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44 Items
Eurasian Jay -Garrulus glandarius-, Tyrol, Austria
Concrete slabs with grass growing in the gaps
Pineapple -Ananas comosus- growing in a field, Maligatenna, Sri Lanka
Great Spotted Woodpecker -Dendrocopos major-, Tyrol, Austria
Beach with palm trees, Indian Ocean, Negombo, Sri Lanka
The dry and arid landscape in the Free state has very red / orange soilarid, color, colour, free state, Gallo Landscapes, 970380880
European Robin -Erithacus rubecula-, Tyrol, Austria
Chaffinch -Fringilla coelebs-, Tyrol, Austria
Green Sea Turtle -Chelonia mydas-, Gulf of Oman, Oman
Sea Slugs -Risbecia pulchella-, Gulf of Oman, Oman
Leopard Shark -Triakis semifasciata-, Gulf of Oman, Oman
Mallard -Anas platyrhynchos- standing on autumn leaves, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Rook -Corvus frugilegus- standing on autumn leaves, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Yellow-legged Gull -Larus michahellis-, Istanbul, Turkey
Yellow-legged Gull -Larus michahellis-, juvenile plumage, Istanbul, Turkey
African Bush Elephants -Loxodonta africana-, Khaudum National Park, Namibia, Africa
African Bush Elephant -Loxodonta africana- with a calf, Khaudum National Park, Namibia, Africa
African Wild Dog -Lyacon pictus-, Khaudum National Park, Namibia, Africa
Warthog -Phacochoerus aethiopicus-, Khaudum National Park, Namibia, Africa
Electricity pylon against a blue sky with clouds
Stone structure
Sweet Navel oranges with a price tag
Blue and red brooms with shovels
Grove of palm trees on the beach, Playa Carryllo, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, Central America
Hammock under the palm trees, Playa Carryllo, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, Central America
Coconut palm -Cocos nucifrea-, worm s-eye view, Playa Carryllo, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, Central America
Small black dog running through a meadow, Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Rainy weather over the mountains in the evening, Mendoza province, Argentina
Flock of Burrowing Parrots or Burrowing Parakeets -Cyanoliseus patagonus- on a bush, Mendoza Province, Argentina
Romanesque chapel (San MamA©s de Zalima)
Bridge and Church Romanesque of Salinas de Pisuerga
Mt. Fuji and AutumnscapeMt.Fuji and Autumnscape
Mt. Fuji with autumn leavesMt. Fuji is a cultural and symbolic of Japan.It is registered as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in 2013