Field hockey players and positions
Hank Aaron Caught in The Middle(Original Caption) The third baseline was full of Los Angeles Dodgers as they tried to tag Milwaukee Braves right fielder Hank Aaron out in this photo
African peopleAntique illustration of a African people
Players on roller hockey rink
Gymnast performing on square rubber floor mat, panel of judges on one side
Firemen Aim Hoses at Civil Rights ProtestAlthough a group of 2, 000 African American protesters have been given permission to hold a civil rights rally near the Birmingham jail
Hamer Woman, Omo Valley, EthiopiaPortrait of Hamer woman, Dimeka, Omo Valley
Illustration of athletes passing the baton during relay race as sports officials look on
Illustration of two engineers looking at blueprint for bridge that is under construction in the background
Gymnastics arena
Different stages of athlete performing triple jump
Illustration of adults and children looking at books in a library
19th Amendment Votes for Women IllustrationIllustration promoting votes for women with hand drawn lettering
Teenage boy with head in hands, looking off to one sideUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1970s: Teenage boy with head in hands, looking off to one side
Couple going over house plans and color charts, smiling, portraitUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: Couple going over house plans and color charts, smiling, portrait
African-American baby sitting with hands on legs, biting lower lip, portraitUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: African-American baby sitting with hands on legs, biting lower lip, portrait
African-American baby squinting eyes and scrunching up faceUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: African-American baby squinting eyes and scrunching up face
African-American man wearing work shirt and hard hat, portraitUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: African-American man wearing work shirt and hard hat, portrait
14 month old African-American baby holding alphabet block, crawling, close-upUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1950s: 14 month old African-American baby holding alphabet block, crawling, close-up
African-American woman in cap and gown, portraitUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: African-American woman in cap and gown, portrait
Men shaking handsUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1950s: Men shaking hands
Lithograph of Woman Reading With A Servant Following(Original Caption) 1846-"The Pursuit of Knowledge." From the London sketch. Lithograph, Hounsom Byles
Slave Auction(Original Caption) Slave auction at Richmond, VA. 1856
Black Laborers At AlexandriaA group of Black laborers near a coal wharf at Alexandria, Virginia, USA, circa 1862 - 1865. (Photo by Matthew Brady/Bettmann)
A Lady And Her ServantA Middle Eastern woman with her servant, circa 1870. (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Pierre Savorgiran Brazza(Original Caption) Pierre Savorgiran Brazza (1852-1905), French sailor and explorer of the Congo with two sailors. Undated photo by Nadar. BPA2# 1658
Hunter Sitting in Front of Trophies(Original Caption) Big game hunter sitting in front of his trophies. Undated photograph. BPA 2 #2462
Roberto Clemente, OutfielderRoberto Clemente-Outfielder for the Pittsburg Pirates. 1969
Students in Classroom(Original Caption) Elementary school classroom. Undated photograph
Tribe Members Tie Man to Tree for Exorcism(Original Caption) Torture of persons suspected of causing evil in common. Natives believe that ill happens only when an "Evil Spirit" entered a tribe member's body
Boy (4-5) playing with blocks. (Photo by UPI/Bettmann via Getty Images)
Workers In Gold Mine(Original Caption) Transvall-Johannesburg, South Africa: Workers in a gold mine 800 feet deep, virtual slaves at work. Undated photograph
Two boys (6-7) playing with figurines(Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Early African Diamond Surface Mines(Original Caption) Photograph of early African diamond surface mines. Undated photograph. De Beers
Engraving of Francois Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture Revolting Against the French in StRevolt of the Negroes at St. Dominigue. (Haiti) Engraving
Portrait of Francois Dominique Toussaint Louverture(Original Caption) Francois-Dominique Toussaint-Louverture (1743-1803), Haitian General and liberator. Freed slaves (1801), then was overcome by Gen. Leclerc. He died in prison
Portrait of Henri Christophe, King of Haiti by Richard EvansPortrait of Henri Christophe (1767-1820), king of Haiti. Painting by Richard Evans, Birmingham Art Gallery. Undated. (Photo by Bettmann/Getty Images)
Painting of the Tearing Down of the Statue of George III by William Walcutt(Original Caption) Tearing down the statue of George III in New York City during the Revolutionary War. Painting, 1857 by William Walcutt
Setting the Capstone of the Washington Monument Magazine Illustraton after Sketch by SOn December 6, 1884, workers placed the 3, 300 pound marble capstone on the Washington Monument, and topped it with a nine-inch pyramid of cast aluminum
The Flying Trunk by Carl OffterdingerA scene from the fairy tale "The Flying Trunk" by Hans Christian Andersen
Dutch Ship Landing Slaves In Colonial America(Original Caption) Landing slaves from a Dutch man-of-war ship at Jamestown, VA. Undated painting
Print of Commerce in New AmsterdamThis print from an engraving shows a 17th century trade scene in New Amsterdam (New York), Colonial America
Eleanor Roosevelt on HorsebackA man leads Eleanor Roosevelt's horse past a crowd of onlookers
Haitian natives at fountain
Working on a Tobacco Plantation(Original Caption) 4/15/1918-German South West Africa: Djombe native working on tobacco plantation
Barnum and Bailey Circus Freaks(Original Caption) 4/18/1918-: Circus freaks gather around Klik-do Barnum's latest freak from South Africa, found on the Kalahari Desert
