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United States Air Force Collection

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Pilot Receiving Pointers Before Takeoff

Pilot Receiving Pointers Before Takeoff
Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Davis talks to Lieutenant Charles Dryden (in cockpit) before he takes off in a P-40 Warhawk at an army air base

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: American Pilot Attaching Bombs to Plane

American Pilot Attaching Bombs to Plane
An US Air Force pilot attaches bombs to the wings of his plane during World War I

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Reenactment of First Air Mail Delivery Via Airplane

Reenactment of First Air Mail Delivery Via Airplane
(Original Caption) 9/23/1931-Los Angeles, CA- Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the first official air mail dispatched in the United States

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Jane Russell Standing on Airplane with Her Insignia

Jane Russell Standing on Airplane with Her Insignia
(Original Caption) July 13, 1941 - Stockton, California: Motion picture beauty Jane Russell inspects her own insignia on the training plane of Don Brown, son of gap-mouthed screen comic Joe E

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: You Buy Em We'll Fly Em Poster by J. Walter Wilkinson and Walter G. Wilkinson

You Buy Em We'll Fly Em Poster by J. Walter Wilkinson and Walter G. Wilkinson
(Original Caption) Defense Bonds, Stamps. "You buy em, we'll fly em!" The More Bonds You Buy - The More Planes We'll Fly

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. in Cockpit

Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. in Cockpit
Captain Benjamin O. Davis in the cockpit of a training aircraft in 1942. The following year he organized the 332nd Fighter Group, the "Tuskegee Airmen"

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: President Roosevelt Awarding James Doolittle the Congressional Medal of Honor

President Roosevelt Awarding James Doolittle the Congressional Medal of Honor

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Pilot on Wing of Fighter Plane

Pilot on Wing of Fighter Plane
Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Davis talks to Lieutenant Charles W. Dryden before he takes off

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Airmen Pose in Front of Bomber

Airmen Pose in Front of Bomber
Members of the US Air Force task force that bombed Japan in April 1942

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Clark Gable on Airfield with Flight Crew

Clark Gable on Airfield with Flight Crew
(Original Caption) 6/14/1943-England-Former film star, Captain Clark Gable (fifth from left) is shown on an airfield somewhere in England with the crew of a Flying Fortress

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Aircraft Gunners Inspecting Gun

Aircraft Gunners Inspecting Gun
(Original Caption) Maj. Daniel F. Riva, 24, of Hartford, Conn. fortress squadron commander talking with one of his waist gunners S/Sgt. John Leahy, 20, of Norwood, Mass

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Air Force General James Doolittle

Air Force General James Doolittle
General Doolittle led the Tokyo Raid on April 18, 1942 to raise morale after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Major General Claire Chennault

Major General Claire Chennault
(Original Caption) 11/15/1944-Kunming, China- Major General Claire Chennault, Commander in the US Air Force during World War II, is shown posing at the Air Base in Kunming

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Clark Gable Wearing Air Force Uniform

Clark Gable Wearing Air Force Uniform

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Bombed Japanese Frigate at Sea

Bombed Japanese Frigate at Sea
(Original Caption) 04/13/1945-South China Sea: The bodies of Japanese sailors are scattered about the deck of this enemy frigate

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: First All-Black Combat Unit

First All-Black Combat Unit
Personnel from the 99th Pursuit Squadron, the first all-black combat unit, wave after arriving from Casablanca

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Captain Kermit K. Beahan Signing Autographs

Captain Kermit K. Beahan Signing Autographs
Captain Kermit K

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Kermit Beahan Waves From Door Of Bomber

Kermit Beahan Waves From Door Of Bomber
(Original Caption) 9/25/1945-Captain Kermit Beahan waves from the door of one of the B-29's that landed here to refule after a nonstop filght from Japan

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Propeller-Powered Bomber

Propeller-Powered Bomber
This bomber served as a "mothership" for a robot-piloted plane in March 1946

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Curtis E. LeMay and Alexander P. De Seversky in Hawaii

Curtis E. LeMay and Alexander P. De Seversky in Hawaii
(Original Caption) Meeting here while en route to the Able Day Atom Bomb Test at Bikini Atoll are Major General Curtis E

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Chuck Yeager

Chuck Yeager, first man to break the sound barrier, wears a flight suit and helmet

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Chuck Yaeger Besides Bell X-1

Chuck Yaeger Besides Bell X-1
(Original Caption) 1949-Captain Charles Yaeger besides Bell X-1 after first powered take off of supersonic plane

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Chuck Yaeger Pilots the Bell X-1

