The Gerry-mander Political CartoonThe term "gerrymander" stems from this Gilbert Stuart cartoon of a Massachusetts electoral district twisted beyond all reason
Political Cartoon of President Theodore Roosevelt from Saturday GlobePolitical cartoon from the Utica Saturday Globe which says: "A Nauseating Job, But It Must Be Done"
Political Cartoon of Andrew Jackson as Absolute MonarchA political cartoon made during Andrew Jackson's presidency depicts Jackson as an absolute monarch who abuses his veto power and tramples on the Constitution
Standard Oil Monopoly Political Cartoon by C.J. TaylorAn editorial cartoon depicting Standard Oil president John D. Rockefeller as the "King of the World"
Political Cartoon of Andrew JacksonPresident Andrew Jackson brandishes an "Order for the Removal of the Public Money deposited in the United States Bank", sending small figures running
Illustrated Political Cartoon: Corporate Greed as Octopus(Original Caption) 6/27/1882 - Corporate greed octopus gobbles up freight for Great Railroad while unemployed handlers look on. Cartoon 1882
This is the House that Polk Built Editorial CartoonCirca 1846 cartoon against the Mexican War and President James Polk
The Man with the (Carpet) Bags by Thomas Nast1872 Harper's Weekly political cartoon of Carl Schurz depicted as a carpetbagger, which reflected Southern attitudes toward Northerners during Reconstruction
A Monopoly that Requires Crushing by Grant HamiltonPolitical Cartoon of Tidewater Pipe Line fighting with Standard Oil
Where the Blame Lies Cartoon by Grant HamiltonIMMIGRATION CARTOON, 1891--WHERE THE BLAME LIES
Will She Be Rescued? Political Cartoon on the Drefus AffairCartoon refers to Dreyfus Affair and Emile Zola's open letter of Jan 18, 1897
Andrew Jackson Riding PigThomas Nast depicts a statue of President Andrew Jackson riding a pig, on a pedestal that reads, "To the victors belong the spoils." Jackson's "spoils system
Political Cartoon of Jefferson Davis As a Donkey(Original Caption) Jefferson Davis: Jeff sees the elephant. North and South- Jefferson Davis with quizzing glass and donkeys (Confederate troops). Elephant carries cannons. Undated political cartoon
Cartoon Ridiculing US Purchase of AlaskaPolitical cartoon by Frank Bellew ridiculing the 1867 purchase of Alaska by the United States from Russia
Cartoon of Uncle Sam on Bicycle Illustrating Gold vs. Silver Standard by J.A. Wales(Original Caption) Silver Standard vs. Gold Standard controversy is seen here in this cartoon representing Uncle Sam as he is bicycling to national bankruptcy on an enormous silverite dollar
President Grant and Logan Begging for FundsNote in dog's mouth and offered to Lady Liberty states: "Logan's Bill to Place US Grant on the Retired Army List"
The Popular Craze Political Cartoon by HamiltonA politicial cartoon showing Uncle Sam too engrossed in baseball to bother with other news. Published in Judge magazine, May 14, 1887
Susan B. Anthony Standing Stern
Political Cartoon of Pollution Problems with Standard Oil Company as Octopus(Original Caption) New York: STANDARDOILCO. - A Horrible Monster, Whose Tentacles Spread Poverty, Disease And Death, And Which Is The Primal Cause Of The Nuisances At Hunter's Point
Editorial Cartoon Drawing of Uncle Sam Looking at Haiti by Cuthbert Rigby(Original Caption) "WILL HE FIGHT?" - Uncle Sam sizes up puny Haitian Republic during Haitian troubles of 1888
Look Before You Eat Cartoon by Frederick Opper(Original Caption) Look before you eat and see if you can discover any unadulterated food. Cartoon by Opper showing diner examining food through microscope
1840 Presidential Election Cartoon"The Trap Sprung! The Kinderhook Fox Caught!" President Martin Van Buren ("The Red Fox of Kinderhook") runs for re-election against William Henry Harrison
Cartoon about CholeraCartoon from 1884 depicting how bad food helps spread cholera
Political Cartoon of Jefferson Davis Carrying a Lighthouse and Fort Sumpter
Uncle Sam with a Big Stick Political Cartoon by Louis DalrympleIn this political cartoon about U.S. expansionism in the Pacific, Uncle Sam straddles the Americas while weilding a big stick inscribed with the words "Monroe Doctrine 1824-1905"
