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North African Ethnicity Collection

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Egyptian God Osiris

Egyptian God Osiris
illustration of a Egyptian God osiis

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Egyptian gods

Egyptian gods
Illustration of a Egyptian gods

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Egyptian God Sobek

Egyptian God Sobek
illustration of a Egyptian God Sobek

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Drawing Depicting Muhammad Ali Lounging at His Royal Abode

Drawing Depicting Muhammad Ali Lounging at His Royal Abode
Muhammad Ali. (b. 1769, Kavala, Macedonia, Ottoman Empire [now in Greece]--d. Aug. 2, 1849, in Alexandria)

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Muslim Woman Wearing Full Veil

Muslim Woman Wearing Full Veil
Muslim woman from North Africa wearing flowered face veil

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Ruins of the Colossus of Memnon

Ruins of the Colossus of Memnon

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Columns at Temple of Luxor

Columns at Temple of Luxor

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Man Seated on Ruins in Thebes

Man Seated on Ruins in Thebes

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Sphinx and Great Pyramid

Sphinx and Great Pyramid
Egyptian men gather near the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, in the Valley Temple

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: North African Woman

North African Woman
Portrait of North African woman

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Arabi Pasha and His Harem In Egypt

Arabi Pasha and His Harem In Egypt
(Original Caption) The Pasha and his Harem. Egypt, ca. 1880

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Pyramids of Giza

Pyramids of Giza
(Original Caption) The Great Pyramids of Menkure, Khafre and Khufu in Giza, Egypt. Undated photograph

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Statue of Rameses II at the Ramesseum

Statue of Rameses II at the Ramesseum
(Original Caption) Egypt: View of the crumbling statue of Rameses II, at the Ramesseum. Undated photograph

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Drawing Depicting Egyptian Embalmers, Mummy and Coffin

Drawing Depicting Egyptian Embalmers, Mummy and Coffin
Embalmers bandaging mummy while assistant prepared coffin. Colored wash drawing

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Engraving of the Triumphal March from the Verdi Opera Aida

Engraving of the Triumphal March from the Verdi Opera Aida
Undated engraving

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Egyptian Mural of Musicians and Dancers

Egyptian Mural of Musicians and Dancers
Egyptian musicians of the new empire ca. 1000 B.C, Girls playing harp a violin like instrument and a double flute. From mural tomb painting. BPA2# 3224

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Ancient Egyptian Stone Tablet

Ancient Egyptian Stone Tablet
Ancient Egyptian stone tablet showing Akhenaton, 14th Century B. C. King of Egypt with his wife. Undated photograph. BPA2# 4081

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Akhenaton and Nefertiti with Their Three Children

Akhenaton and Nefertiti with Their Three Children
(Original Caption) King Amenophis and his family under sun's rays. Analter piece from a temple in El-Armarna

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Front View of Bust of Nefertiti

Front View of Bust of Nefertiti
(Original Caption) Head of Nefertiti. Egyptian sculpture, 18th Dynasty, circa 1340 BCE. Berlin. BPA 2 #4277

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Side View of Sculpture Head of Akhenaten by Tuthmosis

Side View of Sculpture Head of Akhenaten by Tuthmosis
(Original Caption) Berlin, Germany: King Amenhotep IV of Egypt, 1370 B.C. Egyptian Museum, Berlin. Photo, BPA2 #4527

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Stone Sculpture of Queen Hatshepsut

Stone Sculpture of Queen Hatshepsut
(Original Caption) Stone sculpture of Hatshepsut, Queen of Ancient Egypt (18th Dynasty), in the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Palette of Narmer

Palette of Narmer
(Original Caption) Egyptian Implements Second Dynasty. Palette of King Narmer; Slate.Original found at Hierakohpolis, is now at the Cairo Museum. BPA 2# 5361

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Engraving of Men Dyeing Leather Hides in Morocco by A. Jahandier

Engraving of Men Dyeing Leather Hides in Morocco by A. Jahandier
Tanning. Mfg. of Morocco leather: Dyeing of the hides. Wood engraving around 1850

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Limestone Bust of Queen Nefertiti

Limestone Bust of Queen Nefertiti
(Original Caption) Sculptural bust of Queen Nefertiti, wife of Ikhnaton IV of Egypt