Chuck Yaeger Pilots the Bell X-1
(Original Caption) 1/11/1949-Murac Lace, CA: The Bell X-1 on on first powered take off of the Supersonic plane. Picture taken shortly after take off

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Chuck Yeager Standing by F-86 Sabre

Chuck Yeager Standing by F-86 Sabre
(Original Caption) 01/21/1949-Los Angeles, CA.: Air Force Captain, Charles Yeager, 25, has spent more time flying supersonic jet planes than anyone else

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Supersonic Jet Pilot Charles Yeager

Supersonic Jet Pilot Charles Yeager
(Original Caption) 01/21/1949-Los Angeles, CA.: SUPERSONIC SENIOR. Air Force Captain, Charles Yeager, 25, has spent more time flying supersonic jet planes than anyone else

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Operation Little Vittles Candy Drop

Operation Little Vittles Candy Drop
Members of German youth associations and American pilots make tiny parachutes with candy tied to them to drop to Berlin children on October 23

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Marilyn Monroe Posing with Women of The Armed Forces

Marilyn Monroe Posing with Women of The Armed Forces
Marilyn Monroe stands with women from (l to r) the US Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower Tasting cake

Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower Tasting cake
(Original Caption) Making her first official appearance as the wife of the president elect at a fund raising luncheon for the USO at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Mrs

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: American Pilot Major James Jabara Climbing from Cockpit

American Pilot Major James Jabara Climbing from Cockpit
(Original Caption) 1/21/1953-Korea: America's first jet ace, Major James Jabara has returned to Korea to resume his deadly work of chasing Communist MIGs all over the skies

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Matthew Ridgway and Loren Bottolph

Matthew Ridgway and Loren Bottolph
General Ridgway (left) is shown at Panmunjom with U.S. Air Force Colonel Loren Buttolph, liaison officer of the Neutral Nations Repatriations Commission

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Marilyn Monroe in Korea

Marilyn Monroe in Korea
Marilyn Monroe laughs while standing with some men from the Air Force in flight jackets

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Marilyn Monroe Autographing Leg Cast

Marilyn Monroe Autographing Leg Cast
(Original Caption) 2/26/1954- Korea: Heat wave. Marilyn Monroe autographs the cast on the leg of Airman Third Class Gerald Kasper, of New York, as his twin brother, Robert looks on. SEE NOTE

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Boeing B-52 Stratofortress in Flight

Boeing B-52 Stratofortress in Flight
Test flight of a Boeing B-52 Stratofortress. Like the B-47 Stratojet, this aircraft is capable of speeds of more than 600 miles per hour

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Convair F-102A in Flight

Convair F-102A in Flight
Convair F-102A supersonic delta wing jet in flight

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Convair F-102A Delta Wing Jet in Flight

Convair F-102A Delta Wing Jet in Flight
Convair F-102A supersonic delta wing jet in flight

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: USAF Test Pilot Wearing Special Flight Suit

USAF Test Pilot Wearing Special Flight Suit
(Original Caption) Edwards Air Force Base, California: The Suit That Breathes. Wearing a flying suit that's a masterpiece of technology--almost as complex as the plane he flies--Richard L

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Ole Miss Monoplane Parked by Passenger Airplane

Ole Miss Monoplane Parked by Passenger Airplane
Ole Miss, a high winged monoplane that set a flight endurance record of more than 27 days, makes its last landing in Washington, DC, before going into the Smithsonian Institute

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Soldiers Inflating Weather Balloon at Lowry Air Force Base

Soldiers Inflating Weather Balloon at Lowry Air Force Base
(Original Caption) Air Force Balloons Soar 70, 000 Plus Feet

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: USAF Weather Balloon

USAF Weather Balloon
(Original Caption) Air Force Launches Weather Balloon

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Illustration of a Flying Saucer

Illustration of a Flying Saucer
(Original Caption) U.S.A.F. to have "Flying Saucers." Washington, D.C.: The U.S

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Engine Test Facility Control Room

Engine Test Facility Control Room
Master control room of the engine test facility at the Arnold Engineering Development Center, which is part of the US Air Force's Air Research and Development Command

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: African American Soldier Reads Segregated Terminal Sign

African American Soldier Reads Segregated Terminal Sign
(Original Caption) 1/17/1956-Atlanta, GA: Airman Second Class Philip Wagner, of New York City, en route to the Warner Robbins Air Force Base Near Macon, GA

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Pilot Checking Nose of F-104 Starfighter

Pilot Checking Nose of F-104 Starfighter
(Original Caption) Lockheed's chief engineering test pilot Herman R

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Air Force Pilot Chuck Yeager

