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Political Campaign Collection

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Geraldine Ferraro on Capital Hill

Geraldine Ferraro on Capital Hill
(Original Caption) 1984-Washington

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Almanac Cover Depicting Harrison and Tyler

Almanac Cover Depicting Harrison and Tyler
The cover of the Hard Cider and Log Cabin Almanac of 1841 depicts presidential candidate William Henry Harrison and his running mate, John Tyler

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Cigar Box Label, 'Cleveland & Stevenson'

Cigar Box Label, "Cleveland & Stevenson"
(Original Caption) Cigar box label endorsing "Cleveland and Stevenson" for Grover Cleveland and Adlai Stevenson, lithograph

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: William Jennings Bryan

William Jennings Bryan
(Original Caption) 1896-William J.Bryan(1860-1925), political leader. He is shown during the commoner speech he made during the 1896 presidential campaign

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Theodore Roosevelt Campaign Button

Theodore Roosevelt Campaign Button
A silver moose hangs from a button with Theodore Roosevelt's portrait

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Cleveland and Thurman Campaign Buttons, 1888

Cleveland and Thurman Campaign Buttons, 1888
A campaign button for the Cleveland - Thurman ticket of 1888 features portraits of the two candidates as well as a rooster. Benjamin Harrison defeated Cleveland in the presidential election

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: William Jennings Bryan, Wife On Train

William Jennings Bryan, Wife On Train
(Original Caption) William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925), Democratic contender for the Presidency on his campaign train with Mrs. Bryan, leaving Galion, Ohio, for New York. Undated photo, probably ca

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: William-Taft Election Souvenir Plate

William-Taft Election Souvenir Plate
(Original Caption) Commemorative tin plate: Taft - Sherman Republican ticket, 1908

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: McKinley Presidential Campaign Buttons

McKinley Presidential Campaign Buttons
Campaign buttons featuring candidate William McKinley promise "Protection" and "Home Rule" in the 1896 election

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: McKinley and Roosevelt Campaign Buttons

McKinley and Roosevelt Campaign Buttons
Portraits of Thomas McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt adorn campaign buttons. They are running for president and vice president, respectively, in 1900

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Herbert Hoover On The Campaign Trail

Herbert Hoover On The Campaign Trail
(Original Caption) Herbert Hoover (1874-1964) Thirty first president, during his election campaign in 1928. Photograph

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: William Taft Greets Woman At Rally

William Taft Greets Woman At Rally
(Original Caption) William Howard Taft shakes the hand of an unidentified woman during a campaign rally. Undated photograph circa 1908

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: William Taft Standing On Platform

William Taft Standing On Platform
(Original Caption) William Howard Taft stands on a platform addressing a crowd during a campaign rally for his Republican presidential candidacy. Undated photograph circa 1908

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: William Taft Campaigns From Train Car

William Taft Campaigns From Train Car
(Original Caption) United States President William Howard Taft campaigns from the back of a railroad car. Undated photograph circa 1908

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Harold Washington at his Election Headquarters

Harold Washington at his Election Headquarters
(Original Caption) Harold Washington is seen here with his hands raised to supporters

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt Vice Presidential Campaign Button

Franklin D. Roosevelt Vice Presidential Campaign Button
(Original Caption) Franklin D. Roosevelt: Rare campaign button used during the 1920 election when FDR ran unsuccessfully against Harding. Undated photograph

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Assortment Of President Campaign Buttons

Assortment Of President Campaign Buttons
(Original Caption) Assortment of presidential campaign buttons, including Dewey, Ike, Stevenson, Kefauver, Taft, and Truman. Undated photograph

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Election Parade For J. Bell & Everett

Election Parade For J. Bell & Everett
(Original Caption) Election Parade: Boys in Blue electioneering for John Bell and Edward Everett, Lincoln's opponents. Woodcut, 1860

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: McKinley Campaign Poster

McKinley Campaign Poster
A campaign poster for presidential candidate Thomas McKinley proclaims: "McKinley Was Right."

