Marilyn Monroe Sings for Troops(Original Caption) 2/18/1954- Korea: The power of a woman. Over 10, 000 GI's turn out to hear and see Marilyn Monroe as the bosomy blonde makes an appearance in Korea, February 16th
Cheomseongdae observatory. Gyeongju, South Korea
Eaves of Korea.this photo was taken at the Namhansanseong Fortress, South Korea. Approaching to this built structure does not require any permission such as Ticket or fee. its open on public
Danchoeng of temple at UNESCO heritage, Daesosa Korea
Seokguram Grotto from the outsideThe Seokguram Grotto is a hermitage and part of the Bulguksa temple complex. It lies four kilometers east of the temple on Mt. Tohamsan, in Gyeongju, South Korea
Monstera Leaf IllustrationWatercolor Monstera Leaf. In eastern culture, monstera plants symbolize longevity, respect, and honor
Cactus PaintingPerfect Plant Prints, 1145412178
Watercolor Green PlantsA bouquet shaped watercolour painting leaf plant illustration
Eucalyptus WatercolourPlant Prints, 1160172030
General Douglas MacArthur and President Syngman Rhee(Original Caption) Republic of Korea: General Douglas MacArthur and Dr. Syngman Rhee, 1st president of the Republic of Korea, sit together during a celebration marking the birth of this Republic
Japanese Protesters Carry Banners(Original Caption) 9/6/1984-Tokyo, Japan-Photo shows protesters carrying banners opposing to the visit of South Korean President Chun Doo Hwan
Ronald Reagan with Chun Doo Hwan(Original Caption) 4/26/1985-Washington, DC-: President Ronald Reagan stands behind South Korean President Chun Doo Hwan as the latter speaks at the White House
Ronald and Nancy Reagan with Chun Doo Hwan and Wife(Original Caption) 4/26/1985-Washington, DC-: President Ronald Reagan and Nancy pose with South Korean President Chun Doo Hwan after holding talks at the White House
South Koreans Volunteer in Thousands to Fight Communism
Girls Sitting on Ground(Original Caption) These poker-faced girls, shown at a South Korean Nationalist Army Guardhouse at Kangung, on the North-South Korean border, surrendered after a skirmish in that area
Marilyn Monroe with AirmenMarilyn Monroe stands with several Army Airmen and a helicopter, while entertaining the troops in Korea
John Church Wecomes MacArthur in Korea(Original Caption) 7/2/1950-South Korea: Brig
Capt. Charles Fisher and Capt. James Constantine(Original Caption) Clapt. Charles Fisher (left) of Lincoln, Neb. Capt. James Constantine of Knoxville, Tenn. Examine the first captured North Korean armored equipment
U.S. Soldiers In South Korea(Original Caption) 7/17/1950-Somewhere in South Korea: Stopping in a south Korean village near the area where the Yanks were clashing with Red invading forces, Pvt. Chester Wegrzyn, of Detroit, MI
President Syngman Rhee Displays Flag(Original Caption) 07/23/1950-South Korea: FLAG STILL FLYING. Syngman Rhee, President of the Korean Republic, proudly displays the Korean Flag at his headquarters in South Korea. The U.S
Medical Personnel Being Transported on Boat(Original Caption) US Army nurses, along with other medical personnel, are shown after they transferred to a small craft which took them ashore somewhere in South Korea from a transport vessel
American Officer Outlines Plan Of Action(Original Caption) 7/29/50-Somewhere in Korea: An American officer outlines a plan of action at a front line command post in the mountains of South Korea
U.S. Marines Walking Down Gangplank(Original Caption) 08/04/1950-South Korea: DOWN THE GANGPLANK
First Division Marines Ready For Battle(Original Caption) 08/06/1950-South Korea: READY FOR THE FRONT. After landing at a port in South Korea, leathernecks of the First Marine Division prepare to move up to the battlefront
Edward A. Craig, E.W. Snedeker, L.D. Sharp, and R.J. Lamb Conferring(Original Caption) Marine Leaders. South Korea: Brigadier General Edward A
Soldiers Setting a Tank Mine(Original Caption) Mine Path of Advancing North Koreans
Soldier Loading a Howitzer(Original Caption) Feeding a Hungry Gun. South Korea: South Korean troops man a 105 mm howitzer in support of the first Korean infantry division somewhere in South Korea
Marines Man Their Bazooka Guns(Original Caption) 08/11/1950-South Korea: Marine teamwork
Soldiers and RefugeesAs U.S. infantrymen march into the Naktong River region, they pass a line of fleeing refugees. (Photo by Bettmann via Getty Images)
Edward Kraig Conversing with Officers(Original Caption) Leatherneck General at the Front. South Korea: Brigadier General Edward Kraig (center), U.S. Marine Corps, is shown chatting with Lt. Col
