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Presidential Candidate Collection

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Horace Greeley Reading New York Sun Newspaper

Horace Greeley Reading New York Sun Newspaper
(Original Caption) Horace Greeley (1811-1872) reading N.Y. Sun

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Almanac Cover Depicting Harrison and Tyler

Almanac Cover Depicting Harrison and Tyler
The cover of the Hard Cider and Log Cabin Almanac of 1841 depicts presidential candidate William Henry Harrison and his running mate, John Tyler

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Belva Lockwood

Belva Lockwood
(Original Caption) Belva Lockwood (1830-1917), American lawyer, leader in Women's Rights Movement. Undated photograph by Mathew Brady. BPA2# 2818

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Theodore Roosevelt with Rough Riders

Theodore Roosevelt with Rough Riders
(Original Caption) Left to Right: George Dann, Major Brodie, General Joseph Wheeler, Chaplain Brown, Col. Leonard Wood, and Lt. Col. Teddy Roosevelt

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Harrison-Tyler Campaign Badge

Harrison-Tyler Campaign Badge
A campaign badge from the Harrison-Tyler campaign in the 1840 presidential election features the log cabin, a popular symbol of their candidacy

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Campaign Medal for James Garfield

Campaign Medal for James Garfield
A campaign medal praises James A. Garfield as "Soldier, Statesman, President." Garfield was elected in 1880 and served until July 1881, when he was shot and seriously wounded

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Campaign Items for Benjamin Harrison

Campaign Items for Benjamin Harrison
Souvenirs from the 1888 presidential campaign of Benjamin Harrison include medals and buttons that praise the political virtues of Harrison and his running mate, Levi P. Morton

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Theodore Roosevelt Campaign Button

Theodore Roosevelt Campaign Button
A silver moose hangs from a button with Theodore Roosevelt's portrait

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Cleveland and Thurman Campaign Buttons, 1888

Cleveland and Thurman Campaign Buttons, 1888
A campaign button for the Cleveland - Thurman ticket of 1888 features portraits of the two candidates as well as a rooster. Benjamin Harrison defeated Cleveland in the presidential election

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: William-Taft Election Souvenir Plate

William-Taft Election Souvenir Plate
(Original Caption) Commemorative tin plate: Taft - Sherman Republican ticket, 1908

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: President Johnson and Senator Humphrey

President Johnson and Senator Humphrey
President Johnson and Hubert Humphrey stand together at the airport in Atlantic City

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: McKinley Presidential Campaign Buttons

McKinley Presidential Campaign Buttons
Campaign buttons featuring candidate William McKinley promise "Protection" and "Home Rule" in the 1896 election

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: McKinley and Roosevelt Campaign Buttons

McKinley and Roosevelt Campaign Buttons
Portraits of Thomas McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt adorn campaign buttons. They are running for president and vice president, respectively, in 1900

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: New York Tribune Founder Horace Greeley

New York Tribune Founder Horace Greeley
(Original Caption) Horace Greeley. Undated Photograph. BPA2# 2703

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Assortment Of President Campaign Buttons

Assortment Of President Campaign Buttons
(Original Caption) Assortment of presidential campaign buttons, including Dewey, Ike, Stevenson, Kefauver, Taft, and Truman. Undated photograph

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: McKinley Campaign Poster

McKinley Campaign Poster
A campaign poster for presidential candidate Thomas McKinley proclaims: "McKinley Was Right."

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Poster for William Harrison Election Rally, 1840

Poster for William Harrison Election Rally, 1840
A poster for a William Harrison rally proclaims: "Keep the Ball Rolling. Harrison Rally!" Harrison ran for presidency successfully in 1840 on the Whig party ticket

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Teddy Roosevelt Campaign Buttons

Teddy Roosevelt Campaign Buttons
(Original Caption) Teddy Roosevelt campaign of 1904, showing candidate as roughrider; Humorous metal pin based on Teddy's pince-nez, and a hand of cards showing the candidate's basic aims

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Edward M. House

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Edward M. House
Democratic presidential nominee Franklin D. Roosevelt confers with Colonel Edward M. House

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: President Roosevelt Campaigning from Car

President Roosevelt Campaigning from Car
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt tells a crowd that "Prosperity measured in dollars is coming back" during his motor tour campaign through New England

