Palestinian Man On DonkeyA Palestinian man rides a donkey through a mountainous region
Pyramids of Giza(Original Caption) The Great Pyramids of Menkure, Khafre and Khufu in Giza, Egypt. Undated photograph
Andrew Jackson Riding PigThomas Nast depicts a statue of President Andrew Jackson riding a pig, on a pedestal that reads, "To the victors belong the spoils." Jackson's "spoils system
T.E. Lawrence Riding a Camel(Original Caption) Thomas Edward (of Arabia) Lawrence riding a camel. Photograph
Man on bull on city street
Cowboy on horse catching laughing women on beach
Elephant Carrying Giant Log Under Trunk(Original Caption) Sri Lanka: View of an elephant being used to carry logs. Undated photograph
The Flight Into Egypt by Giotto di BondoneFresco cycle completed circa 1305. Cappella degli Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua, Italy
Los Disparates No. 5: Flying Folly by Francisco de GoyaDisparate Volante, from the series Los Disparates (Follies)
Los Caprichos No. 48: Squealers by Francisco GoyaBesieged by squealing witches, terrified monks cover their ears in vain, trying to quiet the evil sounds. A winged warlock rides on a cat while blowing vile information at the clergy
Theodore Roosevelt on African SafariFormer U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt and his companion, Baron Rudolf V. Stalin Pacha, ride camels in the Khartoum Desert of Sudan, ca. 1909
Charles Lindbergh Riding in Procession(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Comic Criminal Riding a ZebraA comic criminal tries to make a prison break on the back of an East African zebra which was stuffed and mounted by Dr. James L. Clark of New York for the University of Nebraska
Gene Autry Riding "Champion"(Original Caption) 01/05/1938
Turbaned Boy Seated on an Elephant(Original Caption) Photo shows a turbaned boy atop an Asian elephant. Undated photograph. BPA2# 1487
Caricature of Mark Twain by W.J. WelchA caricature of Mark Twain riding a jumping frog. The caricature is based on Twain's short story The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (1865)
Illustration of Chinese Philosopher Laotse Riding Cow(Original Caption) Laotse: (Cs 604-531B.C.) Chinese philosopher and founder of religion Taoism. Illustration shows him riding a sacred cow. Undated
Queen on Informal MountSome of the happiest Kings and Queens extant are in the group of royalty taking a tour of the Aegean sea aboard the Greek linger Agamemnon
Marilyn Monroe Rides a Pink Elephant(Original Caption) 3/30/1955-New York, NY: Glamour girl Marilyn Monroe takes the turns in the Grand March at Madison Square Garden astride "Kinardy"- an Indian elephant
Marilyn Monroe Riding ElephantMarilyn Monroe, dressed in circus finery, is shown aloft "Kinardy", an Indian Jumbo, who was painted pink for the grand march as the Circus bowed at Madison Square Garden tonight
Marshal Tito Riding a Camel(Original Caption) Camels are coming. El Obeid, Western Sudan: Perched atop a camel, President Tito of Yugoslavia goes for a ride on arrival at the airport here with his wife, Feb. 18th
Jacqueline Kennedy and Her SisterFirst Lady Jaqueline Kennedy and her sister Princess Lee Radziwill take a ride on a 35 year old elephant named Bibia during their visit to the fortress Palace of Amber
Monk Sits Before Brass Bell Tower(Original Caption) 1983-Lhasa, Tibet-: A monk sits in front of a huge, ornately decorated copper bell at the Jokhang Temple, the most holy site in Tibet
The Holy Family on the Flight into Egypt, published 1877The Holy Family on the Flight into Egypt. Woodcut engraving after a drawing by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (German painter, 1794 - 1872), published 1877
Antique illustration of horse in motion
King Henry V engraving 1894Great Men and Famous Women
Street with shops and people in Vietnamese town