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Natural Science Collection

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Chemist Marie Curie in Her Laboratory

Chemist Marie Curie in Her Laboratory
(Original Caption) Madame Curie (1867-1934), noted physical chemist, poses in her Paris laboratory. Undated photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Astronomer Cecilia Payne Gaposchkin

Astronomer Cecilia Payne Gaposchkin
(Original Caption) Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, Phillips Astronomer of Harvard University

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Sugar crystals, ordinary table sugar, photomicrography

Sugar crystals, ordinary table sugar, photomicrography

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Naturalist Louis Agassiz with Diagram

Naturalist Louis Agassiz with Diagram
(Original Caption) Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) Swiss naturalist

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Portrait of Spencer Fullerton Baird

Portrait of Spencer Fullerton Baird
(Original Caption) Spencer Fullerton Baird (1823-1888) American zoologist. Daguerrotype, 1840

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Mathematical Physicist Rudolf Clausius

Mathematical Physicist Rudolf Clausius
(Original Caption) Portrait of German mathematical physicist Rudolph Clausius (1822-1888), one of the founders of thermodynamics. Undated photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin
(Original Caption) Ca. 1855-Portrait of Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), the great naturalist

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Title Page from the Origin of Species

Title Page from the Origin of Species
(Original Caption) 1859-Title page of Charles Darwin's revolutionary book, "The Origin of the Species, " published in 1859

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Astronomer Sir John Herschel

Astronomer Sir John Herschel
Astronomer and physicist Sir John Herschel, son of astronomer Frederick William Herschel. His experience in chemistry led to his contributions to early photography

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Austrian Botanist Gregor Mendel

Austrian Botanist Gregor Mendel
ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Gregor Mendel (1822-1884). Austrian Botanist. Photograph, enlarged from a group of the brethren of the Konigskloster, 1866

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin
(Original Caption) Charles Darwin (1809-1882) in his later years. Photo by J. Cameron, 1869

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Portrait of Charles Darwin

Portrait of Charles Darwin
An 1869 portrait of Charles Darwin, the British naturalist whose theory of natural selection fundamentally altered the world's opinions about the evolution of living things

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Sir Richard Owen

Sir Richard Owen was the founding father of paleontology and the first to use the term "dinosaur"

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Ernest Haekel

Ernest Haekel
(Original Caption) Ernest Haekel, (1834-1919), German biologust. Photo, 1870

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Richard Owen

Richard Owen
British paleontologist and anatomist Richard Owen, who contributed to the study of fossils and opposed the views of Charles Darwin

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Othniel Charles Marsh

Othniel Charles Marsh
(Original Caption) Othniel Charles Marsh (1831 - 1899), American paleontologist who discovered over 1, 000 fossil vertebrates, including toothed birds. He was a professor at Yale College

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Skeleton Reading at Desk

Skeleton Reading at Desk
(Original Caption) Posture. Skeleton reading. Meigs desk. B/W photograph, 1870

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Portrait of Louis Breguet

Portrait of Louis Breguet
(Original Caption) Louis Breguet: (1804-1883) French physicist and watchmaker. Photo by Nadar, 1871

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Mr. Bergh to the Rescue Cartoon by Thomas Nast

Mr. Bergh to the Rescue Cartoon by Thomas Nast
In this cartoon, the gorilla says, "That man wants to claim my pedigree. He says he is one of my descendants." Mr

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Naturalist Charles Darwin Seated

Naturalist Charles Darwin Seated
(Original Caption) Charles Darwin 1875, photographed by H.P. Robinson

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Physicist Heinrich Hertz

Physicist Heinrich Hertz
(Original Caption) Heinrich Hertz (1857-1893), first exploited magnetic waves. His experiments led to the discovery of wireless telegraphy by Marconi. Undated photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Gregor Mendel

Gregor Mendel
(Original Caption) Portrait of Austrian botanist Gregor J. Mendel (1822-1884) as prelate. Photograph circa 1880

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin
Portrait of Charles Robert Darwin, the great naturalist, in his middle age. Photo circa 1854

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Albert and Maja Einstein As Children

Albert and Maja Einstein As Children
(Original Caption) Albert Einstein at approximately 8 years of age, with his sister Maja. Photograph circa 1884 (screened image). BPA2# 1394

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Henri Becquerel, Nobel Prize Winner in Physics

Henri Becquerel, Nobel Prize Winner in Physics

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Chemists Pierre and Marie Curie in Laboratory

Chemists Pierre and Marie Curie in Laboratory
(Original Caption) Portrait of Pierre and Marie Curie in laboratory. Undated photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Entomologist Jean Henri Fabre In His Study

Entomologist Jean Henri Fabre In His Study
(Original Caption) Jules Henri Fabre, "The Homer of Insects, " in his study (1823-1915). From an undated photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Chemist Marie Curie

Chemist Marie Curie
(Original Caption) Portrait of Marie Curie, discoverer of Radium. Undated photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Paul Dirac

