Guinness Time1932: Lit up advertisements in Piccadilly Circus, London (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Advertisement for the Cunard liner R. M. S. Campaniacirca 1893: An advertisement for the Cunard liner R.M.S. Campania. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Aristide Bruant at Les Ambassadeurs
Watch This SpaceOctober 1919: Tottenham Court Road at the junction with Oxford Street and Charing Cross Road, London. The Court Playhouse is on the right, and the Underground station in front
Art Deco style vintage advertisement poster templateVector illustration of an Art Deco style vintage advertisement poster. Features stylized woman in red dress, gloves and hat, cityscape with full moon and sample text design
Marilyn Monroe Advertises Baby DollMarilyn Monroe advertises the 1956 motion picture Baby Doll
Neon signs light in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Excursions in Normandy and Brittany
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, May MiltonThe singularly untalented young English woman, May Milton, danced briefly on stage in Paris as part of a performing troupe and then in a solo act
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, 138 BC - 78 BCillustration of a Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, 138 BC - 78 BC
Times Square, 1922Aerial view of Times Square, New York, New York, early 1922. Visible advertisements include billboards for Wrigleys chewing gum, Macys department store, and Chalmers underwear
Racing Start20th September 1924: Start of the Junior Car Clubs International 200 miles race at Brooklands. Nos 2 and 3 are Alvis cars and nos 4 & 6 Horstmann. (Photo by Osbourne/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
W H SmithsJanuary 1921: Exterior of W H Smith & Son booksellers, newsagents and stationers. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Man's Hand with Cigar(Original Caption) On Hand
Woman Smoking a Havana Cigar(Original Caption) Utopia. It Has Havana In It
Advertisement for a Chair with Man Smoking While Reclining(Original Caption) A Great Bargain In A Newly Designed Morris Chair. - Victorian gentleman, smoking a cigar, seated in large upholstered mission style chair
Bold Advertisement for Supply Company(Original Caption) Poster advertisement extolling the wares of a miner's supply company. California, 1850
Coffee Advertisement By Jenkins and Company(Original Caption) Advertisement for Akbar Coffee by Jenkins and Company. Ad shows clipper ship. BPA2# 11
Handbill for Magnetic Oil(Original Caption) Poster advertising rheumatic oil, ca. 1870
Woman Using Home Washing MachineWoman using home washing machine and wringer. Lithograph, 1870
Humorous Collage of Deceitful Employees Asking to Leave for Baseball Game(Original Caption) Puck. - Baseball As An Underminer Of Veracity
Travel Advertising on Hawaii(Original Caption) USA: Hula Hula. Intermezzo. By Percy Wenrich
Cartoon, Statue Of Liberty with Advertising(Original Caption) 1885-"Let the advertising agents take charge of the Bartholdi business
Advertisement For Cocaine(Original Caption) 1886-"The Best Hair Dressing: Cocaine." Advertisement for cocaine, 1886
Print Ad For Gargling Oil Almanac(Original Caption) Print ad for Merchants Gargling Oil Almanac Dream and Fate book, 1886
Political Cartoon Depicting Temperance Movement(Original Caption) "Prohibition is Coming!" Practical effect of the Revived Blue Laws at our Fashionable Summer Resorts
Political Cartoon Depicting Foreign Affairs(Original Caption) Circumstances Alter Cases! British Lion: "Well, I'll be blowed if that greedy Yankee Eagle hain't trying to spread himself all over Hamerica!"