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Poster for William Harrison Election Rally, 1840

Poster for William Harrison Election Rally, 1840
A poster for a William Harrison rally proclaims: "Keep the Ball Rolling. Harrison Rally!" Harrison ran for presidency successfully in 1840 on the Whig party ticket

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Teddy Roosevelt Campaign Buttons

Teddy Roosevelt Campaign Buttons
(Original Caption) Teddy Roosevelt campaign of 1904, showing candidate as roughrider; Humorous metal pin based on Teddy's pince-nez, and a hand of cards showing the candidate's basic aims

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: William Howard Taft Campaigns

William Howard Taft Campaigns
(Original Caption) United States President William Howard Taft stands on a platform in the center of a crowd during a campaign stop. Undated photograph circa 1908

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Cigar Box Label Of 'Harrison & Reid'

Cigar Box Label Of "Harrison & Reid"
(Original Caption) Cigar box label marked "Harrison and Reid" for Benjamin Harrison and Whitelaw Reid, presidential and vice presidential candidates in 1892, lithograph

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Theodore Roosevelt During Campaign

Theodore Roosevelt During Campaign
(Original Caption) 1903-Denver, CO: Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), during campaign trip to Denver. Standing on platform with his hand on his hat

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Campaign Buttons for Roosevelt

Campaign Buttons for Roosevelt
(Original Caption) Roosevelt campaign buttons, 1904. On top, button propounding racial equality, an issue never shown in a campaign button up to this time. Photograph

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: William Taft Campaigns from a Train

William Taft Campaigns from a Train
(Original Caption) William Howard Taft making a campaign speech from a train platform. He served as President from 1909 to 1913. Ca. 1908-1912

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: William Randolph Hearst Campaigning For Mayor

William Randolph Hearst Campaigning For Mayor
(Original Caption) 1909-New York, NY-: William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951) during his campaign for Mayor of New York City

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Theodore Roosevelt Giving Campaign Speech

Theodore Roosevelt Giving Campaign Speech

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Mary Pickford Sells Liberty Loans During World War I

Mary Pickford Sells Liberty Loans During World War I
(Original Caption) View of Mary Pickford selling Liberty Loan in front of the Sub-Treasury Building during the Third Loan Campaign, World War I. Undated photograph

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Women on Stand in Street Campaigning

Women on Stand in Street Campaigning
(Original Caption) Photo shows two women standing on a structure in the street of a city, campaigning for Woodrow Wilson (Women's Campaign for Woodrow Wilson). Photograph, 1916

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Propaganda Poster On Wilson Campaign Car

Propaganda Poster On Wilson Campaign Car
(Original Caption) Wilson Campaign: Propaganda poster on truck by Women's Bureau of National Democratic Committee. Photograph, 1916

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Woodrow Wilson Speaks from Train Car

Woodrow Wilson Speaks from Train Car
(Original Caption) 2/2/1916-Milwaukee, Wisconsin-President Wilson as he addressed a crowd at the depot of Milwaukee

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Woodrow Wilson Campaign Van

Woodrow Wilson Campaign Van
(Original Caption) A campaign van decorated with posters supporting Woodrow Wilson's bid for presidency

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Cox and Roosevelt in Motorcade

Cox and Roosevelt in Motorcade
Democratic Presidential candidate James Cox and his running mate Franklin Roosevelt pass through a crowd of cheering onlookers during their campaign

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Cox and Roosevelt Campaigning

Cox and Roosevelt Campaigning
Democratic presidential candidate James Cox and his running mate Franklin Roosevelt campaign in a parade

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt Campaigning with James M. Cox

Franklin D. Roosevelt Campaigning with James M. Cox
Vice presidential candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt and presidential candidate, James M. Cox, Governor of Ohio, lead the Ohio Democratic Notification Parade in Dayton, Ohio, in 1920

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Herbert Hoover Campaign Button

Herbert Hoover Campaign Button
(Original Caption) Herbert Hoover campaign button. Undated. BPA2# 1403

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Crowd Outside Chicago Coliseum

Crowd Outside Chicago Coliseum
(Original Caption) Scenes at the Chicago National Convention...Street scene in Chicago during the convention

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Calvin Coolidge and Charles Dawes Election Poster

Calvin Coolidge and Charles Dawes Election Poster
(Original Caption) 1924-Election poster for Calvin Coolidge and Charles Dawes, 1924

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt Dictating to His Secretary Louis Howe

Franklin D. Roosevelt Dictating to His Secretary Louis Howe
Franklin D. Roosevelt, former Assistant Secretary of the Navy, has been named to manage the pre-convention campaign for Governor Alfred E. Smith

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Pademoniaum Breaks Loose as Senator Phelan Makes Nomination for McAdoo

Pademoniaum Breaks Loose as Senator Phelan Makes Nomination for McAdoo
Photo shows a scene inside Madison Square Garden during the closing hours of the second session of the convention. When Senator Phelan of California made the nomination for William G

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Herbert Hoover Seated On Couch

