1,181 Items
Cell, illustration3d illustration of cell division, cell membrane and a splitting red nucleus
Nucleic acid, illustration
Stent and balloon catheter, illustration
Nerve cell, illustrationNerve cell, cut-away illustration
Fungus, illustration
Polyp removal, illustration. Removal of a colonic polyp with an electrical wire loop during a colonoscopy
Plate tectonics, illustration3d illustration of a cross-section to explain subduction and plate tectonics
Bacteria and viruses on human skin, illustration
Nebula and stars, illustrationIllustration of a fictitious star-field, dark nebulae, bright sun and galaxies
Malaria transmission, illustration. A malaria-infected mosquito piercing the skin and transmitting malaria parasites into the bloodstream
Nerve cell anatomy, illustrationCross-section of a neuron, illustration
Comets passing by earth, illustrationThree icy comets passing by planet Earth, illustration
Female body, illustrationDetail of a female body in low poly style, illustration
Fungal fruiting bodies, illustration
Hands touching, illustrationHands touching in low poly style, illustration
Cramping hands, illustrationCramping hands in low poly style, illustration
Human BrainCross Section of a Human Brain
Diagram of Heart
Heart Diagram
Dinosaur Swimming
Human Heart
Stegosaurus Dinosaur
Dinosaur in the Wilderness
People Riding Dinosaurs
Dinosaur in the Jungle
Two Dinosaurs
Dinosaur Wading in a Pond
Mycobacterium smegmatis bacteria, SEMMycobacterium smegmatis bacteria. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Mycobacterium smegmatis bacteria. These bacteria feed on dead or decaying material
Radiolarian, SEMRadiolarian. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a radiolarian. Radiolarians are amoeboid protozoa that produce intricate mineral skeletons
Diatom, SEMDiatom. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a single diatom (Arachnoidiscus sp.)
Diatom detail, SEMDiatom. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of detail of the silica wall of a diatom
Human skin showing hair follicles, LMHairy skin. Light micrograph of a thick section of human skin, showing three central hair follicles
Frog eye, light micrographFrog eye. Light micrograph of a section through the eye of a frog
Foraminiferan microfossil, SEMForaminiferan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a foraminiferan microfossil from maldives beach sand. Microfossils are roughly 0.05 to 2mm in size
Panch phoran, SEMPanch phoran. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of panch phoran or indian five spice
Sea salt, SEMSea salt. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of sea salt, showing its crystalline structure
Diatoms and radiolaria, SEMDiatoms and radiolaria. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a circular arrangement of various diatoms and radiolaria. Diatoms are planktonic unicellular algae
Virus particles and bacteria, SEMVaccinia virus particles and bacteria. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of vaccinia virus particles (green)
Flower bud, LMFlower bud. Light microscope image (LM) of a section of a flower bud. The small yellow pollen grains are visible in the anthers, the male part of the flower
Obelia medusa, LMObelia hydrozoan medusa. Light micrograph (LM) of a medusa (young polyp) from the Obelia geniculata hydroid. The circular shallow semi-bell has solid tentacles on the rim
Developing nail, LMDeveloping nail. Light micrograph (LM) of longitudinal section through a fetal finger tip to show the developing nail
Mitosis, LMMitosis. Light micrograph of onion (Allium cepa) root tip cells undergoing mitosis (nuclear division). Magnification: x600 when printed at 10 centimetres wide
Onion root tip, LMMitosis. Light micrograph (LM) of a transverse section of onion (Allium cepa) root tip to show cells undergoing mitosis (nuclear division). Magnification: x100 when printed at 10 centimetres wide
Liverwort spore capsule, LMLiverwort spore capsule. Light micrograph (LM). Longitudinal section through the thallus and sporangium of a liverwort (Pellia epiphylla)
Small intestine, LMSmall intestine. Light micrograph (LM) of a section through the finger-like projections (villi) of the duodenum, the uppermost part of the small intestine
Thyroid, LMThyroid gland. Light micrograph (LM) of a thyroid gland showing the follicles
Fingertip, LMFingertip. Light micrograph (LM) of a section through the fingertip. The nail (orange) is at top center, with the nail root below. The nail bed is dark purple and is continous with the epithelium
Blood supply to muscles, LMBlood supply to muscles. Light micrograph (LM) showing blood supply to muscle fibers
Fallopia tube, LMFallopian tube. Light micrograph (LM).The fallopian tube, or oviduct, conveys the egg from the ovary to the uterus
Mushroom gill, LMMushroom gills. High power light micrograph (LM) of a section through the gills of a mushroom, Agaricus sp. (formerly Psalliota sp.)
