Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, Luxor, EgyptMortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahari, Theban Necropolis (UNESCO World Heritage List, 1979), Luxor, Egypt. Egyptian civilisation, New Kingdom, Dynasty XVIII
Egyptian godsIllustration of a Egyptian gods
Karnak Temple, Luxor, EgyptKarnak, Temple of Amon, Court of Ramses II, Pink granite colossal statue of pharaoh
Ancient Egypt Map - Thebes
Statues of Ramses II as Osiris in Karnak Temple, Luxor, EgyptThe Karnak temple complex is a vast open-air museum, and the second largest ancient religious site in the world, after the Angkor Wat Temple of Cambodia
Valley Of The Kings, Luxor, Egypt
Egyptian God Amunillustration of a Egyptian God Amun, Amon, Amen
Entrance to the Temple of Luxor, Luxor, EgyptThe Avenue of the Sphinxes towards the ancient Egyptian Colossi at the entrance to Court of Ramses II, Luxor Temple, Luxor, Nile Valley, Egypt
Mortuary temple of Ramesses III, Luxor, EgyptMedinet Habu is the name commonly given to the Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III, an important New Kingdom period structure in the location of the same name on the West Bank of Luxor in Egypt
Luxor Temple, Luxor, EgyptThe Karnak Temple Complex, Luxor, Egypt
Valley Of The Kings, Luxor, EgyptA view of the Valley of the Kings at Luxor, Egypt
Temple of Karnak, Great Hypostyle Hall, Luxor, EgyptHieroglyphics and reliefs on columns of Great Hypostyle Hall
Epaminondas Pulls the Dart from his Breast (antique engraving)IUllustration of a Epaminondas Pulls the Dart from his Breast (antique engraving)
Ramses Colonnadecirca 1858: The Grand Colonnade of the Great Temple of Amon or Ammon at El-Karnak, Thebes, built by Ramses II. (Photo by Francis Frith/Getty Images)
Ancient Egyptian carving, Ramesseum Temple, LuxorAncient Egyptian carving at The Ramesseum Temple, West Bank, Luxor-Thebes, Egypt.Luxor West Bank, Temple, Carving, Hieroglyphics, horse, military, arch, Ancient, International Landmark, History
Sunset at the Pyramids, Giza, EgyptAnother day passes at the Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
Deir el-Bahari temple, Luxor, EgyptQueen Hatchepsuts temple, Luxor, Egypt viewed from the Theban path
Sun Temple of Abu SimbelAntique illustration of a Sun Temple of Abu Simbel decorated by 20-metre height colossi of Ramses II near Aswan, Egypt
Re-Opened Tombs1922: The officially re-opened tombs of Egyptian rulers Rameses 9th (left) and Tutankhamen at Thebes. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Carrying Crate1922: People carrying a crate full of treasures from the tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen at Thebes (modern Luxor and El-Karnak) escorted by armed soldiers
Temple Ruinscirca 1930: Ruins of the mortuary temple (Ramesseum) of Ramses II in Thebes (modern Luxor and El-Karnak). Decapitated statues stand in the ruins. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Thebes ExcavationJuly 1924: An archaeological excavation at Thebes, Egypt. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Column, temple of Karnak, EgyptPainted column, temple of Karnak
Feet of ram-headed sphinxes, Karnak, EgyptAvenue of Criosphinxes (ram-headed sphinxes) probably sculpted for Amenhotep III, Temple of Amun, Karnak, Luxor, Thebes, Egypt
Egyptian hierogyphics, Luxor Temple, EgyptHieroglyphics, Luxor Temple, Egypt
Ram-headed Sphinxes, Karnak temple, Egypt
Luxor temple, EgyptFeet of statue, Luxor temple, Egypt
Luxor temple, EgyptFeet of statue, Luxor temple
Feet of granite statue, Karnak, EgyptFeet of granite colossal statue, Karnak, Egypt
philae temple in agilika island. asuan
karnak temple. luxor
luxor temple. egypt
luxor temple. luxor
ramses III temple in habu. luxor
luxor temples. egypt
Kom Ombo temple. egypt
Sign prohibiting photography at Valley of the Kings. West bank of the river Nile, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa
The Colossi of Memnon statues near Luxor, as seen from from the air
Bas-relief of the God Amun, Karnak Temple ComplexLuxor, Egypt