Herbert Hoover Seated On Couch
(Original Caption) New York, NY: President Herbert Hoover seated in a New York hotel during a campaign of 1928. Photograph

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Alfred E. Smith Campaigning

Alfred E. Smith Campaigning
(Original Caption) 1928- MT: Alfred E. Smith campaigning in Montana, 1928

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Herbert Hoover Speaking

Herbert Hoover Speaking
(Original Caption) Hoover Invades South. Bristol, Tennessee: Photo shows Mr. Herbert Hoover, G.O.P

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Crowds Waiting

Crowds Waiting
(Original Caption) Herbert Hoover Campaigns in the South. Elizabethtown, Tennessee: A huge crowd turned out to hear Herbert Hoover during his campaign for presidency swing through the south

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: James Roosevelt Speaking at Microphone

James Roosevelt Speaking at Microphone
(Original Caption) 4/26/1932-Boston, MA: James Roosevelt pictured during his last speech on behalf of his father, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, for Democratic nomination for President

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Roosevelt Addressing Convention

Roosevelt Addressing Convention
(Original Caption) Are These "Rays" of Democratic Hope

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Roosevelt Campaigning with Family

Roosevelt Campaigning with Family
7/02/1932-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Photo shows Governor Roosevelt, Mrs.Roosevelt, John and Elliot about to enter plane to fly to Chicago. The Governor's nephew hands him a telegram

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Workers Of Nationalist Peoples Party

Workers Of Nationalist Peoples Party
(Original Caption) 7/22/32-Germany: Although a virtual dictatorship has been set up in the state of Prussia and martial law declared in Berlin with serious rioting as a result

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Senator Huey Long Speaking at Campaign Event

Senator Huey Long Speaking at Campaign Event
Senator Huey P. Long speaks to a crowd at a campaign event for fellow Senator Hattie Caraway

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Roosevelt Campaigning for President

Roosevelt Campaigning for President
New York Governor Franklin Roosevelt campaigns for president for the first time. With him are (from left to right): Maurice E. Harrison, Director of the Democratic State Campaign; William G

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Supporters Greeting Roosevelt

Supporters Greeting Roosevelt
(Original Caption) Roosevelt Campaigns in the West. Los Angeles, California: Thousands of enthusiastic supporters gather around Franklin D

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: William Donovan Speaking at Rally

William Donovan Speaking at Rally
(Original Caption) G.O.P Candidate for Governor Speaks at Rally. A general view of the crowd that gathered at the Central Opera House in New York, for a Republican rally. Colonel William J

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Campaigning with Farmers

Franklin Roosevelt Campaigning with Farmers
(Original Caption) 10/24/1932 -Atlanta, GA- Governor Franklin D

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Crowd Awaiting Democratic Campaign Speech

Crowd Awaiting Democratic Campaign Speech
(Original Caption) This is part of the crowd of 17, 000 wildly-cheering persons that packed the 113th Regiment Armory in Newark, N.J. October 24th to hear former Governor Alfred E

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Franklin Roosevelt on Campaign Train

Franklin Roosevelt on Campaign Train
(Original Caption) 10/25/1932- Washington, DC- Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, Governor Albert C. Ritchie of Maryland and John N

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt Speaking from Train

Franklin D. Roosevelt Speaking from Train
(Original Caption) Speaking from the rear platform of his special train, Governor Franklin D

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Side View of Norman Thomas Addressing Supporters

Side View of Norman Thomas Addressing Supporters
(Original Caption) Socialist Nominee Speaks in Philadelphia

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Back View of Norman Thomas Addressing Supporters

Back View of Norman Thomas Addressing Supporters
(Original Caption) Socialist Nominee Speaks in Philadelphia

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(Original Caption) Various views of Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt, speaking at the arena, in Boston, during his campaign tour

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Neville Chamberlain Speaking

Neville Chamberlain Speaking
Neville Chamberlain, while Chancellor of the Exchequer, speaks prior to a general election in 1935. London

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Demonstrators Protesting Senator William Borah

Demonstrators Protesting Senator William Borah
Protesting Senator William Borah's stand against anti-lynching legislation, a group of demonstrators gather outside the Kismet Temple

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Joseph T. Robinson Addressing Nation on the Radio

Joseph T. Robinson Addressing Nation on the Radio
Senate Majority Leader Joseph T. Robinson (D-AR) addresses the nation on CBS radio. The senator is answering a scathing attack by Alfred E.Smith on President Roosevelt's New Deal plan

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Alfred M. Landon Kissing Baby at Rally