Paul Dirac
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, the winner of the 1933 Nobel Prize for Physics

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Robert Millikan

Robert Millikan
(Original Caption) Photo portrait of Dr. Robert A. Millikan (1868-1953), American physicist. Undated

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Botanist George Washington Carver

Botanist George Washington Carver
George Washington Carver (1864-1943), American botanist. Undated photograph. (Photo by Bettmann/Getty Images)

Background imageNatural Science Collection: American Naturalist John Muir

American Naturalist John Muir
(Original Caption) John Muir (1838-1914), American naturalist, instrumentalist in establishing Yosemite Park

Background imageNatural Science Collection: American Bacteriologist Simon Flexner

American Bacteriologist Simon Flexner
(Original Caption) Simon Flexner (1863-1946) American bacteriologist and President of the Rockefeller Foundtion

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Russian Bacteriologist in Lab

Russian Bacteriologist in Lab
(Original Caption) Professor Elie Metchnikoff (1845-1916), Russian bacteriologist, in his labortatory. Photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Physicist John Tyndall

Physicist John Tyndall
John Tyndall (1820-1893)

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Scientist Evangelista Torricelli

Scientist Evangelista Torricelli
A portrait of Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647), Italian physicist and mathematician, inventor of the barometer, and early contributor to the development of integral calculus

Background imageNatural Science Collection: 17th-Century Engraving of Johannes Hevelius Using a Sextant

17th-Century Engraving of Johannes Hevelius Using a Sextant
Johannes Hevelius and his wife Elisabetha shown using a brass sextant measuring six feet in radius

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Portrait of Urbain Jean Joseph Leverrier

Portrait of Urbain Jean Joseph Leverrier
ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Urbain Jean Jospeh Leverrier (1811-1877) French Astronomer. Undated

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Skulls Illustrating Theory of Evolution

Skulls Illustrating Theory of Evolution
(Original Caption) A series of skulls illustrating the theory of evolution from fish to man

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Portrait of Four Geologists

Portrait of Four Geologists
(Original Caption) Undated photo of Geologists, James T. Gardiner, Richard D. Colter, Wilheim H. Brewer, and Clarence King

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Portrait of Geologist Clarence King

Portrait of Geologist Clarence King
(Original Caption) Clarence King, an American geologist and mining engineer who organized and directed the U.S. Geological Survey

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Physicist Edward Guillaume

Physicist Edward Guillaume
(Original Caption) Charles Edward Guillaume (1861-1938), French physicist [who] received Nobel Prize for Physics in 1920

Background imageNatural Science Collection: German Physicist Wilhelm Roentgen

German Physicist Wilhelm Roentgen
(Original Caption) Portrait of Wilhelm Roentgen (1845-1923), German physicist, discovered X-rays. Undated photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Physicist Ernest Rutherford

Physicist Ernest Rutherford
(Original Caption) Ernst [sic] Rutherford (1871-1937), English physicist prominent in developing atomic theory

Background imageNatural Science Collection: George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver
(Original Caption) George Washington Carver (1864-1943), African-American botanist

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Portrait of Naturalist William Bartram

Portrait of Naturalist William Bartram

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Cave Man Holding Staff

Cave Man Holding Staff
(Original Caption) The Paleolithic predecessor of today--a cave man of the early stone age and his weapons

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Reconstructed Skull of Prehistoric Man

Reconstructed Skull of Prehistoric Man
Reconstructed skull of Sinanthropus pekinensis, also known as Homo erectus pekinensis and Peking Man, first found near Beijing, China in the 1920s and carbon dated to roughly 250, 000-400

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Early Light Bulb

Early Light Bulb
(Original Caption) Edison Lamp

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Ornithologist John Gould

Ornithologist John Gould
John Gould (1804-1881) English ornithologist. Undated photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Pierre Paul Roux

Pierre Paul Roux
The French physician and bacteriologist, Pierre Paul Emile Roux (1835-1933), whose research led to the development of diphtheria immunization and therapy

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Neanderthal Man

Neanderthal Man
(Original Caption) Side view: Reproduction of Neanderthal Man in Chicago Field Museum

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Lab Assistant Filling Specimen Bottles

Lab Assistant Filling Specimen Bottles
(Original Caption) Woman assistant of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov filling bottles with sterilized gastric juice, at the Pavlov Institute in Leningrad. Undated photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Portrait of Abdus Salam

Portrait of Abdus Salam
(Original Caption) Portrait of professor Abdus Salam, British joint-winner of the 1979 Nobel Prize for physics. Undated photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Paul Dirac

Paul Dirac
English Physicist Paul Dirac, who developed a wave equation for the electron

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Marie Curie with her Daughter Irene

Marie Curie with her Daughter Irene
Marie Curie, recipient of the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics and the 1911 Nobel Prize for Chemistry, stands with her daughter and fellow chemist Irene Joliot-Curie

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Botanist George Washington Carver in Arboretum

