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How to Complete Jigsaw Puzzles

photo libraries/dorling kindersley prints/digital illustration jigsaw puzzle pieces

When we do a jigsaw puzzle, we use our memory to remember aspects such as sizes and shapes, and envision where they fit. This helps to improve short-term memory. Puzzles have other benefits too, including lowering stress, enhancing mood, improving problem-solving skills and increasing IQ. Puzzles can be done solo or you can involve family and friends. Tinkering away at jigsaw puzzles is calming and will help to bust away the stress of the world, bringing hours of entertainment. They make awesome gifts and are available in a range of sizes to suit budgets and skill levels; 252, 400, 500 and 1000 pieces.

Fine Art or Photographic Prints?

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Having trouble deciding between fine art prints or photographic prints? Fine art printing is a process of printing on extremely high-quality paper whereas photographic prints are printed on photographic paper. Both are excellent quality so the aim of this article is to help you decide what’s best for you.