Different Sized Mannequin Torsos(Original Caption) Various shapes of the human form: Male mannequins showing torsos of fat and slim men. On top, The Perfect Man" (in underwear). Poster of Hammerslough, Saks & Co. ca. 1890
Poster Hanger Hanging Posters(Original Caption) Poster hanger in Chicago. Photographed by Krausz, 1891. BPA 2 #5
Childs Honey Dew Corn Advertisement1893-"Childs Honey Dew Corn": Corn plants and close-up ear of corn. Engraving, 1893, from "Spring catalogue of seeds, bulbs and plants for 1898"
Barnum And Bailey Circus Advertisement(Original Caption) Barnum and Bailey Circus advertisements showing the three rings in the big top and a composite picture of all the acts performed. Litho, 1896
Cartoon Depicting Salvation Army Members Playing Instruments(Original Caption) No Rest for the Wicked
Advertisement For Gold Dust Powder(Original Caption) 1897-Kitchenmaid washing dishes. Ad for Gold Dust Washing Powder. "It cleans everything." Lithograph, 1897
Advertisement Golden Crown Cigars(Original Caption) 1899-Advertising photograph for Golden Crown Cigars. An angelic figure wearing a robe and a laurel wreath places a royal crown over the box of cigars sitting open on a pedestal
Publicity Calendar For Cigarette Papers(Original Caption) Publicity calendar for cigarette papers, 1909
All Sorts of Snuff and Tobacco Sold Here Copper Engraving"All Sorts of Snuff and Tobacco". 18th century frame for tobacco shop. Copper engraving, English, Ca. 1740.BPA2# 5050
Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalog No.105Cover of a Sears Roebuck & Co. Consumer's Guide, Fall 1897
World War I Notice From German Embassy(Original Caption) WWI notice from the German embassy in Washington, DC advising that passage on the Atlantic on ships flying the British colors is to be undertaken at the travellers own risk
Advertisement for Lucky Strike Cigarettes(Original Caption) Be Happy-Go Lucky! enjoy Your Cigarette! If you're not happy with your present brand (and a 38-city survey shows that millions are not), smoke Luckies
Lucky Strike Cigarette Advertisement Featuring Grading Leaf by Peter HurdA 1944 advertisement for Lucky Strike cigarettes features a detail of Grading Leaf by Peter Hurd
Servicemen Advertising Helmar CigarettesWorld War I era advertisement for Helmar Turkish cigarettes featuring servicemen in the design
Man in Tuxedo Smoking Murad Cigarette1910's Advertisement for Murad Turkish cigarettes
Advertisement for Iowa and Nebraska LandsMid 19th Century advertisement for "Iowa and Nebraska Lands - for sale on 10 years credit by the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company."
Advertisement for Saratoga Spa
Weapons for Liberty Liberty Loan Poster by Joseph Christian LeyendeckerAdvertisement for "USA Bonds-Third Liberty Loan Campaign Boy Scouts of America-Weapons for Liberty."
Armour's Veribest Canned Meats AdvertisementChicago, IL: "Why not try Veribest you can buy
Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalog No.110Cover of a Sears Roebuck & Co. Consumer's Guide, Fall 1900
Poster of Golfer in MiamiA man in golf clothes, in mid-swing, appears in an advertisement for Miami's winter tourist season
Aviator Smoking Chesterfield Cigarette1920 Advertisement for Chesterfield cigarettes featuring an Eddie Rickenbacker-type aviator, designed by Joseph Christian Leyendecker
Take a Kodak with You AdvertisementAdvertisement for Kodak cameras featuring "The Kodak Girl" well dressed, and standing on a windswept cliff with camera in hand
Servicemen Advertising Murad CigarettesWorld War I era advertisement for "Murad the Turkish cigarette" featuring servicemen firing machine guns in the design
Advertisement for Camel Cigarettes(Original Caption) Camels exquisite mellow mildness and refreshing flavor have never been equalled by any cigarette in the world at any price
Advertisement for Browns Iron Bitters TonicAdvertisement for Browns Iron bitters Tonic with testimonial by actress Lily Langtry
Walter A. Wood Single Apron Binder AdvertisementLate 19th Century advertisement
Advertisement for Fatima Cigarettes
Movie Poster for Frankenstein Double FeatureBride of Frankenstein Movie Poster
Advertisement for Wire Bustles(Original Caption) Ad for wire bustles used by women in the 1880's
Street vendor and customers. Washington Market, New York City, New York State, USA(Original Caption) New York City: Ice cream and frankfurter wagon near New York's Washington Market. Undated photograph
Advertisement for Great Western Railway(Original Caption) Ad for luxury train west. "Chicago Great Western Railway."