Alfred M. Landon Kissing Baby at Rally
(Original Caption) 8/29/1936- St. Louis, MO- When the train bearing Governor Alfred M. Landon back to Kansas at the conclusion of his Eastern campaign tour stopped at St

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Frank Knox with Wife on Train

Frank Knox with Wife on Train
(Original Caption) 10/13/1936-Washington, DC- Photo shows Colonel Frank Knox (left), Republican candidate for Vice-President, Mrs. Knox, and Henry A. Wise, Republican leader from Virginia

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: President Roosevelt Waving After Speech

President Roosevelt Waving After Speech
President Franklin Roosevelt waves with his supporters after making the final address of his campaign for re-election

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: As President Ended Campaign

As President Ended Campaign
President Roosevelt drinking water just before he began his final campaign address at a gigantic Democratic rally in Madison Square Garden, New York, Oct. 31

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Joseph Stalin Delivering a Speech

Joseph Stalin Delivering a Speech
Dictator of Soviet Russia, Joseph Stalin, addresses voters, of the Stalin election district in Moscow, on the even of the election in which Russians voted for the first time under the new constitution

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: F.D. Roosevelt In Auto Outside School

F.D. Roosevelt In Auto Outside School
(Original Caption) 4/1/1938-Warm Springs, CA: President and Mrs

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: President Roosevelt Campaigning

President Roosevelt Campaigning
President Roosevelt campaigns for re-election and stops to greet a crowd of supporters and onlookers

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Frank Sinatra, Moss Hart, and Ethel Merman Singing

Frank Sinatra, Moss Hart, and Ethel Merman Singing
(Original Caption) Frank Sinatra, Moss Hart and Ethel Merman harmonizing a little ditty while campaigning for the re-election of President Roosevelt. Undated Photo

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Wendell Willkie Campaign Sticker

Wendell Willkie Campaign Sticker
(Original Caption) 1940- Automobile sticker supporting Republican Wendell Willkie's presidential campaign

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Monkey Campaigning for Willkie

Monkey Campaigning for Willkie
(Original Caption) 6/25/1940- Philadelphia, PA- "Marie" the monkey

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Wendell Willkie on Campaign Trail

Wendell Willkie on Campaign Trail
(Original Caption) 9/14/1940-Chicago, IL- With arms outstretched in an all-embracing gesture, Wendell Willkie, G.O.P

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Wendell L. Wilkie Campaigning under Roosevelt's Banner

Wendell L. Wilkie Campaigning under Roosevelt's Banner
(Original Caption) Wilkie Campaigns under Democratic Banner. Jersey City, New Jersey: The constant threat to his election as president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, hangs over Wendell L

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Wendell Willkie on Campaign Trail

Wendell Willkie on Campaign Trail
(Original Caption) 10/7/1940- Jersey City, NJ- The only sour note to this rousing reception given Wendell L

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Lyndon Johnson Rides On Shoulders

Lyndon Johnson Rides On Shoulders
(Original Caption) 6/30/41-Austin, Texas: Rep

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Harry Warner and Louis B. Mayer

Harry Warner and Louis B. Mayer
(Original Caption) 1/24/42: Harry M. Warner (L) chairman of the movie industry's Red Cross Emergency Campaign chatting with film mogal Louis B. Mayer

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Supporters Holding Roosevelt Signs

Supporters Holding Roosevelt Signs
(Original Caption) Convention Cheers for FDR

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: President Roosevelt Campaigning

President Roosevelt Campaigning
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt campaigns for re-election along with Connecticut gubernatorial candidate Robert A. Hurley (right), and Margaret Connors (left)

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: President Roosevelt Campaigning

President Roosevelt Campaigning
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt campaigns for re-election along with Connecticut gubernatorial candidate Robert A. Hurley (right), and Margaret Connors (left)

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Crowd Surrounding President Roosevelt

Crowd Surrounding President Roosevelt
Crowds of political supporters and onlookers surround the campaigning President Roosevelt. Accompanying the President is Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. who is seated in the car

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Truman Campaign Buttons

Truman Campaign Buttons
(Original Caption) Buttons used in the Harry Truman campaign of 1948. Slogans read: "DON'T TARRY VOTE HARRY, " AND "ELECT TRUMAN NO NEW MAN." Undated photograph

Background imagePolitical Campaign Collection: Thomas E Dewey During Campaign Tour

Thomas E Dewey During Campaign Tour
Thomas Dewey speaks from the rear of a train on the campaign trail

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