Matthew Calbraith Perry(Original Caption) Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry (1794-1858), the man who "opened Japan." From undated daguerreotype by Mathew Brady
USS Baron de Kalb Ironclad GunboatUnion USS Baron de Kalb ironclad gunboat, originally named the USS St. Louis
USS Texas in the Norfolk Navy Yard(Original Caption) 8/24/1896-The USS Texas, at Navy yard, Norfolk, VA. Photograph, Aug. 24, 1896. BPA2# 4453
Battleship USS Maine in Havana Harbor(Original Caption) Havana, Cuba- Memories of the Spanish American War 1898: The USS Maine before she was sunk in Havana, Cuba, in the Harbor, thus causing the start of the Spanish-American War
Battleship Maine Being Destroyed(Original Caption) Destruction of the U.S. Battleship Maine at Havana, Cuba, 15 February 1898. Drawing by Frank H. Schell
US Destroyer John R. Pierce(Original Caption) 10/26/1962-Washington: The US destroyer John R
Franklin Roosevelt at Navy YardSenator James O'Gorman (in top-hat) is flanked by Assistant Secretary to the Navy Franklin Roosevelt (in bowler hat) and Admiral Albert Gleaves
Don't Tread on Me FlagDrawing of a flag with a coiled rattlesnake and the words Don't Tread on Me similar to the Gadsden Flag, which is believed to be the first flag of the Continental Navy of the American Revolution
USS Constitution vs. HMS Guerriere by Thomas BirchWAR OF 1812: THE CONSTITUTION AND THE BRITISH GUERRIERE, AUGUST 19, 1812.(ALSO SEE E.2536)
Lithograph Depicting the U.S.S. Olympia CruiserAn 1898 color lithograph of the US cruiser, Olympia
Painting of Civil War Sailing ShipsThis painting is by an unknown American artist, depicting a Confederate blockade runner and a Union man-of-war
Portrait of David Farragut by William SwainAdmiral David Glasgow Farragut (1801-1870) was famous for his naval victories for the Union side in the US Civil War (1861-1865)
USS Constitution vs. HMS Guerriere by Thomas BirchThis historic painting by Thomas Birch shows the U.S.S. Constitution blasting away at the British ship Guerriere in an engagement off Nova Scotia during the war of 1812
Admiral Winfield Schley aboard the USS Chicago
Sailor Being TattooedSailor being tattooed. WWII era. UPI color slide
Eleanor Roosevelt Reviewing WAVES at Smith CollegeEleanor Roosevelt visits Smith College to review the WAVES, Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service, program. | Location: Northampton, Massachusetts, USA
President Roosevelt with Military Leaders and DiplomatsThe U.S. leaders sit in the President's villa in Casablanca for a meeting with the British. Left to right, seated: Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall, President Franklin D
"Great White Fleet" Of The U.S. NavyThe "Great White Fleet" was a large fleet of American battleships which Theodore Roosevelt sent around the world on a goodwill mission
United States Navy Collier USS Cyclops(Original Caption) 9/8/1939-New York- The United States Navy collier Cyclops, which disappeared during the war year of 1918. The ship disappeared as it brought a cargo of manganese from Brazil
Largest submarine built for the United StatesThe submarine torpedo board, L.I. the largest of its kind ever built for the United States, launched at the Fore River Shipbuilding Yards at Quincy, Massachusetts on January 20, 1915. Mrs
American Sailors During Occupation of Haiti(Original Caption) 10/11/15-Haiti: American Occupation of Haiti. Group of U.S. sailors from the battleship Connecticut and a gun they captured at Cape Haitien
Admiral Sims and FDRAdmiral William S. Sims of the United States Navy stands with Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Humphrey Bogart in Sailor Uniform(Original Caption) Humphrey Bogart in sailor dress while he was in the Navy. Full length photograph, 1919
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Major George Barnett Award MedalsLeft to right: Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt and Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels stand with Major George K. Shuler, Major Alphonse De Carre, Gunnery Sergeant Charles F
Secretary of the Navy Congratulating PilotsSecretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels congratulates Lieutenant Commander Read and his crew on their successful transatlantic flight
Government and Military Leaders Watch ParadeLeft to right: Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Franklin D. Roosevelt; New York City Mayor John F. Hylan; Admiral William S
Government and Military Leaders Watch Parade
