2,667 Items
Hedging & Wayside Plants Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Animals Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Exotic family Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Indoor and aquarium plants Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Fresh water insects Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Domestic Animals Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Fresh water animals Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Freshwater Animals Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Insects beetles entomology Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Cultivated arable crops antique chromolithograph 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Parrots and Macaws Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Types of pears antique chromolithograph 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Foreign Cage Birds Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Landscape from the jurassic period Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Gemstones and minerals Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Forest trees and shrub Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Fruit trees and other garden crops Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Marine life Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Insects Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Butterfly Chromolithography 1899F. Martin`s Naturgeschichte. Grosze Ausgabe. Neu bearbeitet von M. Kohler, 1899
Rattle snake and viper engraving 1893The Animal Kingdom by Baron Cuvier - London 1893
Insects beetles engraving 1893The Animal Kingdom by Baron Cuvier - London 1893
Hercules beetle engraving 1893The Animal Kingdom by Baron Cuvier - London 1893
Insects crickets engraving 1893The Animal Kingdom by Baron Cuvier - London 1893
Crocodile engraving 1893The Animal Kingdom by Baron Cuvier - London 1893
Pheasants birds color plate 1900The Game Birds and Wild Fowl of the British Islands By Dixon, Charles - London, Chapman and Hall, 1900
Black grouse bird color plate 1900The Game Birds and Wild Fowl of the British Islands By Dixon, Charles - London, Chapman and Hall, 1900
Corn crake bird color plate 1900The Game Birds and Wild Fowl of the British Islands By Dixon, Charles - London, Chapman and Hall, 1900
Partridge bird color plate 1900The Game Birds and Wild Fowl of the British Islands By Dixon, Charles - London, Chapman and Hall, 1900
Capercaille bird color plate 1900The Game Birds and Wild Fowl of the British Islands By Dixon, Charles - London, Chapman and Hall, 1900
Polar bears engraving 1893
Tibet and wild indian dog engraving 1893
Makenzie river and esquimaux dog engraving 1893
Zebu cattle bull engraving 1893
Beetles engraving 1893The Animal Kingdom by Baron Cuvier - London 1893
Calmuc horse engraving 1893The Animal Kingdom by Baron Cuvier - London 1893
Butterflies engraving 1893
Ducks bird engraving 1893The Animal Kingdom by Baron Cuvier - London 1893
Cashmere and rocky mountain goats engraving 1893
Persian and guinea sheep engraving 1893
Goats engraving 1893
Rocky mountain goat engraving 1893
General Horatio Gates engraving 1895History of the United States by E. Benjamin Andrews - Charles Scribners Son, New York 1895
signer of the Declaration of Independence Elbridge Gerry engraving 1895History of the United States by E. Benjamin Andrews - Charles Scribners Son, New York 1895
John Marshall Former Chief Justice of the United States engraving 1895History of the United States by E. Benjamin Andrews - Charles Scribners Son, New York 1895
American physician Joseph Warren engraving 1895History of the United States by E. Benjamin Andrews - Charles Scribners Son, New York 1895
Baron von Steuben engraving 1895History of the United States by E. Benjamin Andrews - Charles Scribners Son, New York 1895
American naval commander Oliver Hazard Perry engraving 1895History of the United States by E. Benjamin Andrews - Charles Scribners Son, New York 1895
Soldier and politician Arthur St. Clair engraving 1895History of the United States by E. Benjamin Andrews - Charles Scribners Son, New York 1895
American lawyer James Otis Jr. engraving 1895History of the United States by E. Benjamin Andrews - Charles Scribners Son, New York 1895
American soldier Daniel Morgan engraving 1895History of the United States by E. Benjamin Andrews - Charles Scribners Son, New York 1895
James Madison 4th U. S. President engraving 1895History of the United States by E. Benjamin Andrews - Charles Scribners Son, New York 1895
Benedict Arnold American hero engraving 1895History of the United States by E. Benjamin Andrews - Charles Scribners Son, New York 1895
General William Howe British military commander engraving 1895History of the United States by E. Benjamin Andrews - Charles Scribners Son, New York 1895
Richard Montgomery British Army General engraving 1895History of the United States by E. Benjamin Andrews - Charles Scribners Son, New York 1895
The encounter between Tarleton and Colonel Washington engraving 1895History of the United States by E. Benjamin Andrews - Charles Scribners Son, New York 1895
Pigeon dove engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
Pigeon engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
Interiror of the nose engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
Parotid - salivary gland engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
Hip joint engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
Brain nervous ocular system engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
Human brain engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
Bones of the right forearm engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
The heart and lungs engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
Human detail and perspiratory tube engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
Respirantion and the voice engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
The shoulder joint engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
The ribs engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
Spinal nerves engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
The pelvis and sacrum engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
Stomach and Intestines engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
The spine engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
The ear engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
Human body spine engraving anatomy 1872Engraving from Fourteen weeks in Human Physiology by J. Dorman Steele - Barnes & Company 1872
Australian animals: opossum, anteater, armadillo, kangaroo, pangolin engraving 1872Martins Naturgeschichte fur die Jugend - Martins natural history for the youth 1872
Dingo austalian dog engraving 1893The Animal Kingdom by Baron Cuvier - London 1893
Map of Southern states USA 1883Warrens Common School Geography
The Apocalyptic Procession engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Dante and Beatrice ascend to the sphere of Mars 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Alphabet penmanship calligraphy 1881Real PenWork, Self Instructor in Penmanship. Copyright 1881 by the Publishers Knowles and Maxim, Pittsfield, Mass
Map of Texas 1867Mitchells Modern Atlas - Published by E.H. Buttler & Co - Philadelphia 1867
Land crab engraving 1888Illustrated Natural History of the Three Kingdoms Illustrierte Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche Franz StrAÔé¼ssles - Wilhelm Nitzschke, Stuttgart 1888
Map of Florida 1855System of Geography for the use of schools by Sidney E. Morse - Published by Harper & Brothers - New York 1855