Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West Troupe(Original Caption) USA: Cody's Original Wild West Show
Harry Houdini Slips Straitjacket While Upside Down over Street(Original Caption) Harry Houdini (real name Ehrich Weiss, 1874-1926) American magician slipping out of a straitjacket while hanging upside down over Broadway and 46th street in New York City
Acrobats on tightrope, low angle view
Circus Balancing FeatCircus balancing feat with five men, foreign in origin. Undated photograph
Man On Ledge Of Roof, Movie Still(Original Caption) Precarious Situation: Early movie stuntman on precipee of roof looking down on city street
Stunt Performer Schindler in FlightStunt performer Schindler balances above the cockpit of a stunt plane. He was killed moments later when his plane collided with another
Stunt Flyer on Top of Plane in Midair(Original Caption) Croyden, England: Stunt flyer stands on top of his plane. Photograph, England, ca. 1910
Harry Houdini in Crate Being Lowered into Water(Original Caption) Magician Harry Houdini, in a locked crate, being lowered into the water at the Battery in New York City
Men Performing Ax Throwing Stunt(Original Caption) Lupino Lane standing against door of fire station while his brother, Wallace Lupino, surrounds him with hatchets he is throwing. B/W movie still photograph
Ormer Locklear stands on the edge of the wing of Curtiss Jenny biplane going at the speed of 90 miles or so an hour in June 1920. Later that same year he was killed in a movie stunt
Jack Crippen Balancing Himself atop Flagpole(Original Caption) Try this stunt to settle your lunch...A little recreation now and then
Jack Bergen In Uniform(Original Caption) 8/27/1922-Jack Bergen, movie stunt man, shot to death by George A. Kline, Fox film director, after his wife's confession
Tarzan Wrestling with an ApeFrank Merrill as Tarzan wrestles with an ape in a scene from Tarzan the Mighty
Shipwreck Kelly Above Union City(Original Caption) 1929-Union City, NJPhoto shows Shipwreck Kelly on top of flagpole in Union City, New Jersey, about to start a new record
William Red Hill on Steel Barrel(Original Caption) Anything for a Thrill. Navigates Niagara
Gymnasts Eating While Doing HandstandsMembers of the Los Angeles Athletic Club gymnastic team do one-armed handstands while eating. From left to right, they are: Frank Haubold, Herman Witzig, Al Jochin, and F.J. Villers
Roscoe Turner Talks with Ernst Udet(Original Caption) 7/5/1933-Los Angeles, CA- Roscoe Turner, premier speed pilot of the United States and winner of the Trans-Pilot Continental Speed Race, chats with Ernst Udet, German stunting star
Claire Chennault and WingmenClaire Chennault and his two wingmen, Luke Williamson and Billy McDonald, of the Flying Trapeze, an Army precision-flying team, at an airshow in Miami
Truck Driving over Daredevil(Original Caption) The average man would have no stomach for this work, but Dale O'Brien takes it lying down
Stuntmen Ride Atop Wing of Plane(Original Caption) 2/19/1947-Stuntmen riding atop wing during the filming of "Blaze of Noon."
Tommy Boyd in his "Bat Man" SuitTommy Boyd, the "Bat Man", shows the wings on the bat suit he wears to fly during parachute demonstrations at air shows
Stunt Flier Suspended over CockpitStunt flier Schindler suspended over a cockpit, ready to change to another plane. He was killed when the planes collided
Daredevils Playing Tennis on a Biplane(Original Caption) Gladys Roy, who gets her fun out of doing unusual things with airplanes, also likes to play tennis. Ivan Unger (member of the "Flying Black Hats") is her opponent
Beatrice Houdini Demonstrating an Illusion(Original Caption) Beatrice Houdini, wife of Harry Houdini, locked in a plate glass box from which she escapes to illustrate the secret 4th dimensional principal employed by her late husband
Twelve Policemen Riding One MotorcycleMotorcycle officers from the West Berlin Police Department balance twelve of their crew on one motorcycle
James Caan Practices Fighting with Stuntman(Original Caption) 12/16/1967- James Caan (right), staring in "Submarine X-1" practices a fight routine with stuntman Jerry Crampton
Evel Knievel Jumping Motorcycle over FountainMotorcycle stunt man Evel Knievel jumping over the fountain at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada December 31, 1967. He made the jump, but crashed on landing, sending him to the hospital
Evel Knievel on MotorcycleEvel Knievel shown prior to his jump over the fountain at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas on December 31, 1967
Evel Knievel Jumping Motorcycle over CarsMotorcycle stunt man Evel Knievel sails over a line of 19 automobiles in a record breaking effort before the start of the Miller 500 stock car race at Ontario Motor Speedway
Evel Knievel Jumping Motorcycle over CarsMotorcycle stuntman Evel Knievel sails over a row of nine cars at the start of a four-day daredevil show at Madison Square Garden
Evel Knievel Jumping 15 Cars(Original Caption) San Francisco, California....Stuntman Evel Knievel jumps 15 cars in San Francisco's cow palace. Evel Knievel lost control and broke his left ankle
Stuntman Jumping a Speedboat over CarsStunt performer Jerry Comeaux jumps a Glaston GT-50 speedboat over police officers and their squads as part of an escape scene from the James Bond film Live and Let Die
Evel Knievel Flying Rocket with ParachuteMotorcycle stunt man Evel Knievel and his steam powered rocket ship head straight for the bottom of the Snake River Canyon, suspended by a parachute, after attempting to jump the 1700 foot canyon
John Travolta Combs Stuntman's Hair(Original Caption) 9/3/1976-Culver City, CA- Actor John Travolta combs the locks of his "stunt image" while filming "Carrie, " a United Artists release, at Culver City
Evel Knievel Giving Interviews in HospitalStunt performer Evel Knievel gives interviews from his hospital bed after suffering a fractured right arm
Stuntman Dar Robinson sets a world free fall record as he plunges 286 feet from a hovering helicopter 9/2. Robinson, fell into a 30ft. high air bag of his own design
Stuntman On Fire In Hollywood(Original Caption) 7/30/1979-Hollywood