Wireless Station25th February 1930: Men at work at the new wireless station at Baldock. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Road Blocked22nd December 1938: A snow filled road that runs from York to Fridaythorpe. The snow is in parts up to five feet deep and makes the road impassable. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
English WeatherDecember 1927: Workmen clearing the track on the snowbound railway line between Winchester and Alton in Hampshire. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Bus Garage3rd August 1929: Passengers aboard open top buses at Victoria Motor Coach Station. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Repairing The WiresOctober 1929: Above a platform rooftop a linesman repairs a telegraph line at King's Cross station, London. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
The BirdsA group of schoolchildren flee the avian threat in a scene from The Birds, directed by Alfred Hitchcock for Universal, 1963. (Photo by Archive Photos/Getty Images)
Gale Decorations18th March 1947: A telegraph pole stands strewn with hay after stormy weather in Hertfordshire. (Photo by George W. Hales/Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Allenby Street in Tel Aviv, Israel, circa 1930. (Photo by Chalil Raad/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Alaska Highwaycirca 1950: A stretch of the Alaska Highway cuts through a forest. (Photo by Evans/Three Lions/Getty Images)
Weekend Tripperscirca 1930: Cars queuing to cross the border into Mexico at Tiajuana. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Telegraph poles and field, Lower Austria, Austria, Europe
Dawson, Yukon TerritoryView along one of the main streets in Dawson, Yukon Territory, Canada, circa 1900. A cart stands beside the wooden walkways with the Occidental Hotel beyond. (Photo by FPG/Getty Images)