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Ammunition Collection

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Wwi Italian Soldiers Examining Aerodarts

Wwi Italian Soldiers Examining Aerodarts
(Original Caption) Portrait of Italian Bersagliere, in plumed hats, examining aero-darts dropped by Austrian airmen. Undated photograph

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Woman Gauging Shells In Munition Plant

Woman Gauging Shells In Munition Plant
(Original Caption) 8/18/15: Photo shows a woman gauging shells in one of the English munition plants. BPA2 #5584

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Survivors of Munition Plant Explosion

Survivors of Munition Plant Explosion
(Original Caption) 7/30/1916- Black Tom, NJ: A group of people sit against a wall after an explosion rocked a munitions plant in New Jersey

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Polishing 75'S; Missiles (?)

Polishing 75'S; Missiles (?)
(Original Caption) 9/24/1918: Polishing 75's which will be sent over at night. 313 Field Artillery, 155 Brigade, 80th Div. Nixeville, Dept of Meuse, France. Photograph

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Tajik Rebel Habibullah Khan Amidst Followers

Tajik Rebel Habibullah Khan Amidst Followers
After a brief nine month reign, Tajik rebel Habibullah Khan and his Afghan followers flee from the forces of Nadir Khan

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Woman Leads Parade Of Spanish Communists

Woman Leads Parade Of Spanish Communists
(Original Caption) 9/14/36-Madrid, Spain: Wearing dungarees and girded about the waist with ammunition pouches

Background imageAmmunition Collection: WWII Female Defense Worker

WWII Female Defense Worker
A female worker rivets the wing of a airplane at a defense factory during World War II

Background imageAmmunition Collection: GM Worker with Die for 105-MM Shells

GM Worker with Die for 105-MM Shells
(Original Caption) 2/12/1941- Lansing, MI- These are among the first pictures showing how General Motors plants are engaged in a program of plant expansion, tool-die, and machineray production

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Placing Magazine on Gun

Placing Magazine on Gun
(Original Caption) Women are doing their part to help Uncle Sam defeat the Axis and we see Mrs. Mildred Thomas as she places a magazine on the 20mm airplane cannon

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Merrill's Marauders

Merrill's Marauders
An American infantryman, operating with his unit, the "Merrill Marauders" under Brigadier General Frank Merrill

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Armed African Am Soldiers At War

Armed African Am Soldiers At War
Armed African American soldiers from a Black mortar company of the 92nd division in Massa, Italy, 14th November 1944

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Nationalist Ammunition Train Passing

Nationalist Ammunition Train Passing
(Original Caption) 12/4/48-Pengpu, China: Nationalist ammunition train (right) passes freight train jammed with civilian refugees attempting to leave Pengpu area, Dec. 4, as battle approached city

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Soldier Draped with 23MM Cartridge Belt

Soldier Draped with 23MM Cartridge Belt
(Original Caption) 2/16/1984-Beirut, Lebanon-: A Lebanese Army soldier poses for photographers 2/16, in the port area of East Beirut, while draped with a large cartridge belt of 23mm rounds

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Unveiling of Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Statue

Unveiling of Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Statue
The Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Statue is unveiled by artist Frederick Hart (L) who made the sculpture removes the covering with the help of Senator John Warner, R-Va

Background imageAmmunition Collection: German Soldiers Carrying Ammunition

German Soldiers Carrying Ammunition
(Original Caption) Germans carrying ammunition to front line trenches

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Turkish Mortar Crew Is Barricaded

Turkish Mortar Crew Is Barricaded
(Original Caption) 06/02/1953-Korea: A Turkish mortar crew is shown barricaded behind a huge stack of castings from expended ammunition they had hurled at the onrushing Chinese Communists

Background imageAmmunition Collection: French Troops Discover Cave W/Arms

French Troops Discover Cave W/Arms
(Original Caption) 7/23/1953: Langson, Indochina:Last Friday French paratroopers descended on the Viet Minh supply base of Langson, Indochina in a surprise raid.General Rene Cogny

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Marine Ducks Sniper Fire in Vietnam

Marine Ducks Sniper Fire in Vietnam
A marine at a command post runs for cover as snipers open fire on August 26, 1966

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Chinook Helicopter Lifts Ammunition

Chinook Helicopter Lifts Ammunition
(Original Caption) 11/3/1966-An Khe, South Vietnam: A CH-47A Chinook helicopter from the Army's 228 Aviation Battalion lifts a load of ammunition for 1st Cavalry Division airmobile troops

Background imageAmmunition Collection: American Soldier Near Jeep

American Soldier Near Jeep
(Original Caption) HUE, SOUTH VIETNAM-2/9/68-: With ammunition slung over his shoulder and a rifle in his hand, this American GI has a quiet moment for thought during a pause in the fighting at Hue

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Soldiers Standing

Soldiers Standing
(Original Caption) Agwu, Nigeria: A federal government soldier, wearing camouflaged helmet and with ammunition belt draped about his torso, stands with other soldiers recently