S. Korean Soldiers March W/ New Equip(Original Caption) 08/16/1950-South Korea: BACK TO THE FRONT. Newly-equipped, newly-organized South Korean soldiers march to the front again in South Korea
Two South Korean Female Guerrillas Manning Machine Gun(Original Caption) 8/17/50-South Korea: Two girl guerrillas, Chong Sunjin (left) and Hao Chi Okk, man a machine gun in the South Korean fields, alongside guerrillas armed with rifles
Two British and One American Korean War Officers(Original Caption) First Britons in Korea
Volunteer Lighting Solder'S Cigarette(Original Caption) 8/29/1950-South Korea: Wounded in action, Private First Class Claude Weems, negro soldier from Cleveland who fought with Company "A" (24th Infantry Regiment)
Soldiers Relax Near River Bank In Korea(Original Caption) 8/30/1950-South Korea: American soldiers of the 27th Infantry Regimant relax on a sandyriver bank North of Taegu
Soldiers Comparing Their Weapons(Original Caption) Same Aim in Mind. South Korea: British, American, and Scottish soldiers compare weapons at a South Korean port. The men (left to right) are Sgt. Frank Redpath, London; U.S
U.S. Soldiers Disembark In South Korea(Original Caption) 9/1/1950-South Korea: The Build up of U.N. Strength continues unabated as North Korea Reds Launch successive attacks against the allied lines
Sleeping Soldiers In Korea(Original Caption) 9/1/1950-South Korea: rifles and helmets close by, two completely exhausted GI's ofthe 27th Regiment get their first sleep in eight days
Tankmen And Radio Man In South Korea(Original Caption) 9/1/1950-Somewhere in South Korea: U.S. tankmen watch from a distance and direct a potrol in the field by walkie talkie. Lt, Bonnie Tanner, of Hot Springs, AR. handels the radio
Bagpipe Band Welcoming Troops(Original Caption) A bagpipe band greets British troops debarking at a South Korean port. The men were being rushed to the battle front to fight under the United Nations flag
Troops Crossing Pohang Battle Front, Korea 1950
Bagpipers Playing Music for Disembarking Soldiers(Original Caption) British Troops Reach Korea. South Korea: The music of bagpipes and drums greets British troops disembarking from the cruiser HMS Ceylon, at an unmarked port in South Korea
Soldiers Comparing Their Weapons(Original Caption) Gun Talk. South Korea: British soldiers, newly arrived in Korea, pile on the front end of a jeep to compare fighting equipment with three GI's
South Korean Soldiers Dragging North Korean Soldier from Hiding(Original Caption) Flushed Out. South Korea: Two South Korean soldiers bring a badly frightened North Korean Red from his hiding place on the Pohang front
Hobart Gay with B.A. Coad(Original Caption) General Parlay. South Korea: Maj
Wounded Soldier in JeepA wounded American soldier is evacuated in a jeep to a rear-base hospital
B.A. Coad Shaking Hands with a Soldier(Original Caption) GI's Meet British Brass. South Korea: American soldiers shake hands with Brigadier B.A
Officers and Soldiers Touring Battle Line(Original Caption) Guided Tour. South Korea: Maj. General Hobart Gay (center), commander of the 1st Cavalry Division, and Brigadier B.A
Troops Resting at Military Jeep(Original Caption) South Korea: Tough Going. Exhausted American troops on the Taegu front try to rest in a pouring rain
U.S. Marines Advance W/ Patton Tanks(Original Caption) 09/09/1950-South Korea: ARMORED SUPPORT. U.S. Marines begin an advance under the protecting muzzles of Patton tanks
Edward Craig Speaking with John Church(Original Caption) Army and Marine Commanders Hold Battlefront Conference. South Korea: Brigadier General Edward A. Craig, USMC, commanding the Marines and Major General John H
Troops Carrying a Victim over Terrain(Original Caption) South Korea: Tough Going. Exhausted American troops on the Taegu front try to rest in a pouring rain
Officer Filling Colleague's Cup with Tea(Original Caption) South Korea. Pvt. Adam Maxwell, Bonnyrigg, Scotland, holds his cup for Sgt. Maj. Robert Murray to fill with tea at a British forces mess somewhere in Korea
Edward Craig with an Officer(Original Caption) Up Front with Leatherneck General -- Exclusive Photo. South Korea: General Edward A
U.S. Marine Captures North Koreans(Original Caption) 09/20/1950-South Korea: Helmet set at a jaunty angle, this U.S. Marine (right) orders captured North Koreans to keep their hands up
United States Marines During Mission at Inchon(Original Caption) Off Inchon, South Korea: This Is It! Landing craft leave their mother ships loaded with U. S. Marine assault units and equipment to establish a beachhead at Inchon
