Illustration of butterflies and green caterpillars on plant and flower stems
Narrow winding street in Barrio Gotico, BarcelonaNarrow winding street in Barrio Gotico (Gothic Quarter) in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Milky way over the night sky, AfricaMilky way galaxy, stars and acacia tree, Namibia, Africa
Aerial view of tulip fields in the Netherlands
sunflowers under blue sky and shining sunSunflowers in Val D Orcia, Tuscany
Neon signs light in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Argentina, Rio Pinturas, Cueva de los Manos, imprints of human hands on rock
Digital cross section illustration of taste buds and filiform papilae on tongue
Panoramic view of Aqueduct of Segovia illuminated by the setting sun, SpainThe Aqueduct of Segovia (or more precisely, the aqueduct bridge) is a Roman aqueduct and one of the most significant and best-preserved ancient monuments left on the Iberian Peninsula
Lantern in Hoi An Herritage Village, VietnamColorful Lantern in Hoi An World Heritage Village, Vietnam
Shoal of Tropical Fish
Coffee beans being poured into a cupvertical, color, photography, no people, studio shot, brown background, table, kitchen counter, wood grain, coffee, coffee bean, ceramic, ideas, pouring, motion, food and drink, freshness, abundance
abundance, antelope valley poppy preserve, beauty in nature, california, california poppyabundance, antelope valley poppy preserve, beauty in nature, califo, Gallo Landscapes, 106676698
Scary dark forestHiking deep within the Kauai jungle I found these spooky painted trees amongst the foreboding forest. Kauai, Hawaii
Large Team of Horses Pulling ThresherIt takes a team of thirty horses to pull a thresher through a wheat field in Oregon
A Basket Of Eggs(Original Caption) Basket of eggs. Undated photograph. BPA2# 3901
Hand-Colored Engraving of Stevedores Loading Cotton BalesAn engraving made after a photograph by George N. Barnard
A Regiment of Russian FootsoldiersA regiment of Russian footsoldiers during the Boxer Rebellion
English Royalty Having Picnic(Original Caption) A Royal Picnic
This Is What God Gives Us Poster by A. Hendee(Original Caption) World War I food administration poster urging people to eat vegetables
Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil Advertisement(Original Caption) Cod liver oil advertisement. Undated advertising art
Engraving of Apple Orchard with Pickers(Original Caption) An apple orchard with pickers. Undated engraving. BPA2# 4346
Stacks of Coins(Original Caption) Stacks of NRA coins. Undated photograph
Stacks of Coins(Original Caption) Money stacked up: Photo shows rows of coins stacked. Undated
Stacks of 1890 Dollar Coins(Original Caption) Stacks of dollar coins from 1890 with Lady Liberty represented on them. Undated photograph
Barrels of SherryIn a wine cellar or bodega, in Jerez, Spain, vast numbers of barrels of sherry are stacked in rows
Codfish Displayed After the CatchPictured is a close-up of a catch of codfish, a fish common to New Brunswick, Canada and a mainstay of its fishing industry. (Photo by �� Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)
Fishermen Hauling In Their CatchFishermen working off Canada's New Brunswick coast haul in their catch of codfish onto the deck of the "Gloucester No. 10", a fifty-nine-foot fishing boat
Truckload of Soldiers(Original Caption) Taking draft slackers into 69th Street Armory
Cannon Aboard Ship(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Workers Storing Silk CocoonsA man and child store silkworm cocoons in a silk factory in Japan, 1920
Oytser and Clam Processing PlantA sea of oysters at oyster industry plant at Blue Point, Long Island, New York. | Location: Blue Point, Long Island, New York, USA
Prohibitionists Weep at American Thirst Invasion of Canada
Babies Sharing Hospital Cribs(Original Caption) Chinese babies in a hospital
Men and Women Empty Sacks Of MailWorkers from Philadelphia American League of Baseball sort through ticket requests to the upcoming World Series
Boy and Girl Carrying Corn and Pumpkins(Original Caption) Photo shows a boy and a girl carrying pumpkins and corn through a corn field. Models: Patricia Waldron and Albert Leidtha. Ca. 1930s-1940s
Man Gathering Shucks of Corn(Original Caption) Harvest scene: Silos and corn shucks. Photo shows a farmer gathering shucks of corn. Model: Floyd Loppnow. Ca. 1930s
Crowd Listening to Union Speech(Original Caption) Garment Workers Protest Working Conditions
Worker Lifting Beer Barrel(Original Caption) New York, New York: Steps in the making of beer barrels at the Jacob Ruppert Brewery
Keg-Filled Brewery Yard(Original Caption) Beer's Here! Brooklyn, New York: Those good old days of yore are back again and the fond memories of yesteryear are memories no longer
Workers Preparing Beer Barrels(Original Caption) Beer Warmly Welcomed. New York, New York: The legal 3.2 brand of beer seems to suit New Yorkers, for almost every place selling the brew was doing a capacity business on April 7
Fans Approaching Race Victors(Original Caption) Winner in Tragic Classic
Dealers on Grain Trading Floor(Original Caption) Grain Pits Wild as Prices Skyrocket
Waxwork Artist with Heads(Original Caption) Heads She Wins - at Los Angeles Waxworks
Crowd Admiring Joe Louis and Wife(Original Caption) A Toast of Harlem
Parade in Addis Ababa(Original Caption) Emperor Celebrates Anniversary of Coronation
Woman Polishing Piles of Plates(Original Caption) 9/7/1936-Washington, DC- Louise Laied (above) has a big job on hand
Woman Buried in Pile of Oranges(Original Caption) Miss
