334 Items
Greek goddess Oceanus surrounded by Tritons and NereidsOceanus surrounded by Tritons and Nereids who are sea nymphs ( female spirits of sea waters ) Oceanus also known as Ogenus or Ogen was a divine figure in classical antiquity
Greek goddess Pandora who was the first human woman created by the gods, specifically by Hephaestus and Athena on the instructions of Zeus
Pharaoh Apries on chariot at war in EgyptApries is the name by which Herodotus (ii. 161) and Diodorus (i)
Engraving of goddess AmorIllustration of a Engraving of goddess Amor
Capitoline Venus - Scanned 1882 Engraving
Medicean Venus - Scanned 1882 Engraving
Venus Urania - Scanned 1882 Engraving
Venus of Melos - Scanned 1882 Engraving
Venus of the Vatican - Scanned 1882 Engraving
venus Anadyomene - Scanned 1882 Engraving
Venus Victrix - Scanned 1882 Engraving
Greek Goddess - Scanned 1882 Engraving
Venus of Capua - Scanned 1882 Engraving
Guard of the Goddess of Mercy, 19th CenturyVintage engraving of a Chinese actor in the costume of the Guard of the Goddess of Mercy, 19th Century
The Venus - Scanned 1882 Engraving
Victory of Cansani - Scanned 1882 Engraving
Antique engraving illustration: Britannia with Columbia
Athena Parthenos - Scanned 1882 Engraving
Egyptian goddess gets a bouquet of flowers from a young Egyptian girl - 1888
William Hogarth, Britannia watering the trees of creativityVintage engraving of by William Hogarth, Fontispiece to the Artist Catalogue. Britannia watering the trees of creativity, painting sculpture and architecture
Ceres, Roman goddess of agriculture, fertility and marriageIllustration from 19th century
Demeter and Persephone with JakchosIllustration from 19th century
Roman goddess of hunting, Diana, marble statue in ParisIllustration from 19th century
Goddess Hera visits ZeusIllustration from 19th century
Tyche, the goddess of luckIllustration from 19th century
Helena, daughter of Zeus, in preparation for kidnappingIllustration from 19th century
Isis, Egypt Goddess of birth, rebirth, magic and deadIllustration from 19th century
Roman goddess Venus of Capua or Aphrodite and Diana the HuntressVenus of Capua is statuary type representing a semi-naked Aphrodite and Diana the Roman goddess of the hunt. Original edition from my own archives Source : Incongraphic Encyclopaedia of Science 1851
Cupid or Amor and Psyche or Anima sculpture illustrationCupid ( Amor ) and Psyche ( Anima ) - also known as Psyche Receiving Cupids First Kiss Original edition from my own archives Source : Incongraphic Encyclopaedia of Science 1851
Classical greek - two fighters in front of HeraIllustration from 19th century
Classical greek - Writing AtheneIllustration from 19th century
Classical greek - peace goddess, holding wealth in her armsIllustration from 19th century
City goddess Tyche of Antioch, River god Orontes at her feetIllustration from 19th century
Classical greek - statue of Demeter, goddess of fertility of the soilIllustration from 19th century
Classical greek - bust of hera, wife and sister of ZeusIllustration from 19th century
Head of Parthenos virginIllustration from 19th century
Poseidon and Amphitrite, Greek god and godess of the Sea1) Poseidon (Neptune) - Greek god of the Sea; 2) Poseidon and Amphitrite - Greek goddess of the Sea. Wood engravings after ancient artworks (Rome and Munich), published in 1897
Earth-Mother (variously Ceres, Isis)illustration of Earth-Mother (variously Ceres, Isis, Virgo, Cybele, etc.) in a chariot drawn by lions - the favoured transport of Cybele
The Aeneid, by VirgilVintage engraving of a scene from the Aeneid a Latin epic poem, written by Virgil between 29 and 19 BC, that tells the legendary story of Aeneas, a Trojan who travelled to Italy
Frontispiece from The Almanach of the Muse, French, 19th CenturyVintage engraving Frontispiece from L Almanach des muse (The Almanach of the Muse), 1808. Showing a statue of Janus, roman god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality
Triumphal procession of the Roman Emperor by the Forum Romanumillustration of Triumphal procession of the Roman Emperor by the Forum Romanum
Roman gods Mercury, Venus, Cupid surrounding a young womanVintage engraving of the Roman gods Mercury, Venus and Cupid surrounding the portrait of a young woman
Greek mythology, Achilles Wrath and the Plan of ZeusVintage engraving of Achille, Rendez grace au seul noeud qui retient ma colere (Achilles, Give thanks to the single knot that holds my anger)
Fine Arts under the protection of the law, French, 18th CenturyVintage engraving of La Muse des beaux-arts met sous la protection de la Loi le Genie, l Etude et le Commerce (The Museum of Fine Arts puts under the protection of the Law the Genie)
Goddess driving a four horse chariot, French, 18th CenturyVintage engraving of Goddess driving a four horse chariot, French, 18th Century
The Altes Museum (German for Old Museum) is a museum building on Museum Island in BerlinIllustration of the Altes Museum (German for Old Museum) is a museum building on Museum Island in Berlin, Germany
