Climber on the Masara-Corda Rossa via ferrata, Dolomites, South Tyrol, Italy, Europe
Tandem skydivers, Waldviertel, Austria
George Weiss, named the new General Manager of the Yankees, replacing Larry MacPhail, who was retiring. Image also shows Del Webb and Bob topping co-owners of the Yankees
Men playing cards on rooftop
Men playing bridge
Street vendor and customers. Washington Market, New York City, New York State, USA(Original Caption) New York City: Ice cream and frankfurter wagon near New York's Washington Market. Undated photograph
Jacques Cartier & WifeMr and Mrs. Jacques Cartier on the SS Lafayette
Group of children in urban playground11/16/1928 New York, NY: The young children at the Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association have a brand new playground on the roof of the Association's new building, 331 East 79th St
Mrs. Doak and PollySecretary of State Stimson's parrot, the Old Soak, now has a cabinet rival in the person of Polly Doak, parrot pet of William N. Doak, the new Secretary of Labor. Polly is shown with Mrs
San Francisco RiotsOf these two men seriously wounded during the San Francisco waterfront riots on July 5, one later died
Poisoned?Two unsolved poison slayings of thirteen years ago were revived by investigation of a third poison death and the arrest of Everett C
Michael J. Meehan, of New York, shown at right, standing, as he appeared before the Securities Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. Standing, at left, is his Chief Counsel, Monroe Goldwater
Policeman giving card to naked boyAt last--the bare truth. Little Clifford Rogers has been caught playing around in his birthday suit on a public beach at Miami, Florida. Cop R.C
A Cool SmokeIn preparation for the regular Atlantic Air Service, Imperial Airways flying boats are being equipped with seats that are instantly convertible into life preservers
Do Gunn and Carmen Del RioMrs. Dolores Gunn, 40 (right), operator of an escort service, and Miss Carmen Del Rio, member of the Bureau and defense witness, shown in municipal court, where Mrs
Arrested in Disclosure of Murder SyndicateAt least 12 men alleged to be members of a murder syndicate responsible for a score of gangland deaths have been arrested, William O'Dwyer, Brooklyn District Attorney, announced
Michael J. Quill, President of the Transport Workers Union, C.I.O. shouting defiance at Chairman Di9es and members of the Dies Committee during a hearing here May 8th. Officers later ejected Quill
Honored for Service Against ChinaFor "distinguished service" in China waters, these three ranking Japanese Naval leaders were recently received by Emperor Hirohito in Tokyo, at which time they also reported to the throne
Willkie Tours EnglandWendell L. Willkie is cheered by shelterers as he pays a night visit to a London Air Raid shelter to see for himself how the British are carrying
Willkie Tours EnglandWendell L. Willkie is fitted with a gas mask in the home office by Herbert Morrison, the Home Secretary, while Malcolm MacDonald looks on. Under Willkie?s arm is a steel e helmet
Pola Negri, Polish motion picture star who says she belongs to her public, was detained today by immigration authorities when she arrived on the S.S. Excalibur
Legionnaire Arrives on S.S. ExeterPeter Ortiz, of La Jolla, California who served in the French Foreign Legion for eight years and escaped from a German concentration camp in Austria
Hears Accusations of ActressA study in quiet concentration is actor Charlie Chaplin at his Mann Act trial as he intently watches his outstretched hand on the federal courtroom table at which he and the defense counsel sit
Big Four Honors WorkersRepresentatives of the Big Four at UNICOI present a signed statement, commending the efforts of more than 1000 secretaries, typists, bus drivers, messengers, clerks, etc
Police Search for Mad Slayer Near TexarkanaPolice from five states are searching the Texarkana area for a mad slayer after the fifth person was killed
Clara Bow and Rex Bell when she was "Mrs. Hush" on the Ralph Edwards "Truth or Consequences" March of Dimes contest
Ed KochMayor Edward Koch shakes hands with William Thom after the latter was sworn in as the state's first openly gay judge. The 43-year-old lawyer was sworn in to an interim term as a civil court judge
