1,181 Items
Female muscular system, illustrationFemale muscular system, computer illustration
Artwork of a triceratops horridus dinosaur. These animals were common in the late Cretaceous period, from around 70 million years ago until the extinction of the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago
Elastic Fiber And Collagenous Fiber, 40x light micrographLight micrograph of elastic fiber and collagenous fiber from loose connective tissue, 40x, hematoxylin-eosin staining
Coronavirus, artworkHuman coronavirus. Computer artwork of a Human coronavirus particle
Arterial stent, illustration
Gold teeth and tooth gem, illustration
Dental implant, illustration3d illustration of a dental implant in the mandible
Hip replacement, illustration
Variety of Dinosaurs
Human head louse, LMHuman head louse, Light microraph (LM) 0f Pediculus humanus capitis. P. humanus is divided into two subspecies; the head louse P. humanus capitis and the body louse P. humanus corporis
Streptococcus mutans, SEMStreptococcus mutans. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). S. mutans is a coccoid shaped, Gram-positive, anaerobic bacteria that is part of the normal bacteria flora of the mouth
Bacteria found on mobile phone, SEMBacteria found on mobile phone. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of bacteria cultured from a mobile phone
Arthritis of the knee, X-rayArthritis of the knee. Coloured X-ray the arthritic knee of a 37 year old man. The knee had previously been damaged in a motorbike accident
Knee replacement, X-rayKnee replacement. Coloured X-ray of a total knee replacement in a 70 year old man
Normal shoulder, X-rayNormal shoulder. Coloured X-ray of the shoulder of a 19 year old man
Hip before hip replacement surgery, X-rayHip before hip replacement surgery. Coloured X-ray of a section through the pelvic region of a 66-year-old male patient with a damaged hip joint (left) taken before total hip replacement surgery
Arthritic ankle, X-rayArthritic ankle. Coloured profile X-ray of the ankle of a 66 year old male with osteoarthritis
Human skin, illustration3d illustration of a cross section of a hair follicle with description
Eye anatomy, artworkEye anatomy, computer artwork
Brain and nerves, artworkHuman brain and nerves, computer artwork
Central nervous system, illustrationIllustration of male central nervous system
Molar toothTooth, transparent cross section of a molar tooth with arteries (red), veins (purple) and nerves (green)
Total knee replacement, X-raysTotal knee replacement. Coloured frontal (left) and profile (right) X-rays of the right knee of a 69 year old patient after total knee replacement surgery
Ticks (superfamily Ixodoidea)
Colourful multi-textured coral cluster
Lichtheimia corymbifera fungi, illustrationIllustration of the fungi Lichtheimia corymbifera complex on aged paper, reminiscent of medieval medical drawings. This is an etiologic agent of mucormycosis associated with wound infections
Trichophyton mentagrophytes fungi, illustrationIllustration of Trichophyton mentagrophytes fungi. This fungus causes ringworm infections
Dental implants following tooth extraction, X-rayDental implants following tooth extraction, coloured X-ray
Osteoarthritis of the cervical spine, X-rayOsteoarthritis of the cervical spine. Coloured lateral X-ray of the neck of a 76-year-old woman with severe osteoarthritis of the cervical spine
Surgical fixation for rheumatoid arthritis of feet, X-raySurgical fixation for rheumatoid arthritis of the feet. Coloured lateral X-ray of screws and pins used in surgical fixation of the foot joints of a 52-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis
Hip fracture, X-rayHip fracture. Frontal X-ray of the right hip of a 53-year-old man, showing a comminuted (splintered) fracture of the neck of the femur (centre left)
Fractured ankle bone, CT scanFractured ankle bone. Coloured computed tomography (CT) scan of the bones of the foot and ankle of a 23-year-old woman with a comminuted (splintered) fracture of the talus bone (centre) of the ankle
Arthritis of the neck, X-rayArthritis of the neck. Coloured X-ray of the arthritic cervical spine of a 70 year old man
Arthritis of the hip, X-rayArthritis of the hip. Coloured X-ray of an arthritic hip
Normal knee, X-rayNormal knee. Coloured X-ray of the knee of a 44 year old woman
Degenerative foot deformation, X-rayDegenerative foot deformation