The Sharp Method by J.A. WalesCirca 1880 political cartoon depicting the corruption and control of the street railroad monopoly, represented by Jay Gould, over city aldermen and taxpayers
Pictorial Map Of Europe In 1870(Original Caption) A pictorial map of Europe in 1870 with various countries in the form of human figures typical of the nations. Undated French lithograph, circa 1870
Anti-Chinese Immigration Political Cartoon(Original Caption) Cartoon of Chinese immigration. "Oh! Law, they are coming in their own teapots now!" Engraving
Political Cartoon of an Abolitionist Meeting with W.L.Garrison(Original Caption) Slavery cartoon. Early abolitionist meeting in Boston. William Lloyd Garrison robbed and dragged through the streets with a rope around his neck
Cartoon of England as a Lion and France as a Soldier(Original Caption) France: Gracious! When the fruit falls, you'll get the lion's share again. England: That's exactly why I'm here! Cartoon drawing by F. Graetz
Can The Law Reach Him? The Dwarf and the Thief by Thomas NastA Harper's Weekly political cartoon of Boss Tweed, who ruled Tammany Hall, the Democratic political machine in New York City
Cartoon Showing Injustice Against Cherokee NationLate 19th-century political cartoon showing injustices and cruelty to Native Americans, including the Cherokee, Shawnee and Delaware nations, by American railroad companies, politicians
Political cartoon of the Cabinet Abandoning JacksonA political cartoon depicts President Andrew Jackson sitting stunned as his cabinet, represented as rats, run to escape his falling house
Political Cartoon of the Severed Head of Louis XVI(Original Caption) Cartoon "Matter for reflection for crowned jugglers"
Keeping It Down! Political Cartoon by Edward Linley SambourneA political cartoon published in Punch magazine shows Otto von Bismarcck struggling with a Socialist jack-in-the-box
Whiskey Ring Political Cartoon by Thomas NastA political cartoon on the Whiskey Ring scandal that occured during President Grant's second term
The Repeal, or the Funeral of Miss Ame-Stamp Political Cartoon by Benjamin WilsonIn this print, the treasury secretary George Grenville is seen carrying a child's coffin which says, "Miss Ame-Stamp born 1765 died 1766." (Photo by VCG Wilson/Bettmann Archive)
Political Cartoon About Monroe Doctrine by W.A. RogersPolitical cartoon from the "New York Herald, " ca. 1904, showing European potentates observing American naval might
Political Cartoon Depicting the Monroe Doctrine(Original Caption) Political cartoon depicting an opinion about the Monroe Doctrin with a quote by President Roosevelt stating, "This in reality entails no new obligation upon us
The Man Who Can Make the Dirt Fly Cartoon by DalrympleCaricature, Theodore Roosevelt: "The Man Who Can Make Dirt Fly." Lithograph, 1905
The Boiling Point Political Cartoon by Leonard Raven-HillA 1912 political cartoon published in Punch magazine shows the boiling point of Balkan troubles
Let Sam Do It Political Cartoon by Winsor McCayA 1931 political cartoon refers to the League of Nations and conflict between Japan and China
Mugwumps!!! Political Cartoon by C.J. TaylorA political cartoon satirizing the journalism of Whitelaw Reid, Charles A. Dana, and Joseph Pulitzer
A Hard Road to Hoe! Political CartoonA political cartoon on Martin Van Buren, who was ran unsuccessfully against William Henry Harrison, known as the "log cabin and hard cider" candidate, during the 1840 presidential campaign
1800s Political Cartoon on Taxes and Tarrifs(Original Caption) Taxes imposed by government as contrasted to free trade and protective tarriff recommended by Federalists, 1832
Dutch Satirical Cartoon(Original Caption) John Law, Wind Monopolist. Amsterdam, 1720. "Law loquitur. The wind is my treasure, cushion, and foundation
Political Cartoon of Uncle Sam Talking to Russian Bear by William A. RogersThe Russian bear asks too much and Uncle Sam isn't willing to make any reasonable extradition treaty with Russia, but he won't help send political refugees to Siberia!