Spinal cord, LMSpinal cord. Light micrograph (LM) of a cross-section through the human spinal cord in the lumbar region
Trachel epithelium, LMTrachea epithelium
Female flea, LMHuman flea. Light micrograph (LM) of a female human flea (Pulex irratans). Fleas are wingless and flattened from side to side, which makes them difficult to dislodge in hair
Nasal sinuses, LMNasal sinuses. Light micrograph (LM) of the nasal sinuses ( lined by cyan epithelium ) and the supporting cartilages (green). Bone tissue is identified by the blue bone marrow
Xylem, LMXylem tissue. Light micrograph (LM) of a section through sunflower(helianthus annuus) tissue showing spiral tracheids, a type of xylem
Taste buds, LMTaste buds. Coloured light micrograph of a section through the tongue, showing taste buds (round, yellow). The taste buds are within papillae (projections) located on the surface of the tongue
Nerve fibres, LMNerve fibres. Light micrograph (LM) of a transverse section through a bundle (fascicle) of nerve fibres. Within each fascicle are many myelinated nerve fibres
Developing frog egg, LMDeveloping frog egg. Light micrograph of a transverse section through a developing egg laid by a common frog (Rana temporaria). The egg has reached the early neurula stage
Macrophage, SEMMacrophage. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a macrophage white blood cell. Macrophages are cells of the bodys immune system
Plaque-forming bacteria, SEMPlaque-forming bacteria, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). Plaque consists of a film of bacteria embedded in a glycoprotein matrix
Fallopian tube, SEMFallopian tube. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the surface of a human fallopian tube. Fallopian tubes are ducts that lead from the ovaries to the uterus
C elegans, SEMCaenorhabditis elegans worm, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). C
Soil bacteria, SEMSoil bacteria. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). Bacteria in the soil are directly tied to nutrient recycling especially carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur
Resting T lymphocytes. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of resting T lymphocytes from a human blood sample
Bird bone tissue, SEMBird bone tissue. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of cancellous (spongy) bone from a starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) skull
Kefir bacteria, SEMKefir bacteria. Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Lactococcus bacteria from kefir, a fermented milk beverage containing beneficial yeast as well as probiotic bacteria
Nematodes, SEMPhasmarhabditis hermaphrodita. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita. Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita is a microscopic nematode in the family Rhabditidae
Tendon, SEMTendon, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM), showing bundles of collagen fibres. The parallel alignment of the fibres make tendons inelastic but flexible. Tendons attach muscle to bone
Brochosomes, SEMBrochosomes, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). Brochosomes are intricately structured microscopic granules secreted by leafhoppers
Verbena pollen, SEMVerbena pollen. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of pollen grains from verbena bonariensis. Verbena bonariensis is a tall, slender-stemmed perennial
Apoptosis, SEMApoptosis. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a 293T cell in the early stages of programmed cell death, or apoptosis. Apoptosis occurs when a cell becomes old or damaged
Diatoms, SEMDiatoms. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of fresh water centric diatom frustules (skeleton), Diatoms are a type of algae (Chromophyta, Bacillariophyceae)
Convolvulus pollen grains, SEMConvolvulus pollen grains. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of pollen grains from a convolvulus flower
Hollyhock pollen grain, SEMHollyhock pollen grain. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a pollen grain from a hibiscus (Alcea setosa) flower. Pollen grains are the male sex cells of a flowering plant
Osteocyte, SEMOsteoblast bone cell. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of an osteoblast bone cell
Silverfish scales, SEMSilverfish scales (Lepisma saccharina). Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of scales from a silverfish
Water lily pollen grains, SEMWater lily pollen grains. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of pollen grains from a water lily flower. Nymphaeaceae is a family of flowering plants, commonly called water lilies
Icaronycteris, illustrationIcaronycteris against a white background, illustration
Hibiscus pollen grains, SEMChinese hibiscus pollen. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of pollen grains on the anther of a Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) flower
Wasp eye, SEMWasp eye. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of numerous lenses, called ommatidia, that make up the compound eye of a wasp (Suborder Apocrita)
Phlox pollen, SEMPhlox pollen grain, magnified x2000 when printed at 10 centimetres wide
Bougainvillea pollen, SEMBougainvillea pollen grains, magnified x2000 when printed at 10 centimetres wide
Gastropod microfossil, SEMGastropod. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a gastropod microfossil from maldives beach sand. Microfossils are roughly 0.05 to 2mm in size