Aspiration, chest X-rayAspiration. Coloured chest X-ray showing aspiration (dark areas) in the lungs of a 76-year-old female patient with an extensive brain haemorrhage
Lipoma of the shoulder, X-rayLipoma of the shoulder. Coloured X-ray of the shoulder of a 58-year-old male patient showing a large lipoma. Lipomas are benign (non-cancerous) tumours arising from adipose (fat) tissue
Tibial spur, X-rayTibial spur. Coloured X-ray of the foot of a 22-year-old male patient with a spur (osteophyte, highlighted) affecting the tibia (shin bone)
Pituitary tumour, CT scanPituitary tumour. Coloured computed tomography (CT) scan of a section through the brain of an 84-year-old male patient with a tumour (round, centre) affecting the pituitary gland
Pinned fractured hip, X-rayPinned fractured hip
Arthritic knees, X-rayArthritic knees. Coloured X-ray of the knees of a 66 year old male with osteoarthritis
Skull of Canis magellanicus, 19th century illustration. From Dogs, Jackals, Wolves and Foxes
Plant, artworkPlant. Cut-away artwork showing a plant's stem, leaves and roots
Africa, artworkAfrica, computer artwork
South America, artworkSouth America, computer artwork
Atlantic Ocean, artworkAtlantic Ocean, computer artwork
Arctic, artworkArctic, computer artwork
Human head anatomy, artworkHuman head anatomy, computer artwork
Upper respiratory tract, artworkUpper respiratory tract, computer artwork
Human ear anatomy, artworkHuman ear anatomy, computer artwork
Male chest anatomy, artworkMale chest anatomy, computer artwork
Asia, artworkAsia, computer artwork
North America, artworkNorth America, computer artwork
Antarctic, artworkAntarctic, computer artwork
Artic, artworkArtic, computer artwork
Human skull, artworkHuman skull, computer artwork
Human skull in sections, artworkHuman skull in sections, computer artwork
Male cardiovascular system, artworkMale cardiovascular system, computer artwork
Female organs, cut away, artworkFemale organs, cut away computer artwork
Tip of an iceberg, artworkTip of an iceberg, computer artwork
Human skull, illustrationHuman skull, computer illustration
Tyrannosaurus rex skull, illustrationTyrannosaurus rex skull, computer illustration
Private jet in the clouds, illustrationPrivate jet in the clouds, computer illustration
Inside of a car, illustrationMODEL RELEASED. Cut away of the inside of a car, illustration
Human lungs, illustration
Human digestive system, illustration
Upper organs of respiratory system, illustrationUpper organs of the human respiratory system, illustration
Cyborg head, illustration
Old engraved illustration of the bones of the footCopyright has expired on this artwork. From my own archives, digitally restored
Old engraved illustration of the bones of the left handCopyright has expired on this artwork. From my own archives, digitally restored
Old engraved illustration of bones of human spine and ribsCopyright has expired on this artwork. From my own archives, digitally restored
Old engraved illustration of anatomy of the human eye, section of the eyeballCopyright has expired on this artwork. From my own archives, digitally restored
Vintage illustration Close up detail of the human face, blank eye, vision, blindness, 19th Century
Vintage illustration Close up detail of the human face, nose, lips, smell, taste 19th Century
Exoplanet Kepler 1701b and its exomoonKepler 1780-b is a gas giant exoplanet orbiting the F-type star Kepler 1708, some 5500 light years from Earth
Icy ExoplanetAstronomers from Oxford University in the UK have observed this rocky exoplanet covered in an ocean od water with substantial prozen deposits of carbon dioxide. The planet orbits a cool red dwarf
Planet around binary star Kepler-453Kepler 453-b is the tenth transiting, so-called Tatooine exoplanet found by the Kepler spacecraft. It is a circumbinary planet, meaning that it orbits the two central stars as if they were one
Old chromolithograph illustration of human circulatory system - Crural arteriesCopyright has expired on this artwork. From my own archives, digitally restored. Celiac artery
Old chromolithograph illustration of The Human abdomen, internal organsCopyright has expired on this artwork. From my own archives, digitally restored
Old chromolithograph illustration of section of human kidneyAntique Illustration, Copyright has expired on this artwork. From my own archives, digitally restored