Original Caption) 1944-Cairo, Egypt: President Roosevelt meets with Generalissimo and Madame Chiang Kai-shek. Chinese hopes for a major Southeast Asia campaign were to be disappointed
French Servicemen Read About D-Day(Original Caption) 6/6/1944-New York, NY: Scene in the French canteen on New York's Second Avenue this morning when news of the Allied Invasion of Europe broke
Tojo HidekiJapanese Prime Minister, Tojo Hideki, in full military dress
The Quincy AgreementKing Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud (Ibn Saud) of Saudi Arabia in conference with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt aboard the USS Quincy at the Great Bitter Lake in the Suez Canal, Egypt
The Quincy AgreementA view of the scene aboard an American warship aboard the USS Quincy at the Great Bitter Lake in the Suez Canal, Egypt, 14th February 1945
President Truman and Charles de GaullePresident Harry S. Truman stands alongside French provisional President General Charles de Gaulle on the South Lawn of the White House during the playing of the French and US national anthems
Chinese Communist General Zhou Enlai(Original Caption) 1946-China: Communist General Chou- En-lai, with Chinese flag
Ho Chi Minh at Reception(Original Caption) 7/5/1946-M. Ho Chi Minh, President of the Vietnam (Annamese) Republic photographed during the reception given by the French Press
Mohammed Ali Jinnah and Sister Standing Outside(Original Caption) Celebrating his 72nd birthday, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Governor-General of Pakistan, strolls on the lawn of the Government House at Karachi with his sister, Fatime
David Ben-Gurion Declaring New Jewish StateNew Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion reads the proclamation declaring the existence of the New Jewish State
Jubilant Teenagers Beneath American and Israeli Flags(Original Caption) New York: Rejoicing In The Streets
Boy Hanging Flag of Israel(Original Caption) 5/14/1948-New York
Boy Hanging Flag of Israel(Original Caption) 5/14/1948-New York, NY: Haim Shartok, 14 1/2 year old, son of Moshe Shertok, watches, as he just finished raising Jewish Flag
American School Children Waving State of Israel Flag(Original Caption) 5/16/1948-Camden, NJ-: School children of Camden wave flags of the Jewish state of Israel at a mass meeting saluting the country
David Ben-Gurion as British Leave Israel(Original Caption) 7/4/1948- Haifa, Palestine: Israel's Prime Minister wishes the British a bon voyage
First Israeli President Chaim WeizmannChaim Weizmann became the first President of Israel after it's formation in 1949 and served until his death in 1952
Chaim Weizman(Original Caption) Dr. Chaim Weizman 1874-1952, first President of Israel (1949-1952). Undated photograph of him smiling at the camera
Allied Leaders Seated In LibraryAt the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 are: Vittorio Orlando, David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau and U.S. President Woodrow Wilson
French President Francois Mitterrand speaks with reporters during the Industrialized Nations Summit in Williamsburg, Virginia
Robert MugabePortrait of Robert Mugabe, Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, speaking at microphone
Ronald Reagan and Mobutu Seko Shaking Hands(Original Caption) Washington: President Reagan bids farewell to President of Zaire, Mobutu Sese Seko as he departs concluding talks at the White House
Deng Xiaoping during a meeting with Senator Henry Jackson in Beijing
Francois Mitterrand Addresses the U.NFrench President Francois Mitterrand addresses the United Nations in New York
Francois Mitterrand and Margaret Thatcher at Press ConferenceFrench President Francois Mitterrand answers questions at a press conference with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
President Reagan And Deng Kiabping in Conversation(Original Caption) 4/28/1984-Peking: Deng Kiabping, China's senior leader, gestures and smiles as he talks with President Reagan, 4/28, during their meeting at the Great Hall of the People
President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, and Deng Xiaoping stand together at the Great Hall of the People, where they lunched together on April 28, 1984
Jackson Meeting with CastroAmerican religious and Civil Rights leader Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr shakes hands with Cuban leader Fidel Castro (1926 - 2016) during a visit to Havana, Cuba, June 27, 1984
Castro Making a SpeechCuban President Fidel Castro makes a speech during the 31st anniversary of the Cuban Revolution
Francois Mitterrand and Helmut Kohl Holding Hands(Original Caption) 9/22/1984-Verdun
Indira Gandhi Speaking During Her VisitIndira Gandi, Prime Minister of India speaks on her visit to Jaipur
Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney Delivering Speech(Original Caption) Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney as he gives a speech outside
Indira and Rajiv Gandhi Talk in GardenIndian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi talks with her son Rajiv in a garden. Rajiv took over as Prime Minister after Indira was assassinated by members of her Sikh bodyguard
Gandhi Family at Indira Gandhi's CremationIndian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, accompanied by his wife Sonia and his daughter Priyanka, attends the cremation of his mother, former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, New Delhi, India
Gandhi Supporters at Union Carbide Plant Accident RallySupporters of Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi hold a poster of him at a rally in support of the victims of the Union Carbide leak in Bhopal, which the Prime Minister attended
Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi at Union Carbide Plant Accident Rally(Original Caption) Bhopal, India: Rajiv Gandhi sits on a platform during a rally held in the city of Bhopal, India
Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi at Union Carbide Plant Accident Rally(Original Caption) Bhopal, India: Rajiv Gandhi sits on a platform during a rally held in this city of Bhopal, India
Robert Kennedy Children with Randall Robinson, Gary Hart, and Protesters Against ApartheidRory Kennedy, Randall Robinson, Douglas Kennedy and Senator Gary Hart link arms, as they demonstrate against South African government's apartheid policies at the South African Embassy
Finance Ministers of Five Countries Meeting in United StatesFinance ministers of the major industrialized nations meet to discuss the international economy
Reagan Receiving Crystal Statue Of LibertyPresident Reagan accepts a crystal replica of the Statue of Liberty in the Oval Office from the French Ambassador Emannuel De Margerie
Ronald Reagan with Miguel de la MadridAmerican President Ronald Reagan looks on as Mexican President Miguel de la Madrid waves during Reagan's state visit
George Bush and Prince Abdullah ConversingAbdullah bin Abdel Aziz, Prince of Saudi Arabia, talks with American president George Bush at the White House before moving on to the Arab summit in Amman
Signing of Nafta(Original Caption) 10/7/1992-San Antonio, TX- The North American Free Trade Agreement was initialed in San Antonio 10/7
Nafta Signing(Original Caption) 10/7/1992-San Antonio, TX- The North American Free Trade Agreement was initialed in San Antonio 10/7
Engraving of Jefferson Davis and His CabinetThis artwork shows Jefferson Davis and his cabinet with General Lee in the Council Chamber at Richmond. At left: Benjamin and Mallory (seated); Walker (standing) Jefferson Davis; Robert E
Confederate MoneyOne hundred dollar confederate bill
Illustration of Lamartine at the Hotel de Ville
Map Indicating Chinese Nuclear ExplosionA UPI (United Press International) news map indicating the location of China's first nuclear weapons test, which took place on October 16th
Interior of the New Japanese Parliament House Magazine IllustrationThis illustration was published in The Graphic magazine, January 24, 1891
Lithograph after Charles Graham Depicting the Naval Exhibit at the World's Columbian ExpositionIllustration of the Naval Exhibit at the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, held in Chicago, Illinois
Seal of the Confederate States of AmericaIllustration of the seal of the Confederate States of America, commissioned in 1863
Delegates Sign a Constitution Draft of the United States of Indonesia(Original Caption) Delegates from Holland, Indonesia and the United Nations listen to a speech by Dutch Prime Minister, Dr. W
Ho Chi MinhVietnamese Communist leader and first president of North Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh