State Department at Washington
Completion of the First Transcontinental RailroadRailroad workers celebrate at the driving of the Golden Spike Ceremony in Utah on May 10
Homestead Strike(Original Caption) 1892-The homestead strike, 1892. Pinkertons leaving the barges after surrendering, escorted by armed Union men. Engraving by W.P. Snyder, after photograph by Dabbs, 7/16/1892
George Weiss, named the new General Manager of the Yankees, replacing Larry MacPhail, who was retiring. Image also shows Del Webb and Bob topping co-owners of the Yankees
Virginia Hill Testifying Before a Senate CommitteeVirginia Hill, girlfriend of Las Vegas mobster Ben "Bugsy Siegel, testifies before the Kefauver organized crime hearings in New York
Signing of the United States Constitution(Original Caption) The signing of the United States Constitution in 1787. Undated painting by Stearns
Shay's Rebellion(Original Caption) Shay's Rebellion (1786-87): Mob of discontents seizing Massachusetts court house. Undated engraving
The Homestead Strike At Carnegie Steel(Original Caption) Picture shows the Homestead Strike of 1892. a shield was used by strikers at Carnegie Steel Works showing a chain to anchor cannon. Drawn by G.W. Peters after a photograph
Penn's Treaty with the Indians by Edward HicksWilliam Penn's treaty with the Indians. Painting bu Hicks. ORIGINAL CAPTION BPA 2 #5130
Coal Strike in West VirginiaRed Jacket, West Virginia, Coal miners wives holding children
Coal Strike in West VirginiaFour members of the posting guard at Williamstown
Coal Strike in West VirginiaRed Jacket, West Virginia. Miner and wife with 5 children outside of tent
Coal Strike in West VirginiaScene in West Virginia during a coal strike
Sid Hatfield of Matewan, West Virginia, now under indictment for his part in shooting
Coal Strike in West VirginiaRed Jacket, West Virginia. View of tent colony of striking miners
Coal Strike in West VirginiaPosting guard during miners strike
Coal Strike in West VirginiaPosting guard at Williamstown, West Virginia during a coal strike
Aviators After Record Breaking FlightPhoto shows left to right front, Bert Acosta, C.D
Hands in the New DealThese are the hands which guide the New Deal. Powerful hands of a big man
San Francisco RiotsOf these two men seriously wounded during the San Francisco waterfront riots on July 5, one later died
San Francisco RiotsMoving of cargoes from docks by the Industrial Association as an effort to break the San Francisco Longshoremen
Franklin and Elliott Roosevelt Lunching with Katharine Hepburn(Original Caption) President Roosevelt receives an offer of another helping of fish chowder from his son, Elliott, who recently applied for a year's training in the Army Air Corps
Willkie Tours EnglandWendell L. Willkie is fitted with a gas mask in the home office by Herbert Morrison, the Home Secretary, while Malcolm MacDonald looks on. Under Willkie?s arm is a steel e helmet
Conscientious Objectors Working with Log Cutting Machinery(Original Caption) Cascade Locks, Oregon: Where Conscientious Objectors Do Their Bit. At Wyeth, near here, is one of the two camps for conscientious objectors west of the Rocky Mountains
More Yanks Arrive in ItalyCharging ashore and ready for battle are elements of the 36th Division from Texas and Southern Oklahoma. They are storming a beach in Italy
Mail Arrives from HomeThese Japs, nearly all of full Japanese descent, were Hawaiian bred and are now fighting in their own unit with the U.S. Infantry forces somewhere in Italy
Truman Makes Initial SpeechPresident Harry S. Truman, before a battery of microphones, addresses joint session of Congress for the first time as Chief Executive
Daniel Ortega Speaking Against Reagan Administration(Original Caption) Managua, Nicaragua: Junta Coordinator Commander Daniel Ortega told a group of U.S
Rosa Parks Standing in Front of MuralRosa Parks, 72, poses with mural at the Dexter Avenue Martin Luther King Memorial Church which depicts the Civil Rights Movement after holding a news conference. Mrs
Sen. John Glenn, D-Ohio, adjusts his tie prior to the start of the Senate Ethics Committee hearings on the Keating Five 11/15
Copy of the New York Weekly JournalThe New York Weekly Journal was begun by John Peter Zenger in 1732. Zenger opposed the official views disseminated in the New York Gazette and was tried for libel in 1735
The Louisiana Outrages: A Street Barricade Guarde by White Leaguers IllustrationAn illustration from Harper's Weekly, October 10, 1874
Illustration of William Penn and Native Americans Making Treaty(Original Caption) William Penn making his treaty with the Indians under the famous, old "Treaty Elm, " now marked by monument in northeast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Illustration of a Fight During Shays's RebellionEngraving depicting a brawl between a Massachusetts government supporter and a rebel, during Shays's Rebellion (1786-87). Undated color illustration
Color Engraving of The Homestead Strike by W.P. Synder(Original Caption) Illustration from Harper's Weekly depicting the Homestead Strike of 1892. Shows Pinkertons, escorted by armed union men, leaving the barges after surrendering
Lithograph by George H. Walker After The Witch Number 3 by J.E. BakerWitch trial in Salem, Massachusetts. Lithograph by George H. Walker. Undated
Mason and Slidell Removed from the Trent LithographM.M. Mason and Slidell on board the "Trent, " by Captain Wilks, commander of the "San Jacinto." Engraving, 1861
Illustration with Thomas Jefferson Approving the Louisiana Purchase(Original Caption) USA: Thomas Jefferson signing the Louisiana Purchase papers
Washington Watching Man Sign Constitution(Original Caption) Painting depicting the signing of the United States Constitution. George Washington watches from his desk as a delegate signs the document. Other delegates observe the proceedings
Blood on the Blair House StepsA Blair House employee scrubs blood from the Blair House steps and walk after White House police shot down two gunmen who opened fire on the President's official residence
Guard doubled at President's homeExtrordinary measures were taken to protect President Truman after a suicidal attempt by two Puerto Rican fanatics to shoot their way into the Blair House
Virginia Hill Testifying at Senate HearingVirginia Hill, girlfriend of Las Vegas mobster Ben "Bugsy Siegel, testifies before the Kefauver organized crime hearings in New York
Virginia Hill Relaxing Inside a CarVirginia Hill, girlfriend of Las Vegas mobster Ben "Bugsy Siegel, in her automobile after testifying before the Kefauver organized crime hearings in New York
Virginia Hill Testifying Before Senate CommitteeVirginia Hill, girlfriend of Las Vegas mobster Ben "Bugsy Siegel, laughs as she testifies before the Kefauver organized crime hearings in New York
Virginia Hill Testifying Before Senate CommitteeVirginia Hill, girlfriend of Las Vegas mobster Ben "Bugsy Siegel, testifies before the Kefauver organized crime hearings in New York
Mushroom Cloud from Atomic TestA mushroom cloud rises from a nuclear weapon test during Operation TUMBLER-SNAPPER. Over two thousand Marines witnessed the event, which was conducted in 1952 at the Nevada Proving Ground
Crowd Cheers Robert Taft Nomination at Republican National Convention(Original Caption) 7/11/1952-Chicago, Illinois- Taft banners block the aisles at the peak of the noisy demonstration for the Ohio Senator in Convention Hall as his name was placed in the nomination
Richard and Pat Nixon at Republican National Convention(Original Caption) 7/12/1952- Chicago, IL: Happy duo. Flashing happy smiles, Senator and Mrs. Richard M
Arthur H. Dean is negotiating with the Communists at Panmunjom in an attempt to set up a Korean Peace Conference
Dwight Eisenhower Taking Oath Of OfficeDwight Eisenhower (center right) takes the oath of office from Chief Justice Fred Moore Vinson (center left)
Cowboy Doing a Trick with a LassoExpertly tossed by cowboy Monte Montana, a lariat falls neatly over President Dwight D. Eisenhower as he watches the colorful inaugural parade that followed his taking the oath of office
Leon JM Kamin Admits Red Ties and Refuses to Name Others at the Risk of Being Cited for ContemptA research worker at Harvard University admitted his communist ties when called as first witness by Sen. Joseph McCarthy, as he opened a two day hearing on reds in Massachusetts
Lt.Col. John P. Stapp's Rocket Sled From 632 MPH to Stop in 1.5 SecondsThis photo was made during the test, announced by the Air Force yesterday, in which Lt. Col. John P
Ralph Abernathy Gesturing at Meeting(Original Caption) 2/27/1956-Montgomery, AL-Rev. Ralph D
Rosa Parks Sits At the Front of A Bus in Alabama12/21/1956-Montgomery, AL-Rosa Parks, 43, sits in the front of a city bus here, December 21, as a Supreme Court ruling, which banned segregation on the city's public transit vehicles took effect