Marines Patrolling Beach(Original Caption) Marine Wave Hits. South Korea: Marine reinforcements hit the beach near Inchon after the first wave secured the beach-head
|St Division Marines Move Up On Pier(Original Caption) 09/23/1950-Wolmi Island, South Korea: MOVING UP TO HELP. First Division Marine reinforcements move up a floating pier on their way up to the front
Ship Caught On Pier Waiting For Tide(Original Caption) 09/26/1950-South Korea: This LST waits for the tide to come in at the port of Inchon. The vessel was caught when the tide receded during unloading operations on D-Day
American Infantry Advancing Toward 38th Parallel During Korean War(Original Caption) Headed for the 38th Parallel. South Korea: American troops of the U.S
Soldiers Returning to their Base(Original Caption) Parallel Patrol
Young Distraught Koreans Resting Together in War Torn City(Original Caption) South Korea: Their Future? Looking more like stray puppies than human offspring, Korean children huddle against a building wall
Edward R. Murrow Wearing Military Uniform and Typing(Original Caption) Filed 1951-Edward R. Murrow will report the war news from Korea for the Columbia Broadcasting System. While Mr
Soldiers Working with Blast Against Communist Troops(Original Caption) U. N. mortar men cringe from the loud retort of their mortar, as they fire salvos over the hillside into the lines of the on rushing Chinese Reds
Tired Troops Walk Road Towards Rest Stop(Original Caption) 1/22/1951-South Korea: Tired ROK troops move slowly along a road into the reserve area behind the battle lines for a well-earned rest
Soldiers Maneuvering Hillside by Foot(Original Caption) South Korea: Down Hill. Advancing over the top of a snow-covered hill in South Korea, a UN patrol moves cautiously forward during a search for bands of Communists
Generals Ridgway and MacArthur Meeting During Korean War(Original Caption) Lt General Matthew Ridgway and General MacArthur are shown here, with Howard Handleman in the background
Young Orphaned Korean Outdoors Without Shoes(Original Caption) South Korea: Spokesman For Sorrow. A tiny Korean waif voices the grief of countless thousands of civilians as he pours out his heart in tears near the fighting front in Korea
Soldier Takes Another'S Picture By Tank(Original Caption) 2/6/1951-South Korea: Sgt. Leo Hedrick (r), St. Louis, MO, uses a break in the fighting to take some pictures of his buddy, Cpl. Robert Wilson, Rockdale, TX, by their tank
Matthew Ridgeway with Other Officers(Original Caption) Lieutenant General Matthew B. Ridgway (center), Commander of the U.S. 8th Army, and staff officers, check front line positions north of Anyang-Ni
Un Atrillery Unit Fires Howitzer(Original Caption) 3/6/1951-South Korea: Members of UN artillery unit fire their 105mm Howitzer at enemy positions across the Han River. Their faces show varying degrees of strain as the gun goes off
Wounded Soldier Being HelpedAmerican Sergeant Richard Drozdowski (left) is helped by his Australian comrade Private Roy Ingle. Drozdowski was wounded during the fighting with North Korea
Turkish Military Tanks on Standby in Korea(Original Caption) South Korea: Keeping Covered. Members of a Turkish detachment, fighting with UN forces in Korea, move up behind the protection of an M-4 tank
Army Generals Climbing Hill in Korea(Original Caption) Eight army Commanding Generals, including Lieutenant General Matthew B
Troops Marching along Road(Original Caption) ROK Troops Reoccupy Their Capital
Infantry Men Marching(Original Caption) Marching on the road to the 38th parallel, infantrymen of the 1st Cavalry Division file past a direction board
Gens. MacArthur, Hickey, Others in Jeep(Original Caption) 4/6/1951-Yang Yang, Korea: L to r: Lieutenant General Matthew B. Ridgeway, Coast Guard, US 8th Army, Major General Doyle O
US Troops Secure Korean Hillside
Matthew Ridgeway and MacArthur Talking(Original Caption) General Douglas MacArthur, who has been relieved of his UN and U.S
Communist Representatives Sign AgreementCommunist representatives sign the agreement for the neutral zone, reached through negotiations with United States military representatives during the Korean War, 29th October 1951
Farmers Smoking Pipes(Original Caption) Panmunjom, Korea: Typical Korean farmers smoke small bamboo pipes
Alfred Winington in PanmunjomCopy of the London Daily Worker newspaper
General Harrison and Admiral Joy(Original Caption) 2/6/1952-Panmunjom, Korea: Admiral Joy leaving with Lieutenant General William K. Harrison