Japanese Triptych Woodblock Cherry Blossom entertainmentA wonderful Triptych Ukiyo-e print for the master Kunisada Utagawa (1786-1864) started his career as the chief pupil of the head of the Utagawa school
Early Marsh Orchid -Dactylorhiza incarnata Albino-, albino variant, Europe
Hypo Black Head Hat Albino Ball Python or Royal Python -Python regius-, male
Four-toed Hedgehog or African Pygmy Hedgehog -Atelerix albiventris-, albino
A white and a normally colored fallow deer -Dama dama-, Copenhagen, Denmark
Digital illustration of recessive inheritance where both parents carry the abnormal Albinism gene
A Whiter Shade of PaleA rare sighting of a leucistic Annas Hummingbird at the University of California, Santa Cruz Arboretum
Leucistic GemA leucistic Annas hummingbird resting on a perch for a break in between her hunting for sweet nectar at the University of California, Santa Cruz Arboretum
Domestic Donkey -Equus asinus asinus-, albino, Tyrol, Austria
White Fallow Deer -Dama dama-, Copenhagen, Denmark