Crowd Gathered Outside Central High School in Little RockA crowd of onlookers gathers to watch as Federal troops stand guard while African American students join White students in front of Central High School, in Little Rock, Arkansas
Mayor Woodrow Mann Stating Support for DesegregationWoodrow Mann, mayor of Little Rock
Black Girl Stops To Look At WithdrawalPassing the Central High School here, September 21st, a black teenage girl stops to look following the removal of National Guard troops
Little Rock Students Talking After First Day of Integration(Original Caption) 9/25/1957- Little Rock, AK- Elated after spending their first full day at Little Rock Central High
Military Jeeps Outside Desegregated Central High SchoolFederal troops in military jeeps stand guard while African American students join White students in front of Central High School, in Little Rock, Arkansas
Army Jeeps Escort Station Wagon with African American Students(Original Caption) 9/26/1957-Little Rock AR: Jeeps front and back of Army Station wagon convoy nine Negro students down West 28th St. here Sept. 26th to classes at Central High School
Armed Federal Troops on Guard at Central High SchoolFederal troops stand guard in front of Central High School, in Little Rock, Arkansas, after Federal courts ordered the enforcement of desegregation laws
Black Students Walking to Integrated School(Original Caption
Little Rock Students Walking Past National GuardThe group of nine African American students walk past members of the National Guard as they use a side door to enter Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas
Black Students Escorted By TroopsAfrican-American students attending Little Rock Central High School are escorted to a waiting Army station wagon for their return home after classes, 3rd October 1957
Black Students With Soldiers Escorting(Original Caption) 10/11/1957-Little Rock, AR: The grim face of the soldier who guards her forms a strange contrast to the smiling face of this Negro girl
Students Watching African American Students EscortedA few weeks after the desegregation of Little Rock's Central High School, only six of the nine African American students are escorted into the school, the other three reporting in sick
Russell Bufalino, of Kingston, Pennsylvania appears before the legislative watch dog committee during hearings in the Capitol on the Apalachin, New York, crime congress
School Superintendent Speaking on Desegregation Threat(Original Caption) 1/20/1958-Little Rock, AR: Little Rock Superintendent of Schools Virgil T
Ernest Green Wearing Cap and GownEighteen-year-old Ernest Green, one of the nine African American students to integrated Central High School, prepares for graduation
Thurgood Marshall and Little Rock StudentsLawyer Thurgood Marshall and civil rights activist Daisy Bates join several members of the "Little Rock Nine", the first students to integrate Central High School
Students Shown at White House(Original Caption) 8/26/1958-Washington
Picket New Hampshire Tourist OfficeCarrying signs, pickets demonstrate in front of the new office of the New England Tourist Bureau at Rockefeller Center, May 10th
President Kennedy Under Stress During Berlin CrisisPresident John F. Kennedy wipes the sweat from his brow while addressing the nation via television concerning the Berlin Crisis
President John Kennedy Making a Statement in Oval OfficeFrom the Oval Office, President John F. Kennedy makes a statement on the crisis in Berlin, declaring that the United States will defend its rights there by force if necessary
President John F. Kennedy at His DeskPresident John F. Kennedy addresses the nation concerning the crisis in Berlin, announcing a military expansion to thwart the Soviet threat there
President Kennedy at Press Conference During Berlin CrisisPresident John F. Kennedy answers questions about the crisis in Berlin at a press conference. He reiterated his desire for a peaceful solution to the conflict
West Berliners Crowd at Brandenburg GateA crowd of West Berlin residents gathers on square in front of Brandenburg Gate as Communist German soldiers and militiamen construct road blocks and barbed wire fences on border here August 13
President John Kennedy and Lucius ClayPresident John F. Kennedy (right) meets with General Lucius Clay in the Oval Office to give him final instructions on his Berlin mission
Teenagers Protesting School Integration(Original Caption) Birmingham, Alabama: Confederate flag-waving students join in singing Dixie to accompaniment of trumpet as they demonstrate outside West End High School here, September 10