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: French politician Raymond Poincare

French politician Raymond Poincare
Head and shoulders portrait of the French presidential candidate, Raymond Poincare (1860-1934)

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Campaign Buttons for Roosevelt

Campaign Buttons for Roosevelt
(Original Caption) Roosevelt campaign buttons, 1904. On top, button propounding racial equality, an issue never shown in a campaign button up to this time. Photograph

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: William Taft Campaigns from a Train

William Taft Campaigns from a Train
(Original Caption) William Howard Taft making a campaign speech from a train platform. He served as President from 1909 to 1913. Ca. 1908-1912

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: William Jennings Bryan Giving Speech

William Jennings Bryan Giving Speech
(Original Caption) William Jennings Bryan; (1860-1925) Democratic Presidential nominee, well-known for his eloquent political oratory, delivering a campaign speech. Photograph, ca. 1910. BPA2# 3511

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Bull Moose Party Charter Member Certificate

Bull Moose Party Charter Member Certificate
(Original Caption) 1912-Theodore Roosevelt-Hiram W. Johnson Progressive Party (Bull Moose) certificate. Photograph, 1912

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Eugene Debs Delivering Speech

Eugene Debs Delivering Speech
(Original Caption) 6/16/1918-Canton, Ohio: Eugene Debs delivers an anti-war speech. He is shown on a small platform, surrounded by seated men, women and children. A flag-banner hangs in the background

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Cox and Roosevelt in Motorcade

Cox and Roosevelt in Motorcade
Democratic Presidential candidate James Cox and his running mate Franklin Roosevelt pass through a crowd of cheering onlookers during their campaign

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Cox and Roosevelt Campaigning

Cox and Roosevelt Campaigning
Democratic presidential candidate James Cox and his running mate Franklin Roosevelt campaign in a parade

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt Campaigning with James M. Cox

Franklin D. Roosevelt Campaigning with James M. Cox
Vice presidential candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt and presidential candidate, James M. Cox, Governor of Ohio, lead the Ohio Democratic Notification Parade in Dayton, Ohio, in 1920

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Herbert Hoover Campaign Button

Herbert Hoover Campaign Button
(Original Caption) Herbert Hoover campaign button. Undated. BPA2# 1403

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Warren G. Harding Playing Tuba

Warren G. Harding Playing Tuba
After learning he has been selected as the Republican Party's candidate for President, Warren G. Harding joins the band at his home in Marion, Ohio, playing the tuba

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Warren G. Harding at Home with Dog

Warren G. Harding at Home with Dog

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Alfred E. Smith and Franklin Roosevelt

Alfred E. Smith and Franklin Roosevelt
Important men in Al Smith's bid for the Presidency, from left of right: Norman E. Mack, Democratic National Committeeman; New York Governor Alfred E

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Robert Lafollette Sr. Senator, Seated

Robert Lafollette Sr. Senator, Seated
(Original Caption) 7/6/1924-Senator Robert LaFollette Sr. at home, during campaign in Cleveland

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Presidential Candidate Herbert Hoover Doing NBC Radio Broadcast

Presidential Candidate Herbert Hoover Doing NBC Radio Broadcast
(Original Caption) Herbert Hoover addressing the electorate via early radio transmission. Photograph, 1928

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Herbert Hoover at Republican Convention

Herbert Hoover at Republican Convention
Republican presidential candidate Herbert Hoover gives a speech at the 1928 Republican National Convention at Convention Hall in Kansas City

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Al Smith Addressing Supporters

Al Smith Addressing Supporters
(Original Caption) Al Smith during his presidential election campaign

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Herbert Hoover Speaking

Herbert Hoover Speaking
(Original Caption) Hoover Invades South. Bristol, Tennessee: Photo shows Mr. Herbert Hoover, G.O.P

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Presidential Candidate William Z. Foster and Benjamin Gitlow

Presidential Candidate William Z. Foster and Benjamin Gitlow
(Original Caption) Photo shows left to right William Z. Foster, presidential candidate and Benjamin Gitlow, Vice presidential candidate of the Workers Party, on the speakers platform

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Jose Vasconcelos

Jose Vasconcelos
Presidential candidate Jose Vasconcelos has gained many followers in his campaign for the 1929 presidential election in Mexico