Botanist George Washington Carver in Arboretum
(Original Caption) George Washington Carver (1864-1943), American botanist at work. Undated photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver with a rose in jacket lapel

Background imageNatural Science Collection: C. P. Snow

C. P. Snow
(Original Caption) Portrait of Charles Percy Snow (1905-1980), English author, physicist, and diplomat. Undated photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Alfred Kinsey

Alfred Kinsey
Researcher of human sexual behavior, famous for his books Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, 1948 and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, 1953

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Female Medical Students Dissecting Cadavers

Female Medical Students Dissecting Cadavers
Female medical students dissect cadavers during anatomy class at the Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania, located in Philadelphia. (Photo by Bettmann via Getty Images)

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Chart Depicting Geological Levels

Chart Depicting Geological Levels
(Original Caption) Schematic overview of the different geological layers

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Charles Bonnet

Charles Bonnet
(Original Caption) profile head and shoulders engraving of Swiss naturalist and philosopher

Background imageNatural Science Collection: John Von Neumann

John Von Neumann
(Original Caption) John Von Neumann (1905-1956), is shown in this photograph. He was a Hungarian mathematician and physicist

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Drawing of Scientist with Mummy on Table

Drawing of Scientist with Mummy on Table
(Original Caption) Unwrapping Ancient Egyptian Mummies In The Boulak Museum At Cairo. Undated engraving

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Newton Experimenting with Light

Newton Experimenting with Light
A colored engraving shows Isaac Newton (1643-1727) experimenting with focused rays of light. Newton was the first scientist to observe and document the components of white light

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Portrait of James Bradley by Edward Scriven, after a Painting

Portrait of James Bradley by Edward Scriven, after a Painting
(Original Caption) James Bradley (1693-1762), English astronomer. Painting by Richardson

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Portrait of Descartes

Portrait of Descartes
An engraving by Baudran depicts Rene Descartes (1596-1650), the French mathematician and philosopher, sometimes called the father of modern philosophy

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Print of Atlas Supporting a Ptolemaic Universe

Print of Atlas Supporting a Ptolemaic Universe
Atlas supporting a Ptolemaic Universe, though many astronomers by then supported Copernicus. Print, 1559

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Physicist Sir James Chadwick

Physicist Sir James Chadwick
(Original Caption) James Chadwick, English physicist; "discoverer" of the neutron (1932); awarded the 1935 Nobel Prize for Physics. Undated photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Engraving of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich

Engraving of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich
Engraving showing men working at the Royal Observatory. The scientist at left is making an observation with a quadrant, while the man on the right looks through a telescope

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Painting of Sir Isaac Newton

Painting of Sir Isaac Newton
(Original Caption) Sir Isaac Newton. 1642-1727. English natural philosopher and mathematician

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Woodcut Illustrating Skeleton with Muscles

Woodcut Illustrating Skeleton with Muscles
(Original Caption) Vesalius. Rear view showing the muscles skeleton and dissection of head with skull on ground. Woodcut

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Portrait of Andreas Vesalius

Portrait of Andreas Vesalius
(Original Caption) Portrait of Andreas Vesalius, 1514-1564. Belgium anatomist. One of the first to dissect the human body to study anatomy

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Ben Franklin Flying Kite

Ben Franklin Flying Kite
(Original Caption) Ben Franklin's experiment with the kite in June 1752

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Ground-Level View Of Stonehenge

Ground-Level View Of Stonehenge
(Original Caption) Wiltshire, England-Stonehenge, famous Druid ruins. Undated photograph

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Drawings of the Eye by Leonardo da Vinci

Drawings of the Eye by Leonardo da Vinci

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Engraving of John Ray

Engraving of John Ray
(Original Caption) John Ray, F.R.S. (1627-1705) naturalist. His classification (Historia Plantarum) of plants was the foundation of modern taxonomy

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Man Holding Hygrometric Scale

Man Holding Hygrometric Scale
Hygrometric balance in use. The weight of a small cotton ball is measured on a scale geared to normal humidity. Hydrometric scale is an instrument which measures atmospheric humidity

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Portrait of Nicolaus Copernicus

Portrait of Nicolaus Copernicus
(Original Caption) Nicholai Copernicus (1473-1543), Polish astronomer. Portrait after a contemporary painting. Undated. SEE PG. 10114 FOR B&W

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Engraving of Johann Adam Schall von Bell at His Peking Observatory

Engraving of Johann Adam Schall von Bell at His Peking Observatory
China: Jesuit missionaries in China. Jesuit priest in study room of Peking Observatory. In the background newly revised maps by Father Adam Schall. Undated copper engraving, CIRCA 1660. BPA2# 4089

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Scientists Watching Test of Atomic Reactor

Scientists Watching Test of Atomic Reactor
(Original Caption

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Perspective of Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor

Perspective of Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor
(Original Caption) Experimental Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor at Argonne National Laboratory. This is the perspective of the entire plant

Background imageNatural Science Collection: Engraving of Head Depicting Symbolical Faculties

Engraving of Head Depicting Symbolical Faculties

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