2,667 Items
Map of Middle states USA 1883Warrens Common School Geography
Map of Central States USA 1883Warrens Common School Geography
Map of British provinces of North America 1883Warrens Common School Geography
Map of Massachusetts USA 1883Warrens Common School Geography
Map of Rhode Island USA 1883Warrens Common School Geography
Map of United States 1883Warrens Common School Geography
Map of the World 1883Warrens Common School Geography
Mexico Central america scene illustration 1886Mexico Central america scene illustration Maps Monteith Physical Geography 1886
North Central states map 1886North Central states map Maps Monteith Physical Geography 1886
World in zones hemispheres 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Inside book cover
United States map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Biritsh Isles map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Mexico and Central America map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Central Europe map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Europe map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Independence hall Philadelphia 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Scenes of Asia engraving 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
USA antique history engraving 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Old Compass Windrose 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Map drawing technique 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
The Capitol at Harrisburg 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Geography earth engraving 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
South America map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Dominion of Canada map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
North Eastern States USA map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
New England States USA map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Souther States USA map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Kansas and Nebraska map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Virginia North Carolina map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
California Nevada map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Wisconsin Michigan map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Arkansas Louisiana Pississippi map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
North America map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Jesus healing the sick man 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Jesus stilling the temple engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Christ mocked engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Death of Athaliah engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The remains of Jezebel engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The Angel showing Jerusalem to St. John 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Jesus and tribute money engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Jesus and the woman of Samaria 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Samson destroying the philistines engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Babylon fallen engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The lions attacking in Samaria engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Jesus falling beneath the cross engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Plague of Jerusalem engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The prodigal son engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The erection of the cross engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Maria Magdalene engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The pharisee engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Valley of Rulers Dante Purgatory 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Dante Divine Coemdy Purgatory 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Dante Paradiso Piccarda 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Pride and arrogance Dante Purgatory 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Forese Donati Dante Purgatory 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Dante Purgatory 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Dante Purgatory Sapia 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Dante bows before the angel pilot 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Seventh Sphere Saturn paradiso 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Firts Night in purgatory 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Lombardo in the Third Circle of Purgatory engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Pia da Tolomei engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Dante, Virgil and Cato engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Dante and the eagle engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Beatrice unveiled engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Eagle of Justice 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The Garden of Earthly Paradise 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The Vision of Purgatory and Paradise 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The nine orders of angels 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Host of myriad glowing souls 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The Singing of the Blessed 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The sun and glorified souls 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
The spirits in Jupiter 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Map of South America 1869Cornells Grammars-School Geography - S.S. Cornell - New York D. Appleton and Company 1869
Middle states USA map 1869Cornells Grammars-School Geography - S.S. Cornell - New York D. Appleton and Company 1869
The common shrew illustration 1803The Museum of Natural History - the Animal Kingdom (Mammalia) Published by William Mackenzie, 1803 - London
Egyptian mongoose engraving 1803The Museum of Natural History - the Animal Kingdom (Mammalia) Published by William Mackenzie, 1803 - London
Common mole engraving 1803The Museum of Natural History - the Animal Kingdom (Mammalia) Published by William Mackenzie, 1803 - London