His Master's Voice AdvertisementHis Master's Voice" is one of the most iconic and recognizable trademarks in advertising history. The image originated from an 1898 painting by English artist Francis Barraud
Vegetable Pill Advertisement for Headaches(Original Caption) Advertisement for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
Man Riding A Velocipede In A Ad(Original Caption) Picture shows a style of Velocipede with a man riding on it. Undated photo circa 1800s. BPA2# 951
Ads Selling Impotence Remedies
Portrait Og The Buik Eight(Original Caption) Picture shows the Buick Eight model car on the road. Undated photograph circa 1950s
Poster-Covered Morris Column(Original Caption) A "Morris Column" covered with poster advertisements at Place Denfert-Rocheran in Paris. Undated photograph. BPA 2 #32
Poster Advertising Land On Union Pacific(Original Caption) Poster advertising "RICH FARMING LANDS! ON THE LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD!" Undated, from the Union Pacific Railroad Machine Collection
Eastman Company Ad For Kodak Camera(Original Caption) "You press the button-we do the rest", Advertised the Eastman Comoany in 1899. These boys were snapped with an early kodak camera against the Genesee Gorge. Undated
Young Johnny Bellhop in Philip Morris Advertisment(Original Caption) The familiar advertising figure of Johnny, "Calling Philip Morris." Johnny is a young boy standing at attention in a bellhop's uniform
Advertising Pillar On Str. Posters(Original Caption) Paris, France-An advertising column (kiosk), a typical appurtenance of the Paris boulevard. Photograph shows people and dogs walking past the pillar plastered with posters
Fortuneteller Booth Showing Posters(Original Caption) Fortune teller's booth showing advertising posters, admission taker, and two women customers waiting their turns. Undated photograph. BPA2# 2930
Advertisement for Ford's Theater(Original Caption) Poster advertising the program at Ford's theater on the evening of Abraham Lincoln's assassination (April 14, 1865)
Color Advertisement for Ford Mercury 8 Automobile(Original Caption) 1938-Color advertisement for the Mercury 8, a large eight-cylinder automobile
Advertisement for Lucky Strike Cigarettes(Original Caption) Advertisement for Lucky Strike cigarettes. Woman holding a box of cigarettes and smiling. Circa 1950'S. Undated image
Early Bayer Pharmaceutical Advertisement(Original Caption) This advertisement from a 1900 magazine juxtaposes two pharmaceuticals which have since achieved distinct images in the public mind: Heroin and aspirin
Advertisement for Face Glove(Original Caption) The Ladies World. Madame Rowley's Toilet Mask (or Face Glove)
1906 Ford Touring Car AdvertisementAdvertisement for the 1906 Ford 6 Cylinder Touring Car from the advertisement section of Munsey's Magazine
Advertisement for Gold Dust Washing Powder(Original Caption) "Let the GOLD DUST twins do your work
Open Pack of Lucky Strike Cigarettes1924 Advertisement for Lucky Strike cigarettes
Advertisement for Lincoln Sport Touring Automobile(Original Caption) Lincoln. This Sport Touring designed by Brunn, gives a new conception of open car beauty. It has many unusual refinements and conveniences
Women Wearing Greek DressesCa. 1910's advertisement for the Ladies Home Journal featuring actress Julia Marlowe
Women Wearing Greek Headdress'sCa. 1910's advertisement for the Ladies Home Journal featuring actress Julia Marlowe
Britishers Enlist To-Day Recruitment Poster by Guy LipscombeBritish recruiting poster "Britishers-Enlist Today."