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Men Stand Before the Great Sphinx

Men Stand Before the Great Sphinx
(Original Caption) Giza, Egypt: A view of the Great Sphinx of Giza, partially excavated and showing the Tehuti-Mes stele between the forelegs. Ca. 1900

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Egyptian Women Speaking on Patriotism in Public Square

Egyptian Women Speaking on Patriotism in Public Square
(Original Caption) 5/24/1919-Cairo, Egypt: Exclusive photograph showing native Cairo women addressing a crowd in one of the principal streets of the Egyptian City

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Olympics Antwerp Opening Ceremony

Olympics Antwerp Opening Ceremony
(Original Caption) 1920: Scene at the Olympic Games at Antwerp, Belgium - Line up of teams of various countries at opening ceremony

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: King Fuad of Egypt

King Fuad of Egypt

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Egyptian Suffragists Displaying Flag

Egyptian Suffragists Displaying Flag
A group of women asking for the right to vote in any new Egyptian government display a flag, in Cairo, 1922

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Jackie Coogan and Prince Mohammed-Ali

Jackie Coogan and Prince Mohammed-Ali
(Original Caption) Boxing Prince visits movie studios

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Howard Carter at Excavation of King Tut's Tomb

Howard Carter at Excavation of King Tut's Tomb
Egyptologist Howard Carter watches as porters carry a throne from King Tutankhamun's Tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Porters Carrying Chest From King Tut's Tomb

Porters Carrying Chest From King Tut's Tomb
(Original Caption) 2/8/1923-Egypt: Natives carrying a chest full of ancient fabrics and clothing from the tomb of the ancient Egyptian King Tutenkhamen

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Archaeologist Howard Carter at Tomb of Tutankhamen

Archaeologist Howard Carter at Tomb of Tutankhamen
Egyptologist Howard Carter watches as porters carry a carved statuette of the queen from King Tutankhamen's Tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Scene of Fatal Rioting in Mansura, Egypt

Scene of Fatal Rioting in Mansura, Egypt
A demonstration turned into a riot situation in Mansura, Egypt on July 22, 1930

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Boris Karloff in The Mummy

Boris Karloff in The Mummy
Boris Karloff in the 1932 motion picture The Mummy

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Boris Karloff as the Mummy

Boris Karloff as the Mummy
Boris Karloff in the 1932 motion picture The Mummy

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Boris Karloff in Coffin in The Mummy

Boris Karloff in Coffin in The Mummy
Boris Karloff in the 1932 motion picture The Mummy

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Tourists on Top of Great Pyramid

Tourists on Top of Great Pyramid
Tourists sunbathe and take tea at the top of the Great Pyramid

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Crowded Cairo Streetcar

Crowded Cairo Streetcar
The Number 13 streetcar, packed with passengers, rolls down a street in downtown Cairo

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Three Boats with Merchants Carrying Goods to Port Said

Three Boats with Merchants Carrying Goods to Port Said
(Original Caption) Egypt: Port Said

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: King Farouk and Franklin Delano Roosevelt

King Farouk and Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Egypt's King Farouk I meets with US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Anwar Sadat Gesturing While Speaking

Anwar Sadat Gesturing While Speaking
(Original Caption) President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, is shown answering newsmen during a press conference given at Hotel Narigny

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Young Sudanese Girls Wearing Colorful Headscarves

Young Sudanese Girls Wearing Colorful Headscarves
(Original Caption) 12/1984- Outside of Kassala, Sudan A group of young girls sit on the edge of a road. They are dressed in bright colors and are members of an undisclosed Sudanese village

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Qaddafi Speaking at Press Conference

Qaddafi Speaking at Press Conference
Colonel Muammar al-Qaddafi of Libya speaks to the press after a meeting with Spain's Prime Minister on Majorca

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: King Ramses III Mummy

King Ramses III Mummy
The mummy of Ramses III the Egyptian pharaoh during the 20th Dynasty in the Museum of Antiques in Giza

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Portrait of Saladin, Sultan of Egypt and Syria

Portrait of Saladin, Sultan of Egypt and Syria
(Original Caption) Illustrated portrait of Saladin (1137-1193), Sultan of Egypt and Syria. Undated woodcut. BPA2 #2827