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Fuske With Guns & Ammunitions Table

Fuske With Guns & Ammunitions Table
(Original Caption) 11/24/70- COMPTON, CALIF: Police detective Hank Fuske goes through the piles of guns, ammunition, and explosives found when police here raided a Black Panther fortress Nov 23rd

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Soldier Drinks From Helmet

Soldier Drinks From Helmet
Phu Bai, South Vietnam

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Cambodian Women Soldiers In Uniform

Cambodian Women Soldiers In Uniform
(Original Caption) 8/17/1972-Kompong Trabek, Cambodia: Laden with cartridges, Cambodian women soldiers walk toward the front near Kompong Trabek

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Soldier Carrying Ammunition Bandoliers

Soldier Carrying Ammunition Bandoliers
(Original Caption) 6/25/1981-Rio Titihuapa, El Salvador-A member of a Salvadoran Army patrol pauses 6/25 on his way to deliver bandoliers of 30 caliber machine gun ammunition to his detachment

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Shiite Moslem Soldier With the Koran

Shiite Moslem Soldier With the Koran
A militia member flashes a peace sign from his post at the checkpoint between East and West Beirut. He has a large Koran tucked into his uniform

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Guerrilla Carrying M-60 and Ammunition

Guerrilla Carrying M-60 and Ammunition
(Original Caption) 4/30/1983-Santa Rosa de Lima, El Salvador-A leftist guerrilla totes a heavy M-60 machine gun and artillery into Santa Rosa de Lima

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Hood Ornament

Hood Ornament
1929: A winged bullet mascot on the bonnet of politician David Lloyd George's car. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)

Background imageAmmunition Collection: The Moon Riders

The Moon Riders
1920: Spanish actress Beatrice Dominguez wearing the apparel of a western gunman in a scene from the film The Moon Riders, directed by B Reeves Eason and Theodore Wharton for Universal Studios

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Gun pattern

Gun pattern

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Mushroom cloud

Mushroom cloud

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Assortment of 17th, 18th and 19th century guns and ammunition, side view

Assortment of 17th, 18th and 19th century guns and ammunition, side view

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Krupp Factory

Krupp Factory
1912: The Krupp steelworks and arms factory in Essen. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Black Watch Sniper

Black Watch Sniper
20th August 1955: A lone soldier of the Black Watch Depot, Queens Barracks, Perth, during target practice

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Operation Prairie

Operation Prairie
October 1966: Five team members of F Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Regiment, US Army, wade through a waist-deep stream, roofed over by dense jungle, about 400 metres south of the de-militarized zone

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Military Weapons

Military Weapons
April 1862: Artillery and cannon balls in Virginia in preparation for the campaign of 1862. (Photo by Mathew Brady/Henry Guttmann/Getty Images)

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Projectiles

Vintage engraving of a bullet, Shrapnel and Segment Shells

Background imageAmmunition Collection: The American Spencer

The American Spencer
Antique illustration of the American Spencer rifle mechanism

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Hevy artillery

Hevy artillery
Antique illustration of a hevy artillery

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Artillery

Antique illustration of a hevy artillery

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Artillery with ammunition

Artillery with ammunition
Antique illustration of a heavy artillery with ammunition

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Canon artillery

Canon artillery
Antique illustration of a hevy artillery

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Battle ship carrying cannons

Battle ship carrying cannons

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Cartridge


Background imageAmmunition Collection: Bombs Dropping

Bombs Dropping
500 pound bombs dropped from a US Army Air Force Flying Fortress bomber fall towards an oil refinery at Leghorn. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Armaments Plant

Armaments Plant
Blast furnaces at the Krupp steelworks in Essen, the chief arms supplier of the German Empire. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Machine Gunners

Machine Gunners
Gas-masked men of the British Machine Gun Corps with a Vickers machine gun during the first battle of the Somme. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Anti-Aircraft Gun

Anti-Aircraft Gun
German artillery, wearing gas masks, with a quick-firing anti-aircraft gun used mainly against low-flying aeroplanes. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Armaments Factory

Armaments Factory
circa 1914: Interior of the moulding works at the Krupp steelworks in Essen, the chief arms supplier of the German Empire. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Armament Plant

Armament Plant
Interior of the Krupp steelworks in Essen, the chief arms supplier of the German Empire. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Boiler Shop

Boiler Shop
24th February 1907: The boiler manufacturing area of Yarrow torpedo factory, Poplar, East London. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Brimstone Hill Fortress - St Kitts

Brimstone Hill Fortress - St Kitts

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Machine Guns

Machine Guns
circa 1940: Machine guns used for aeroplanes, awaiting shipment from a converted automobile plant in America. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Desperate Defence

Desperate Defence
March 1814: Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon I) (1769 - 1821) commanding his troops in the defence of Paris after his withdrawal from Russia. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Pistol

illustration was published in 1895 catalogue of different goods

Background imageAmmunition Collection: Airship Factory

Airship Factory
circa 1914: An airship shed at Dusseldorf. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

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