Somalian ManStudio portrait of man from Somalia
Tomb of Cappucin MonksTomb of Cappucin monks in the Rome catacombs
Wounded Civil War Zouave SoldierA member of a Confederate Civil War Zouave unit (right) wears the distinctive uniform of baggy pants, decorative jacket, and fez. Standing at his side is a Confederate soldier
Sainte-ChapelleThe chapel of Sainte-Chapelle in Paris in the 19th Century
Rear Admiral John Dahlgren stands alongside one of his creations, a 50-pounder Dahlgren rifle gun, aboard the USS Pawnee in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, during the latter part of the Civil War
Trajan's Kiosk, part of the Philae temple complex, with the Nile visible beyond it
Hypostyle HallThe Great Temple of Amon at Karnak is famous for the columns of its Hypostyle Hall
British Soldiers at the SphinxBritish soldiers lounging on the Sphinx. To the left is the Pyramid of Khafre, to the right, the Great Pyramid
Tomb of Sultan Qayt-bayCairo, Egypt: Photo of the Tombs of the Caliphs Kail-Beil in Cairo. Undated photograph
Mosque of Sultan HasanCairo, Egypt: Photo of the Mosque of Sultan Hassan. Undated photograph
Bedouins Rest with Their Camels
Interior of Temple of DianaInterior of the Temple of Diana
Muslim Man Poses in PrayerStudio portrait of Muslim man posed in prayer
Interior of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem
Ruins of the Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek, Lebanon
Group of Men From North Africa
Middle Eastern Woman
Woman of the Middle East
Portrait of Young Middle Eastern Girl
Group of Middle-Eastern Men Study in North AfricaGroup of North African men studying
Hindu Holy Man From CeylonPortrait of Hindu holy man from Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Temple of IsisThe Temple of Isis, a large pylon temple on Philae island, at the end of the 19th Century
Temple of KhonsuTwo men stand in front of the ruins of the Temple of Khonsu in the Karnak complex built by Ramses IV
Temple in Egypt
Colonnade of Temple of IsisView of Colonnade of Isis
Pylon of Temple of KhonsuThe entrance to the Temple of Khonsu at Karnak, built by Ramses IV
Bethlehem in the late 19th Century
Pylon at KarnakMan under Karnak pylon
Middle Eastern ScholarMiddle Eastern scholar posing with book
A Lady And Her ServantA Middle Eastern woman with her servant, circa 1870. (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Temple of LuxorRuins in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Luxor in the late 19th Century. The original floor of the Temple is buried under several feet of Nile silt which flooded the temple over the centuries
Obelisk and Colossi at the Temple of Luxor
Temple of Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis IIIThe ruins of the Temple of Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III, in the Medinet Habu complex
Young Woman in Traditional Middle Eastern DressPortrait of young woman from the city of Nablus in traditional Middle Eastern dress
Ruins of the Colossus of Memnon
Jewelry Sellers of BethlehemStudio portrait of jewelry sellers of Bethlehem
European Valley, JerusalemOverhead view of European Valley, Jerusalem
Busy Bazaar in JaffaBusy bazaar in Jaffa (also known as Yafo), a city on the Palestine coast of the Ottoman Empire
Women of PalestineTwo Palestinian women carrying baskets on their heads
Muslim Men Posing in PrayerStudio portrait of Muslim men posing in prayer
Woman From BethlehemPortrait of woman from Bethlehem
Baptistery of Pisa
La Galerie D'Apollon in The LouvreView of a gallery in the Louvre
Ponte Dei Sospiri in VeniceThe Ponte dei Sospiri (Bridge of Sighs) crosses the canal in Venice, Italy
View of Hebron, PalestineView of Hebron in Palestine
Columns at Temple of Luxor
Man Seated on Ruins in Thebes
The RamesseumRuins of the Great Court of Ramses II
Palestinian Man On DonkeyA Palestinian man rides a donkey through a mountainous region
Pathway Leading to Palace of HerodJerusalem- Alley leading to the Palace of Herod. Undated photograph by Bonfils. Phhotograph shows figures of boy and in the distance a man standing under the old stone arches
Woman of NazarethStudio portrait of woman from Nazareth. | Location: Nazareth, Palestine
Women of the Middle East in Traditional ClothingTwo Middle Eastern women in traditional clothing
Ecce Homo Arch in JerusalemThe Ecce Homo Arch over the Via Dolorosa in the Old City of Jerusalem in the late 19th Century
Ruins of a Temple in PalmyraRuins of a temple in Palmyra, Syria
Port of Venice, ItalyHand-colored albumen print showing the Port of Venice, Italy
Sphinx and Great PyramidEgyptian men gather near the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, in the Valley Temple
Beirut as seen from the American University of Beirut, in the late 19th Century. | View from: American University of Beirut
Valley of the KingsMountain of the Kings Tombs in the Valley of the Kings
Bas-Relief on the Facade of Ramses TombBas-relief on the facade of Ramses tomb, Thebes, Egypt
Group of Bedouin MenGroup of Bedouin men
North African WomanPortrait of North African woman
Tokyo Copper FactoryBare copper wire manufacturing in Tokyo
Tokyo Manufacturing PlantView of horizontal lead press at a factory responsible for manufacturing power cable in Tokyo
Interior of Tokyo FactoryManufacturing rubber insulated cables: vulcanizers
Muslim SheikA late 19th Century studio portrait of Muslim sheik
Palestinian Man Looks Out Over PlainsA Palestinian man looks out over planted fields
Overhead View of ConstantinopleOverview of the city and harbor of Constantinople
African Tribesmen with Ritual ScarsFrench Congo, Africa: Four Tang men from the French Congo stand side-by-side. They wear only loincloths and their chests and stomachs bear ceremonial scars. Ca. 1900
Matador and His AssistantsSeville, Spain: The matador, Luis Mazantini, and his "cuadrilla, " or assistants pose for a group photograph. Photograph ca. 1900