Cartoon of Theodore Roosevelt with "The Big Stick"Theodore Roosevelt steams down to Panama carrying his "Big Stick"
"The Demon Which is Destroying the People" Political CartoonUndated political cartoon showing the Oliver Patent - Monopoly in Crucible Steel - as a giant steam driven robot rampaging through a scattering crowd of people
Political Cartoon of President Ulysses S. GrantA political cartoon depicting President Ulysses S. Grant being squeezed by a hand representing the Civil Service
Cartoon of Alexander III Writing Letter by Frederick Burr OpperThis political cartoon depicts Alexander III writing a letter of condolence to President Garfield inside a prison cell
US Civil Rights As Soviets See ItDrawing published in Russian cartoon book Krokodil (Crocodile) illustrates Moscow's growing preoccupation with the American Civil Rights movement
Detail of The Third-Term Panic by Thomas NastA detail of a Thomas Nast political cartoon published in Harper's Weekly in 1874. The elephant, labeled "The Republican Vote, " came to symbolize the Republican Party
Cartoon: A Smuggler During the Embargo Act 1807-1809A merchant trying to smuggle goods out of the country during the Embargo Act (1807-1809). He is snapped by federal authorities in the form of a turtle
Cartoon of Surgeons Performing Unnecessary SurgeryORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Cartoon against knife happy surgeon performing unnecessary operations with coffins at the ready. Undated woodcut
League Of Nations Political Cartoon(Original Caption) Picture shows a political cartoon with the caption
Illustration of Baker Holding Loaf of Bread Containing AlumIllustration of baker holding a poisonous loaf of bread. Common additives to bread in the 19th century included alum, plaster of paris and chalk
Illustration of Man Selling Adulterated Oleomargarine as Pure Butter"Bogus butter" was the term used for oleomargarine, which was sometimes made from rancid animal fat and other dangerous ingredients
J.F. as Falstaff Newspaper Illustration by Thomas Nast
Newspaper Illustration of William Marcy Tweed Portraying Richard III by Thomas Nast
Democrats and Republicans Woo Bull MooseThe Progressive, or Bull Moose, Party organized by the followers of Theodore Roosevelt was wooed by both parties: Wilson's Democrats and Hughes Republicans
Illustration Depicting Police Court Shortcomings by Oppet(Original Caption) Police Court. Let the Police Courts be Furnished with Mechanical Magistrates
Editorial Cartoon Illustration of Teapot Dome Scandal(Original Caption) Photo shows a cartoon from the "N. Y
Political Cartoon of President Cleveland Pulling Bell by C.J. TaylorPresident Cleveland pulls on a bell labeled "Sound Money Alarm" in this political cartoon, which satirizes Cleveland's desire to maintain the gold standards in the currency
Not Room for Both Political Cartoon by BronstrupA political cartoon published in the San Francisco Chronicle depicts the battle between the U.S. Constitution and the League of Nations
Political Cartoon "Falstaff in a Fix" on the Cover of Judge Magazine(Original Caption) Cover of Judge magazine, March 13, 1886. Falstaff in a Fix. Falstaff Cleveland pressured by demands from Hawley and Sherman. Political cartoon. Undated
Where the Blame Lies Cartoon by Grant HamiltonEmigration: "Where the Blame Lies, " Judge to Uncle Sam, "If immigration was properly restricted, you would no longer be troubled with anarchy, Socialism
Political Cartoon of President McKinley BoxingPresident McKinley wears boxing gloves in this political cartoon, fighting the "lightweight" free trade advocates. The caption reads, "Champion McKinley opens the tariff battle
An Unrestrained Demon IllustrationORIGINAL CAPTION READS: "An unrestrained demon." A lightbulb "demon" is displayed as a menace to people on the street. Undated illustration
Unite Or Die American Revolutionary War MottoA cartoon published in the Pennsylvania Gazette by Benjamin Franklin urging the American colonies to unite together against the French and Indians
"A New Crime, " Depicting a "Habitual Reformer" Political Cartoon(Original Caption) Political cartoon entitled "A NEW CRIME, " depicting a "habitual reformer, " being brought before a judge by a Tammany Hall policeman. Color lithograph, 1898
Satirical Cartoon of Mississippi Bubble Scheme(Original Caption) Engraving satirizing the Mississippi Bubble financial scheme of 1720. From "L'Illustration, Journal Universel, " vol. 27, 1856
The Separation of Mother and Child by George Cruikshank(Original Caption) Illustration by George Cruikshank of the separation of the mother and the child in a scene from Harriet beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Undated illustration
European Potentates Observe Naval Might(Original Caption) Monroe Doctrine: W.A. Rogers cartoon showing European potentates observing American naval might, ca 1904. From New York Herald. Undated
Cholera Pandemic Cartoon, 1883(Original Caption) Cartoon entitled "The Kind of Assisted Emigrant We Can Not Afford to Admit, " depicting the grim reaper arriving on a British ship
Political Cartoon Depicting Naturalization Mill(Original Caption) Political cartoon from the New York Tribune, with the original caption, "M'Cunn manufactures Citizens at the rate of 8 a minute
In Proper Hands at Last Political Cartoon by Charles Taylor(Original Caption) "In Proper Hands at Last, " the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Standard Oil Monopoly. Cartoon by C. Taylor, ca. 1889
Coasting Political Cartoon by Victor GillamPolitical cartoon criticizing American foreign policy, with the title "COASTING
Cartoon of Umpire Suspended In Cage(Original Caption) Cartoon entitled "UMPIRING MADE EASY, " depicting an umpire encased in a protective cage suspended above an angry crowd of bat wielding players and spectators