Military Men on Polo Grounds(Original Caption) Photo shows left to right: General Payton C. March, Sec. of War Baker, General Pershing, Sec. of Navy Daniels, Asst. Sec of Navy Franklin D
Crew of the S-Five SubmarineSurvivors of the S-Five, the Navy's newest and most modern submarine, which sank along the East Coast on its way to Baltimore for a recruiting appearance
Roosevelt Reading Atlantic Fleet Chart(Original Caption) How the Navy keeps track of its ships. Captain Kallfu is seen showing the Asst. Secy
Photographer Aiming Military Camera(Original Caption) A naval aviation photographer using a K-2 aerial camera used for oblique work. The camera is mounted on a Navy F-5-L flying boat
Charles Lindbergh Aboard Warship with CrateCharles Lindbergh stands aboard the USS Memphis (CL-13), alongside the crate containing the Spirit of St. Louis, upon his return to the States following his historic transatlantic flight
American Sailors Gazing at Bridge of Sighs in Venice(Original Caption) Venice, Italy: Sailors And Bridge Of Sighs. Looking Over A Watery Street In Venice At The Most Famous Bridge In Europe
Airship Macon Near Hangar(Original Caption) 6/15/1933-Akron, OH- The dirigible Macon, soon to be turned over to the United States Navy, is shown on the ground outside of its hangar here
Orville Wright and Military Leaders(Original Caption) Visions of continued progress in man's conquest of air are seen by this "Big Four" of aviation on looking up during the aerial maneuvers
Marines Sitting with Two WomenMarines aboard the USS Indianapolis (CA-35) cruiser
Franklin Roosevelt at the Lincoln MemorialFranklin Roosevelt at a wreath-laying ceremony at the Lincoln Memorial
FDR at Armistice Day CeremonyPres Roosevelt is seen w/nis military ai
WWII Curtis Helldiver in Flight
Stern View of "City of Windham"Stern view of "City of Windham" loaded with bombs
U.S. Navy Vought Corsair
Fans Welcoming Band Leader Artie ShawFans line the front of a Broadway theater in preparation for band leader Artie Shaw's triumphant return to the stage following his naval service in World War II
John F. Kennedy and His CrewNavy Lieutenant John F. Kennedy with machinists Pat Mamahon and Bill Johnson, and Jordan Marsh's Frank Glynn, at a luncheon given in his honor
President Franklin D. Roosevelt Visiting Fort ClaytonUS President Franklin D. Roosevelt (center) pictured in his car with Major General Daniel E. Van Voorhis (left), Commanding General of the Canal Zone, and Rear Admiral Frank D
US President Franklin D. Roosevelt Viewing WarshipsPresident Roosevelt is shown (front left) in the rear seat of his auto as he tours the Philadelphia Navy Yard
President's Family at Inaugural GalaFranklin Roosevelt's family sits in a box seat at an Inaugural Gala in 1941
Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. and Trainees Arriving at Squantum Naval Air StationA group of trainees including Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. arrive at air station to learn how to fly planes. Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. (front right), walks with Hugh Gray, Lieutenant Commander T. A
Presidential Yacht PotomacThe Presidential yacht Potomac, carrying Franklin Roosevelt, returns to Rockland, Maine, after a meeting with Winston Churchill at sea, eventually to be known as the Atlantic Conference
President Franklin D. Roosevelt Waving His FedoraUS President Franklin D
Navy Air Fleet Navigation and Radio Operators at Controls(Original Caption) Northern Atlantic...A view from the pilot's control (you can see the feet of two pilots in the foreground)
Admiral Husband E. Kimmel(Original Caption) Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, USN
Young Men Waiting Online to Enlist in the Army(Original Caption) 12/8/1941-Boston, MA: Young Americans wait in line at the Navy Recruiting Office in Boston Monday, eager to enlist for service following Japan's attack on the United States
Wartime Fashion NoteGlamor and safety don't mix, according to Lieut. Cmdr. R.R. Darron of the Alameda U.S. Naval Air Station
Women Factory WorkersThough not dressed for a dance, Naomi Parker, foreground, and Frances Johnson look alright to us. Their clothes are the proper ones for women workers at the Alameda Naval Air station
All This and Overtime, TooPretty Naomi Parker is as easy to look at as overtime pay on the week's check. And she's a good example of an old contention that glamor is what goes into the clothes, and not the clothes
Sailors Playing Pinball(Original Caption) 4/2/42-Honolulu, Hawaii: This is not New York--pinball machines banned in the big city, amuse sailors at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel on Waikiki Beach in Hawaii