Rally in Mexico City(Original Caption) Mexican Labor Cheers Expropriation of Oil
Crowd of Aircraft Workers at Awards CeremonyA crowd of 15, 000 employees of Pratt & Whitney attend a ceremony outside their east Hartford plant to receive an award from the Navy
Elevated view of crowd at New Year's Eve outdoor party(Original Caption) 1/1/1942-New York, New York-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Picture shows the crowd cheering in Times Square on New Years Eve, 1941
Oil Fields in Burma(Original Caption) Jap Goal. The Black Gold of Burma
Supervisor Inspecting Mustard Gas CanistersA supervisor inspects mustard gas warheads at an unidentified arsenal
War Time Conservation Poster(Original Caption) 1943: Color advertisement printed by the United States Government during World War II to encourage people to can food preserves, "Can All You Can, It's a Real War Job
Postmaster Looking at PackagesPostmaster Ernest J. Kruetgen inspects packages at a mail distribution center. The packages must be delivered to servicemen overseas before Christmas
Men Making Large Bank Deposit in ChinaMen make large deposits of yuan at a bank in Kunming, China. (Photo by © Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)
Ship Deck Crowded With American SoldiersHer decks crowded with American soldiers from the battlefields of Europe, the U.S.S. General W.P. Richardson docks in New York with 18, 002 passengers
Men Rolling Logs Off Pile(Original Caption) 8/1946-Vermont: Rolling logs off pile to be sawed into lumber at the Burt Saw Mill. Models: Harlan Clayton of Stowe, VT; Robert Latuch of Stowe, VT, and Raymond Russel of Macon, VT
Arms Discovery in Venezuela(Original Caption) Not for Fun
Flower Stall in CapetownAgainst a backdrop of Capetown City Hall, a women purchases flowers from a streetside flower vendor. (Photo by Bettmann via Getty Images)
Child with Painted Pumpkins(Original Caption) Mt. Clemens, Michigan: Cheryl Van Ryckeghen, 2 years old, takes a seat in a wheelbarrow with painted pumpkins as Halloween celebration begins
Print Depicting English and Spanish Fleets Fighting near the Isle of Wight(Original Caption) Engagement between the English and Spanish fleets, off the Isle of Wight
Engraving of Stevedores Loading Cotton BalesAn engraving made after a photograph by George N. Barnard
Oil Wells(Original Caption) Spindle top soil fields Yount Lee Ouil Company one of the greatest producing fields in the world, a vast forest of derricks
Pennsylvania Dutchmen Spearing Tobacco(Original Caption) Lancaster Co. PA: Pennsylvania Dutch Farm: Pennsylvania Dutch men spearing tobacco. Undated Photo
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Assembly Line(Original Caption) Seattle, WA: Assembly line- Boeing Aircraft Company
Luken Steel Company - Ingot Stock Yard(Original Caption) Coatesville, PA - Luken Steel Company - Ingot stock yard. Photograph shows piles of steel ingots on the exterior of the stell plant
Father and Son Picking up Butternuts(Original Caption) Robert and Anthony Buscavage harvest butternuts which have fallen off of a butternut tree. Undated photograph
Late 19Th Century General Store Counter(Original Caption) A counter in a general store. Some itemss shown in the photo include: a coffe grinder, spice tins, eggs, candy and a scale. Ca. 1900
Woman Sits And Hand Feeds Chickens(Original Caption) Norwalk, CT: Laura Zaleski sits on the ground and hand feeds her young Rhode Island Red chickens. Photo circa 1950
Woman Feeds Chickens From Bucket(Original Caption) Norwalk, CT: Laura Zaleski empties a bucket of feed on the ground for her young Rhode Island Red chickens. Photo cicra 1950
Man Drying Henequin Leaves(Original Caption) Southeast Mexico: Photo shows a man putting henequin leaves onto a rack to dry and bleach in the Yucatan sun. Undated
Fishermen Hauling In Their CatchFishermen haul codfish on board their fishing boat off the coast of New Brunswick, Canada
Postal Workers Sort Parcel Post Packages(Original Caption) New York, NY: Parcel post packages about to leave the post office for delivery at the General United States Post Office in New York City. Undated photo circa 1945
Drying Macaroni(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Shooting Buffalo on the Kansas-Pacific Railroad(Original Caption) Picture shows the far West. Shooting buffalo on the line of the Kansas-Pacific Railroad
Farmer Harvesting Green Peppers(Original Caption) Photo shows a farmer harvesting green peppers. Model: Wesly Tyler. Ca. 1950s
Teenage Boys at Vegetable Stand(Original Caption) Photo shows two teenaged boys at a large vegetable stand, selling vegetables to a woman. Models: Mrs. Frances Giotta, Frank Giotta, Jr. and Richard Sozio
Soldiers Stockpiling Arms(Original Caption) The French Balk Chinese Reds
Cars Sprayed by River Waves(Original Caption) New York, New York: Dashing waves on East River send spray over cars parked on the East River Drive near 23rd Street. Empire State Building is in background
Sisal Drying in Haiti(Original Caption) Giving Uncle Sam Enough Rope. Port-Au-Prince, Haiti: Plantation workers are drying sisal in the sun and thereby making a valuable contribution to US defense
Bales of Crude Rubber in Boat(Original Caption) Singapore. Singapore, Malaysia: Laden with bales of crude rubber brought from the Malay interior, a junk awaits unloading at the busy waterfront
Interior of California Supermarket(Original Caption) 1955-Whittier, California: "The Shopping Bag, " general view of interior of supermarket
The Shopping Bag Supermarket(Original Caption) 1955-"The Shopping Bag" supermarket in Whittier, California, 1955