Genedral J B M Hertzog Of South Africa(Original Caption) 4/3/1919-General J. B. M. Hertzog of the South African delegation which arrived in the U.S. on their way to the peace conference were they will plead their cause
Census Taking In Kameron Africa 1919(Original Caption) 11/24/1919-Africa: When the census man makes the rounds in Fumbau-acheif's home in Fumbau, Kameron. German Africa
Marcus Garvey in a Car(Original Caption) 1922- New York, NY: Marcus Garvey (1887-1940) Jamaican Black Nationalist leader, famous for his "Back To Africa" movement here in a 1922 file photo in New York City
Woman Of Africa With Facial Scars(Original Caption) 3/7/1922-Nigeria, Africa: Hair dressing fashion from Nigeria Ejoh woman
African Chieftains of French Colonies Visiting Paris(Original Caption) Native Black Chiefs in Paris
Osa Johnson Bathing in AfricaFamous travel photographer and adventurer Osa Johnson enjoys a bath in Africa from water collected overnight in a hole dug in the ground, as a native woman observes her
Gen. View Of African Coast;Italian Occup(Original Caption) 1/28/1926-Africa- General view of the shore, following the Italian occupation of North-Somalia, (Somaliland is an Italian protectorate)
Rolling Rubber Into Cakes(Original Caption) 2/19/1926-Rolling coagulated rubber into cakes in West Africa
African Mother with Child(Original Caption) Photo shows a woman, presumably of African origin, holding a baby in her arms
Explorers Encounter Slaves and Slave TradersFrench explorer De Prorok and a group of scientists encounter a group of slaves and slave traders in northern Ethiopia during their expedition across the Sahara Desert
Ethiopian Sympathizers at London MeetingThe Friends of Ethiopia, a London organization composed largely of Negroes, recently held a demonstration in Trafalgar Square, to protest against Italy's policy in her dispute with Ethiopia
French-Trained Senegalese Soldiers(Original Caption) 9/23/1935-Senegal, Africa- If Ethiopia were to be considered as the New York State of Africa, then Senegal would be like Oregon -- far over on the West Coast
Social Reformer Marcus Garvey(Original Caption) Founder of the Universal Negro Improvement League, Marcus Garvey sails here from Montreal on the Duchess of Atholl, bound for England
President Franklin D. Roosevelt Talking with Polio PatientsUS President Franklin D. Roosevelt joins Warm Springs Foundation patients Virginia Pond (left) and Patsey Myers (center) for a dinner in Warm Springs, Georgia, on March 24, 1937
Eleanor Roosevelt Listening to SpeakerEleanor Roosevelt sits with headphones during a speech at the United Nations
U.S. Cavalry in Front of Capital BuildingThe US Cavalry lead the royal procession of King George VI of England and Queen Elizabeth
Two Women Seated At Piano, Practicing(Original Caption) 5/4/1942-Piano sensation Hazel Scott (in hat) and Elsa Maxwell practice duet they will play at benefit to aid Musicians Emergency Aid
Tapper Chipping Turpentine TreeA tapper chips a turpentine tree for a fresh run of gum
Talking at Conference of Chieftains(Original Caption) 1943-Nigeria- Decked out in their ornate, colorful tribal costumes
Chief Iginianere of Western Ubhobo(Original Caption) 1943-Ibadan, Nigeria- With bone strung from his neck and huge bracelets covering each wrist
Workers with Railroad Carts Inside Goldmine(Original Caption) 1/1948-South Africa- Tools and timber stand ready in carts to be sent to any part of the mine where they are needed
Two Boys Look at Comic Books(Original Caption) 8/27/1948-Memphis, TN: The clean up drive against obectionable comic books being displayed by local newstands, recently proposed by the Memphis Retail Drug Association
American Soldiers Drive Past Civilians in Grenada(Original Caption) 10/1983- Grenada: A group of United States combat soldiers drive past Grenada residents in a jeep during the United States invasion of the island of Grenada
Bernard Coard and Hudson Austin BlindfoldedBernard Coard (left) and Hudson Austin (right) are shown in Richmond Hill Prison after American troops turned them over to the Caribbean Security forces
Anti-Apartheid Demonstrators in LondonDemonstrators in London hold signs protesting the arrest of black leaders in South Africa. 1984
New American Citizens Pledging AllegianceAlmost ten thousand new citizens, predominantly Hispanic, pledge allegiance to the United States of America during a naturalization ceremony at Miami's Orange Bowl Stadium
Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden with Desmond Tutu(Original Caption) 1/25/1986-Santa Monica, CA-Actress Jane Fonda and her husband Assemblyman Tom Hayden welcome Bishop Desmond Tutu to their home for a star-studded informal dinner party
Celebration in Little HaitiPeople in Miami's Little Haiti celebrate the overthrow of Haitian dictator "Baby Doc" Duvalier
Haitian Street Unrest in 1986Unrest grows on the streets of Port-au-Prince after dictator "Baby-Doc" Duvalier flees his palace
Ben Johnson Running(Original Caption) Ben Johnson, Olympic sprinter disqualified for steroid use
Village Blacksmith Shop(Original Caption) The Village Smithy. Photograph shows two men, one front and one profile, standing around the tools of the trade. One man is holding a hammer against an anvil
Samuel Chiwale W/Unita Troops(Original Caption) 1/1976-Gago Goutinho, Angola: Colonel Samuel Chiwale, commanding officer of the National Union for Total Independence for Angola (UNITA) troops
African Drummer Amongst Tribesmen(Original Caption) Photo shows an African drummer amongst his tribesmen. Undated
Nuns making outdoor shower for children (4-5).(Photo by Bettmann/UPI via Getty Images)
Girl eating ice creamA girl eating ice cream. (Photo by Bettmann/UPI via Getty Images)
Three CooksThree cooks preparing a meal. (Photo by Bettmann/UPI via Getty Images)
Portrait of pre-teen children (10-12) (Photo by Bettmann/UPI via Getty Images)
Jim Jones with His Followers(Original Caption) Jonestown, Guyana- Among the more than 40 photos in the album found dead in Jonestown in the wake of the mass suicide of the cult founded by Rev. Jim Jones are these