Navy Men Placing Hawaiian Leis on Gravesite of War Heroes(Original Caption) Enlisted men of the Naval Air Station at Kaneohe, Hawaii, place leis on the graves of their comrades killed in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor last December 7th in this photo
Soldier in Hospital After Midway BattleAmerican Navy pilot ensign George H
African American Troops Pass Before Officer(Original Caption) 9/17/1942-Great Lakes, IL: Converted from civilians into trim, snappy sailors within a few weeks
FDR Shaking Wounded Sailor's HandPresident Franklin Delano Roosevelt gives a hearty handshake and a warm smile to a wounded sailor during a visit to the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, Washington
Five Grumman Avengers in Flight(Original Caption) "Avengers" on the Wing. High above fleecy clouds, five deadly Grumman Avenger Torpedo Bombers wing along on their mission. Theses new U.S
Roosevelt and Churchill at Morocco with Staff(Original Caption) 1943-Casablanca, Morocco: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill (seated) pose with their staffs after historic allied conference at Casablanca
John F Kennedy As a PT Boat Commander(Original Caption) 1962 -: John F. Kennedy as a P-T boat commander in WWII
America's Chiefs of Staff in North Africa with the President at his Anfa Villa. Left to right: (standing) Harry Hopkins, General Arnold, General Somervell, Mr. Harriman
President Roosevelt Meets with President VargasPresident Roosevelt meets with President Getulio Vargas of Brazil aboard a U.S. Navy destroyer off the coast of the city of Natal
U.S. War Strategists Meet with BritishAt a meeting of the Joint and Combined Chiefs of Staff, consisting of high American and British war strategists, four American leaders weigh a problem
Long Table War ConferenceWith American members on the left and British members on the right, the Joint and combined Chiefs of Staff hold session. Americans are (front to back): Lt.Gen. J.T. McNarney, Gen
Crew Aboard USS Oklahoma in Pearl HarborMen of a salvage crew aboard the tilted deck of the USS Oklahoma in Pearl Harbor, sunk during the December 7, 1941 sneak attack by the Japanese
Servicemen in Zoot Suit Riots(Original Caption) 6/11/1943-Watts, California- Armed with clubs, pipes and bottles
Zoot Suiters Walking Down the StreetTeenage boys in a subtle version of the zoot suit walk down a city street in 1943, attracting some attention from military and civilian passersby in more standard street wear
Midshipmen with Their Fiancees at the Marriage License BureauMidshipmen, who may not marry until they are commissioned as ensigns
Navy Artist at Work(Original Caption) Navy Artist at Work. Lieutenant Albert K. Murray, U.S.N.R. has set up his canvas near a palm tree and works on a painting in the Caribbean area
Eleanor Roosevelt at Pearl Harbor, 1943Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, wife of the president, visits the USS Oklahoma during her inspection tour of pearl harbor, September 22, 1943. Shown with her are Rear Admiral William R
Eleanor Roosevelt at Navy YardFirst Lady Eleanor Roosevelt arrives at a U.S. Navy yard in Pearl Harbor
John F. Kennedy in Navy Uniform(Original Caption) 1944-A war hero, John Kennedy was Lieutenant when this photo was taken in 1944. Kennedy had served as a PT-Boat Commander in the Pacific
Black Woman Being Inducted Into WavesMiss Jane Freeman, 22, of Roxbury, MA, is taking the oath as a Navy WAVE at district headquarters in Boston. She is being sworn in by Captain D
Navy Curtiss-Wright SB2C Helldiver with Wings Folded Up(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Navy Curtiss-Wright SB2C Helldiver on a Tarmac(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Bob Hope Sits in Audience with Sailors(Original Caption) 1944: Photo shows comedian Bob Hope, wearing a Naval uniform, sitting on a bench among an audience of amused sailors
William John Robert Cavendish, Marquess of Hartington(Original Caption) Kathleen Kennedy and the Marquess of Hartington smile happily at their wedding in London in 1944. A short time later the Marquess was killed in action
Chester W. Nimitz in Uniform(Original Caption) Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet
Portrait of Lieutenant Joseph P. Kennedy Jr(Original Caption) Smiling up at the photographer is Lieutenant Joe Kennedy Jr. son of the former U.S. Ambassador to England. Young Joe is a member of the U.S
Men Playing Cards on Military ShipYoung African American men who work in the mess hall aboard a United States Navy ship take a break to play a game of cards