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Pool

Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Pool
Presidential candidate Franklin Delano Roosevelt enjoys himself with some friends playing water polo. | Location: Hyde Park, New York, USA

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt on Telephone

Franklin Delano Roosevelt on Telephone
Governor Roosevelt hearing news of his victory in his suite in New York

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: John Garner and FDR Campaigning

John Garner and FDR Campaigning
Vice presidential candidate John Nance Garner stands at the back of a special campaign train with presidential candidate Franklin Delano Roosevelt during a stop in Topeka, Kansas

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: FDR at Campaign Rally

FDR at Campaign Rally
10/28/1940-New York-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: James Farley former Postmaster General in President D

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: The Roosevelts and Mayor Cermak

The Roosevelts and Mayor Cermak
Gov Roosevelt & Wife met by Mayor Germak

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Receives a Standing Ovation

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Receives a Standing Ovation
New York Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt receives a standing ovation after he is nominated by his party to run for president in the 1932 United States Presidential Election

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Roosevelt Speaking at Democratic National Convention

Roosevelt Speaking at Democratic National Convention in Chicago

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Roosevelt Addressing Convention

Roosevelt Addressing Convention
(Original Caption) Are These "Rays" of Democratic Hope

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Roosevelt Campaigning with Family

Roosevelt Campaigning with Family
7/02/1932-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Photo shows Governor Roosevelt, Mrs.Roosevelt, John and Elliot about to enter plane to fly to Chicago. The Governor's nephew hands him a telegram

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Reads Congratulations

Franklin Roosevelt Reads Congratulations
(Original Caption) Home from his trip to Chicago where he addressed the delegates who selected him as Democratic Presidential nominee, Governor Franklin D

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Franklin Roosevelt and Sons

Franklin Roosevelt and Sons
Franklin Roosevelt and sons on the yacht, Myth

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Roosevelt Campaigning for President

Roosevelt Campaigning for President
New York Governor Franklin Roosevelt campaigns for president for the first time. With him are (from left to right): Maurice E. Harrison, Director of the Democratic State Campaign; William G

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Supporters Greeting Roosevelt

Supporters Greeting Roosevelt
(Original Caption) Roosevelt Campaigns in the West. Los Angeles, California: Thousands of enthusiastic supporters gather around Franklin D

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Roosevelt Laughing during Speech

Roosevelt Laughing during Speech
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Governor of New York, speaking at Los Angeles during his campaign for the presidency in 1932

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Franklin Roosevelt and Group Laughing at Democratic Rally

Franklin Roosevelt and Group Laughing at Democratic Rally
(Original Caption) Democratic rally at Olympic Stadium (L to R) Franklin D.Roosevelt, his son James, Senator William McAdoo, Jim Farley, and Will Rogers

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: FDR at World Series

FDR at World Series
New York Governor and presidential candidate Franklin Roosevelt throws out a baseball at the last game of the 1932 World Series between the Chicago Cubs and the New York Yankees

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Roosevelt Speaking to Crowd

Roosevelt Speaking to Crowd
(Original Caption) Detroit, Michigan: Governor Roosevelt speaking in Detroit

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Roosevelt Beneath His Portrait

Roosevelt Beneath His Portrait
(Original Caption) Roosevelt in Detroit. Detroit, Michigan: Left to right in car, Governor Roosevelt, Mayor Frank Murphy of Detroit (front center), and Mrs. Roosevelt, on their arrival in Detroit

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt and Senator Joseph Robinson

Franklin D. Roosevelt and Senator Joseph Robinson
(Original Caption) And Now Senator Robinson Says Beer Will Come with FDR. Hyde Park, New York: When Senator Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas, outstanding dry [sic], called on Franklin D

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Shakes Hands with Miner

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Shakes Hands with Miner
10/19/1932- Wheeling, WV- ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt shakes hands with a poor mine worker during his Presidential campaign trip to West Virginia

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Miner Shakes Hands with Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt

Miner Shakes Hands with Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: FDR Talks With Farmers

FDR Talks With Farmers
Farmers with pitchforks greet Franklin D Roosevelt on the campaign trail

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Campaigning with Farmers

Franklin Roosevelt Campaigning with Farmers
(Original Caption) 10/24/1932 -Atlanta, GA- Governor Franklin D