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Illustration of Jewish Slaves Building Pyramids in Egypt

Illustration of Jewish Slaves Building Pyramids in Egypt
(Original Caption) Jewish people building the pyramids. BPA 2 #811

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: King Sebastian in the Battle of Alkassar Print

King Sebastian in the Battle of Alkassar Print
Illustration of King Sebastian fatally wounded at Alcazarquivir, also known as Ksar el Kebir or Al Qasr al Kabir, during a Portuguese crusade into Morocco in 1578

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Illustration of Early Egyptian Leader Mohammad Ali

Illustration of Early Egyptian Leader Mohammad Ali
(Original Caption) Mehemet Ali

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: King Farouk of Egypt

King Farouk of Egypt
Former King Farouk makes his home in Italy after abdicating his throne in 1952 during a coup d'etat

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Demonstrators Supporting Exiled Sultan Mohamed V

Demonstrators Supporting Exiled Sultan Mohamed V
(Original Caption

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Film Stars and Fashion Designer at Cannes Film Festival

Film Stars and Fashion Designer at Cannes Film Festival
(Original Caption) 4/5/1954-Cannes, France: At the Cannes Film Festival showing of " Le Grand Jeu" (France starring Lollobrigida), Egyption leading man Omar El Charif, U.S

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Simone Silva with Newspaper Photographs of Robert Mitchum

Simone Silva with Newspaper Photographs of Robert Mitchum
(Original Caption) 4/5/1954- Simone Silva shows a couple of newspapers showing her photo session with photographers and actor, Robert Mitchum, on Termin Island off of Cannes, France

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Sudan Prime Minister al-Azhari Visits Egyptian Premier Nasser

Sudan Prime Minister al-Azhari Visits Egyptian Premier Nasser
(Original Caption) Their hands clasped above their heads as a symbol of brotherhood, Egyptian Premier Nasser, (R), and the Prime Minister of the Sudan, Al Azhari

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Gamal Abdel Nasser Receiving Kiss from Citizen

Gamal Abdel Nasser Receiving Kiss from Citizen
(Original Caption) Egypt's Premier Lt. Col

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Sadat Scanning Map, Listening To Colonel

Sadat Scanning Map, Listening To Colonel
(Original Caption) 8/8/1954-Ismailia, Egypt: Colonel Anwar El-Sadat, a member of the Revolution Council

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Prime Minister Nasser Arrives in Mecca

Prime Minister Nasser Arrives in Mecca
Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser (L), Prime Minister of Egypt

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Queen Dina of Transjordan

Queen Dina of Transjordan, first wife of King Hussein, during a visit to Cairo

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Rene Coty Speaking with Tahar Ben Ammar

Rene Coty Speaking with Tahar Ben Ammar
French President Rene Coty speaks with Tunisian Prime Minister Tahar Ben Ammar at the Palais de l'Elysee, where the pair were discussing anti-rebel measures

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Insurgents Wave Weapons

Insurgents Wave Weapons
(Original Caption) Khenifra, French Morocco: Uprising In Morocco

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Smaala Tribesman Surrendering Rifles to French

Smaala Tribesman Surrendering Rifles to French
(Original Caption) One Who Surrendered

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Gamal Abdel Nasser Speaking in Front of Microphones

Gamal Abdel Nasser Speaking in Front of Microphones
(Original Caption) Nasser on Arms Pact with Czechs

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Woman Protesting Wearing Veils

Woman Protesting Wearing Veils
(Original Caption) A delegation of women and girls of the Istiqlal (Nationalist)

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Col Gamal Abdel Nasser Egyptian Premier

Col Gamal Abdel Nasser Egyptian Premier
(Original Caption) 1/26/1956-Cairo, Egypt: Egypt's handsome Premier, Col. Gamal Abdel Nasser, returns wave from admirering women crowded outside the Presidential mansion in Cairo

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: King Muhammad, Guy Mollet and Christian Pineau

King Muhammad, Guy Mollet and Christian Pineau
King Muhammad V of Morocco (center) sits with French Prime Minister Guy Mollet (left) and French Foreign Minister Christian Pineau

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Guy Mollet with Premier Iahar Ben Ammar

