Africa Political MapAntique illustration of a Africa Political Map from 1893
Methodist Sunday School in Angola1/10/1925-Angola, Africa-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: A Methodist Sunday School at Guiongua, Angola, Africa
President Reagan With Jonas Savimbi(Original Caption) 1/30/1986- Washington, DC: Reagan meets with Angolan guerrilla leader Jonas Savimbi in the Oval Office
Samuel Chiwale W/Unita Troops(Original Caption) 1/1976-Gago Goutinho, Angola: Colonel Samuel Chiwale, commanding officer of the National Union for Total Independence for Angola (UNITA) troops
Military Transport After Narrowly Missing Rebel Trap(Original Caption) Angola, Portuguese West Africa: Angolan Detour
Roberto Holden At Press Conference(Original Caption) 3/14/1962-Leopoldville, Congo- Seen here during a press conference at his headquarters in Leopoldville is Angolan Nationalist leader Roberto Holden
Soldier Holding Weapon at Encampment(Original Caption) Cangundo, Angola: Under The Same Flag
Airplane over Troops Traveling in Jeeps(Original Caption) Angola: Guided by a spotter plane transmitting enemy positions to them
Angloan Tribes In Circle; Dance(Original Caption) 5/16/1964-Angola- Beyond the bustling traffic and tall buildings of Luanda and other strictly Portuguese creations, Angola remains Africa
Angolan Rebel Army Group W/Radio &Guns(Original Caption) 9/14/1964-Angola-An officer of the Angolan National Liberation Army sends radio instructions to a rebel unit on patrol
Angolan Rebels Learn To Use Bazooka(Original Caption) 9/14/1964-Angola, Africa- Angolan rebels learn how to use a bazooka in this jungle "classroom
Soldiers Trekking in High Foliage Terrain(Original Caption) Angola: Rebels In Angola
Soldiers Examining Broken Bridge of Bukaco Land(Original Caption) Bucako, Angola: UNITA (National Union for The Total Independence For Angola), soldiers inspect destroyed bridge spanning the river Lusia
Angolan Foot Soldiers Traveling on Dirt Road(Original Caption) Lubo, Eastern Angola: As their struggle against the Soviet-backed popular movement for liberation of Angola (MPLA) continues
Angolese Soldiers W/Guns Happy @ Village(Original Caption) 12/19/1975-Caxito, Angola- Soldiers of the Soviet-backed People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) in happy mood at the village of Caxito
Unita Volunteers On Parade(Original Caption) 1/1976-Luso, Eastern Angola-A motley collection of UNITA volunteers on parade at a camp in the strategic railroad town of Luso
Us Amb. Daniel Patrick Moynihan(Original Caption) UNITED NATIONS: U.S. Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan (R), president of U.N. Security Council for the month of February, tells Soviet Amb. Yakov A
Map of Southern Africa, with illustrations showing distinguishing featuresFormer flag of South Africa
Illustration of national flag of Angola, with two horizontal red and black bands, and crossed cog wheel, machete, and gold star in center
Welwitschia Mirabilis
Angolan Giraffe or Smoky Giraffe -Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis-, Okavango Delta, Botswana, Africa
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) in grass, Samburu National Park, Kenya
A View of the Bay with and Old Shipwreck on its SideLuanda, Angola, Southern Africa
Shape and national flag of Angola, levitating, 3D computer graphics
Flag of Angola