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: A Crowd Greets Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Atlanta

A Crowd Greets Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Atlanta
Residents greet Presidential Candidate Franklin Delano Roosevelt as his motorcade arrives in Atlanta

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt Speaking from Train

Franklin D. Roosevelt Speaking from Train
(Original Caption) Speaking from the rear platform of his special train, Governor Franklin D

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Roosevelt on Special Train

Roosevelt on Special Train
(Original Caption) 10/25/1932-Washington, DC: Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Gov. Albert C. Ritchie of Maryland and John N. Garner, are shown on the rear platform of Gov

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Side View of Norman Thomas Addressing Supporters

Side View of Norman Thomas Addressing Supporters
(Original Caption) Socialist Nominee Speaks in Philadelphia

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Back View of Norman Thomas Addressing Supporters

Back View of Norman Thomas Addressing Supporters
(Original Caption) Socialist Nominee Speaks in Philadelphia

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Roosevelt Campaigning in Indianapolis

Roosevelt Campaigning in Indianapolis
Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt (lower right, in travelling car) is greeted by a large crowd while campaigning in Indianapolis

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Socialist James Maurer at Podium

Socialist James Maurer at Podium
(Original Caption) New York: Socialists Pack Garden In Rally

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: John Pierpont Morgan Speaking with Lawyer

John Pierpont Morgan Speaking with Lawyer
John Pierpont Morgan Jr. New York financier and banker, receives some whispered advice from his attorney, John W

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Huey Long at a Press Conference

Huey Long at a Press Conference
Louisiana Senator Huey Long talks to journalists after announcing his intention to run for President during 1936 U.S. Presidential election

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Campaign Speech

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Campaign Speech
Roosevelt giving a speech on the campaign trail to a large crowd

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Eugene Meyer And Alf M. Landon

Eugene Meyer And Alf M. Landon
(Original Caption) 7/17/1936-Topeka, Kansas: Eugene Meyer, (left), publisher of the Washington Post, chatting with Governor Alf M. Landon, Republican Presidential nominee, during a recent conference

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: As President Ended Campaign

As President Ended Campaign
President Roosevelt drinking water just before he began his final campaign address at a gigantic Democratic rally in Madison Square Garden, New York, Oct. 31

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Roosevelt Making Final Campaign Speech

Roosevelt Making Final Campaign Speech
(Original Caption) 10/31/1936-New York, NY- With this declaration serving as the keynote of his speech

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Roosevelt Broadcasting Campaign Speech

Roosevelt Broadcasting Campaign Speech
President Roosevelt broadcasts his final campaign speech over the radio. | Location: Hyde Park, New York, USA

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: President Roosevelt Campaigning

President Roosevelt Campaigning
President Roosevelt campaigns for re-election and stops to greet a crowd of supporters and onlookers

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Wendell L. Wilkie Campaigning under Roosevelt's Banner

Wendell L. Wilkie Campaigning under Roosevelt's Banner
(Original Caption) Wilkie Campaigns under Democratic Banner. Jersey City, New Jersey: The constant threat to his election as president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, hangs over Wendell L

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: FDR at Campaign Rally

FDR at Campaign Rally
Franklin Roosevelt, running for a third term, appears at a campaign rally with (left) Jack Dempsy, New York Governor Herbert Lehman, his son Franklin Roosevelt, Jr. and, to the right, James Farley

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Carlos Ibanez Del Campo Delivers a Speech

Carlos Ibanez Del Campo Delivers a Speech
Former president General Carlos Ibanez Del Campo of Chile campaigns for reelection

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: President Roosevelt Campaigning

President Roosevelt Campaigning
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt campaigns for re-election along with Connecticut gubernatorial candidate Robert A. Hurley (right), and Margaret Connors (left)

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: President Roosevelt Campaigning

President Roosevelt Campaigning
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt campaigns for re-election along with Connecticut gubernatorial candidate Robert A. Hurley (right), and Margaret Connors (left)

Background imagePresidential Candidate Collection: Crowd Surrounding President Roosevelt

Crowd Surrounding President Roosevelt
Crowds of political supporters and onlookers surround the campaigning President Roosevelt. Accompanying the President is Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. who is seated in the car

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