Guy Mollet with Premier Iahar Ben Ammar
(Original Caption) French Premier Guy Mollet (center) talks with Tunisian Premier Iahar Ben Ammar regarding Tunisian independence February 27th at the Quai D'Orsay

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Politician Habib Bourguiba's Presence Being Celebrated by Crowd

Politician Habib Bourguiba's Presence Being Celebrated by Crowd
(Original Caption) Tunisian crowds carry in triumph Neo Destour, (Nationalist)

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Children Greeting Gamal Abdel Nasser

Children Greeting Gamal Abdel Nasser
(Original Caption) Moslem children greet Egyptian premier

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: King Farouk Kicks Sand

King Farouk Kicks Sand
(Original Caption) 8/4/56-Anzio, Italy: A playful Farouk throws sand with his foot at pretty playmates, as the portly ex-king of Egypt enjoys the resort of Anzio, a fashionable beach near Rome

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Presidents Abdel Nasser and Shukri al-Kuwatli Forming New Union

Presidents Abdel Nasser and Shukri al-Kuwatli Forming New Union
(Original Caption) 2/3/1958-Cairo, Egypt- Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, left

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Egyptian President Gamal Nasser and Che Guevara

Egyptian President Gamal Nasser and Che Guevara
(Original Caption) Cairo, Egypt: Egypt's President Nasser gestures to a crowd, as visiting Cuban Industry Minister Ernesto Guevara, (L), looks on admiringly

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Nasser and Castro Meet At Hotel

Nasser and Castro Meet At Hotel
(Original Caption) 9/25/1960- Gamel Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt and Fidel Castro, leader of Cuba meet at the Hotel Theresa. Photo

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: President Gamal Nasser

President Gamal Nasser
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser during a meeting with U.S. President Eisenhower at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Gamal Abdel Nasser Standing at Podium

Gamal Abdel Nasser Standing at Podium
Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of the United Arab Republic speaks to the General Assembly at the United Nations

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Leaders of the Non-Aligned Nations

Leaders of the Non-Aligned Nations
(Original Caption) 9/29/60-Yugoslavia- 5 top neutralist countries called upon Pres. Dwight Eisenhower & Premier Nikita Khrushcev to resume their personal diplomacy with a face to face conference

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Khrushchev, Nasser And Tito In Nyc

Khrushchev, Nasser And Tito In Nyc
(Original Caption) 9/30/1960-New York, NY: L to r: Khrushchev, of Russia, Nasser, of Egypt and Tito, of Yugoslavia meet at Russian Consulate in New York City

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Kennedys and Tunisian Leader Entering State Dinner

Kennedys and Tunisian Leader Entering State Dinner
President John and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy enter a state dinner with the guest of honor Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba and his wife

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Egyptian Demonstrators

Egyptian Demonstrators
Carrying a huge portrait of President Nasser, a group of Egyptians protests the Syrian revolt with tore apart the United Arab Republic, Nasser's vision of a single Arab state

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: John F. Kennedy with Abrahim Abboud

John F. Kennedy with Abrahim Abboud
President Kennedy greets Ibrahim Abbud at the beginning of his 11 day visit to the United States

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Scene From Lawrence of Arabia

Scene From Lawrence of Arabia
Anthony Quinn, acting as Auda abu Tayi, hands a sword to Omar Sharif, who portrayed Sherif Ali ibn el Kharish. Peter O'Toole stands in between

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Fidel Castro and Abdul Nasser

Fidel Castro and Abdul Nasser
(Original Caption) Undated photo of Fidel Castro and President Nasser. Logged 2/10/1962

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Gamal Abdel Nasser Meeting Haile Selassie Before Conference

Gamal Abdel Nasser Meeting Haile Selassie Before Conference
(Original Caption) United Arab Republic President Gamal Abdel Nasser, (L) is accompanied by Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, as they leave airport here

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: Christo and Jeanne-Claude Holding Artwork

Christo and Jeanne-Claude Holding Artwork
11/29/1963-Rome, Italy- Christo calls it "art" but many have mixed feelings about the artist's new form

Background imageNorth African Ethnicity Collection: King Saud and President Nasser

King Saud and President Nasser
King Saud visits President Nasser of Egypt in Cairo

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