Air Force Pilot Chuck Yeager
(Original Caption) 8/25/1958- Picture shows Lt. Col

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Boy Observing Bombers at Naval Base

Boy Observing Bombers at Naval Base
Curious 4-year-old Gary Allen Kinzer stares at a row of Boeing B-47 Stratojets

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Kennedy with Joint Chiefs of Staff

Kennedy with Joint Chiefs of Staff
President John F. Kennedy meets with his Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Oval Office

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Veterinarian Examining Space Chimp

Veterinarian Examining Space Chimp
Air Force veterinarian Jerry Fineg examines Enos the Space Chimp after his Earth orbit flight. | Location: Bermuda

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: President Kennedy Watching Inauguration of Arms Control Agency

President Kennedy Watching Inauguration of Arms Control Agency
President Kennedy watches as Herbert Miller administers the oath to the members of the General Advisory Committee of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: President Talking with Pilots

President Talking with Pilots
(Original Caption) Washington

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Air Force Captain Showing Hospital Room

Air Force Captain Showing Hospital Room
Captain Ernest J

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: American Flag Covered Caskets Being Unloaded from Airplane

American Flag Covered Caskets Being Unloaded from Airplane
(Original Caption) Caskets containing the bodies of nine U.S. servicemen killed in Vietnam are unloaded from USAF transport plane in which they arrived here 2/11 from Vietnam

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Pilot Captured By Vietnamese Militia

Pilot Captured By Vietnamese Militia
U.S. Air Force pilot Lt. Hayden Lockhardt is captured by a North Vietnamese militiaman after he was forced to eject from his disabled jet over North Vietnam

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Four USAF Planes Spraying Defolient

Four USAF Planes Spraying Defolient
(Original Caption) 9/30/1965-Tan Son Nhut, South Vietnam: A flight of four United States Air Force Ranch Hand C-123s spray a Viet Cong jungle position near here with a defoliating liquid

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Soldiers Search Airplane Wreckage After Attack

Soldiers Search Airplane Wreckage After Attack
After a Vietcong attack on Tan Son Nhut Airbase on April 13, 1966 US Air Force soldiers examine the wreckage of a transport plane. | Location: Tan Son Nhut Airbase, Saigon, Vietnam

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Pilot Holding M16 Rifle

Pilot Holding M16 Rifle
A pilot holds his M16 out of the plane's window while flying over enemy territory searching for the Vietcong

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Nurses Attending to Wounded Soldiers

Nurses Attending to Wounded Soldiers
Nurses attend to wounded American soldiers as they prepare to depart from Tan Son Nhat air base for the United States

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: 101st Airborne Boarding Starlifter

101st Airborne Boarding Starlifter
(Original Caption) Paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division, the famed "Screaming Eagles

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Actor James Stewart Wearing Brigadier General Uniform

Actor James Stewart Wearing Brigadier General Uniform
Actor James Stewart wears his Air Force Reserve uniform, from which he retired as a Brigadier General in 1959. (Photo by © Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Kennedy Family Aboard Aircraft Carrier

Kennedy Family Aboard Aircraft Carrier
Young members of the Kennedy family react as the giant horns aboard the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy are sounded

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Atomic Bomb Models

Atomic Bomb Models
Models of nuclear weapons Fat Man and Little Boy

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Veterans Hubbard and Kerry on Meet the Press

Veterans Hubbard and Kerry on Meet the Press
Members of Vietnam Veterans Against the War Al Hubbard (left) a former Air Force Captain and John Kerry a former Navy Lieutenant appear on Meet the Press on April 18, 1971. The TV show started in 1947

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Vietnamese Lieutenant Colonel Greeting American Air Force Sergeant

Vietnamese Lieutenant Colonel Greeting American Air Force Sergeant
North Vietnamese Lieutenant Colonel Bui Tin (R), official spokesman for the North Vietnamese delegation to the JMC

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Northrop YF-17 Prototype Fighter Aircraft in Flight

Northrop YF-17 Prototype Fighter Aircraft in Flight
(Original Caption) United States Air Force prototype, the YF-17, in flight over the desert. Photo shows a YF-17 painted in green and tan camouflage, from above

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: American Troops Leaving Vietnam

American Troops Leaving Vietnam
American troops board a US Air Force jet during a test withdrawal at Tan Son Nhut Airbase in Saigon while Vietcong and North Vietnamese officers take photographs

Background imageUnited States Air Force Collection: Sgt. Leonard Matlovich Holding Discharge Papers

Sgt. Leonard Matlovich Holding Discharge Papers
United States Air Force Sergeant, Leonard Matlovich (1943 - 1988), holds his Honorable Discharge papers at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia, 22nd October 1975

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