Jerry SmithFormer Washington Redskins Sonny Jurgenson (left) and Roy Jefferson (right), assisted by a funeral home attendant
Ed KochMayor Ed Koch and Diane M. Coffey ride aboard one of three Venetian gondolas that arrived in New York harbor 6/10 on the eve of the first New York International Festival of the Arts
Man placing pedometer on females leg. Globe Theatre, New York City, New York State, USA. March 28, 1922
Forest Ranger CampingEven a hearty forest ranger has rest, eat, and sleep at times. Here he is cooking his super with the scene all set for a good night's rest
N.Y. Yanks in TrainingMiller Huggins and Col. Jake Ruppert Looking Over New Players
Men having coffee when woman jumping on bull over table(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
No Wonder They Wear Broad SmilesThe New York Yankees made a grand debut at the stadium in the New York on April 21st, when they beat the Red Sox, 8-5, and thus were tied for first place with Cleveland
Worried Looking Man With Glasses At Desk Clutching Papers Bills Debt Concern Money PencilUNITED STATES - Circa 1960s: Worried Looking Man With Glasses At Desk Clutching Papers Bills Debt Concern Money Pencil
James FitzpatrickAssemblyman James A. Fitzpatrick reads from comic book at Juvenile Delinquency here
Her Husband Named as Third Man in Spy CaseMrs. Harold Philby, wife of the former First Secretary of the British Embassy in Washington, is shown as she was interviewed by newsmen after Lt.Col
1955 Gator Bowl ActionVanderbilt football Gladiators see double whenever a pair of triple-threat coaches stride out on the gridiron
Policeman with megaphone and lost girl (13-15 years) during Easter Parade(Original Caption) 4/1/1956-New York, NY-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: With one and a half million New Yorkers jamming Fifth Avenue in today's traditional Easter Parade
Home is Where the Art IsIn a unique example of togetherness, Walter and Margaret put the finishing touches on a joint effort which has already been framed
Home is Where the Art IsWith a whole family supply of art to carry around, the Keanes small foreign car sees plenty of use. The opening in the roof is handy for the long, narrow pictures
Margaret KeaneOne of the items which they received in trade for paintings, this circular couch, used as a bed at night, makes a comfortable place to relax for Walter and Margaret
Julie Andrews and Rex HarrisonHuseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy
Integration in NashvilleMary Brent, principal of the Glenn school, greets white and Negro pupils during registration in the first grade of the Nashville city schools August 27th. The schools had previously been all-white
Daisy BatesTwo of the nine negro students barred from the Little Rock Central High School are shown in a court corridor as federal Judge Ronald Davies denied the petition of the Little Rock School Board to
Daisy BatesSeven of the nine negro students now attending classes at central high school under protection of federal troops are shown as they met for a short visit yesterday at the home of Mrs. L.C
Queen at Jamestown FestivalQueen Elizabeth arrives with her party at the Jamestown Festival, October 16th, after the royal couple flew here from Canada by RCAF plane earlier the same day
Daisy BatesThe Governor and Mrs. Averell Harriman entertain Mrs. Bates, chairman of the Little Rock chapter of the NAACP, at their town house today. Mrs
Daisy BatesMrs. L.C. "Daisy" Bates, chairman of the Arkansas chapter of the N.A.A.C.P. is interviewed by the local and college press in the student center at City College today
NAACP Officials in CourtOfficials of the NAACP arrive in Federal Court here, November 4th, to contest an ordinance passed by the city council and drafted by the Arkansas Attorney General
Happy StudentsTwo of the nine Negroes admitted to Central High last year
Election SignMr. and Mrs. L.C. Bates point to an election sign near a Little Rock, Ark, polling place
Sitting Star Lena HorneWith a faraway look on her face, Lena Horne, star of the Broadway musical Jamaica, sits for her portrait in New York City
Daisy BatesMrs. L.C. Bates president of Arkansas chapter NAACP
Bullet ProofTrying to determine the direction from which the bullets that hit this car came, police technicians insert steel rods in the holes during an investigation in Paris