Sistine Chapel illustration 1873 the Earth and her PeopleVatican in the 19th century from the 1873 book the Earth and her People The Sistine Chapel is a chapel in the Apostolic Palace, the official residence of the Pope, in Vatican City
Ancient Roman procession of the Goddess Isis, PompeiiVintage engraving of Ancient Roman procession of the Goddess Isis, Pompeii
Sculpture of the goddess Isis - Scanned 1890 Engraving
Ruins of the Athene temple in ReginaIllustration from 19th century
Athene temple in ReginaIllustration from 19th century
Bust of the goddess HeraIllustration from 19th century
The descent of the Prosperpina into the underworld at the annual change of seasonsIllustration from 19th century
Paris and Helena, two figures of Greek mythologyIllustration from 19th century
Selene accompanied by the Dioscuri (Louvre, Paris), woodcut, published 1897The Moon-goddess Selene or Luna accompanied by the Dioscuri, or Phosphoros (the Morning Star) and Hesperos (the Evening Star)
Statue of Goddess Diana by Jean-Antoine HoudonVintage engraving of Statue of Goddess Diana by Jean-Antoine Houdon
Athena of Velletri, Louvre, Paris, wood engraving, published in 1897Athena of Velletri, ancient marble sculpture, Musee du Louvre, Paris. Wood engraving, published in 1897
Greek roman Goddess Zeus and JupiterLeft : Jupiter Ammon Right : Zeus of Dodona Original edition from my own archives Source : Illustrierte Mythologie, Spamer 1879
Ancient Greek Goddess DianaVintage engraving of Ancient Greek Goddess Diana, after a gold ornament, 4th Century BC
Antique color illustration from German children fable book
Greek godess of wisdom, AtheneIllustration from 19th century
French, German, and Italian sculpures, wood engravings, published in 1897French, German, and Italian sculpures: 1) Bust of MoliAšre by Jean-Antoine Houdon, 1778 (Paris); 2) Head of a dying warrior (1696) by Andreas SchlAOEter, Armoury (Zeughaus)
European sculpture art, 19th century, wood engravings, published in 1897European sculpture art in the 19th century: 1) Daydream, sculpture (1853) by Patrick MacDowell (British sulptor, 1799 - 1870), Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen; 2) Argos the dog and Odysseus
Ship of Menelaos, Greek mythology, wood engraving, published in 1880The ship of Menelaos, Greek mythology. Wood engraving, published in 1880
Achilles, at the bier of his friend Patroclus, Greek mythologyAchilles, at the bier of his friend Patroclus, receives the weapons of Thetis, forged by Hephaestus. Scene from the Greek mythology. Wood engraving, published in 1880
Helen of Troy and ParisVintage engraving of Helen of Troy and Paris after Jean Duplessis-Bertaux
Perseus on Pegasus, Greek Mythology, wood engraving, published in 1880Perseus with the Medusa head on the winged horse Pegasus. Scene from the Greek mythology. Wood engraving after a drawing by Heinrich Leutemann (German painter, 1824 - 1905), published in 1880
Battle of the Gods against the Titans, Greek MythologyBattle of the Gods against the Titans. Szene from the Greek Mythology. Wood engraving after a drawing by Heinrich Leutemann (German painter, 1824 - 1905), published in 1880
Hercules slaying the Hydra, Greek mythology, wood engraving, published 1880Hercules slaying the Hydra. Scene from the Greek mythology. Wood engraving, published in 1880
Ulysses and the Scylla, Greek mythology, wood engraving, published 1880Ulysses (Odysseus) loses six of his companions by the Scylla. Scene from the Greek Mythology. Wood engraving, published in 1880
Ulysses and Sirens, Greek mythology, wood engraving, published in 1880Ulysses (Odysseus) and the Sirens. Scene from the Greek Mythology. Wood engraving, published in 1880
Greek mythology, God Zeus of OtricoliVintage engraving of Zeus of Otricoli an Ancient Roman bust found in Otricoli in 1775
JupiterAntique illustration of a roman god -Jupiter
Black and white illustration of seated Greek god Apollo playing lyre
Black and white illustration of Greek goddess Athena
Statue of the goddess Nike, Ephesus, TurkeyStone carving of the goddess Nike at the ruins of the ancient city of Ephesus. The sports equipment company Nike, Inc. is named after the Greek goddess Nike
Nine MusesThe Nine Muses of Greek mythology, who preside over the arts and sciences
Three graces or charites roman mythologyIn Greek mythology, a Charis or Grace is one of three or more minor goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, and fertility, together known as the Charites or Graces
Hercules killed the Stymphalian birds, Greek mythology, published in 1880Hercules killed the Stymphalian birds. Scene from the Greek mythology. Wood engraving, published in 1880
Orpheus drowned out the Sirens, Greek mythology, published in 1880The Sirens tempt Argonauts with their song. Orpheus played his lyre and drowned out the Sirens song. Scene from the Greek mythology
Prometheus, tormented by an eagle, Greek Mythology, lithograph, published 1897Prometheus, chained to a rock, where his liver is eaten daily by an eagle, only to be regenerated by night, due to his immortality. Szene from the Greek Mythology