Francois Mitterand makes Declaration to the PressThis morning at 3:25A.M
Caravan members pushing trailer, Cairo, Egypt. February 08, 1960(Original Caption) 2/8/1960-Cairo, Egypt - ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Seventy-six American who rocked and rolled over 14, 000 miles of African raods arrived here Feb. 8th. Their average age is 67
Preparation for Bluebonnet BowlCoach Paul (Bear) Bryant, extreme left
The Main Battle Staff Position at NORADThe main battle staff position in the Combat Operations Center at Headquarters North American air Defense Command, Colorado Spring, Colo
It's In the BagPresto! A zip of the zipper and out pops the hidden traveler. It's Andalusia, a three pound Yorkshire terrier who's very much at home in the handbag
Preparation for the Sugar BowlGazing into the distance-perhaps at their 1/1/62 Sugar Bowl meeting with Arkansas--are Alabama head coach Paul Bear Bryant and his team's quarterbacks
Effects of ThalidomideMrs, Josephine Bagnarol (center, rear) of Vancouver, B.C
MontmartreA paint spattered costume of an artist is not an unusual sight along the narrow, winding alley streets of Montmartre
Plane Crash Survivors at Lean-To CampExclusive UPI photo shows pilot Chuck Hamilton of Watson Lake, Yukon, at lean-to camp that sheltered Helen Klaben (left), 21, of Brooklyn, N.Y
Philip C. TestaFBI agents escort Philip C. Testa (right) alleged Lieutenant for Philadelphia's reported "Cosa Nostra" chief Angelo Bruno to a hearing before U.S. Commissioner Edward Furia
Governor John Connally recovering in hospitalTexas Gov. John Connally is comforted by his wife, Nell, in his hospital room, as he recovers from bullet wound he allegedly received from the accused assassin of President Kennedy
U.S. Amb. H.C. Lodge ReturnedU.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Mr. Henry Cabot Lodge, right, is receiving a press interview at the airport as he returned at Saigon after an official trip to the United States on Nov. 29
Home Bound U.S. SoldiersGeneral Paul D. Harkins (R), Commanding General of U.S. Forces Military Assistance Command Viet Nam, bids farewell to the first 300 U.S. servicemen leaving Viet Nam on Dec
University of Alabama Wins Sugar BowlA jubilant University of Alabama football team carries their proud coach off the field after winning the Sugar Bowl classic 12-7
Modern Dress Hamlet BowsThe cast of the new Broadway production of "Hamlet" take their curtain calls, following the gala opening at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre
Bad News for BrooklynIndignant Brooklyn Navy Yard workers offer thumbs down to express their ire over Defense Secretary Robert McNamara's order to shut down both Brooklyn's Navy Yard
Archie KuntzNavy Captain Archie C. Kuntze confers with his defense counsel, Lt. Cmdr. Thomas E. Flynn (left) and Capt. Dan Flynn (right) prior to Kuntze's general court martial at Treasure Island Naval Base
Engineers Inspecting Voice Assembler Unit. New York City, New York State, USA. 1967(Original Caption) 12/26/1967 - New York
New York's Mayor John V. Lindsay, second from left, surrounded by aides and community residents, walks along 125th Street in the heart of Manhattan's Harlem District, late April 4th
Robinson Family MurdersThe family of Richard C
Dominic Bufano gives heavyweight champ Muhammad Ali the evil eye during a workout
Gil HodgesAll-Star managers
Ed KochJohn Lindsay of New York, in a breakfast meeting with the New York Congressional delegation, said that New York may have to ration its fuel oil and gas because of existing supply shortages
Walter SchroederBoston patrolman Walter Schroeder, 42, father of nine, was shot during a bank holdup and died at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. He was shot as three bandits fled the Western Ave
Playing to WinOut to win, Elizabeth Taylor takes on husband, played by Michael Caine, in a game of table tennis
Daniel Ellsberg At Press ConferenceDaniel Ellsberg at press conference concerning the Pentagon papers of the Vietnam War
Gregory Scarpa, 43, described as a dangerous member of a New York underworld family, of Joseph Colombo
Joe NamathJets Joe Namath is shown as he interviews actor Clint Eastwood during the taping of Namath's TV talk show
Reel LifeElizabeth Taylor wears a full-lenght, pastel-dyed mink coat when she takes out the garbage